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NE people unhappy with life after military take-over

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Not you, my dear Baboon. You may have missed jesimps was addressing me.

Some here seem to have the idea that their arguments have more weight when they attach labels like 'fanboys' to their own arguments.

Accurate though they are.

About as accurate as accusing you of being a Shin fanboy?

Do you think I am? If so, why?

I asked a question which you didn't answer. Answer mine first & then I'll answer yours. I will say that labels are stupid.

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I certainly agree that the coup makers granting themselves a blanket amnesty is also not acceptable, but how do you know what Thai posters have to say in their forums?

I certainly agree that Thai posters have a lot to say in 'their' forums. Mostly about the latest soap and exchanging pictures of food and the kids and so.

Mind you, that from my observation of Thai in Bangkok, those Thai who come from upcountry and miss the life there. Too much work and less pleasure in Bangkok I guess.

How do you know what Thai posters have to say in their forums?

I'm living and working in Thailand, I'm surrounded by Thai. There are many days I only talk with Thai, and that's here in Bangkok. Most of my collegues come from upcountry. Etc., etc.

Now how you know what Thai posters have to say in their forums I don't know. Maybe you don't know what they're saying. Till now you've been a bit silent on that it seems.

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Polls mean nothing apparently and the results are never to be respected unless of course they suit the agenda and boy oh boy after reading the comments some have the utmost respect for THESE poll results.

Lets just have an election and see what the people really want, but alas I hate coups so best not to rush it this time so as to ensure that future elected governments cannot abuse power and act like an elected dictatorship before elections happen again.

Of course not Jaimy, they will ensure any elected government will be held in check by a select few people. Democracy isn't the right word to describe where Thailand is heading if that little constitution receives a yes vote.

I am still surprised how people seem to forget that any elected government (including the ones headed by PT) could be voted out of office !

It seems some people on here don't have the slightest clue what they are on about, and have zero respect and acceptance for the majority of voters in this country, amazing.

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Who has been attacked?

Not you, my dear Baboon. You may have missed jesimps was addressing me.

Some here seem to have the idea that their arguments have more weight when they attach labels like 'fanboys' to their own arguments.

Accurate though they are.

Well, since for once you're so sure may I ask you what the definition of 'fanboy' is and pray tell how such applies to me and why?

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I certainly agree that the coup makers granting themselves a blanket amnesty is also not acceptable, but how do you know what Thai posters have to say in their forums?

I certainly agree that Thai posters have a lot to say in 'their' forums. Mostly about the latest soap and exchanging pictures of food and the kids and so.

Mind you, that from my observation of Thai in Bangkok, those Thai who come from upcountry and miss the life there. Too much work and less pleasure in Bangkok I guess.

How do you know what Thai posters have to say in their forums?

I'm living and working in Thailand, I'm surrounded by Thai. There are many days I only talk with Thai, and that's here in Bangkok. Most of my collegues come from upcountry. Etc., etc.

Now how you know what Thai posters have to say in their forums I don't know. Maybe you don't know what they're saying. Till now you've been a bit silent on that it seems.

So you may or may not know what a few Thais in Bangkok post on forums based on what they have said to you, but how do you know what most Thais post on their forums? Edited by baboon
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Polls mean nothing apparently and the results are never to be respected unless of course they suit the agenda and boy oh boy after reading the comments some have the utmost respect for THESE poll results.

Lets just have an election and see what the people really want, but alas I hate coups so best not to rush it this time so as to ensure that future elected governments cannot abuse power and act like an elected dictatorship before elections happen again.

Of course not Jaimy, they will ensure any elected government will be held in check by a select few people. Democracy isn't the right word to describe where Thailand is heading if that little constitution receives a yes vote.

I am still surprised how people seem to forget that any elected government (including the ones headed by PT) could be voted out of office !

It seems some people on here don't have the slightest clue what they are on about, and have zero respect and acceptance for the majority of voters in this country, amazing.

The "majority" have been known to produce some amazingly successful outcomes in one place at least -------A peanut farmer, 2x a Bush, an Obama and next up a Trumper ! smile.png

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I don't read Thai forums, but I do have a bunch of Thai "friends" on Facebook. I have been asking my wife to translate shared posts that feature recognizable Thai political figures.

Let's just say I can understand why the current PM is irritable. Now where is that ICT guy with the single gateway!

Same with me. The wife sometimes shows me stuff that's being posted on Facebook about the cantankerous one and I always remind her not to touch the like "button" as it's pretty heady stuff.

So much for the accusation that the government censors Facebook wink.png

I don't think they even have the ability to censor Facebook. They do however monitor it, and people have been arrested for sharing or liking Facebook posts, that's no accusation, it's fact.

I know that. I also know the same is done in other countries even in the West, the 'monitoring' part that is. Mind you, liking a page deemed ISIS-linked or deemed 'unacceptable' will get you in hot water, in the West.

My dear friend phoenixdoglover just wrote in another topic

"While repressive governments may not "like" it, history is filled with examples of human rights improvements secured through aggressive communication, sanctions, even violent means."

Now such in a facebook page will certainly make some law enforcement agencies pay more attention to you, even when your government is not 'repressive'.

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Polls mean nothing apparently and the results are never to be respected unless of course they suit the agenda and boy oh boy after reading the comments some have the utmost respect for THESE poll results.

Lets just have an election and see what the people really want, but alas I hate coups so best not to rush it this time so as to ensure that future elected governments cannot abuse power and act like an elected dictatorship before elections happen again.

Of course not Jaimy, they will ensure any elected government will be held in check by a select few people. Democracy isn't the right word to describe where Thailand is heading if that little constitution receives a yes vote.

I am still surprised how people seem to forget that any elected government (including the ones headed by PT) could be voted out of office !

It seems some people on here don't have the slightest clue what they are on about, and have zero respect and acceptance for the majority of voters in this country, amazing.

The "majority" have been known to produce some amazingly successful outcomes in one place at least -------A peanut farmer, 2x a Bush, an Obama and next up a Trumper ! smile.png

yep they did. With one exception, in those places the minority did respect the outcome and didn't resort to disrupting the capital and elections just to provoke a coup...

Oh I doubt Trump has any chance, he will be quite a few electoral votes short of a victory.

Edited by sjaak327
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Not you, my dear Baboon. You may have missed jesimps was addressing me.

Some here seem to have the idea that their arguments have more weight when they attach labels like 'fanboys' to their own arguments.

Accurate though they are.

About as accurate as accusing you of being a Shin fanboy?

Do you think I am? If so, why?

I asked a question which you didn't answer. Answer mine first & then I'll answer yours. I will say that labels are stupid.

Fair enough; my answer is 'No'.

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While the UDD was/is a profoundly hierarchical undemocratic organization it did theoretically support democracy. Many of the Issan people feel that they have lost their voice, or rather a voice that purportedly represented them, in the government.

The Junta needs to bite the bullet: it's time to hold elections and abide by the results.

Oh they will. The whole reason for the coup is to make sure that elections matter less. The previous coup already tried to excersise control over the government by an appointed senate (50%), this lot goes a few steps further, a wholly appointed senate, and the very same senate will receive far reaching powers. Effectively ensuring continued control over how Thailand is run from a select few people, who have never received a mandate to do so.

Democracy "Thai sytle", yes elections, but they don't really matter.

August is going to be an interesting month to say the least.

Would you recommend the Thai people embrace either the UK or US style of "Democracy" instead, as a better alternative?

At least in the US or UK i can click "like" without ending up for AA

It depends on what type of page you click like to


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Polls mean nothing apparently and the results are never to be respected unless of course they suit the agenda and boy oh boy after reading the comments some have the utmost respect for THESE poll results.

Lets just have an election and see what the people really want, but alas I hate coups so best not to rush it this time so as to ensure that future elected governments cannot abuse power and act like an elected dictatorship before elections happen again.

Of course not Jaimy, they will ensure any elected government will be held in check by a select few people. Democracy isn't the right word to describe where Thailand is heading if that little constitution receives a yes vote.

I am still surprised how people seem to forget that any elected government (including the ones headed by PT) could be voted out of office !

It seems some people on here don't have the slightest clue what they are on about, and have zero respect and acceptance for the majority of voters in this country, amazing.

The "majority" have been known to produce some amazingly successful outcomes in one place at least -------A peanut farmer, 2x a Bush, an Obama and next up a Trumper ! smile.png

yep they did. With one exception, in those places the minority did respect the outcome and didn't resort to disrupting the capital and elections just to provoke a coup...

They were/are scared to make a fuss as they well know that the National Guard will be used to quell any protest .


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Who has been attacked?

Not you, my dear Baboon. You may have missed jesimps was addressing me.

Some here seem to have the idea that their arguments have more weight when they attach labels like 'fanboys' to their own arguments.

Accurate though they are.

Well, since for once you're so sure may I ask you what the definition of 'fanboy' is and pray tell how such applies to me and why?

Of course you can ask.
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Not you, my dear Baboon. You may have missed jesimps was addressing me.

Some here seem to have the idea that their arguments have more weight when they attach labels like 'fanboys' to their own arguments.

Accurate though they are.

About as accurate as accusing you of being a Shin fanboy?

Do you think I am? If so, why?

I asked a question which you didn't answer. Answer mine first & then I'll answer yours. I will say that labels are stupid.

Fair enough; my answer is 'No'.

OK. To answer your question, I wouldn't use that label..

Using tags like fanboy is attacking the person, not their argument.

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The "majority" have been known to produce some amazingly successful outcomes in one place at least -------A peanut farmer, 2x a Bush, an Obama and next up a Trumper ! smile.png

yep they did. With one exception, in those places the minority did respect the outcome and didn't resort to disrupting the capital and elections just to provoke a coup...

They were/are scared to make a fuss as they well know that the National Guard will be used to quell any protest .


The National Guard is occasionally used to quell protests that descend into violence, vandalism, and disruption of daily life. Had someone like Suthep attempted to topple the elected US government of any of the presidents you mentioned the National Guard would have been used against him. The US military would not have resorted to a coup.

More important, with few exceptions people in the US accept that if they don't like the current elected politicians, they need to work to vote them out of office the next time around. People in Bangkok, most notably the elites represented by Prayuth, don't accept any rule other than their rule.

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Democrazy is wonderful stuff!. Imposed by the Americans on the ME and Afghanistan with great success ! smile.png

Return Thailand to "democrazy" and once again the population will be terrorised by violent bomb throwing, gun shooting, rioting, shirted mobs.

How soon would Y'all like things returned to "normal" ?

The violence provoked and encouraged by Suthep was minor compared to the violence needed to end entrenched military rule. The longer the military hangs onto power the more bloody their ouster will be.

Even if you don't like democracy, you should consider what it the least bad approach to government.

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Whats being attempted is like a hostage situation where people are allowed calls to tell family their ok.

Polls reflect that.

99.3% no one seriously believes that.

Nor is it appropriate to think slogans are real

And "" happiness is being returned""


Without buying into high camp arguments as to ""Fanboys"' being Blinkered .

I will say being denied a voice is not a ""happy "" situation - and what ever "'happiness "' does exist is only improved by removing fear.

I got asked at the airport if I was happy with the Customs

I answered "" fine"" as they were looking at my computer generated name tag for a hire car guy .

Currently, many Thai people speak in Hushed tones about their views.

Phone surveys by NPCO ?

"" returning happiness to the people"" ?

Ok ....business is hurting .( them )

Maybe it's still ok ?

I don't really know.

Its inappropriate for me or others to assume to know or have answers to and for the Population being held hostage .

LM &AA- arrests - crimes of ""like"" Human rights groups .

Economy - drought -

Life has its issues

Its early days as to how far this Coup will go on its power lines and duration of time, before enough unhappiness compels some sort of uproar.

For now its fair to say The government can claim calm and peace.

If that makes people happy then good.

As to the case of a democratic free economy being better thats another.

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I think happiness level is greatly influenced by how well people are doing economically. Mean to say if everyone can double their income then nobody really is unhappy with the lack of democracy, as we understand it.

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My wife's village in NE Issan was occupied by soldiers, no explanation every given. They left after a month or so, came back after a bit and went down the road toward the main town in the Amphur. Set up in a temple across the road from her noodle shop. At least they came and bought food, although they didn't speak to anyone and no one attempted to speak to them. My wife's village is NOT red or yellow shirt. I talk to many people up here and when they will talk, fear is wonderful for self-censorship, they are not happy campers. Many farang oriented business are hurting and they know the reason is farangs don't come anymore and will not return in previous numbers until a change in government. On the other hand, the government could care less about farangs or Issan. The people know, they just won't talk. I'm rather surprised the poll turned out as well as it did. I don't know how the questions were asked or presented, it has a bearing on the answers, but the sample was certainly large enough.

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I live in the NE and the only difference I can see between the pre and post military takeover is the crackdown on gambling such as hi-low and Bok. Otherwise nothing has changed. I would like to see the reasons why the people are not happy.

Well for one the back office faucets have dried up somewhat. They are still trickling but for the most part are only are only free flowing where they should be. Hint: it's where people are still mostly happy and have been for the last 300-400 years.


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My wife's village in NE Issan was occupied by soldiers, no explanation every given. They left after a month or so, came back after a bit and went down the road toward the main town in the Amphur. Set up in a temple across the road from her noodle shop. At least they came and bought food, although they didn't speak to anyone and no one attempted to speak to them. My wife's village is NOT red or yellow shirt. I talk to many people up here and when they will talk, fear is wonderful for self-censorship, they are not happy campers. Many farang oriented business are hurting and they know the reason is farangs don't come anymore and will not return in previous numbers until a change in government. On the other hand, the government could care less about farangs or Issan. The people know, they just won't talk. I'm rather surprised the poll turned out as well as it did. I don't know how the questions were asked or presented, it has a bearing on the answers, but the sample was certainly large enough.

Strange, figures imply that tourists are still coming in droves.

"Thailand is Asia Pacific’s most popular tourist destination: Mastercard"


Maybe there's not much of tourist's interest in your area? Maybe less Chinese at the moment ?

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While the UDD was/is a profoundly hierarchical undemocratic organization it did theoretically support democracy. Many of the Issan people feel that they have lost their voice, or rather a voice that purportedly represented them, in the government.

The Junta needs to bite the bullet: it's time to hold elections and abide by the results.

Oh they will. The whole reason for the coup is to make sure that elections matter less. The previous coup already tried to excersise control over the government by an appointed senate (50%), this lot goes a few steps further, a wholly appointed senate, and the very same senate will receive far reaching powers. Effectively ensuring continued control over how Thailand is run from a select few people, who have never received a mandate to do so.

Democracy "Thai sytle", yes elections, but they don't really matter.

August is going to be an interesting month to say the least.

Would you recommend the Thai people embrace either the UK or US style of "Democracy" instead, as a better alternative?

The one they had before the military stepped in and tore it up was adequate.

To be sure it was a "work in process" with many flaws and it needed to develop and mature, but it allowed the electorate to select the government they wanted by election in a secret ballot - which is the fundamental of democracy: as opposed to having it decided by a military junta backed by a small and shadowy elite of very wealthy people.

Edited by JAG
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While the UDD was/is a profoundly hierarchical undemocratic organization it did theoretically support democracy. Many of the Issan people feel that they have lost their voice, or rather a voice that purportedly represented them, in the government.

The Junta needs to bite the bullet: it's time to hold elections and abide by the results.

Oh they will. The whole reason for the coup is to make sure that elections matter less. The previous coup already tried to excersise control over the government by an appointed senate (50%), this lot goes a few steps further, a wholly appointed senate, and the very same senate will receive far reaching powers. Effectively ensuring continued control over how Thailand is run from a select few people, who have never received a mandate to do so.

Democracy "Thai sytle", yes elections, but they don't really matter.

August is going to be an interesting month to say the least.

Would you recommend the Thai people embrace either the UK or US style of "Democracy" instead, as a better alternative?

The one they had before the military stepped in and tore it up was adequate.

It allowed the electorate to select the government they wanted by election in a secret ballot - which is the fundamental of democrac: as opposed to having it decided by a military junta backed by a small and shadowy elite of very wealthy people.

Reasoned from a Western background where people know right and duties. A constitution only functions when people behave.

The idea of "let's have an election" sound good but only when you assume the same status as you encounter in the Western democracies. When a part of the population has no problem with a criminal fugitive running the country that's just as bad as needing a coup to stop him from doing so.

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Central Thailand has done very well with military rule. The most lucrative bases and purchasing activity is located in the central region.

I live in a village in Central Thailand. The income of the people here has been decimated this last year. If I filled this post with what the vast majority think of the Govt I'd be up for AA myself.

I was about the write the exact same.

Central Thailand as well, lots, lots of jobs lost over the past year or so. Everyone complaining that "tourakit mai dee leuy..."

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Oh they will. The whole reason for the coup is to make sure that elections matter less. The previous coup already tried to excersise control over the government by an appointed senate (50%), this lot goes a few steps further, a wholly appointed senate, and the very same senate will receive far reaching powers. Effectively ensuring continued control over how Thailand is run from a select few people, who have never received a mandate to do so.

Democracy "Thai sytle", yes elections, but they don't really matter.

August is going to be an interesting month to say the least.

Would you recommend the Thai people embrace either the UK or US style of "Democracy" instead, as a better alternative?

The one they had before the military stepped in and tore it up was adequate.

It allowed the electorate to select the government they wanted by election in a secret ballot - which is the fundamental of democrac: as opposed to having it decided by a military junta backed by a small and shadowy elite of very wealthy people.

Reasoned from a Western background where people know right and duties. A constitution only functions when people behave.

The idea of "let's have an election" sound good but only when you assume the same status as you encounter in the Western democracies. When a part of the population has no problem with a criminal fugitive running the country that's just as bad as needing a coup to stop him from doing so.

You seem to think that the situation will improve in Thailand under this junta, right?

Then please answer the following question (I'm not giving up on this):

After 19 coups/coup and attempts where nothing changed except the snouts in the trough (correct me if I'm wrong) what makes you think it will be different this time?

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Would you recommend the Thai people embrace either the UK or US style of "Democracy" instead, as a better alternative?

The one they had before the military stepped in and tore it up was adequate.

It allowed the electorate to select the government they wanted by election in a secret ballot - which is the fundamental of democrac: as opposed to having it decided by a military junta backed by a small and shadowy elite of very wealthy people.

Reasoned from a Western background where people know right and duties. A constitution only functions when people behave.

The idea of "let's have an election" sound good but only when you assume the same status as you encounter in the Western democracies. When a part of the population has no problem with a criminal fugitive running the country that's just as bad as needing a coup to stop him from doing so.

You seem to think that the situation will improve in Thailand under this junta, right?

Then please answer the following question (I'm not giving up on this):

After 19 coups/coup and attempts where nothing changed except the snouts in the trough (correct me if I'm wrong) what makes you think it will be different this time?

Well thank you very much for asking this again.

In the mean time it would seem that only foreigners 'know' what the article of the topic means. Unhappy as they are.

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The farmers, day laborers I have met or visited with in most countries, a vast majority are not happy with any government or official who tells them what to do. Now those who work under union protection, civil servents, and government contractors usually respond in a positive sense on a satified or happy inquiry as to them personally.

Of course the first 2 groups have weather, cost of essentials to get the work done, pay based on company profit, or price of farm product, etc to contend with. The other 3 groups have job protection, cost of living increases reguarly, good medical coverage, good vacation tim, etc, so they are generally happy/satisfied in the majority, if asked.

thats a good reason to question any survey that claims to give a survey response that represents a true cross section of the people.

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