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Muslims Slam Allegations of Plot to Destroy Buddhism


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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Are you by any chance a muslim, converted muslim or an ex-muslim??

Nope. I just possess the ability to think.

Why noy try it.

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The mere fact that they feel the need to give their organisation an name like " Muslims love peace" shows that they don't.

I think most religions are seriously "flawed". Whether it be for the violence and hate they spread, corruption for personal financial gain, the clergymen using their position of trust to gain access to little children for their own lust or because it is just a total fabrication of what is reality. These people and their faiths make this world a darker place then it needs to be.

In relation to your opening sentence, no it doesn't.

As for the rest: the faiths and followers of them don't create these problems and abuses, unscrupulous, exploitative people, in effect scum, do.

It must be tiring for you to keep up this facade of the Muslim's being wrongly judged. I'd like to borrow those rose-coloured glasses of yours. biggrin.png

No need. Just try thinking beyond prejudice.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Agreed but no one has the right to attempt to wipe out other religions. Remember the statues in Afghanistan, the law against practicing any religion other than Islam in the Middle East? Unfortunately it is enshrined in Islam to remove all other religions throughout the world and have only Islam as the world religion.

In theory your argument is 100% but unfortunately the religion of Islam does not agree with you

Bigots of all faiths/non faith may well disagree. No faith has a monopoly on bigotry.

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You can't help yourself can you?

The men who did that did so because they are scum, not because of their faith.

Only a propagator of hate and intolerance cannot see that.

He's made a mis-print, it happened in Rotherham, and as a ex-resident of Rothetham I think you should find out what actually happened there. Then maybe you will not make such nieve statements.

I know exactly what he is talking about and I know what happened.

That changes nothing in my post.

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That's fine but keep it to themselves. There are others that don't want to see or hear from/of it. But continuously through out the years most 'non- believers " have to put up with some person of 'faith" bothering them in one way or another, trying to get them on board and believe in this propaganda.

You can liken it to someone who smokes cigarettes. Yes, it is legal to do so and is a personal choice. Yet a large portion of smokers don't give dame about non-smokers. And suck away on their ciggy profusely , blowing smoke in other peoples faces and not giving a damn about who they are bothering or their right to breath smoke free air.

Yep, just as those who spread their intolerance towards faiths should keep their prejudices to themselves.

Yep. There is a flip side to that coin. Those that spread "faith" [a preposterous word in itself] should kerb their obsessive regime of enforcing it upon those of us that don't want to know about it. Whether it be through trespassing during door knocking operations or blowing themselves and everybody around them up in a market place.

Just as those with faith may not wish to hear the shrill cries of non believers.

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There no civilised country doesn't have an official separation of religion and state of one kind or another - the Buddhists here are - and have been for some time - deliberately provocative....their demand is archaic and would further destroy any chances for democracy in Thailand.

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It is a shame that Europe does not realise that they are giving in to the Muslim Religion instead of sticking up for Christianity or what ever the countries religion is, the general religion for the UK I believe used to be Christianity, personally I am Agnostic, therefore have no axe to grind for any religion, and believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow; I wish I could say the same for the Muslim religion, who's followers want everyone to become Muslim and adopt their beliefs; unfortunately to look good our politician are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim population happy instead of sticking up for their own citizens & their way of life.

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Just look at Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Northern Nigeria, Southern Thailand, Southern Philippines, most of the middle east, north africa. All tolerant, Peaceful societies believing strongly in Omnism. Where religions of all denominations are welcome to practice. Joyful societies where women are free to roam unveiled and unmolested. A person can get a cold drink of beer at any food outlet of his or her choosing. No Buddhist icons or other representations of religions other than islam have been damaged or destroyed. wonderful free democratic societies where people can choose their lifestyle. Gay men and women can live freely and openly. They certainly raise the bar on human rights and tolerance.

Oh wait hangon....... blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

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It is a shame that Europe does not realise that they are giving in to the Muslim Religion instead of sticking up for Christianity or what ever the countries religion is, the general religion for the UK I believe used to be Christianity, personally I am Agnostic, therefore have no axe to grind for any religion, and believe people should be allowed to decide for themselves which faith they want to follow; I wish I could say the same for the Muslim religion, who's followers want everyone to become Muslim and adopt their beliefs; unfortunately to look good our politician are bending over backwards to keep the Muslim population happy instead of sticking up for their own citizens & their way of life.

so here's someone with no idea of separation of church and state then?

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

The Buddhists in Thailand probably saw the photos of the 1,500 year old, great, ancient, Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan, that were blown up and destroyed by Muslims. And they've probably heard of Christians, even Christian children, being murdered for not converting, by Muslims in Iraq and Syria.

I truly believe in freedom or religion and tolerating true religions of peace and compassion that tolerate my religion.

However, if another religion refuses to tolerate my religion, I will not tolerate theirs. It has to be a two way street.

Edited by Catoni
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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Yes I personally agree with your rule of thumb regarding freedom to practice a religion, Unfortunately this is not the case according to the Quran and the command for Muslims to spread Islamic rule by force subjugating others until they either convert to Islam or must pay the jizya (poll tax)(extortion) as a reminder of their inferior status. this abrogates a previous verse stating that there is "no compulsion in religion."

All faiths have passages about how to treat non believers that can be viewed as intolerant.

Despite what some would have you believe, Muslim countries do have minority faiths practised there.

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The mere fact that they feel the need to give their organisation an name like " Muslims love peace" shows that they don't.

I think most religions are seriously "flawed". Whether it be for the violence and hate they spread, corruption for personal financial gain, the clergymen using their position of trust to gain access to little children for their own lust or because it is just a total fabrication of what is reality. These people and their faiths make this world a darker place then it needs to be.

In relation to your opening sentence, no it doesn't.

As for the rest: the faiths and followers of them don't create these problems and abuses, unscrupulous, exploitative people, in effect scum, do.

It must be tiring for you to keep up this facade of the Muslim's being wrongly judged. I'd like to borrow those rose-coloured glasses of yours. biggrin.png

No need. Just try thinking beyond prejudice.

Haha, you're a funny guy. Thanks for the laugh! gigglem.gif

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The Kingdom needn't declare Buddhists as the State religion.

Just return sovereignty back to the Malay-Thai Muslims in the South that make up 99% of all muslims in the Kingdom.

Buddhists become the State religion by default.

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"Muslims are evil, violent an intolerant so we as kind and peaceful Christians/Jews/Buddhists/Atheists should expel them from our countries and bomb the shit out of them in their own countries indiscriminately."

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It must be tiring for you to keep up this facade of the Muslim's being wrongly judged. I'd like to borrow those rose-coloured glasses of yours. biggrin.png

No need. Just try thinking beyond prejudice.

Haha, you're a funny guy. Thanks for the laugh! gigglem.gif

Yeah, right...

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Only the beginning. Look at Europe.coffee1.gif

I agree. The US as well. Irrational hatred and discrimination against Muslims is disgusting and reprehensible, practiced by brain-dead racist pieces of shit.

What is racist about hating Muslims?It's not a race it's a religion,if you can't work that out it's hardly fair to comment on other people in this disgusting and reprehensible way.

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Religions should never be attached to any legistlation whatsoever. If they can't survive on their own, then die off, good riddance.

EDIT: Just figured out a new word, apatheist, seems I'm one. Basically means I don't give a <deleted> about religions as long as they keep their mutts on their own side and don't bother me.

Edited by DrTuner
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Only the beginning. Look at Europe.coffee1.gif

I agree. The US as well. Irrational hatred and discrimination against Muslims is disgusting and reprehensible, practiced by brain-dead racist pieces of shit.

Western propaganda to set us up at against the moslems. Most people eat it, only some don't. Divide and conquer.

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Only the beginning. Look at Europe.coffee1.gif

I agree. The US as well. Irrational hatred and discrimination against Muslims is disgusting and reprehensible, practiced by brain-dead racist pieces of shit.

What is racist about hating Muslims?It's not a race it's a religion,if you can't work that out it's hardly fair to comment on other people in this disgusting and reprehensible way.

Yep. It's not racism, it's intolerance and bigotry.

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Look what they did to the ancient Buddhist shrine in Afghanistan. Groups had even asked them to allow them to remove and relocate it. But they had to blow it to smithereens. Also 2014 a Saudi student destroyed some ancient Buddhist statues in Japan. At this point in history islam is only the religion of peace when they are a small minority.

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Only the beginning. Look at Europe.coffee1.gif

I agree. The US as well. Irrational hatred and discrimination against Muslims is disgusting and reprehensible, practiced by brain-dead racist pieces of shit.

What is racist about hating Muslims?It's not a race it's a religion,if you can't work that out it's hardly fair to comment on other people in this disgusting and reprehensible way.

You have a valid point. If I say I hate Baptists that is not racist just because I hate the religion. Baptists are not a race just like Muslims are not a race.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Are you by any chance a muslim, converted muslim or an ex-muslim??

Now, that is what is called brainless bigotry mr. saakura.

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Says it all really doesn't it.

I'm not sure it says much of anything, as it appears to be 14 or 15 countries on both maps. And out of your "least religious" countries, at least 6 don't appear on your "most peaceful" countries map. And of your "most peaceful" countries map, at least 6 also don't appear on your "least religious" map. Only the outsized splotch of red given to Canada and Australia make it look like there is a strong worldwide correlation.

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I suppose every country in the world has to bend over backwards to accommodate these Muslims

Nope, you have just got to accept everyone has the right to their faith and it is the utmost of bigotry and intolerance to deny them this.

I apply this rule of thumb to all followers of all faiths.

Are you by any chance a muslim, converted muslim or an ex-muslim??

Nope. I just possess the ability to think.

Why noy try it.

Thanks. Reason i asked was to decide whether you were trolling or some people truly do not possess any ability to think!

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Personally I would say that one should tolerate people of all faiths and of none. I also don't hold with proselytising aggressively. Sure if someone asks me about and takes an interest in my faith (I am a Roman Catholic) then I will do my best to explain it, but only then.

All the great religions and their texts can be wrongly interpreted if that is you wish, as exhortations to do violence to "non believers", but after all, didn't someone say " there are many rooms in my Fathers house"? If you live your life as best you can according to the principals of your faith or belief you will be judged accordingly.

I am reminded of the story of the Atheist who ended up in heaven. He was shown around by an angel. " Over there are the Protestants, down by those Minarets are the Muslims and see that golden building? Thats the Buddhists."

"Who is behind that high wall?"

"Oh that's the Catholics - we put them behind the wall because we didn't want to upset them - you see they think that they are the only ones here!"

Live and let live I say; except for the bloody Klingons of course, they really are beyond the pale!

Edited by JAG
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