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After having read numerous posts on Thai Visa over the past few months, I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of foreigners don't have any idea when to use 'you're' in a sentence and always seem to use 'your'.

Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you.

You’re is the contraction of "you are" and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing).

It amazes me that so many people on TV make so many negative comments about Thais, whose second language is English, but yet they themselves cannot seem to grasp this basic grammar rule.

I'm not a teacher, nor do I claim to be, but i at least understand the basics.

Your thoughts

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I think a lot of people, myself included, don't always pay close attention when posting on an internet forum.

I actually do know some of the people who frequent this forum. The same people have impeccable English skills when writing an exam and teaching in a classroom but less on the forum. A few have devices with autocorrect and that's not always correct. A few have very big fingers and very small keyboards.

And with a few you're right in your assumption.

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..most of us don't care what your you are thinking...you obviously get the gist of what is being said...most of us are old and are sick to death of punctuation and grammar...time to let down what hair we have left...go correct someone else's incorrect post.

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My thoughts are that most people use touch-screen devices such as phones or tablets to post and it is difficult to type accurately. Most people find it easier to type on a keyboard. I also think many people just type quickly and don't check their posts, it's not that important. Many devices have predictive text functions. As long as you can understand the meaning, does it really matter?

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..most of us don't care what your you are thinking...you obviously get the gist of what is being said...most of us are old and are sick to death of punctuation and grammar...time to let down what hair we have left...go correct someone else's incorrect post.

A little feisty this evening are we.

Did i touch on a nerve?

I'm only asking a legitimate question so there's no need to be so hostile

Does it have to do with getting old that you feel the need to get so angry over such a question?

Hopefully I become as angry as you when I get old.

"Most of us are old and are sick to death of punctuation. "

Those "most of us" are the very same people that will jump on a thread that has anything to do with Thailand's poor education system and slag it, post after post after post.


I didn't ask whether or not you cared about what i was thinking.

Edited by Rayk
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In terms of word crimes, most TV posters are felons. The song by Weird Al Yankovic is pretty funny and has been posted on here before. The truth is that the average citizen doesn't write very well, When I taught at a community college in southern California, all incoming students had to take an English entrance exam which included a writing sample. Around 87% of students were required to take remedial English classes until they were passed into English 1. I think that it is not generally understood that the average citizen does not speak or write correct English.

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You yourself seem to be confused about whether or not "I" is a proper noun and the associated capitalization of it. It is in fact a proper noun and should therefore be capitalized.

I was amazed the critique involved a lowercase "i" and an uppercase "I" in the same sentence!!!!

i know that your going to loose!!!!!!!

now i have deep, deep concerns about everything i know in the universe@!!@!@@!!@!!1

i do need to go back and edit 235 of my posts................!!!!! too many !!!!!!!!!

i also sent a text back in 2005 that autocorrected wrong...

I think it is great to correct grammar in the appropriate context.

but this is TV!!!!!!!

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Quite frankly, I rather doubt that many of us give a Tinker's Curse, as to what YOUR problems are and if we require your input,

we will rattle your chain. Till then, you are (you're) welcome to go stick your nose into the nearest wasp nest.

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I'm always typing rubbish, but I don't really care. Personally i don't think it is worth worrying about ... for you or me. However, if it keeps you entertained.....

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"Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you.

You’re is the contraction of "you are" and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing)."

Pretty strange that you're upset about some posters' English skills.

A lot of them aren't native English speakers, some are not using a spell check and auto correct doesn't always work well.

When I use my mobile (cell) phone it can happen that something is misspelled, but when the receiver understands my point who cares? Oh, sorry, you do.

Would you see such a mistake in somebody's cover letter applying for an English teaching position, your concern would be coherent.

But to open up a thread about the use of your and you are ( you're) of TVF members doesn't make much sense to me.

Don't you have a hobby? Maybe a good book to read, or anything similar? wai2.gif

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I think a lot of people, myself included, don't always pay close attention when posting on an internet forum.

I actually do know some of the people who frequent this forum. The same people have impeccable English skills when writing an exam and teaching in a classroom but less on the forum. A few have devices with autocorrect and that's not always correct. A few have very big fingers and very small keyboards.

And with a few you're right in your assumption.

Agreed, and one must also consider that many comments are made using cellphones. And I know mine, likes to edit what I type automatically and sometimes I don't go back and reread what was typed to check for typos. Mai pan rai
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It seems that I've touched on a subject that get quite a few people's panties in a bunch.

Why the hostiliy people.

I've asked a question in the Education section of Thai visa and am asking for some legitimate reasons and have only managed to get them from Scott, jadee,thesetat2013 and DogNo1.

The rest of you have been nothing more than whining little b_______s.

If you people get so upset over such trivial little things i'd hate to see you explode over a more serious topic.

Chill out

It's not good for your past heart attacks.

Edited by Rayk
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You yourself seem to be confused about whether or not "I" is a proper noun and the associated capitalization of it. It is in fact a proper noun and should therefore be capitalized.

It is in fact a pronoun.

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You yourself seem to be confused about whether or not "I" is a proper noun and the associated capitalization of it. It is in fact a proper noun and should therefore be capitalized.

It is in fact a pronoun.

I felt it unnecessary to correct Myran on his error for fear that his head may explode with anger.

Thank you for pointing out his obvious mistake.

Well done Mr.Bell.

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"Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you.

You’re is the contraction of "you are" and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing)."

Pretty strange that you're upset about some posters' English skills.

A lot of them aren't native English speakers, some are not using a spell check and auto correct doesn't always work well.

When I use my mobile (cell) phone it can happen that something is misspelled, but when the receiver understands my point who cares? Oh, sorry, you do.

Would you see such a mistake in somebody's cover letter applying for an English teaching position, your concern would be coherent.

But to open up a thread about the use of your and you are ( you're) of TVF members doesn't make much sense to me.

Don't you have a hobby? Maybe a good book to read, or anything similar? wai2.gif

...yeah 'rayk'...see Im not alone..sorry..i forgot another bloody apostrophe..and a lower case 'i'...dunce's hat for me!

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It seems that I've touched on a subject that get quite a few people's panties in a bunch.

Why the hostiliy people.

I've asked a question in the Education section of Thai visa and am asking for some legitimate reasons and have only managed to get them from Scott, jadee,thesetat2013 and DogNo1.

The rest of you have been nothing more than whining little b_______s.

If you people get so upset over such trivial little things i'd hate to see you explode over a more serious topic.

Chill out

It's not good for your past heart attacks.

...methinks you protest too much Mr. Rayk..maybe you spent too much time on the left fun bag...cheesy.gif

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In terms of word crimes, most TV posters are felons. The song by Weird Al Yankovic is pretty funny and has been posted on here before. The truth is that the average citizen doesn't write very well, When I taught at a community college in southern California, all incoming students had to take an English entrance exam which included a writing sample. Around 87% of students were required to take remedial English classes until they were passed into English 1. I think that it is not generally understood that the average citizen does not speak or write correct English.


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It seems that I've touched on a subject that get quite a few people's panties in a bunch.

Why the hostiliy people.

I've asked a question in the Education section of Thai visa and am asking for some legitimate reasons and have only managed to get them from Scott, jadee,thesetat2013 and DogNo1.

The rest of you have been nothing more than whining little b_______s.

If you people get so upset over such trivial little things i'd hate to see you explode over a more serious topic.

Chill out

It's not good for your past heart attacks.

"a subject that get" ?? "hostiliy" ?

I think you've answered your own question!

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..most of us don't care what your you are thinking...you obviously get the gist of what is being said...most of us are old and are sick to death of punctuation and grammar...time to let down what hair we have left...go correct someone else's incorrect post.

A little feisty this evening are we.

Did i touch on a nerve?

I'm only asking a legitimate question so there's no need to be so hostile

Does it have to do with getting old that you feel the need to get so angry over such a question?

Hopefully I become as angry as you when I get old.

"Most of us are old and are sick to death of punctuation. "

Those "most of us" are the very same people that will jump on a thread that has anything to do with Thailand's poor education system and slag it, post after post after post.


I didn't ask whether or not you cared about what i was thinking.

'Did i touch a nerve?' should be Did I touch a nerve. Don't forget those capital 'I''s... Almost as annoying as people who confuse possessive pronouns...

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..most of us don't care what your you are thinking...you obviously get the gist of what is being said...most of us are old and are sick to death of punctuation and grammar...time to let down what hair we have left...go correct someone else's incorrect post.

A little feisty this evening are we.

Did i touch on a nerve?

I'm only asking a legitimate question so there's no need to be so hostile

Does it have to do with getting old that you feel the need to get so angry over such a question?

Hopefully I become as angry as you when I get old.

"Most of us are old and are sick to death of punctuation. "

Those "most of us" are the very same people that will jump on a thread that has anything to do with Thailand's poor education system and slag it, post after post after post.


I didn't ask whether or not you cared about what i was thinking.

'Did i touch a nerve?' should be Did I touch a nerve. Don't forget those capital 'I''s... Almost as annoying as people who confuse possessive pronouns...

Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

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Colloquialisms and local dialects often mean that people will use some incorrect grammar. If it doesn't influence meaning and is not used in formal writing or situations its fine...Dont be so pedantic. The grammar police are outlawed on this forum, I believe???

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I think a lot of people will understand the term "Intelligibility", and surely that is what is important outside of formal discourse.

Let's ignore all this grammar stuff; it takes the fun out of typing

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I think a lot of people will understand the term "Intelligibility", and surely that is what is important outside of formal discourse.

Let's ignore all this grammar stuff; it takes the fun out of typing

And your calling yourself a teacher? No full stop, no nothing. Niente. Zero. Soon.Null. De Nada.

Buy a new "intelligible" keyboard, or just drink some Archa beer with ice. Same same but different. .

BTW, you've been reported for ignoring ignorance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the OP is referring to people who seem to have a blatant disregard for their audience. A paragraph littered with gradeschool-type errors presents your readers with an obstacle course they must navigate if they're going to extract any meaning from your writing. If you expect people to read something you've written, the least you could do it give it a once-over for basic spelling and punctuation.

Like it or not, people are always going to judge you on how you present yourself. A post littered with misspellings and basic punctuation errors is no better than picking your nose while speaking face-to-face with somebody, or going to a meeting with your kid's teacher in a ripped t-shirt with fresh gravy stains all over it.

Having said that, typos happen to everyone. I've certainly made my share. Even professional writers have editors and proofreaders because it's not always easy to catch your own mistakes. The forum has a 'preview post' button for a reason, as well as a 15-minute edit window. If you're not even willing to read your own post and make some simple corrections, then why should I bother reading it?

I could understand a bit of laziness if we were talking about something semi-tricky, like when to use the subjunctive mood or making sure all your verbs are parallel, but we're talking about basic a-b-c stuff here. If you consider yourself a native speaker of English then you should at a minimum be able to grasp the difference between their, there and they're.

[edit - by the way, what a lousy thread title.]

Edited by attrayant
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