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17 schoolgirls dead in fire at boarding school in Chiang Rai


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Very sad. Wondering how out of date the dorms were regarding fire safety standards

What standards, this is LOS............rolleyes.gif

Trans, a young bloke ( 17 year old student) got bestially killed by a few guys with a machete and similar tolls when his ex/still gf and some guys climbed over the wall at Chalerm Praket, the boarding school in Sisaket.

The girl called his name when he came down they killed him with a machete and and something I can't remember.

The guy had no idea that some guys were there because there's a wall around the whole area.

Such things are the reason for more safety measures that now have killed so many little girls.

And students from so many schools really go for it and fight little wars.

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In God's care now. crying.gif

Really ? ... if the tool cared, they would not be dead ...stoopid bloody comment

Some Americans really believed George W. Bullshits when he said that god was on their side, when fighting a war. And many believed him.

The god who wasn't there. Godot.

RIP, girls. Can't even imagine how they died. I hope the injured ones will make a fully and speedy recovery. I hope that the parents/relatives and friends will have enough power to get over it.

How can little dead girls ( hard to write that) be in god's care now? smile.png They should be in their parents care. For god's sake?? Forget it.

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This is on BBC and CNN here in Europe, it makes me

cringe just at the thought of it,, i had a few boarding

houses fitted to a high safety level in Sydney but

eventually i closed them down and sold them, the

thought of fire kept me sleepless most nights,,

NO SMOKING and NO CANDLES were strictly

enforced to the point that every room and hallway

had tamper proof smoke alarms fitted but people

will be people, i just couldn't take the thought of a

house fire so i shut everything down, i'm sad now.

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The indoctrinated Somchaism of ths country means, no responsibilty will be taken. The head Somchai of tbe school will say sorry, and give a big wai, he might even go to the temple, but at the end of the day its all about face and Baht.

Somchaism is destroying the country.

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In God's care now. crying.gif

How horrible for god to let it happen in the first place. After all he is all powerful and omnipresent, right? So why didn't he stop it? Maybe because he doesn't exist. Perhaps they are in the care of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Back to reality - horrible event. RIP little ones.

If there is one, he is not in this universe and can't affect anything within it.

Or he is a sick f&%ck who created us for his own perversions.

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"We have a teacher who sleeps with the girls in the dorm. She tried to help the students escape," Rewat told reporters at a news conference that was broadcast on local television channels.

A 11-year-old girl identified only as Suchada told the same news conference that she had gotten up to go to the bathroom when she noticed the fire downstairs, and ran to tell her friends in various rooms. But some of them didn't believe her and closed the door on her to go back to sleep, she said.

"We remembered some lessons from Girl Scouts to tie cloth together to make a long rope and we climbed out of the window," the fifth-grade student said. "The teacher helped us. While the teacher was climbing down, the rope tore and she hurt her leg and waist."

Most of the victims had shut themselves in their rooms thinking Suchada was playing a prank. Each room sleeps seven or eight girls.

You might wanna consider replacing the first thread post with this, so people stop jumping to the conclusion Thailand has terrible health and safety practices that kill students.

...which it still has, even if (maybe) not in this particular case!

Does Santika ring a bell?

Or the Royal Jomtien???

Bet the owners if they are rich & influential will make sure someone else takes the rap, or will flea the country.

Royal Jomtien fire killed 90 in 1997

The hotel owners, spared the indignity of prosecution, requested authorization to begin renovations just over a year later, in August 1998. The city administration assigned officials and engineers to examine the renovation plans and issued approval after reaching an agreement with the requirements identified by the examiners. In the latter part of November 1999, the hotel ownership requested permission to re-open.

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My wife bless her says I worry too much, why did I need to buy fire extinguishers last week, why do I make our guard dog sleep where we can get her if there is a problem

I am also told I think too much, and have a plan to get out of our house in the event of fire, we also have a well discussed plan on how to get someone to hospital 24KMs away in the middle of the night

May god bless the families and victims of the fire

There must be well rehearsed plans in the event of an emergency

Would that be the same god that caused or let this horrific and torturous tragedy happen in the first place? And now "It" is going to "bless" the families? ? ? Would this be the same god-thing that allows thousands of children to miserably starve to death EVERY SINGLE DAY? Not to mention all the other horrible pain and suffering and disease and awful death.

Time to grow up people and let go of the imaginary friends. Time to grow up and face REALITY.

Everyone would wish every one of those poor girls had listened to the 11 year old girl warning them of the fire in progress downstairs, instead of disbelieving her. It’s a tragedy. But, of course, I don’t blame them or God. Instead, the spotlight is on the apparent lack of fire safety standards.
People will almost always hear what they want to hear and probably nothing I type will break through your spiritual deafness. Yes, the spiritual reality that evidently you don’t know. However, in case there’s any hint of you wanting to know, when God was amongst us he never said we would be free of disasters, pain, and suffering in this short life. The laws of nature, such as combustion and gravity, are in place, which evil forces harness and bring havoc. He gave us free will and choice, too, such as to accept or even reject him. Otherwise, we’d all be like programmed robots. Instead, we as mankind mess up every day, and on the wider front, wars never cease. Yet, real miracles do happen from prayer, as I can personally testify, which aren’t in the news. We are commissioned to take care of this vulnerable planet, including children, the poor and starving. There’s actually enough food in the world to feed everyone, but selfishness and corruption get in the way. This life is a kind of apprenticeship and just like a momentary ‘blip’ before the never- ending real life, which will be free of death and the rest of the ‘bad’.
I’m very saddened by this tragedy. And now I stand in the stillness before the storm from afar of furious and facetious attacks from who knows … Anyway, it’s better than remaining silent amidst the bashing of God that often takes place on this forum
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It was locked from outside like hotel fire escapes and the bastard who locked them in was nowhere to be seen. Reminds me of a fire at a brothel in Phuket Town in the 80s where hill tribe girls were found burned to death, chained to iron bedsteads like the Khmer Rouge did in Tuol Sleng. No one punished because police were controlling the brothels.

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good time to change the law with regard to the fitting of smoke detectors. I know when I fitted one in the house I live my girl asked what it was and even after explaining and giving a demonstration was not convinced of its worth.

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@ Siamwhiteelephant

Read previous posts...get some reality based, science based education...read the blue signature under all my posts. Wash...rinse...repeat.

Back to my coffee and ornithology.

Edited by Skeptic7
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Tears of sadness again today. So sad for these girls, so very sad for their families.

Tears of anger. Because nothing ever seems to change here.

1000 Baht for kitchen smoke alarms? F#ck me, no of course not.

Nothing ever changes. God, those poor girls.

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Smoke Detectors are seldom installed in many building and hotels throughout Thailand. You would think they would be legally required. I guess our lives and the lives of the dead and injured are worth less than 10 bucks. And Thailand promotes itself as a safe tourist destination. More like a Tourist Death Trap.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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There are short cuts in all levels of Thai Society. There are short cuts at all levels of Officialdom. There is little value attached to the sanctity of life.

17 children dead: RIP you poor things

In some ways that view is reinforced, almost underscored, by the stories in the print media: yes, they cover the tragedy but conclude their articles with paragraphs listing the insurance payable to families. The charitable way of reading that would be that people, ie their readers,want to know. Perhaps I'm being unkind by reading into those stories something more sinister: almost " yes, well it's all very sad but at least they'll get some compensation".

My cynicism comes from having read dozens if not hundreds of similar pieces and the compensation angle always seems to get a guernsey.

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