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Can I live/work outside the province where my WP and extension of stay are issued?

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Good morning…

1. I am a teacher with a work permit and extension of stay issued in Rayong. Often I am asked, and I accept, one-off teaching assignments outside of Rayong. Is this legal if the teaching assignment is paid by the company that I work for? I’m told that this is perfectly acceptable by the school’s office, but I hope to get that validated here.
2. My primary (permanent) residence is in Bangkok. I say 'primary/permanent residence' because this is where I have been leasing a condo (with another 9 months to go), where I receive my mail, the address I use for my bank accounts, etc. I also stay in an apartment at the school in Rayong a few nights each week, but it’s just a place to sleep. As far as Immigration is concerned, which should be my official/legal address, and at which office do I submit my 90 day report? (If using the Bangkok address is legal and acceptable, can I file at Chaeng Wattana, or do I file at Rayong?) I'm not due to report for the first time until the 16 of June.
As far as I can decipher, neither place has submitted a TM30. Is this problematic?
Any advice would be appreciated. I'm hoping to get this sorted once and for all!
Thank you in advance.
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1. You can only work at the place stated in your WP.

2. You do your 90 day report at the office where you have your extension.

Technically you should submit form T.M 28 and the house possessor should submit form T.M 30 within 24 hours every time you stay at either place.

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You work permit should have your 2nd place of work shown in it.

For the extension and etc there is no problem doing what you are doing. Since your primary residence is Bangkok that is where you will be doing your 90 day reports.

The TM30 is not normally an issue unless asked for it.

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Well all i can tell you is my WP/extension is issued in BKK and i do my 90 day reports a Maptuphut and have done so for years

Your case is an exception to the rule since you are probably working for a BOI company (or government enterprise) and getting your extensions at the one stop center in Bangkok.

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i was working in koh samui and moved to work in pattaya. i spent about a year trying to get the pattaya address added to my work permit. seemed impossible and after a while i gave up as everything seemed to be ok and i did not think it was a big deal. wrong, immigration turned up, police took my passport and it took 2 years to sort out with a cost of about 80000thb. learned my lesson. in the end i had to cancel my samui work permit and get a new one for pattaya.

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i was working in koh samui and moved to work in pattaya. i spent about a year trying to get the pattaya address added to my work permit. seemed impossible and after a while i gave up as everything seemed to be ok and i did not think it was a big deal. wrong, immigration turned up, police took my passport and it took 2 years to sort out with a cost of about 80000thb. learned my lesson. in the end i had to cancel my samui work permit and get a new one for pattaya.

If you were not working for the same company it certainly would not be possible. If working for the same company in Pattaya you could of had that work place added to your work permit but it would have to be done at the office in Surat Thani.

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