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11 states sue over Obama's school transgender directive


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This has to be one of best opinion pieces, written by a woman, on this issue.

"Dear Creepy Heterosexual Men Guarding Our Bathrooms"


Click on the link below to learn about the real woman who wrote the above article.The post refers to the woman, not lifeincnx.

The post was another example of man-hating psychopaths who have been manipulated by the Rockefeller-funded feminist movement using social media to push a victim narrative while virtue signalling to their mentally unstable friends.


Whoa! Thank you for proving her point. The writer of your cuckoo clock opinion piece is Bryan Anderson.

This jerk states among other things, "... the campus rape culture phenomenon is, [ready?], "a myth" pushed by women with daddy issues and low-testosterone manginas" and just more of the "multitude of feminist platitudes such as the gender pay gap".

He's a dyed-in-the-wool far right nut job from South Carolina, who, like a bad character out of 1955 Pleasantville, wants the US to return to that era, along with all of its er-um "values."

So anyone you don't agree with or doesn't agree with you is a jerk and a nut job. Now I understand. I noticed you didn't refute anything that was said. You attacked the messenger like all liberals do. Oh and by the way have you noticed that these feminists have two last names? Easy to spot.

The wingnuts link to other wingnuts to prove their points. It's the circular firing squad approach to life.

When you point out how crazy their references are and don't try and dispute their craziness, then you're a liberal...with two last names. Wow, just crazy.

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So I can dress up in drag and head to the lady's trough for a perv whenever I feel like it ? blink.png

Ye gods. The argument continues with the low-information lemmings.

Yeah, go ahead and do that. There is already a law against it, but if you desperate to prove your nonsense point...

Who you calling a lemming ?

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The wingnuts link to other wingnuts to prove their points. It's the circular firing squad approach to life.

When you point out how crazy their references are and don't try and dispute their craziness, then you're a liberal...with two last names. Wow, just crazy.

Spot on Pinot.

Naturally he says, "You attacked the messenger like all liberals do", having shown a complete lapse of memory as he just posted a reply to my original post with the woman's quite sound article. Though his reply most certainly attacked her as messenger, calling her a man-hating psychopath, and linking to a psuedo-patriot menagerie, it's just OK. Why? Because, it's not liberal. Just more icing on the wingnut crazy cake.

The writer with the hyphenated last name, Kasey Rose-Hodge, is just a thirty-something wife and mom living in a small town but still able to see the big picture. Best of all she scares the cracker jacks out of wingnuts.

So, let them enjoy one more round from two last names...

"Dear Creepy Heterosexual Men Guarding Our Bathrooms"


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"Texas and 10 other states are suing the Obama administration over its directive to U.S. public schools to let transgender students use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity."


Try another non-issue SJW's? smile.png

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The wingnuts link to other wingnuts to prove their points. It's the circular firing squad approach to life.

When you point out how crazy their references are and don't try and dispute their craziness, then you're a liberal...with two last names. Wow, just crazy.

Spot on Pinot.

Naturally he says, "You attacked the messenger like all liberals do", having shown a complete lapse of memory as he just posted a reply to my original post with the woman's quite sound article. Though his reply most certainly attacked her as messenger, calling her a man-hating psychopath, and linking to a psuedo-patriot menagerie, it's just OK. Why? Because, it's not liberal. Just more icing on the wingnut crazy cake.

The writer with the hyphenated last name, Kasey Rose-Hodge, is just a thirty-something wife and mom living in a small town but still able to see the big picture. Best of all she scares the cracker jacks out of wingnuts.

So, let them enjoy one more round from two last names...

"Dear Creepy Heterosexual Men Guarding Our Bathrooms"


I agree with you guys. My little Suzy has never seen a strange mans/ladyboy/noncisgender penis in the shower before. I think it would be like part of her sex education classes. Suzy is ready for that kind of stuff. What harm could it do?

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"Texas and 10 other states are suing the Obama administration over its directive to U.S. public schools to let transgender students use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity."


Try another non-issue SJW's? smile.png

What are you on about? We've known all along there would be court challenges. That's part of the process. It's neither good news or bad for any side until RULINGS start coming down, and it's hard to see how multiple issues related to this can't be heading to the supreme court someday.

Right wingers have such a double standard. When they think the courts are helping their odious anti-GLBT civil rights agenda, it's HOORAH, when they think it's hurting it, they whine for days about the abuses of judicial activism.

Edited by Jingthing
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What a bunch of troglodytes! The only known incidents in toilets were committed by "family values" Republicans with men. What a crock of crap some people vomit from the keyboards. There are NO known incidents of problems with transgendered people in toilets unless they were the ones being assaulted. We live in Thailand, ladyboys are everywhere. I've been in many open toilets where men, women, ladyboys, gays etc. used. Women clean the toilets here while we piss, who cares. I've come off the fire line after many hours and hit the showers back in fire camp, the ladies weren't waiting either they came right in and nobody of either sex gave a damn. You troglodytes need to crawl back in the holes you slimed out of. And yea, I took my daughter in the men's toilet when she was too young to go into the ladies by herself and my wife took my young son to the ladies toilet, who cares. It's a body function, nothing more.

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So begins the real wingnut icing on their bathroom-obsessed crazy cake. Imagine when these scenes of ignoramuses-fused-with-bent-moral-values like this enter into open/carry country.

"Utah dad beaten up by man for taking his 5-year-old daughter into Walmart men’s room"


Edited by lifeincnx
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Lol, why even waste any time on this subject? People should use whatever WC they genuinly identify with. Shouldn't be too hard to spot a "fake transgender" (aka simply a perv who wants to sneak in to peak or film the other sex) on the rare occasion such a thing happens. Laws regulating the use of the loo? Just... lol. Use common sense, don't get your panties all in a bunch and spent time on issues that really matter.

You really cannot judge somebody by their appearance.

Sure, many transsexuals really look like the sex they identify with. Many don't. Zoe Tur for instance looks very masculine.

How do you identify a "fake transgender" and what happens if you call it wrong? Well, you probably get sued.

The idea of judging trans people on how well they pull of looking like the opposite sex is a non-starter.

I wasn't talking about if the transgender really looks like a good looking, stereotype of the other sex. You can be a transgender even though your original gender is easy to spot from a mile away. Just as there are all sorts of men ranging from very rugged to more soft shaped and behaving and women ranging from pricesses to grizzly's , you'lll find all sorts of transgenders. But a 'fake' transgender shouldn't be too diffiicult to spot, the type that acts/and looks as if they spent a whole 5 seconds to look like the other gender. There are bound to be 1,2,3 of such pervs around. Can't imagen that in 99,9% of all other cases there would be any doubt about how genuine one is a transgender, with or witout the looks.

Sueing? Lol... well, now I think of it, we are talking about 'murica... sueing for all sorts of silly things, and having disclaimers for things that just make you shake your head in shame. Perhaps some wanna-get-rich-quick bleep might actually sue one person or the other over this. 5555

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So begins the real wingnut icing on their bathroom-obsessed crazy cake. Imagine when these scenes of ignoramuses-fused-with-bent-moral-values like this enter into open/carry country.

"Utah dad beaten up by man for taking his 5-year-old daughter into Walmart men’s room"


It crossed my mind that any regulation on regulation the use of WC's is nonsense. Not only because of transgenders but also because of instances were a mother or father assists one of their children. Depending on the situation daddy may take his little girl into the ladies, an other dad will go do the menn's with his daughter. And other family members or friends may have to assist eachother, one spouse joining the other to assist. Nearly always common sense should work just fine, in rare cases some person might make a fuss, or worse. And if you think somebody is being a perv (f/m), call for staff/security/police to resolve the situation. No need to complicate things, let people use whatever room seems best or most reasonable to them.

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So begins the real wingnut icing on their bathroom-obsessed crazy cake. Imagine when these scenes of ignoramuses-fused-with-bent-moral-values like this enter into open/carry country.

"Utah dad beaten up by man for taking his 5-year-old daughter into Walmart men’s room"


It crossed my mind that any regulation on regulation the use of WC's is nonsense. Not only because of transgenders but also because of instances were a mother or father assists one of their children. Depending on the situation daddy may take his little girl into the ladies, an other dad will go do the menn's with his daughter. And other family members or friends may have to assist eachother, one spouse joining the other to assist. Nearly always common sense should work just fine, in rare cases some person might make a fuss, or worse. And if you think somebody is being a perv (f/m), call for staff/security/police to resolve the situation. No need to complicate things, let people use whatever room seems best or most reasonable to them.

What the shower and locker rooms when the child is alone at school or a public pool? No one there to help them?

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What a bunch of troglodytes! The only known incidents in toilets were committed by "family values" Republicans with men. What a crock of crap some people vomit from the keyboards. There are NO known incidents of problems with transgendered people in toilets unless they were the ones being assaulted. We live in Thailand, ladyboys are everywhere. I've been in many open toilets where men, women, ladyboys, gays etc. used. Women clean the toilets here while we piss, who cares. I've come off the fire line after many hours and hit the showers back in fire camp, the ladies weren't waiting either they came right in and nobody of either sex gave a damn. You troglodytes need to crawl back in the holes you slimed out of. And yea, I took my daughter in the men's toilet when she was too young to go into the ladies by herself and my wife took my young son to the ladies toilet, who cares. It's a body function, nothing more.

Why would a TG person be assaulted in the toilet, unless they looked like a man, and that would be the ladies doing the assaulting?

I agree this is a crock of poo, so why is the PRESIDENT, leader of the free world getting involved in it? Can anyone imagine a president with dignity getting involved in low importance stuff like this?

How many pre teen girls have you seen cleaning men's toilets in LOS?

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