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I recently applied for a job in a school.

There was an American-Syrian (he mentioned that he was mostly Turkish) employed in the school as a teacher.

I was very threatened by his appearance and certain statements that he made regarding DAESH. By the 2nd day I left the school and had my wife contact the headmaster and inform her about my concerns with this American-Syrian national who is 31 years of age. I felt that he was attempting to try and recruit me by threatening my wife and my daughter with sudden death or disappearance. The school told me that they had checked with the immigration and he has a clean record, oblivious to the fact that this guy has left the states 12 years ago and made it clear to me that he had no plans of ever returning. He seemed to have some sort of hatred for the USA.

All I can say, is that the school is located on Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok road. I do not know if this person was in fact a recruiter or if he felt threatened by me, assuming that I might replace him as a teacher, which was never my intention to begin with. The fact that he tried to scare me off a job by indirectly threatening a military officer, my wife, and our daughter, without even considering the consequences is unacceptable.

He also mentioned the words 'scapegoat' and 'nerve gas' in the same sentence. I am not going to name the school, as I do not want be put up for defamation. I have sent the information of this character to the proper authorities. Please keep your eyes out and report any unusual individuals to the police immediately.

This individual followed some sort of heavily distorted ideology. He also claims that he is some sort of psychologist, but this person comes forth as either 'very' enlightened or transhuman-like. He came across as very extreme and threatening. He mentioned that he was a students with special needs in Texas. He also served as an artillery gunman for the department of defence of the USA, but was discharged for not 'fitting in'. He also mentioned doing many bad things in his life and tried to personally make me interested in his ideology, which I want to know nothing about.

He mentioned that he was living in Meaung Thong Thani. If you come across this person, please be very alert. His eyes are different than other people and he sounds like a pre-programmed android when talking at some stages. He is highly intelligent and makes references of various philosophers such as; Plato, Friederich Nietszche, Gutenburg etc.,etc.

I really don't know what this psychopath is up to and neither do I want to, but if you come across him, watch your steps.

He's about 1.7m tall, brown eyes, wears glasses at times, walks very odd, has a sort of twitching in his hands, mostly Syrian facial features. Black-hair combed to the side, German style. He's a perfectionist. His shoes are abnormally large.

If this guy is in fact who he comes forth to be, then I pray for Thailand. Using American passports, holy shit. I really hope I am wrong about this individual. They always believe that this country will never become a target. I pray to God that they are right about that.

Please guys, stay alert and report suspects after confirming their identities to your embassies, the Thai police or the NCPO by dialing 1111. Hopefully they are as serious about terrorism as they say they are. Do not in any way approach and threaten such an individual. They come forth as highly unstable. Do not make them aware that you will even report them. This guy was working in a kindergarten around little children! He is sharing whatever his ideology is with the kids and the school doesn't even realize it. is wrong with the system in this country? I think that it's time that the schools hire foreign psychologists or trained police investigators to check the psychology and criminology of teachers applying for jobs. I have been here for 11 years and never encountered anything like this before.

Hopefully the government takes it seriously and performs an entire sweep like they did in China a few years ago. A law that would be awesome, will be a law that allows anyone to detain or kill any suspected member of Daesh or ISIS or ISIL on sight after they tried to recruit or threaten someone. Perhaps we could setup an international bounty hunting competition on all members of these deformed animals and even setup fundraisers for global security companies aimed at merely eradicating this distorted and demented ideology. It seems like the world militaries have lost control of the situation and have put civilian lives in danger by creating these monsters and setting them free. So if the militaries can't even contain such a group, how can they protect civilian populations?

The only way to eradicate this evil, would be to encircle them wherever they go and prevent their virus from spreading to the children.

I did not intend to construct fear in anyone. I just assumed it would be right to share my views about a certain individual who I came across. If he is a member on Thai Visa then the following message is for him and whoever knows this guy;


P.S: DO NOT SUPPORT OR FOLLOW TERRORISTS, not for ANY reason. There is no valid reason to follow such heartless creatures, not even capture of family members. Sometimes we all have to make choices, but killing others to save your own, can't be one of them. A country that doesn't act to prevent such animals from operating in it's territories are murderers. So don't be labelled as murderers and eradicate this threat before it's too late.

Tourism can wait. There will always be tourists in LOS. Human safety must come first, at all costs.

Edited by CharlieH
"rant" removed.
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He's a foreigner who threatened your wife, who's presumably Thai? Why not inform the police, given the school thinks he's clean? I'm sure they'll do something, because isn't the new immigration motto 'good guys in, bad guys out'?

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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