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700 may have perished in the Mediterranean last week – UNHCR


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700 may have perished in the Mediterranean last week – UNHCR
By Catherine Hardy


"We fear up to 700 people could have drowned in the last week"

ROME: -- 600 migrants have been brought safely ashore in the port of Reggio Calabria.by an Italian naval vessel.

The “Vega” also brought ashore the bodies of 45 migrants who died when their boat capsized on Friday.

“700 dead”

The UNHCR thinks up to 700 migrants may have died last week in sinkings off the coast of Libya.

“The situation is chaotic, we are not sure of the numbers, but we fear that up to 700 people could have drowned in the last week,” UNHCR spokesperson Federico Fossi told reporters.

100 people are reported missing after a boat sank.

Thursday morning
500 people reported missing after the boat they were packed into sank off the coast of Libya.

The survivors, who have been taken to the Italian ports of Taranto and Pozzallo, say dozens of children are among those lost.

A spokesperson for Save the Children in Sicily says it is impossible to verify the numbers involved.

However, survivors say 1,100 people set sail from Sabratha in Libya on Wednesday aboard a fishing boat and an inflatable launch.

“The first boat, which had around 500 people on board, was towing a second vessel which also carried around 500 people,” said Giovanna Di Benedetto.

“However, the second boat began to capsize, some tried to swim to the other boat, others clung to the cable linking the two.”

Friday evening
The Italian navy recovers the bodies of 45 people from the sea.

It is feared the death toll will rise as dozens are feared to be missing.

What they are saying
“We will never know the exact number, we will never know who they are, but the survivors say that more than 500 people are dead,” – Carlotta Sami, UNHCR spokesperson via Twitter.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-30
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I'm not sure whether to "like" the above post or not.

If I do, does it mean I like the fact that hundreds of people are drowning, or does it mean I like the fact that hundreds are being rescued?

Either way, the useless UN - and others - should be doing infinitely more to stop these boats leaving the N. African coast.

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The sooner the Italian navy starts turning back any boat with more than a reasonable crew, and dumping those rescued back in Libya, the sooner the deaths will stop. The Libyans won't like it? What are they going to do, protest, invoke sanctions, or declare war on the EU?

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People from all over Europe used to enjoy the beaches of southern Europe.

Jeezes, now they can expect to see corpses washed ashore while sunbathing.

How rude of these people to die on our beaches.

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People from all over Europe used to enjoy the beaches of southern Europe.

Jeezes, now they can expect to see corpses washed ashore while sunbathing.

How rude of these people to die on our beaches.

Actually they die at sea. After a few days their rotting corpses wash up on the beach.

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People from all over Europe used to enjoy the beaches of southern Europe.

Jeezes, now they can expect to see corpses washed ashore while sunbathing.

How rude of these people to die on our beaches.

Actually they die at sea. After a few days their rotting corpses wash up on the beach.

Thanks for that clarification.and mental image.

Perhaps Trump can build a wall,and make them pay for it.

Or how about we don't destroy countries like Libya or destabilize governments like Syria ?

Nahh build a wall. or maybe many many ships forming a chain.

Stop gap solutions, resolve the reasons why they leave their families, risk their lives to come here and become second class citizens, and I am sure they will be happy to stay in their countries with their families, and culture.

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Problem is the EU with no military power. They should set up camps in N. Africa to send these folk back to. The continued weakness of the EU is quickly leading to its demise with their borders under assault on all sides.

African countries as well as those Middle East are a collection of basket cases. The liberals of Europe want an open door to these masses in an effort for more "liberalizing" in Europe. The migrants join the Kumbaya crowd of a freebie socialized system then vote against the working patriots of the invaded nation. It is all a plan to dilute conservatism globally.

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...of all the billions of people I could of been...I am glad I was born me.

Not many are so lucky.

Couldn't put it better myself. We may not agree on much but we can agree on this.

I reckon we're all accidents of birth.

Saw a doco the other day about Syrian refugee's that had just arrived in a camp somewhere in Southern Turkey... the doco mostly concentrated on the women there but it also showed some of their kids. One little girl had extensive burns all over her body due to a 'barrel bomb' that had been dropped on her former home in Aleppo and another little girl had lost her leg... they were playing together and the little girl who'd lost her leg kept falling over while they were running around and playing because she wasn't used to her 'new' leg yet.

I started blubbing like a schoolgirl, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Seeing busted up kids like that always gets to me. It was great though to see the kids laughing and smiling while they played, especially after what they'd been through.

Everyone on this planet deserves to live in peace and security.

Edited by NumbNut
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People from all over Europe used to enjoy the beaches of southern Europe.

Jeezes, now they can expect to see corpses washed ashore while sunbathing.

How rude of these people to die on our beaches.

Actually they die at sea. After a few days their rotting corpses wash up on the beach.

Thanks for that clarification.and mental image.

Perhaps Trump can build a wall,and make them pay for it.

Or how about we don't destroy countries like Libya or destabilize governments like Syria ?

Nahh build a wall. or maybe many many ships forming a chain.

Stop gap solutions, resolve the reasons why they leave their families, risk their lives to come here and become second class citizens, and I am sure they will be happy to stay in their countries with their families, and culture.

Well at least we would be happy if they stay in their countries with their families and culture , so win win

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It is sad that so many people are dying this way. In search of a "better life". But if they want a better life then maybe they could be better served staying and fighting for one. As so many others have done throughout history.

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classic Europe hypocrisy.

they speak about human rights etc but they are fine to close the doors to the face of migrants and let them drown.

Patience for the families of the deceased:( 700 people man!:(

We are at 21st century and hard to understand this:(

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classic Europe hypocrisy.

they speak about human rights etc but they are fine to close the doors to the face of migrants and let them drown.

Patience for the families of the deceased:( 700 people man!sad.png

We are at 21st century and hard to understand this:(

"ROME: -- 600 migrants have been brought safely ashore in the port of Reggio Calabria.by an Italian naval vessel."

I don't think I would normally have to explain the above comment, but as English obviously isn't your native language, I will just let you think about it in the light of your own words i.e.:-

"they are fine to close the doors to the face of migrants and let them drown."

Edited by sambum
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...of all the billions of people I could of been...I am glad I was born me.

Not many are so lucky.

Couldn't put it better myself. We may not agree on much but we can agree on this.

I reckon we're all accidents of birth.

Saw a doco the other day about Syrian refugee's that had just arrived in a camp somewhere in Southern Turkey... the doco mostly concentrated on the women there but it also showed some of their kids. One little girl had extensive burns all over her body due to a 'barrel bomb' that had been dropped on her former home in Aleppo and another little girl had lost her leg... they were playing together and the little girl who'd lost her leg kept falling over while they were running around and playing because she wasn't used to her 'new' leg yet.

I started blubbing like a schoolgirl, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Seeing busted up kids like that always gets to me. It was great though to see the kids laughing and smiling while they played, especially after what they'd been through.

Everyone on this planet deserves to live in peace and security.

Great post!

A relief to hear some humanity for a change.

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Merkel decision has opened the door for people to profit from misery well done merkel you are such a dumb cow

Yep. The smugglers are getting rich off people accepting Merkel's invitation. If she and the rest of Europe had said "do not come, you will be sent back" there would be thousands of more migrants alive today. Smugglers would be out of work. Some migrants might even have decided to stay home and fight to make their home a better place.

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Perhaps we could send them all to South Korea, where the UN Secretary General comes from.

Good point. I think South Korea is among/the most homogenous nations on earth. Can't be much more circuitous then the paths currently taken. but they won't because its agenda!
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if people are drowning just bc they want a safer life for themselves and their kids, it is the fault of all of us. All humanity.

but as long as they are trying to reach Europe and if thousands of people are drowning at European sea borders, yes it is the fault of Europe.

We didn't have problems like this when the World's Policeman (& deputies) would go into a 3rd world country and remove the dictator bombing/terrorizing his own people and help install a new government.

The "anti-war" left has scared western countries so much when it comes to intervention that they fail/refuse to act. The result is millions flooding out of the 3rd world countries.

To make it even worse is that among the millions leaving are the people of means, the people who can afford it the most.The "best and brightest" of the 3rd world countries are leaving or have left.

The scariest part is not the few thousand who die trying to leave, but who is left behind to "rebuild" the country IF war ever ends.

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