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SURVEY: Should followers of Islam be allowed to work in Airport Security?


SURVEY: Should Muslims be barred from sensitive security jobs?  

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I can kind of understand why Muslims get so frustrated.

I mean, how many more people are they going to have to murder before everyone understands that Islam is the religion of peace?........................coffee1.gif

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so far all the acts of modern recent terror have been carried out by Muslim men between the ages of around 22-40.

So the Irish Republicans who murdered Michael McGibbon and Adrian Ismay in two separate incidents this year, and have carried out many other attacks since 2009, are all Muslims?

I don't think so!

What about events in the Central African Republic?

Central African Republic convoy of terror

Families wanting to escape Christian militias bent on wiping out the Central African Republic's Muslim community have been braving lynch mobs at road blocks to journey 650km (400 miles) to Cameroon.

CAR cannibal: Why I ate man's leg

The buses throwing up clouds of red clay dust had yet to rub out the ugly bloodstain in the dirt. A Muslim man had been murdered here a few days ago, by Christians. His limbs were hacked off. Then one of the crowd ate the flesh in a public demonstration of cannibalism.

I have yet to see much in the way of condemnation of these atrocities by Christians.

So were I to follow the twisted logic of many members here I would have to conclude that the majority of Christians support, or at least condone, them!

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I take this opportunity to announce a new religion.

God is any and all National lotteries.

The Devil is the Tax man.

Hell is to die in debt.

Heaven is to die without debt.

Officiary Scant Pete of the World Bank and the IMF will calculate personal liability for shares in national debt.

So entry to Heaven will be doubtful unless you have a friend who is bum boy to Scant Pete.

Limbo is to die with credit . God and the Devil will decide on a percentage. ( Sadly the Devil will have the last laugh and tax the snot out of any remainder before your family gets a sniff of inheritance.)

And the good news is..........the majority of you are already members of the congregation.


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Most of the airport personnel are North African Arabs/Berbers who don't even practice Islam.

Are you sure about that? Isn't a large majority of Berbers Sunni Moslem? And aren't the North African Arabs who are attempting genocide in Darfur Moslem?
Junior Abdeslam was gay and used marijuana and alcohol.

Senior Abdeslam used also marijuana and alcohol. He made his money with small burglaries and theft. He was known to open a pub for dealing soft drugs.

Asna Ait Boulahcen was known as a party cow girl which had multiple random boyfriends.

El Bakraoui brothers were arrested for carjacking and shootout. They've served prison time.

And I can go on...

None of above could be included in the Muslim community. Their controversial lifestyle isn't a pinpoint reference to result in a false collective judgement of Islam.

Many here tend to forget that the Toulouse, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan and Brussels attacks were perpetrated including many Muslim and/or Arab innocent victims.

The Egyptair crash has yet not been confirmed as being a terrorist attack...here again (a majority) victims were Muslim...

So you are in effect, saying that these people DIDN'T kill other people, in the name of lslam?

So, in who's name did they kill?

Take the stage, we're all ears.

In their own name.

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I know a few personally and they are very good, non violent people who want the same safe, peaceful and productive life most people want.

Yes, but under islam. Indeed the whole world under islam.

Not under the laws and regulations of the country they live in.

In the UK we tolerate nearly 100 shariah courts in spite of having a modern and effective legal system.


Just go and try that in an islamic state.

It is a primitive religion founded to promote the loyalty of an army, with a few extra privileges so that the founder himself could indulge in his preference for children and sadistic pleasure in torturing and killing.

The huge problem with islam is that the "call to fundamentalism" is ever present and can be violently enforced. There can be no discussion and no progress, because everything has been written down in a 1,500 year old book, which is the power base of many thousands of self-serving immans. Each of whom operate independently and "enjoy" their influence over the community. There is no appeal structure in islam. What the local guy dishes out is what you get.

Try to have any sort of conversation with an imman. These guys are so wrapped up in their dogma and sense of superiority that they should really be declared insane.

We are now in the 21st century, the world is definitely round and orbits the sun. We are not the centre of our galaxy and certainly not the universe.

To be honest it is ridiculous that anybody should be dying in the name of some f&^%&^%& deity, and that the rantings of a primitive but wealthy desert dweller claiming, without any evidence or witnesses, that god spoke to him alone should be unquestionably accepted is incredible.

Normally we would say, "go get a life".

But we have condemned the human race to live under the threat of religion forever, we are cowards. We cannot accept that there is no god out there looking after our dead.


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Should Catholics, Jews and people of other religions also be barred ? Very few Muslims are fanatics and members of Islamic groups. Muslim peoples will be your neighbors all over the world very soon if they are not already. Get over it and welcome them as friends and neighbours.

Only people with narrow views and paranoia will disagree with me. Some of my best friends are Muslims, I was brought up as a Catholic. People are people, religion should not divide us.

It would be people of paranoia and narrow views who disagreed with you, were your premises correct. They are not. Your position sounds lofty but it's mere drivel disguised as genius. When you rule out all who might disagree with you by pejorative, you paint your motives plainly. The poster may not even see it, but the fallacy of moral equivalency is plain and the remainder of the water drawn is poisoned!

Catholicism is not like Islam. Judaism is not like Islam. Islam however, entirely siphoned it's theology from the two, but its application was drawn the experiences of the warring nomadic Arabs and their endless bloodshed quite locally. They are not remotely the same in injunction or practice.

Islam is unlike every other religion in the history of planet earth. No other has an integrated highly evolved judicial, military, and societal nexus woven into injunction. Muse all one likes, it's incomparable. So, if upon this sand you build your argument... (Tip: the appeal to Roman Catholic Empire was entirely without authority in scripture so, no refuge there).

So, are very few Muslims as suggested in the post above? The fact is, the poster does not know. This again is the foundation he makes a point on. Indeed, every single study suggests overwhelming support by all Muslims for sharia, the nexus that marries their faith their others' oppression. The poster does not know and counts on others being ignorant as well. It increasingly appears that support for sharia is the threat and the overt violence the symptoms. Were this now obvious standard used, there's little math to do. It's abundantly clear that majority of Muslims support sharia. Authority for jihadis simply Does Not exist without the sharia foundation, and sharia is divine mandate.

It's been a while since antiquated arguments as to who's in who's out of terrorist groups singularly defined the threats arrayed. There's overwhelming scholarly studies available now to suggest violent groups represent no more than the visible spectrum of the threat; indeed, Muslim brotherhood documents for Civilization Jihad suggests so. So, reducing the premise of the threat to only non descriptive, imprecise radicals or terrorists is silly. No one agrees any longer that threats come only from the tip of the spear that sings 'allahu Akbar.'

Jihad has broad arms and developed doctrine ages ago realizing only few among the faithful might be able to pick up arms, but called upon the many to support those who could. But Islam made clear to all that when [he] comes bearing black banners from khorasan all are to follow, even if they have to drag themselves to do so. Also, the formula inherent in this collective behavior had been taken advantage of by Islamic clerics for millennia. There's a natural vehicle in the roadmap of Islamic faith that has been previously and repeatedly driven toward insurgency by its leaders.

What's offered in the post above is emotion and the appeal to guilt, suggesting somehow Catholics and Jews are relatively the same as the OP premise. Wrong! I've no use for Catholics or Jews as a faith but there is zero moral equivalency as suggested above. Were the post not so arrogantly offered it'd be otherwise unworthy of rebuke.

Lastly, find me one single excerpt from any contextual Islamic text that says to "welcome [them] as neighbors." There is none; not one unless as subordinate under sharia! But this is not remarkable because there are no passages that enjoin that, it's curious because every single reference states specifically to 'never take them as friends,' and 'when the prayer months end to slaughter them and even the rocks call out there is a Jew hiding behind me, come kill him.'

Indeed, the divide is best exemplified by 'allah akbar' which dies not mean God is great, it means 'my god is greater!'

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Just curious: If airports were to ban Muslims from working airport security, couldn't a Muslim person just not admit that he's a Muslim? He could say that he used to be a Muslim, but converted. Just saying...

We could probably narrow it down a bit by only employing Caucasian people. whistling.gif

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I know a few personally and they are very good, non violent people who want the same safe, peaceful and productive life most people want.

Yes, but under islam. Indeed the whole world under islam.

Not under the laws and regulations of the country they live in.

In the UK we tolerate nearly 100 shariah courts in spite of having a modern and effective legal system.


Just go and try that in an islamic state.

It is a primitive religion founded to promote the loyalty of an army, with a few extra privileges so that the founder himself could indulge in his preference for children and sadistic pleasure in torturing and killing.

The huge problem with islam is that the "call to fundamentalism" is ever present and can be violently enforced. There can be no discussion and no progress, because everything has been written down in a 1,500 year old book, which is the power base of many thousands of self-serving immans. Each of whom operate independently and "enjoy" their influence over the community. There is no appeal structure in islam. What the local guy dishes out is what you get.

Try to have any sort of conversation with an imman. These guys are so wrapped up in their dogma and sense of superiority that they should really be declared insane.

We are now in the 21st century, the world is definitely round and orbits the sun. We are not the centre of our galaxy and certainly not the universe.

To be honest it is ridiculous that anybody should be dying in the name of some f&^%&^%& deity, and that the rantings of a primitive but wealthy desert dweller claiming, without any evidence or witnesses, that god spoke to him alone should be unquestionably accepted is incredible.

Normally we would say, "go get a life".

But we have condemned the human race to live under the threat of religion forever, we are cowards. We cannot accept that there is no god out there looking after our dead.



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I don't have an answer to that question.

However, when I take a plane in Europe, look by the window, and see "Muslim looking" baggage handlers loading the plane... I can't refrain from just hoping for the best.

Never had that feeling before, but with all what happens in Europe at the moment, I guess it's a human reaction.

For the rest... I don't see any solution coming and believe that we can only brace for more troubles. In airports and everywhere else.

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Just curious: If airports were to ban Muslims from working airport security, couldn't a Muslim person just not admit that he's a Muslim? He could say that he used to be a Muslim, but converted. Just saying...

We could probably narrow it down a bit by only employing Caucasian people. whistling.gif

True! cheesy.gif


" Welcome to Iraq. Kindly surrender your prayer mat and any religious materials pertaining to Islamic belief.For express processing kindly present a verified alternative religious identification with your USA World Govt. Passport As a courtesy we offer you an American Express Card already debited with an entry fee. If you have any questions or objections you are welcome to take them to the personell in the Departure area.

Have a KKK Day. ") "

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It states in the koran that muslims should hack at the necks of none believers,that is advocating murder,so yes I believe muslims should be banned from airport security.

Kindly indicate where in the Koran it states this.
Battle of Badr-

Aba Hakam was severely wounded but still alive when Abdullah, the servant of Muhammad, ran up, put his foot on Aba Hakams neck, got a hold of his beard and started insulting the fatally wounded man whom his own people had named the father of wisdom. Abdullah cut off Abba Hakams head and carried it to his master. "The head of the enemy of Allah!" exclaimed Muhammad joyously; ---- "Allah! There is no other god but he!" - "Yea There is no other!" responded Abdullah, as he cast the severed head at the Prophets feet. "It is more acceptable to me;" cried Muhammad, hardly able to contain his joy, "than the choicest camel in all Arabia.

Besides lots of barbaric examples the Koranic suras possess numerous empathic mandates:



8:12 "terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the..."



2:191, 193



3:85, 28


Next, the hadiths and life of the prophet provide equally rich material that is also unambiguous and unequivocal. Worse, because of the doctrine of the Perfect Man, al insan al kamil, the agency of the prophet personally doing these things emblazoned for all time in the collective Islamic psyche the rightness of these acts as pleasing to God. Emulating the Prophet is the highest expression of Right Life. Knowing kind Muslims (as we all do) does not change these truths.

So, here's where in the Koran it says this.

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Actually the question strikes me as ridiculous ... and very Trump-esque.

In many western countries banning someone from employment because of his religion would be illegal and in those countries where the majority of people are Muslim it would be impossible to ban Muslims.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database

Nice chart...only problem is that the FBI uses the broad official definition of terrorism i.e. ''the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.''

This means that blowing up a transformer in a green people area to get them to move is counted on your chart. Terrorist act...yes, equivalent to flying into a building with a plane...not so much :rolleyes:

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No one should be barred, singled out or disadvantaged based on gender, religion, sexual orientation or race. Should christians be barred from sensitive security jobs because they may harbour far Right Wing evangelical extremest views and act on them harming or prejudicing others?

Should EVERYONE!! working on Airport security and safety of Air travel be THOROUGHLY! vetted be they black, white, biege or brindal - christian, muslim or Calithumpian? ABSOLUTELY!!!

I agree with your position; however, i do have to ask....what about far LEFT Christians? It strikes me that most refer to 'radical' Christians as only being on the right side of things....

Edited by ToS2014
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Like one of Bill Maher's jokes in an Youtube video.

It's a religion of peace. Yeah, one piece here, one piece there, another one there. :)

But seriously now, there are quite a few violent things in it that can be expoited by radicals in my opinion.

It's a better scam than Christianity, it's more powerful.

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so far all the acts of modern recent terror have been carried out by Muslim men between the ages of around 22-40.

So the Irish Republicans who murdered Michael McGibbon and Adrian Ismay in two separate incidents this year, and have carried out many other attacks since 2009, are all Muslims?

I don't think so!

What about events in the Central African Republic?

Central African Republic convoy of terror

Families wanting to escape Christian militias bent on wiping out the Central African Republic's Muslim community have been braving lynch mobs at road blocks to journey 650km (400 miles) to Cameroon.

CAR cannibal: Why I ate man's leg

The buses throwing up clouds of red clay dust had yet to rub out the ugly bloodstain in the dirt. A Muslim man had been murdered here a few days ago, by Christians. His limbs were hacked off. Then one of the crowd ate the flesh in a public demonstration of cannibalism.

I have yet to see much in the way of condemnation of these atrocities by Christians.

So were I to follow the twisted logic of many members here I would have to conclude that the majority of Christians support, or at least condone, them!

My bad, you know for a moment I thought we were writing on a thread relating to aircraft bombings and aviation terrorism incidents, it seems you consider I was accounting for every murderous event on the planet. rolleyes.gifcoffee1.gif

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Unfortunately, these Islamic fanatics do not want to leave the Western societies they live in; yet want to ruin them. I wish these "born-again" Muslims would hop on a boat & return to the country they ( or parents ) originally came from.

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Unfortunately, these Islamic fanatics do not want to leave the Western societies they live in; yet want to ruin them. I wish these "born-again" Muslims would hop on a boat & return to the country they ( or parents ) originally came from.

Well that's your interpretation of it. From their perspective, they would obviously make the society better by implementing Sharia, because what's not good about the word of Allah?

Just finished watching a video about "Is Islam a religion of peace". Quite an interesting debate. My opinion is similar to the result in the video, that it's not. Whoever is into these things, have a look at this.

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The whole premise of this poll is ridiculous


You're absolutely correct.

Do you say that because you cannot convince the majority of us of your "just" cause?

You sir & your sycophant are PCIs.

You do not know what damage that you do.

Or do you?

Unborn descendants will curse you PCIs.

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I am amazed by the bigotry and ignorance demonstrated by many here.

Are you people saying that the "muslim world" must be isolated and that Etihade, for example, not be allowed to fly into Western Countries ?

Are all Western based Airlines to be barred from flying to Indonesia (the most populous "Muslim" country" ) and all other "Muslim" countries ?

I am glad I do not live in the same world as some of these TV "members"

lt would be a start.

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@ post #96

"ln their own name"

BS, Complete & utter BS.

Bit of an apologist, are we?

Does the screaming of "Allah Akbar" or some such rubbish, jog your memory?

The yet unborn will curse you PCIs.

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Considering that most mass murders in America are committed by Christians, I'd say in general we'd be safer having Muslims take care of security.

Fallacy of false analogy. Following the very same logic mosquitoes should guard airports because plasmodium f. causes even more deaths then Christians. Its disassembly. Its also a failed appeal to moral relevancy. Furthermore, @ 70+% of the US population such a charge could be pointed at any donkey and a christian tail pinned to it. If sentence 1 is the premise and sentence 2 is the conclusion, we can glean why America is losing islamic jihad's war on us/US.

Before absolving or condemning muslims, or including or excluding them in theory, people should grasp the actual foundations of this issue, IMO.

It is not "murders," per se, that are the issue, they are only the topical and immediate symptoms. The disease is the palpable realization that there is both a concerted effort to dissolve and destroy western civilization from millions outside (cloaked in the cover of god), and the shocking awareness of collusion from those within western civilization manning the portico and gates of our culture, justice, and polity.

"Murders" alone are hardly the issue any longer as spectacular terrorism has given way to "same sh)&%t different day," groundhog day numbness in most people on earth. Islamic terrorism does not just exist as something we observe around the world, it exists as something we observe around the world with stark contrast. Mass murders continue to shock and surprise. Islamic terrorism only shocks.

Islamic jihad is everywhere and always contrasted by duplicity, double standards, and hypocrisy. Cultural dynamics and exchange are entirely a one way street while all the while the hosts of troubled areas and victims generally are instructed/required to genuflect to islam, accommodate its religious and tribal practices at the expense of their own cultural mores, and accept the "murders" as relative because some long ago religion also did bad. The contrast is the daily comprehension that all the things we are forced to concede in accommodation are outright rejected in return. From proselytizing to building churches to women exposing their hair to a pork chop on campus etc, etc. It is a one way street. Period!

But lets be clear: Islamic Jihad is not everywhere because of any innate supremacy or power of ideas or application. Islamic jihad is everywhere because it is being expressly elevated and invited, cultivated and grafted into western cultures in bold cut and paste maneuvers; it is expertly facilitated and streamlined by western leaders as a device, a means. In fact, the deliberate fast tracking of what we see around us is utterly inexplicable, unless its agenda! There is no other precdent in history to otherwise explain current events.

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What makes such racist ask .... are about all Muslim jihadists? All employees in security-related areas, I speak of European countries, of airports and most other transport companies are screened, regardless, whether Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim or non-religious beliefs.

Islam isn't a race. Jihadist isn't a race. Muslim isn't a race.

It's gotten so handy to call anyone you disagree with a racist or bigot or some kind of 'phobe...

Islam is a religion and a very nasty one at that. 9/11. Never forget.

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Actually the question strikes me as ridiculous ... and very Trump-esque.

In many western countries banning someone from employment because of his religion would be illegal and in those countries where the majority of people are Muslim it would be impossible to ban Muslims.

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database

I don't believe the pie chart shown here for a minute. Where is the listing of Right Wing Extremists on the chart. Who was Timothy McVeigh if not the poster boy for such things. And where are the Klan listings, the White Supremisists, the bigots and racists that killed the gay man in Wyoming. What a crock of SHIT!

Well, you really should try researching, it's, well, informative and doesn't rely on gut feeling or personal bias . However, as is seen herein, those prejudices seem rampant among us.

Although Suradit69 failed to cite his source, the chart is found at: http://www.boldfacenews.com/terrorism-pie-chart-fbi-statistics/

That site also describes the START Global Terrorism Database which includes 104,000 terrorist incidents from 1970-2012 and claims START is “the most comprehensive open-source database open to the public.”

According to the site pasted above START says:

“ . . . Based on our review of the approximately 2,400 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil contained within the START database, we determined that approximately 60 were carried out by Muslims. In other words, approximately 2.5% of all terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1970 and 2012 were carried out by Muslims.* This is a tiny proportion of all attacks . . . ”

However, like all supposed “truths” you may receive through someone’s speech or writing, you need to triple-check the validity of what was said or written—and even then, you cannot be sure. The old adage, believe none of what you hear (or read, I would add) and only half of what you see, holds true.

So, try https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/terrorism-2002-2005/terror02_05 which is an FBI site which details every terror attack in which the US/FBI was involved.

A curious site http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims which claims, “All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t” Another site which claims, “Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil” http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2013/05/muslims-only-carried-out-2-5-percent-of-terrorist-attacks-on-u-s-soil-between-1970-and-2012.html Yet another which claims, “ . . . homegrown terrorists are a bigger threat than refugees . . .” http://www.vox.com/2015/11/23/9765718/domestic-terrorism-threat

Edited by smotherb
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What makes such racist ask .... are about all Muslim jihadists? All employees in security-related areas, I speak of European countries, of airports and most other transport companies are screened, regardless, whether Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim or non-religious beliefs.

Islam isn't a race. Jihadist isn't a race. Muslim isn't a race.

It's gotten so handy to call anyone you disagree with a racist or bigot or some kind of 'phobe...

Islam is a religion and a very nasty one at that. 9/11. Never forget.

There have also been many nasty things done in the name of Christianity. Let us not forget that all members of any religion are neither good not bad. They are people and subject to all human divergences.

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What makes such racist ask .... are about all Muslim jihadists? All employees in security-related areas, I speak of European countries, of airports and most other transport companies are screened, regardless, whether Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim or non-religious beliefs.

Islam isn't a race. Jihadist isn't a race. Muslim isn't a race.

It's gotten so handy to call anyone you disagree with a racist or bigot or some kind of 'phobe...

Islam is a religion and a very nasty one at that. 9/11. Never forget.

There have also been many nasty things done in the name of Christianity. Let us not forget that all members of any religion are neither good not bad. They are people and subject to all human divergences.

Wrong! Christianity no where mandates violence, and hereins the rub. The notion that current religious actions are divorced from scripture is patently false and this is the underlying premise in all Islamic false logic. This is why jihadi terror attacks have an Orwellian Groundhog Day quality about them when reported. They're always divorced from their source.

Perhaps if western leaders actually studied what they parrot the world would not be shocked that once again Johnny converts and blows himself up or kills parents.

In any event where Christians did this or that they did so without scriptural injunction. Effectively no different then bob the postman, who also robbed a bank. Bob didn't rob a bank because he was Christian. Bob robbed the bank and he's Christian.

I am no apologist for religion but an argument in defense of Islam that appeals to Christianity for its defense, leaks like a sieve.

Posts as on this OP and responses above- let us not forget moral relativity counseling- are a direct result of western leaders offering vacant stares and no narrative as to why Muslim terrorists consistently kill us, each other, particularly hate cars, planes, and even buildings. Insisting it's climate change no jobs or offering no connecting dots at all, people are left to form their own narrative. Islamic State and Islamic terrorism have nothing to do with Islam is a bold lie, and this is the State back stop narrative- denial.

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What makes such racist ask .... are about all Muslim jihadists? All employees in security-related areas, I speak of European countries, of airports and most other transport companies are screened, regardless, whether Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim or non-religious beliefs.

Islam isn't a race. Jihadist isn't a race. Muslim isn't a race.

It's gotten so handy to call anyone you disagree with a racist or bigot or some kind of 'phobe...

Islam is a religion and a very nasty one at that. 9/11. Never forget.

There have also been many nasty things done in the name of Christianity. Let us not forget that all members of any religion are neither good not bad. They are people and subject to all human divergences.

Wrong! Christianity no where mandates violence, and hereins the rub. The notion that current religious actions are divorced from scripture is patently false and this is the underlying premise in all Islamic false logic. This is why jihadi terror attacks have an Orwellian Groundhog Day quality about them when reported. They're always divorced from their source.

Perhaps if western leaders actually studied what they parrot the world would not be shocked that once again Johnny converts and blows himself up or kills parents.

In any event where Christians did this or that they did so without scriptural injunction. Effectively no different then bob the postman, who also robbed a bank. Bob didn't rob a bank because he was Christian. Bob robbed the bank and he's Christian.

I am no apologist for religion but an argument in defense of Islam that appeals to Christianity for its defense, leaks like a sieve.

Posts as on this OP and responses above- let us not forget moral relativity counseling- are a direct result of western leaders offering vacant stares and no narrative as to why Muslim terrorists consistently kill us, each other, particularly hate cars, planes, and even buildings. Insisting it's climate change no jobs or offering no connecting dots at all, people are left to form their own narrative. Islamic State and Islamic terrorism have nothing to do with Islam is a bold lie, and this is the State back stop narrative- denial.

" God furiously commands the chiefs of Israel be impaled in the Sun as means of quenching anger"

"Moses commands his subordinates to kill anyone who has married a pagan"

Yes yes...those peace loving christians have no references to inciting violence in their little book called the Bible

The Bible is filled with refernces to insite violence, kill/maim people and commit genocide, your just as blind as the the muslim extremist

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