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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico


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Watched a few videos. Looked like a normal protest to me. Didn't help Police being heavy handed pushing people around and over, firing tear gas, walking horses into the protesters. Typical of US Police ramping up the situation and making things worse. No wonder they were in for a little attention. I am sure the Body Shop will knock a few dents out. All pretty tame really. Noticed Trump was inside mouthing off as again being nasty and attacking people.

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It is now known the vile monster gets very little sleep and is apparently proud of that. That could be a contributing factor to his obviously severe mental illness.

There still remains great hope that the vile monster will just SELF DESTRUCT. Sure he'll always retain the fanatic true believers, but attacking the popular REPUBLICAN Latina governor just for being slow (wisely) to endorse him is a good sign ... that the truth of the DANGEROUS nature of the man will be fully revealed to the majority of hopefully more reasonable voters, that is, in the GENERAL election. He's got the nomination of course.

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump does incite violence. That is a fact.

Yeah..any dufus that happens to be a democrat falls for it...every time.

He just call it as it is...

You don't see Republicans acting like that...

Probably we are too smart for that tactic.

Republicans are nominating the vile monster. Seems not so smart. Unless you think bringing Mussolini to power in Italy was smart.

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One arrest? Sure the Trump rally didn't coincide with the Ladies choir night out?

foolish post.

One only needs to watch the news videos.

The police could of arrested at least half of them....but that is what the dummies wanted.

What they are trying to achieve is a violent, reaction from Trump Security and the Police.

Never happened..never will.

Ask yourself why.... possibly because anyone with a brain has them figured out.

Push the suckers down the road....kiddies. Your childish aggression against the inevitable Trump Machine just backfired on your dumb rear ends.

Or could be just average citizens protesting against Trump's hate speech. I've actually seen rowdier Hen's Nights than that minor skirmish. Hardly a riot. As usual Right Wingers blowing things out of proportion. Next you will be accusing the protesters of burning orphanages down.

You seem to be getting a little carried away slippery.

Thanks to OMG inPattaya from post #10, the following shows what Trump supporters AND THEIR CHILDREN had to pass through just to reach the event in Albuquerque..

The obscenities, threats and screams of the deranged are not typical Hen's Night I have ever heard of.

Every liberal that has a family and children should be forced to watch how their strident base acts. It might make a socialist Aussie proud, but not most Americans.

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A normal politician

ie a lying, seat warming, pork voting, trough feeding, bought and sold loser. You really want to vote for that?

You described Trump. Which one of those things, other than a seat warmer, is Trump?

He just hired a Goldman Sachs exec to run his fund-raising - hoping to get over a billion $$s. That's contradicting at least two of his prior ironclad no-no's. In other words, Trump is doing several things he chastised his opponents for doing just weeks ago. And that's with 5 1/2 months left to the election. How many more 180's will Trump take? Of course, his core sheeple fan base won't waver. Each time Trump contradicts himself, he can preface it with, "Well, folks. I love you all and I know you love me, so I just had to make a slight adjustment. You understand, don't you? (wild cheers). I'm a great businessman, a great deal-maker, I'm very rich, I know a lot of words, everybody likes me, .....so I make some adjustments along the way. Anybody got a problem with that? Ha ha ha. Buy my steaks and vodka, ha ha ha."

seat warming, pork voting, trough feeding, bought and sold

None of those apply to Trump. He's never been a politician, and he can't be bought and sold as he's too rich, and he's been doing the buying eg HRC.

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People should resist the ascendancy of the vile monster movement. I don't think violence is the way any more than I approve of the violence the trump fascists exhibit towards protesters at his Mussolini style rallies. This movement is historic and if it succeeds it will be a historic MISTAKE. Learn from history.

Dudes, it is NO coincidence that the vile monster enjoys support of the most vile American hate groups -- KKK, David Duke, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists of all kinds.

This is not normal U.S. politics. It is EVIL.

Do you think it's normal that previous presidents in the vile monster's own party (which he has done a HOSTILE takeover of) refuse to endorse, and also the previous same party nominee?

This is a what did you do in the war Daddy moment.

Republicans that go along with the vile monster are shameful and I hope they pay for that sleazy move later. Those that resist are true patriots, and I hope the honorable republican Latina governor of N.M. RESISTS being bullied by the vile monster.

How to stop the vile monster? No, nobody has figured that out yet, but there is still time.

You seem really afraid that Trump will be elected POTUS, yet some time back you were assuring us that there is no chance of that. Can't have it both ways. If you believe he won't be elected, then there is no need for all the name calling.

Meanwhile, HRC is seemingly assured of being the Dems candidate- good job, as it will only bring out the millions that don't want her anywhere near the White House.

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One arrest? Sure the Trump rally didn't coincide with the Ladies choir night out?

foolish post.

One only needs to watch the news videos.

The police could of arrested at least half of them....but that is what the dummies wanted.

What they are trying to achieve is a violent, reaction from Trump Security and the Police.

Never happened..never will.

Ask yourself why.... possibly because anyone with a brain has them figured out.

Push the suckers down the road....kiddies. Your childish aggression against the inevitable Trump Machine just backfired on your dumb rear ends.

Or could be just average citizens protesting against Trump's hate speech. I've actually seen rowdier Hen's Nights than that minor skirmish. Hardly a riot. As usual Right Wingers blowing things out of proportion. Next you will be accusing the protesters of burning orphanages down.

You seem to be getting a little carried away slippery.

Thanks to OMG inPattaya from post #10, the following shows what Trump supporters AND THEIR CHILDREN had to pass through just to reach the event in Albuquerque..

The obscenities, threats and screams of the deranged are not typical Hen's Night I have ever heard of.

Every liberal that has a family and children should be forced to watch how their strident base acts. It might make a socialist Aussie proud, but not most Americans.


all i can see are dumb, screaming dregs of society. Can't really make out what they are trying to say, at all....but does not sound like family material.

Makes Trump look all the more better...

how embarrassing for them.

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Trump does incite violence. That is a fact.

Using your logic, a woman who is raped must have incited her own rape.

Violence at political rallies is unacceptable regardless what excuses are made to support it. Violence -is - unacceptable <period>

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Or could be just average citizens protesting against Trump's hate speech. I've actually seen rowdier Hen's Nights than that minor skirmish. Hardly a riot. As usual Right Wingers blowing things out of proportion. Next you will be accusing the protesters of burning orphanages down.

You seem to be getting a little carried away slippery.

Thanks to OMG inPattaya from post #10, the following shows what Trump supporters AND THEIR CHILDREN had to pass through just to reach the event in Albuquerque..

The obscenities, threats and screams of the deranged are not typical Hen's Night I have ever heard of.

Every liberal that has a family and children should be forced to watch how their strident base acts. It might make a socialist Aussie proud, but not most Americans.

All looked peaceful and civilised enough. 'Keep your hate out of our state' catchy little war cry. Where was the riot? Language and one sign was a little course but it is a political rally for adults.

Only thing I found very disturbing that a child was bought to attend a Trump rally that incites racism, hatred and bigotry. I don't think children should be subjected to that type of environment. Would that be reported to Child Protection to look into? You have to ask what the parents were thinking teaching their young child hate speech.

I think if a person supports racism, denigrating and threatening women, religious bigotry people should get in their face and explain clearly what they are. If they feel that is offensive, simple, don't be one. A 'walk of shame' may wake them up to what they are. A reality check never hurt anyone.

Republicans seem to be getting a little excited over nothing. I have seen 6 year old Fairy Princess birthday parties get more out of hand than that. A riot? You have to be kidding. lol

Well done protesters maintain the rage comrades.

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Trump does incite violence. That is a fact.

Using your logic, a woman who is raped must have incited her own rape.

Violence at political rallies is unacceptable regardless what excuses are made to support it. Violence -is - unacceptable <period>

Strange Trump and supporters don't agree with your view. Trump wanted to know where the 'good ol days' had gone when protesters were taken out on stretchers and 'I'd like to punch him right in the .......'. One redneck Trump supporter actually king hit a protester and was charged with assault. I didn't see anyone punching or coming into contact with Trump supporters at all.

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Latin tradition is to shut up those you disagree with, is there any latin country you'd change governments with ? These protesters are bully culture brought across the border.

What happens if Mussolini Trump loses a close election?

He gonna call out the army giggle.gif

But he'll still be very, very RICH! whistling.gif

And call himself a veteran.

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People should resist the ascendancy of the vile monster movement. I don't think violence is the way any more than I approve of the violence the trump fascists exhibit towards protesters at his Mussolini style rallies. This movement is historic and if it succeeds it will be a historic MISTAKE. Learn from history.

Dudes, it is NO coincidence that the vile monster enjoys support of the most vile American hate groups -- KKK, David Duke, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists of all kinds.

This is not normal U.S. politics. It is EVIL.

Do you think it's normal that previous presidents in the vile monster's own party (which he has done a HOSTILE takeover of) refuse to endorse, and also the previous same party nominee?

This is a what did you do in the war Daddy moment.

Republicans that go along with the vile monster are shameful and I hope they pay for that sleazy move later. Those that resist are true patriots, and I hope the honorable republican Latina governor of N.M. RESISTS being bullied by the vile monster.

How to stop the vile monster? No, nobody has figured that out yet, but there is still time.

You seem really afraid that Trump will be elected POTUS, yet some time back you were assuring us that there is no chance of that. Can't have it both ways. If you believe he won't be elected, then there is no need for all the name calling.

Meanwhile, HRC is seemingly assured of being the Dems candidate- good job, as it will only bring out the millions that don't want her anywhere near the White House.

The really heavy Trump stuff has always been held till the possible time Trump might become the nominee of the Republican party.

The convention is still to be held so Trump is universally regarded as the "presumptive nominee." In other words Trump is it so the Republican party in its torchlight convention will ratify that Trump will make the trains run on time to south of the border.

Hence the juicy stuff is only now beginning to be brought forward with much more to come. This is the election campaign for Potus so the milquetoast and the confused need not apply.

Trump's brutal rhetoric of mass roundup segregation and expulsion of his targeted groups is getting its response which should be of no surprise to anyone. Trump needs violence and he has always needed violence as is well documented by his bellicose rhetoric and the belligerent attitudes and behaviours of Himself and His fans. Fact is violence helps no one to include stopping votes being cast or counted November 8th and in the early voting by minorities leading up to the date, in Republican controlled states in particular.

Trump has pulled no punches from his day one so now it is time to lay punches on Trump Himself. Sen. Warren is presently slapping Trump's face silly so everyone might want to stay tuned. Can't wait till Bill knocks Donald's squirrel off.

Edited by Publicus
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Americans protested 240 years ago. That's what Americans do when thing get too overbearing. I don't condone violent protests, but I can see they're spooked by the prospect of an immature, name-calling, flip-flopping, lawsuit-slapping person poised to run for president. I'd venture those people protesting are concerned about America's future and a safe future for the kids. Did anyone get hurt? Not that I heard of, except the few who get sucker-punched by Trump supporters.

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The vile monster deviates badmouthing Trump are only displaying the most childish immaturity. It will never be a gay old world, and Putin is standing out as the world leader. The only other man with the balls to stand up and be counted, is Donald Trump. I think Putin may be stronger, but when Trump is in, it will be interesting.

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I agree but I would urge them to drop the Mexican flags. Wave American flags instead. It's very patriotic to resist a fascist movement.

America needs to stop all that flag waving Nationalistic crap. Good on that guy for waving his Mexican flag why shouldn't he be proud of his traditional heritage. He probably gets a little tired of having an American flag stuck in his face day in day out. Fine for Public buildings no probs but on every bloody house from coast to coast. Give it a rest.

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I agree but I would urge them to drop the Mexican flags. Wave American flags instead. It's very patriotic to resist a fascist movement.

America needs to stop all that flag waving Nationalistic crap. Good on that guy for waving his Mexican flag why shouldn't he be proud of his traditional heritage. He probably gets a little tired of having an American flag stuck in his face day in day out. Fine for Public buildings no probs but on every bloody house from coast to coast. Give it a rest.

Well I still think it's a tactical mistake given the current political situation. No point in being dumb about it. Let the vile monster make the tactical errors. The most important thing is beating him.
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I agree but I would urge them to drop the Mexican flags. Wave American flags instead. It's very patriotic to resist a fascist movement.

America needs to stop all that flag waving Nationalistic crap. Good on that guy for waving his Mexican flag why shouldn't he be proud of his traditional heritage. He probably gets a little tired of having an American flag stuck in his face day in day out. Fine for Public buildings no probs but on every bloody house from coast to coast. Give it a rest.

A lot of Mexicans whether in the USA or in Mexico want the land they lost in the Mexican American War (1846-48), which is the southern half of USA west of the Mississippi to include California.

Pragmatics are that their flying a Mexican flag in the US at an anti-Trump rally hurts their standing and future acceptance in the USA, in that part of it especially.

We'll handle the flag stuff thanks while you guyz from English speaking cultures abroad might do well to stick to the issues and the personalities. Symbols and signs do matter but that's our department thx.Those US Mexicans who like the red white and green need to sheath it to instead put themselves under the red white and blue.

Jingthing initiated a sage advice in the matter which I'd bet supportive political advisors and consultants in the US see plain as day.

Edited by Publicus
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People should resist the ascendancy of the vile monster movement. I don't think violence is the way any more than I approve of the violence the trump fascists exhibit towards protesters at his Mussolini style rallies. This movement is historic and if it succeeds it will be a historic MISTAKE. Learn from history.

Dudes, it is NO coincidence that the vile monster enjoys support of the most vile American hate groups -- KKK, David Duke, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists of all kinds.

This is not normal U.S. politics. It is EVIL.

Do you think it's normal that previous presidents in the vile monster's own party (which he has done a HOSTILE takeover of) refuse to endorse, and also the previous same party nominee?

This is a what did you do in the war Daddy moment.

Republicans that go along with the vile monster are shameful and I hope they pay for that sleazy move later. Those that resist are true patriots, and I hope the honorable republican Latina governor of N.M. RESISTS being bullied by the vile monster.

How to stop the vile monster? No, nobody has figured that out yet, but there is still time.






David Duke


white supremacists



Anything else you'd care to get off your chest?

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Or could be just average citizens protesting against Trump's hate speech. I've actually seen rowdier Hen's Nights than that minor skirmish. Hardly a riot. As usual Right Wingers blowing things out of proportion. Next you will be accusing the protesters of burning orphanages down.

You seem to be getting a little carried away slippery.

Thanks to OMG inPattaya from post #10, the following shows what Trump supporters AND THEIR CHILDREN had to pass through just to reach the event in Albuquerque..

The obscenities, threats and screams of the deranged are not typical Hen's Night I have ever heard of.

Every liberal that has a family and children should be forced to watch how their strident base acts. It might make a socialist Aussie proud, but not most Americans.

All looked peaceful and civilised enough. 'Keep your hate out of our state' catchy little war cry. Where was the riot? Language and one sign was a little course but it is a political rally for adults.

Only thing I found very disturbing that a child was bought to attend a Trump rally that incites racism, hatred and bigotry. I don't think children should be subjected to that type of environment. Would that be reported to Child Protection to look into? You have to ask what the parents were thinking teaching their young child hate speech.

I think if a person supports racism, denigrating and threatening women, religious bigotry people should get in their face and explain clearly what they are. If they feel that is offensive, simple, don't be one. A 'walk of shame' may wake them up to what they are. A reality check never hurt anyone.

Republicans seem to be getting a little excited over nothing. I have seen 6 year old Fairy Princess birthday parties get more out of hand than that. A riot? You have to be kidding. lol

Well done protesters maintain the rage comrades.


People were walking past with their children and the protesters were shouting "&lt;deleted&gt; you" at them.

Is that civilized?

Do you not think those children were scared?

Is it civilized to scare babies?

How brave.

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Any of you every lived in New Mexico? I did for 25 great yrs. Any of you ever live in Albuquerque? I did for several years, my ex wife was from there and my daughter was born there. Albuquerque police have been long known for their violence. They have been in the news numerous times over the past few years for unprovoked killings. Trump and his fascist supporters got what they deserved. I had urged my friends in Albuquerque to give him a greeting that amounts to get the hell out. I was there during the last of the land grant wars. You people have no idea of the history of New Mexico, none what so ever. I was in law enforcement and had to work to stop pending violence between the state and the sheep ranchers up in Rio Arriba county. I was successful. I knew the sheep people, some worked for me. These people will fight back, make no doubt about it. New Mexico is a western state, where people are very independent but willing to help those that need it. It is far and above a majority Chicano population, not Anglo. We were very supportive of stopping the illegal, immoral American War in SE Asia. We sent Anglo, Indian and Chicano "representatives" to the 2nd battle of Wounded Knee, I was there. I have many friends both in the Chicano, Indian and Anglo communities. We have never lost touch with each other. New Mexico has enough trouble with the current Koch (John Birch Society) corrupt government. I don't know what provoked the fight back against the cops, but I'm sure I will hear from many of them. APD has always had a reputation for being overbearing and as much as I hate to admit it Gorden Eden, the current APD chief is not the same man I knew when I was in law enforcement.

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The vile monster deviates badmouthing Trump are only displaying the most childish immaturity. It will never be a gay old world, and Putin is standing out as the world leader. The only other man with the balls to stand up and be counted, is Donald Trump. I think Putin may be stronger, but when Trump is in, it will be interesting.

So this is about being anti-gay to you? Interesting. Sad for you that Cruz lost.

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It seems all the liberal socialists are proud of the guy waving the Mexican flag, wearing the shirt that says...

"Straight outta Sinaloa"

Nice to know some of you have the morals of an alley cat and are so willing to confirm it publicly.


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Trump does incite violence. That is a fact.

Using your logic, a woman who is raped must have incited her own rape.

Violence at political rallies is unacceptable regardless what excuses are made to support it. Violence -is - unacceptable <period>

I think your 'banner' says it all about these Liberal supporters - no need to say anymore:

Fools are incapable of intelligent dialog. When confronted with an intellectual argument, they respond with naught but ridicule and innuendo. Intellect is beyond them. Therefore unable to construct an argument based on logic and analysis, they lash out with absurdities and platitudes without substance.

Perfect summation of most Liberal supporters on TV clap2.gif

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