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Briton arrested as Chiang Mai pedophilia investigation widens


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Briton arrested as Chiang Mai pedophilia investigation widens

Image: Thairath

CHIANG MAI: -- DSI officers announced the arrest Wednesday of a 73 year old Englishman on pedophilia charges.

Following the arrest of a Japanese man earlier one of the boys involved said that he had been lured from a computer gaming shop to a man's house and been sexually molested with a video clip being taken of the crime reported Thairath.

DSI officers and local police obtained a search and arrest warrant and went to a house in the Fa Mai Pratu Kom community in the Suriyawong Road area of Hai Ya sub district, Chiang Mai. There they arrested a Mr George Tower (name transliterated) who they said was a 73 year man from the UK. Charges were laid against him of having sex with a person under 13 and molestation of a child under 15. The Briton denied everything. He was detained.

Police found a computer with an obscene video clip of a male child and an obscene CD. These were taken into evidence as forensics scoured the man's bedroom for sperm traces and other evidence.

Teruaki Matsubara, 49, was arrested earlier after being found in bed with two boys. His arrest involved a joint operation with DSI and Interpol as well as local police involved.

One of four children spoken to in connection with the Japanese man said they had been to the Briton's rented house. The two men do not know each other.

The Thai press reported there are fears that foreign pedophiles are targeting children in Chiang Mai. They said that the foreigners believe penalties in the event of capture would be lenient and that luring children from gaming parlours to rented houses would be relatively easy.

Meanwhile, Manager Online reports that Tower is described as a long term stayer in the country.

Apparently the child he enticed had problems with his family and was often hanging around games parlours or parks.
Thakoon Nimsomboon, head of the arrest team, said that Tower invited the boy to come and play games at his house. After the incident he had given the boy money.
Thakoon warned parents to watch their kids to protect them against this activity.

Source: Thairath / Manager Online

-- 2016-05-26

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Strange that the boy has been to both men's homes.Was he being sent by a pimp or an organised gang or is he on the game?

A thorough investigation is needed because I am certain of the existence of Thai hands behind the scenes that provide services to those sickening men.

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It gets me how a man of this age can lay low for so long grooming children. Surely, he must've previously been involved somewhere else before he decided to start his kiddy fiddling in Chaing Mai.

Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative.

This kind of BS needs to be curbed and offenders thrown out of the country if found with children in their homes without being with chaperones. No excuses for asking children to come play games since most of the time there is hidden agenda that sometimes results in murder.

Sick Bastard if you ask me !!!

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

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Strange that the boy has been to both men's homes.Was he being sent by a pimp or an organised gang or is he on the game?

A thorough investigation is needed because I am certain of the existence of Thai hands behind the scenes that provide services to those sickening men.

"A thorough investigation is needed because I am certain of the existence of Thai hands behind the scenes that provide services to those sickening men."

This being Thailand there are undoubtedly Thais who facilitate such people in some cases, but to be "certain of the existence of Thai hands" in every case assumes that some foreigners are incapable of enticing children with the offer of money or whatever without assistance. It's a bit like assuming any farang who dies in Thailand was "assisted" by some Thai. Some farang actually do manage to act in a disgusting manner without the connivance of Thais.

​If he's 73 and was hanging out at some computer gaming venue then he's probably had plenty of experience operating on his own back in the UK or wherever. or do you assume that he only managed in the past with the existence of British hands behind the scenes and the probable indifference/incompetence of the British police?

Certainly the British authorities have a dismal record in responding to accusations of such offences being committed. Certainly Thai hands existed behind his arrest.

Edited by Suradit69
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This sort of report makes my skin crawl. If the British authorities were aware of this 'man's' past behaviour and he has a record in the UK, <deleted> is he doing being allowed to travel? However, as much as he's not guilty until proven having done this, it makes me wonder just how many of these types are roaming around Asia looking for the vulnerable.

I'm in Australia at the moment on holiday and saw a report on ABC TV about the FBI in Los Angeles arresting a 34 year Melbourne man who had travelled to the US specifically for sex with a 6 year old boy.

It boggles the mind that such people exist. It's a sick world we inhabit.

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Strange that the boy has been to both men's homes.Was he being sent by a pimp or an organised gang or is he on the game?

A thorough investigation is needed because I am certain of the existence of Thai hands behind the scenes that provide services to those sickening men.

Seems like the boys were prostituting themselves and the police may have been watching their activities. Could be that the computer gaming shop became known for where these types of children hang out. It doesn`t necessary mean that there are adults behind this as some kids can end up getting mixed up with other bad kids.

Pedophiles are the lowest form of life on Earth.

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I don't know if anyone remembers the arrest of a Frenchman called "Dr" Jean Dallais in CM a few years ago? Anyway, he was reported to the DSI, MFA and Interpol but carried on molesting very young boys in orphanages for years with impunity.

Workers from various NGOs including UNHCR (they had a very thick dossier on him) reported him time and time again but nothing happened for over ten years before he was arrested by a team led by military intelligence.

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This sort of report makes my skin crawl. If the British authorities were aware of this 'man's' past behaviour and he has a record in the UK, <deleted> is he doing being allowed to travel? However, as much as he's not guilty until proven having done this, it makes me wonder just how many of these types are roaming around Asia looking for the vulnerable.

I'm in Australia at the moment on holiday and saw a report on ABC TV about the FBI in Los Angeles arresting a 34 year Melbourne man who had travelled to the US specifically for sex with a 6 year old boy.

It boggles the mind that such people exist. It's a sick world we inhabit.

As you say, in this specific case, he needs to be proven and convicted before he's guilty. The British police haven't got a good record on pedophiles, both heterosexual and homosexual. But to be fair several other Western European countries' police haven't either. I don't know about American law enforcement with all its agencies or Australia.

You can't ban someone from travel on suspicion and rumor. But you'd hope intelligence on all criminals was being shared through Interpol. It remains to be seen if he'd been convicted, cautioned or was under suspicion before leaving the UK.

It seems these pedos come in all ages, nationalities but are predominantly men, apart from the occasional female teacher. It seems they have managed to do a good job of hiding in the past or are the police around the world getting better at catching them.

It seems unbelievable that people do this, and now part of their sick behavior is networking on social media and sharing their depravity.

Well done RTP. Hope they follow this through and shake the tree and see if a few more are exposed.

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This sort of report makes my skin crawl. If the British authorities were aware of this 'man's' past behaviour and he has a record in the UK, <deleted> is he doing being allowed to travel? However, as much as he's not guilty until proven having done this, it makes me wonder just how many of these types are roaming around Asia looking for the vulnerable.

I'm in Australia at the moment on holiday and saw a report on ABC TV about the FBI in Los Angeles arresting a 34 year Melbourne man who had travelled to the US specifically for sex with a 6 year old boy.

It boggles the mind that such people exist. It's a sick world we inhabit.

Here,here, but what about the tradegies relating to the antic of priests including the Aussie hiding under the pope's cassock?

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

It's frustrating when you can't cuddle your grandchildren in public or walk into a store with them holding your hand! With regard to the brit, If we were in an Islamic country there would be no offense! This culture frowns on it and wishes physical harm onto people that do no physical harm to their victims! Some people are very sick units and I don't mean the "pedo's"! sad.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

Did I not mention to play GAMES? Seems to me you've taken my post to a higher degree my friend and by no means was this to include the entire male population. Next time I'll insure all aspects are covered then will save me raising avid TV critics blood pressure or might be responsible for worse outcomes than the original post.

Just saying .....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

Men, that invite minors to their residence, and they are the only adult in the house??

Why even put yourself in that situation?

Especially in Thailand, where perverted farangs and building jumpers go for one reason or another..

If parents care for their children, they should teach their kids not to go into strangers homes.

Dim wits voicing their support/opinion - that

pedophiles should be helped to control their urges.. Unbelievable!

You're saying, don't worry about these sick bastards..

Unless they hurt a child "again" then they should be locked up?

It's too late by then knucklehead!

Those sick shits that molest children....

Should die!

My opinion!

Edited by D3030
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Was this 73-year old a life-long pedophile and went all those years without being caught? Or, is there something that changes in aging men that might make them change to this persuasion? I ask, because it seems that often it's more and more older guys that are getting caught.

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It gets me how a man of this age can lay low for so long grooming children. Surely, he must've previously been involved somewhere else before he decided to start his kiddy fiddling in Chaing Mai.

Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative.

This kind of BS needs to be curbed and offenders thrown out of the country if found with children in their homes without being with chaperones. No excuses for asking children to come play games since most of the time there is hidden agenda that sometimes results in murder.

Sick Bastard if you ask me !!!

Possibly, he held his urges back in his home country?

Then he figured how to surf the web.

And found his fountain of youth here in Thailand..

And he should also die here in prison...


It if this sick shit, has previously done this back in his home country, and was allowed to travel to Thailand..

There is something wrong with that scenario.

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

Men, that invite minors to their residence, and they are the only adult in the house??

Why even put yourself in that situation?

Especially in Thailand, where perverted farangs and building jumpers go for one reason or another..

If parents care for their children, they should teach their kids not to go into strangers homes.

Dim wits voicing their support/opinion - that

pedophiles should be helped to control their urges.. Unbelievable!

You're saying, don't worry about these sick bastards..

Unless they hurt a child "again" then they should be locked up?

It's too late by then knucklehead!

Those sick shits that molest children....

Should die!

My opinion!

Your opinion is your opinion. I am saying we stop them from offending in the first place and that means teaching them to control their urges. I'm not sure which bit of "if they hurt a child" they should throw the book at them and throw the key away wasn't clear to you. But stopping someone from offending in the first place is far more valuable than punishing someone once they have; at least from a child's point of view. Though it may not be as macho and satisfying as "they should all die" to say.

This is particularly important when you consider that current estimates place somewhere between 5 and 20% of the population as having pedophilic tendencies. E.g. there are more kiddy fiddlers in the world than there are gay folks. Extermination seems both unlikely and genocidal in that instance.

When I was in China I regularly had children in the house and was the only adult around... they were variously dumped on me by the wife and her friends before going shopping. The house we rented, peculiarly, was owned by a toy manufacturer in Hong Kong and thus they'd all sit and play with the insane amount of garbage he'd left in the house and watch TV while I worked. There are plenty of perfectly acceptable reasons for a child to be in a home with a man without it being a case of child molestation. "Stranger danger" is something valuable to teach. "All men are pedophiles" not so much.

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

Men, that invite minors to their residence, and they are the only adult in the house??

Why even put yourself in that situation?

Especially in Thailand, where perverted farangs and building jumpers go for one reason or another..

If parents care for their children, they should teach their kids not to go into strangers homes.

Dim wits voicing their support/opinion - that

pedophiles should be helped to control their urges.. Unbelievable!

You're saying, don't worry about these sick bastards..

Unless they hurt a child "again" then they should be locked up?

It's too late by then knucklehead!

Those sick shits that molest children....

Should die!

My opinion!

A couple living not too far from where I live have a 15 year old son. Over the years I`ve lived here I have watched him grow from a toddler to a 15 year old. When he sees me the boy always calls me uncle and every Christmas I give his grandfather 2000 baht to buy somethings for the kids because I know they are poor. Last year when the boy was 14 he decided to drop out of school and then go and do his own thing hanging about with other boys in gangs and playing games in the local internet cafe. The family didn`t seem to care saying that the boy was determined and couldn`t do anything about it.

My girlfriend told me that the boy can barely read and write, has no degrees or any work skills. I have no idea what will become of him and I suppose there are thousands of kids like that in Thailand. It`s easy to see how these vulnerable kids can fall into the clutches of those who would abuse them. Having watched that boy grow up I have become very fond of him and consider myself like a real uncle having no kids of my own. If I heard about any creep abusing him I would personally take the case up with the police and don`t care how much I would have to pay into the police recreation fund, I would send the abuser into a living hell whatever it cost me.

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These arrests are just the tip of the iceberg...SE Asia in general...Thailand in particular...is a beacon for pedophiles...where they feel empowered to commit their crimes against children...glad these two were caught...now others are running scared...good!

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have always been sickened by the openly pedophile roaming CM, so delighted that they are cleaning it up... the general complacency towards the pedos have been far too prevalent, I can't count the many times I have seen pedo's with kids on their labs around town...

Edited by dopenhagen
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"Thakoon warned parents to watch their kids to protect them against this activity".

Therein lies a big part of the problem and a big chance of a possible solution.

Parent's attitudes to exploitation of their children range from "cut me in to the deal" to "completely unacceptable". You can imagine which end of the spectrum experiences the most abuse. If children spend large amounts of time in internet gaming shops, it says a lot about the parenting. If parents were more aware of the dangers and had strategies to better guide and control their children, fewer would end up the victims of pedophiles.

Children who are abused then go on to have their own children are some of the worst parents.

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