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Trump says decision to seek donations followed GOP request


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Trump says decision to seek donations followed GOP request

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump holds his first presidential fundraisers this week. The events directly benefit his campaign, but he doesn't see it that way.

Trump insists that his about-face from self-funded candidate to one who relies on donors is happening only at the request of the Republican National Committee.

"The RNC really wanted to do it, and I want to show good spirit," Trump said in a phone interview with The Associated Press. "'Cause I was very happy to continue to go along the way I was."

Trump's self-funding has been a point of pride, a boast making its way into nearly every rally and interview. The billionaire businessman lent his campaign at least $43 million, enough to pay for most of his primary bid.

"By self-funding my campaign, I am not controlled by my donors, special interests or lobbyists. I am working only for the people of the U.S.!" he wrote on Twitter in September.

With this week's fundraisers — a small gathering Tuesday in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a large $25,000-per-head dinner Wednesday in Los Angeles — Trump gains hundreds of thousands of campaign dollars but loses his ability to accurately assert that he is free from the shackles of outside donors.

Trump's voters repeatedly have cited his independence from the influence of donors and special interests as a top reason they back him. It's not clear how they will react now.

Perhaps to assuage those voter concerns, Trump is trying to promote his fundraising agreement as beneficial to other Republicans, not his own campaign.

The deal itself shows Trump comes first.

For every check he solicits — and donors can give almost $450,000 apiece — the first $5,400 goes to Trump's primary and general election campaign accounts. The rest is spread among the RNC and 11 state parties.

The RNC can use its money to help Republican candidates for Senate and Congress. However, Trump's team and Republican officials also have said the RNC plans to take the lead on major presidential campaign activities such as voter identification and turnout.

Asked by The AP if he sees a contradiction in asking for money after repeatedly saying he stood above the other candidates because he didn't, Trump said, "No, because I'm raising money for the party."

Trump also first denied to the AP that he is raising any money for the primary. Reminded of the terms of the fundraising agreement, he then said primary donations don't really count because he already has defeated his GOP rivals.

He promised not to use any donor money to pay down his loans. That means he has until the Republican convention in late July to spend primary contributions on expenses such as staffing and summer advertising.

Despite Trump's claim that he would have carried on self-funding if not for the RNC, in other media interviews he has expressed a reluctance to sell buildings or other assets to pay for a costly general election.

"It would be foolish for him to unilaterally disarm against Hillary Clinton," said Roger Stone, Trump's friend and informal political adviser about why Trump decided to take donations.

Trump's likely opponent, the former secretary of state, aims to have $1 billion for her bid, through her campaign, the Democratic Party and outside groups.

The presumptive GOP nominee's still-forming fundraising team, led by Steven Mnuchin, Trump's national finance chairman, and Lew Eisenberg, the RNC's national finance chairman, is rushing to schedule events.

Trump and the RNC on Tuesday announced new additions to the financial operation, including New York Jets owner Woody Johnson, roofing company owner Diane Hendricks and former Ambassador Mel Sembler, who helped raise major money for previous presidential candidates.

Johnson, who was national finance chairman for former rival Jeb Bush, drew Trump's scorn earlier this year. At a New Hampshire campaign stop in February, Trump predicted Bush's prescription drug policies would be influenced by Johnson, whose family founded the Johnson & Johnson medical and pharmaceutical company.

The event in Albuquerque, hosted by funeral services company owner Kevin Daniels, was first reported by The Washington Post. About two dozen attendees are expected, paying $10,000 apiece.

On Wednesday, donors will hobnob with Trump at a reception and dinner at the Los Angeles home of his friend and fellow real estate investor Tom Barrack, whose publicist said he is passionate about surfing and horses and is the "son of hard-working Lebanese parents."

Price of admission — a minimum of $25,000 with the option of paying $50,000 — includes a photo with Trump.

Mnuchin has said he's being inundated with offers of financial assistance. Eisenberg said the Trump fundraising agreement enables the party to "recover the interest and enthusiasm of major donors and raise the money needed to win a Republican presidency, Senate and House, as well as secure the Supreme Court."

Two past presidential fundraisers who are hoping to join Trump's finance team are convinced he'll raise the money needed to win.

For Trump, who has never sought out donors, "the low-hanging fruit is more abundant than it's ever been for anyone at this point in a presidential cycle," said Rick Hohlt, a Washington lobbyist. Donors, he said, are excited to meet Trump — many for the first time.

In Florida, Palm Beach real estate agent Teresa Dailey said, "People are anxiously waiting to help him, and they haven't had the opportunity because of his self-funding."


Bykowicz reported from Washington.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-25

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He's far behind HRC in setting up the ground forces needed to win an election. He won't be able to catch up at this point no matter what he does.

He's the worst candidate in history and doesn't have a prayer. It's Donald Trump, a low information (dumb), ego maniac who has rallied the racist lemmings of the tea party and pulled off the nomination. That just shows how low the Republican party has fallen. The election is over before it begins and The Republican party knows it.

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He's far behind HRC in setting up the ground forces needed to win an election. He won't be able to catch up at this point no matter what he does.

He's the worst candidate in history and doesn't have a prayer. It's Donald Trump, a low information (dumb), ego maniac who has rallied the racist lemmings of the tea party and pulled off the nomination. That just shows how low the Republican party has fallen. The election is over before it begins and The Republican party knows it.

yeah, and then the world gets stuck with that clinton woman.

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He's been taking donations from day one on his website, and he's also loaned his own campaign money rather than just donating it.

The bloke is in this for the money, make no mistake.

If he were President, much of the legislation he'd sign would be that which benefits him and his business.

He is a market stall trader in a suit.

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He's far behind HRC in setting up the ground forces needed to win an election. He won't be able to catch up at this point no matter what he does.

He's the worst candidate in history and doesn't have a prayer. It's Donald Trump, a low information (dumb), ego maniac who has rallied the racist lemmings of the tea party and pulled off the nomination. That just shows how low the Republican party has fallen. The election is over before it begins and The Republican party knows it.

LOL. The tea party was backing Ted Cruz. It's independents and new members who supported Trump.

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The 'outsider' not part of the 'establishment' totally 'self funded' and 'beholden to no one' telling it like it is.

What a fraudster.

The red necks and people just struggling to survive will gobble it up but they will not bite the Democratic hand that feeds them. Just watched MM new movie "Who will we invade next" I highly recommend it. Loved the part of low cost prisoner labor for big business and the fact that they loose their voting rights if convicted. Just another way the GOP have hijacked the Dems. The glaring differences between other countries and the USA that bastion of freedom and free enterprise is truly shocking. Edited by elgordo38
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The 'outsider' not part of the 'establishment' totally 'self funded' and 'beholden to no one' telling it like it is.

What a fraudster.

The red necks and people just struggling to survive will gobble it up but they will not bite the Democratic hand that feeds them. Just watched MM new movie "Who will we invade next" I highly recommend it. Loved the part of low cost prisoner labor for big business and the fact that they loose their voting rights if convicted. Just another way the GOP have hijacked the Dems. The glaring differences between other countries and the USA that bastion of freedom and free enterprise is truly shocking.

I couldn't wait to see that Doco. People in other Countries just looked in disbelief when America's systems were told to them. Has to be Michael Moore's best to date. How that Doco doesn't cause a revolution in America is beyond me.

To busy with 'outsiders' and 'non estabishment' Presidential Candidates like Trump demonising Muslims, Women, Hispanics, poor people, building walls, inciting violence I suppose.

America has really lost its way.

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This is boring. Another u-turn from Trump. No Muslim ban (it was just a suggestion) and now he gets neutralized by having to to suck up to the donors. No point in being a maverick if you are going to fold everytime you are challenged. Come on Donald, time to give the supporters something to cheer about. Biting the heads off of kittens usually get the mob chanting your name!

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This is boring. Another u-turn from Trump. No Muslim ban (it was just a suggestion) and now he gets neutralized by having to to suck up to the donors. No point in being a maverick if you are going to fold everytime you are challenged. Come on Donald, time to give the supporters something to cheer about. Biting the heads off of kittens usually get the mob chanting your name!

All the 'ewe turning' will confuse the rams. smile.png

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Trump’s self-financing came mostly in the last three months of 2015. From the start of his campaign in April through October last year, individual contributions made up about 67% of total money raised for his campaign. Part of those individual donations went to reimburse Trump-affiliated companies for services provided to the Trump campaign.

His so-called self-financing for the primaries are in part loans made to himself. He can expect to eventually recoup these funds (federal election funds, GOP funds, fund raisers, etc.) and/or get a tax write-off if incollectable. He never said he would self-financed his campaign in the general election however.

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I fervently hope Trump wins. I previously disliked Trump least, now I despise others more. Each day the the Trump Drawing Salve pulls malcontents, socialists, and nihilists from their hiding spots it is more evident how Trump may have arrived too late.

As each day passes and Trump's mere existence fumigates the parasites from underneath America's house it becomes clearer, Trump must win. Just witnessing the refrain to violence that increasingly defines Trump opposition it is evident that America really is in the middle of a slow motion coup.

Trump would have always been beholden to the Republican Platform/Machine as he ran for its nomination. He declared he would be beholden to no special interests, as a Republican candidate. He would have always been beholden to its platform. That this is a surprise to anyone reveals not that Trump did something contrary to what he said rather that Trump opponents are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Point being: Trump's action may be true on its face, but predictable all along. ie, hardly a surprise!

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Trump is going to kick the Pantsuit Monster's butt right up between her shoulder blades in the general election. It's going to be a Trump landslide.

That is of course if loser Hillary can beat Bernie at the convention. People are getting more and more doubts about Hillary with all of her scandals and her crashing in the polls against Trump. Loser Hillary can't shake Bernie OR Trump and we don't know who the Dem nominee will be. Bernie kicked Hillary's butt again in Washington State Tues, 72% to 27% and at some point the DNC might just take notice. Bernie vows to fight it at the convention.

Never underestimate Donald Trump. He'll be the next POTUS.

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He's far behind HRC in setting up the ground forces needed to win an election. He won't be able to catch up at this point no matter what he does.

He's the worst candidate in history and doesn't have a prayer. It's Donald Trump, a low information (dumb), ego maniac who has rallied the racist lemmings of the tea party and pulled off the nomination. That just shows how low the Republican party has fallen. The election is over before it begins and The Republican party knows it.

Well, he got this far spending a fraction of the money that the other losers the other candidates that were gonna beat him invested

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He's far behind HRC in setting up the ground forces needed to win an election. He won't be able to catch up at this point no matter what he does.

He's the worst candidate in history and doesn't have a prayer. It's Donald Trump, a low information (dumb), ego maniac who has rallied the racist lemmings of the tea party and pulled off the nomination. That just shows how low the Republican party has fallen. The election is over before it begins and The Republican party knows it.

Yes but that is what all the pundits said in the GOP race. blink.png

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