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Donald Trump: Migrants treated better than US military veterans


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Because the media tells them to? The TV wingnuts throw this nonsense out there in every post. The world is filled with conspiracies according to the low-info lemmings. Trump is their perfect candidate. Trump is the conspiracy king! From Birthers to California doesn't have a drought to the jews are out to control the world to Elvis killed JFK.

RationalWiki describes it as "an interlocking hierarchy of conspiracies", in which all the world's events are controlled by a single evil entity. Obama? HRC? Who's turn is it this week?

There is one person who controls Fox News who controls most of the the thought process for the wingnut media, Roger Ailes. On the other side of the aisle no one and I mean no one controls what the media spews. If there were a media conspiracy wouldn't they have to keep it a secret? With the millions of blogs and people looking to score the big story, wouldn't the big conspiracy soon come to light?

Ye gods, these wingnuts are numb.

How can you have an intelligent exchange of ideas with people who think conspiracies effect everything?

You can't.

I don't believe in any conspiracy stuff. Hillary violated the law with her emails at home and I never thought she did a good job as Secretary of State. I don't think she is very bright and she is one of the most unlikable women i have ever listened to.

I don't like Trump but I really don't like Hillary. She has an unsavory past at the Rose Law firm and I see nothing to recommend her.

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I think people on the left are suffering from Trumpophobia. Hence my repeating these statements which are typical of Trumpists.

Calling Donald a Vile Monster is clearly a Trumpist statement. Trump followers are just different, I think the Trumpophobes need to understand and celebrate those differences.

Exactly right ! Trumps followers are a little different cuz he is different. That is the whole ball game. Different equal change. Change is what a lot of people want after decades of the same old same old.

There has always been a radical difference between 'change' and creative destruction.

Trump & Co are all about destruction however. Destroy the established order. Install a new odor.

The whole package comes with the promise by Donald that he'll make everything fine again. Actually, that he'll make everything great again....everything will be just great again....the best....the greatest....only the best...take his word for it.

The uniquely American Mussolini.

The trains loaded with immigrants will run on time.

Install a new odor? thumbsup.gif

Very creative! I like that.

Publicus, we spend way too much time arguing with idiots, remember what George Carlin told us: “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

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Because the media tells them to? The TV wingnuts throw this nonsense out there in every post. The world is filled with conspiracies according to the low-info lemmings. Trump is their perfect candidate. Trump is the conspiracy king! From Birthers to California doesn't have a drought to the jews are out to control the world to Elvis killed JFK.

RationalWiki describes it as "an interlocking hierarchy of conspiracies", in which all the world's events are controlled by a single evil entity. Obama? HRC? Who's turn is it this week?

There is one person who controls Fox News who controls most of the the thought process for the wingnut media, Roger Ailes. On the other side of the aisle no one and I mean no one controls what the media spews. If there were a media conspiracy wouldn't they have to keep it a secret? With the millions of blogs and people looking to score the big story, wouldn't the big conspiracy soon come to light?

Ye gods, these wingnuts are numb.

How can you have an intelligent exchange of ideas with people who think conspiracies effect everything?

You can't.

I don't believe in any conspiracy stuff. Hillary violated the law with her emails at home and I never thought she did a good job as Secretary of State. I don't think she is very bright and she is one of the most unlikable women i have ever listened to.

I don't like Trump but I really don't like Hillary. She has an unsavory past at the Rose Law firm and I see nothing to recommend her.

You don't like her? What a surprise.

Get use to "Madame President"

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Because the media tells them to? The TV wingnuts throw this nonsense out there in every post. The world is filled with conspiracies according to the low-info lemmings. Trump is their perfect candidate. Trump is the conspiracy king! From Birthers to California doesn't have a drought to the jews are out to control the world to Elvis killed JFK.

RationalWiki describes it as "an interlocking hierarchy of conspiracies", in which all the world's events are controlled by a single evil entity. Obama? HRC? Who's turn is it this week?

There is one person who controls Fox News who controls most of the the thought process for the wingnut media, Roger Ailes. On the other side of the aisle no one and I mean no one controls what the media spews. If there were a media conspiracy wouldn't they have to keep it a secret? With the millions of blogs and people looking to score the big story, wouldn't the big conspiracy soon come to light?

Ye gods, these wingnuts are numb.

How can you have an intelligent exchange of ideas with people who think conspiracies effect everything?

You can't.

I don't believe in any conspiracy stuff. Hillary violated the law with her emails at home and I never thought she did a good job as Secretary of State. I don't think she is very bright and she is one of the most unlikable women i have ever listened to.

I don't like Trump but I really don't like Hillary. She has an unsavory past at the Rose Law firm and I see nothing to recommend her.

You don't like her? What a surprise.

Get use to "Madame President"

No, not me. I left the country and I don't think Yingluck is getting back in. So I'm OK. But I agree with you about those living in America. She will be the next President. She will win in California and that will be that.

Edited by Scotwight
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Because the media tells them to? The TV wingnuts throw this nonsense out there in every post. The world is filled with conspiracies according to the low-info lemmings. Trump is their perfect candidate. Trump is the conspiracy king! From Birthers to California doesn't have a drought to the jews are out to control the world to Elvis killed JFK.

RationalWiki describes it as "an interlocking hierarchy of conspiracies", in which all the world's events are controlled by a single evil entity. Obama? HRC? Who's turn is it this week?

There is one person who controls Fox News who controls most of the the thought process for the wingnut media, Roger Ailes. On the other side of the aisle no one and I mean no one controls what the media spews. If there were a media conspiracy wouldn't they have to keep it a secret? With the millions of blogs and people looking to score the big story, wouldn't the big conspiracy soon come to light?

Ye gods, these wingnuts are numb.

How can you have an intelligent exchange of ideas with people who think conspiracies effect everything?

You can't.

I don't believe in any conspiracy stuff. Hillary violated the law with her emails at home and I never thought she did a good job as Secretary of State. I don't think she is very bright and she is one of the most unlikable women i have ever listened to.

I don't like Trump but I really don't like Hillary. She has an unsavory past at the Rose Law firm and I see nothing to recommend her.

Next thing you know, you'll be telling us that she and Bill murdered Vincent Foster.

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"WHAT do American troops, who have spent much of the past 15 years in desert camouflage, do when they come home? Compared with veterans of previous wars, they are more likely to work for the federal government, where almost half of all new hires are now veterans."


  • The VA hospital system has had numerous, serious, well-publicized problems. On the other hand it exists (unlike some notional Illegal Immigrants Hospital System), and before the recent scandals it was often studied and cited as a model of progressive medical practices. Many millions of veterans receive medical care through the VA. Illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicaid, Medicare, treatment under Obamacare exchanges, or most private insurance coverage and generally rely on emergency rooms or cash-up-front treatment centers. http://www.theatlantic.com/notes/all/2016/05/the-daily-trump/484064/#note-484817
  • More than one million military veterans and their families are taking advantage of the Post 9/11 GI Bill to attend college. Passed in 2008, the updated federal veterans education law pays in-state tuition rates and fees to the institution attended by the veteran or dependent spouse or children and provides the student with a monthly stipend to pay for books, supplies and housing. The federal law has encouraged thousands of veterans to pursue higher education, and more are enrolled in postsecondary education than ever before. http://www.ncsl.org/research/education/veterans-and-college.aspx
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Real Americans don't want that.

Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

Trump and his fanboyz only know there's something about the Second Amendment somewhere but that it has to do with protecting and preserving gun lunatics. Sort of like how Trump knows "Two" Liviticus to the evangelical wingnuts.

The gun lobby issue isn't a non event regardless of who is running for election. They won't have the power, even as president to do anything about it. Obama is the first to have has tried to change it but failed. Way too many American "gun lunatics" in the US to change their right to bear arms. Both Democrat and Republican gun nuts.

It's the nuclear weapons vets who also think it is a good idea to proliferate nuclear weapons to Japan, South Korea, Germany. Who knows who might also be included on the Trump list, such as the rightwing American Legion organisation on the home front.

Trump's support of the proliferation of self-appointed civilian militias in the US which include a number of whingenut veterans is small potatoes in comparison and contrast. The civilian militias stocked with their own arsenals. Lying low this election campaign btw, letting NRA leadership make the calls instead.

Trump is a weapons lunatic either way.

It is also the case that the Bill of Rights keeps getting dismissed by the rightwhinge in the the many discussions across the board, to include by the trumpeteering veterans. More like omitted entirely except for one provision of it, the Second Amendment. It would be good to hear the vets who support Trump to talk once in a while about the First Amendment in positive and direct terms.

Y'know one doesn't have to argue too much or too hard against Donald Trump. All anyone has to do is listen to the wild radical himself and to watch his irrepressible guttersnipe temperament in its continuous streaming.

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Interesting read about VETS - "We need to stop over valorizing veterans"


Now that's people will call "politically incorrect". As a veteran, I feel badly when I am assigned to a separate class of citizen so people can make political points off it. We are all citizens, equal in that. Some of us serve and some don't.

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Because the media tells them to? The TV wingnuts throw this nonsense out there in every post. The world is filled with conspiracies according to the low-info lemmings. Trump is their perfect candidate. Trump is the conspiracy king! From Birthers to California doesn't have a drought to the jews are out to control the world to Elvis killed JFK.

RationalWiki describes it as "an interlocking hierarchy of conspiracies", in which all the world's events are controlled by a single evil entity. Obama? HRC? Who's turn is it this week?

There is one person who controls Fox News who controls most of the the thought process for the wingnut media, Roger Ailes. On the other side of the aisle no one and I mean no one controls what the media spews. If there were a media conspiracy wouldn't they have to keep it a secret? With the millions of blogs and people looking to score the big story, wouldn't the big conspiracy soon come to light?

Ye gods, these wingnuts are numb.

How can you have an intelligent exchange of ideas with people who think conspiracies effect everything?

You can't.

I don't believe in any conspiracy stuff. Hillary violated the law with her emails at home and I never thought she did a good job as Secretary of State. I don't think she is very bright and she is one of the most unlikable women i have ever listened to.

I don't like Trump but I really don't like Hillary. She has an unsavory past at the Rose Law firm and I see nothing to recommend her.

You don't like her? What a surprise.

Get use to "Madame President"

Is that what really bothers people about her? The fact that she is a woman?

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Real Americans don't want that.

Can you define a " real American" for me ? As opposed to an American that is not real. Just to help me with my demographics in the coming election. Thanks in advance.

A"real American" would never vote for someone under investigation in the middle of a campaign and who would have been indicted already if not for their name and connections. ;)

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Nobody is telling anybody how they should vote. That is always a personal choice. All I am saying is the US and its foreign policy affects more than just US citizens. So if someone has an opinion on Us politics then that should be fine. From a personal POV I don't care who votes for who in any election anywhere. One doesn't become my friend or enemy by who they vote for.

Reference your comments on defense pacts. True. But let's just put it into perspective. When was the last time an American soldier died in battle in the defense of Australia, Canada, the U.K or their interest ? Doesn't weigh up much does it ?

Don't make going after terrorists only in America's interests. Madrid, London, Paris, Bali, Kenya, Tanzania, Kenya, etc, etc.

But I get what you are saying about non-Americans having an interest in the outcome of the American elections. However, having an interest doesn't make the opinion valuable (or even welcome)

You can watch CNN and Fox News 24/7 but non-Americans still won't understand American politics. For example, do you think non-Brits would have qualified opinions of British politics if they watch BBC & Sky News 24/7? Of course not. But if they did, would the Brits here take their opinions on the Brexit or Scottish independence seriously? No, certainly not if they had a different opinion. smile.png

Edited by mopar71
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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

USA hard core veterans of special forces services -- who tend to carry on about loyalties based on blood, soil and nation -- tend to offer the sharpest differences to fellow Anglophones in the contemporary political-cultural disputes.

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Nobody is telling anybody how they should vote. That is always a personal choice. All I am saying is the US and its foreign policy affects more than just US citizens. So if someone has an opinion on Us politics then that should be fine. From a personal POV I don't care who votes for who in any election anywhere. One doesn't become my friend or enemy by who they vote for.

Reference your comments on defense pacts. True. But let's just put it into perspective. When was the last time an American soldier died in battle in the defense of Australia, Canada, the U.K or their interest ? Doesn't weigh up much does it ?

Don't make going after terrorists only in America's interests. Madrid, London, Paris, Bali, Kenya, Tanzania, Kenya, etc, etc.

But I get what you are saying about non-Americans having an interest in the outcome of the American elections. However, having an interest doesn't make the opinion valuable (or even welcome)

You can watch CNN and Fox News 24/7 but non-Americans still won't understand American politics. For example, do you think non-Brits would have qualified opinions of British politics if they watch BBC & Sky News 24/7? Of course not. But if they did, would the Brits here take their opinions on the Brexit or Scottish independence seriously? No, certainly not if they had a different opinion. smile.png

So you think Europeans should be grateful for the Iraq war which they mostly opposed and which has unleashed the refugee tide? Interesting.

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So you think Europeans should be grateful for the Iraq war which they mostly opposed and which has unleashed the refugee tide? Interesting.

I thought the refugee tide was from Syria and wasn't Syria actually a French controlled area before the Muslims/Arabs took it over?

Edited by Scotwight
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Nobody is telling anybody how they should vote. That is always a personal choice. All I am saying is the US and its foreign policy affects more than just US citizens. So if someone has an opinion on Us politics then that should be fine. From a personal POV I don't care who votes for who in any election anywhere. One doesn't become my friend or enemy by who they vote for.

Reference your comments on defense pacts. True. But let's just put it into perspective. When was the last time an American soldier died in battle in the defense of Australia, Canada, the U.K or their interest ? Doesn't weigh up much does it ?

However, having an interest doesn't make the opinion valuable (or even welcome)

Not welcome. But please, please send your troops and spend your money in the defense of our president and his subjects. And by doing so make your own homelands and citizens a target too, it will take a bit of the heat off us. bah.gif

Nothing like getting one's friends involved in one's own fist fights so they can take a few of the blows for them. Who needs enemies with friends like that ?

Bit rich isn't it. [Rhetorical question]

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So you think Europeans should be grateful for the Iraq war which they mostly opposed and which has unleashed the refugee tide? Interesting.

I thought the refugee tide was from Syria and wasn't Syria actually a French controlled area before the Muslims/Arabs took it over?

I think looking at the bigger picture. The US led invasion of Iraq [epic failure] created the environment that allowed ISIS to firstly claim large swarms of territory in Iraq, then they moved on into Syria.

Other US actions throughout the Middle East, such as toppling the Gaddafi regime and supporting terrorist groups in Syria, have also had a terrible impact on regional security and is the root cause of the now prolific refugee crisis around the Mediterranean and Europe.

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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

USA hard core veterans of special forces services -- who tend to carry on about loyalties based on blood, soil and nation -- tend to offer the sharpest differences to fellow Anglophones in the contemporary political-cultural disputes.

Honestly - at this point, it's hard to believe that even you buy into what you are putting on this forum.

Mussolini, Europe in the 20's.

Really - just because somebody wants to enforce a border?

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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

USA hard core veterans of special forces services -- who tend to carry on about loyalties based on blood, soil and nation -- tend to offer the sharpest differences to fellow Anglophones in the contemporary political-cultural disputes.

Honestly - at this point, it's hard to believe that even you buy into what you are putting on this forum.

Mussolini, Europe in the 20's.

Really - just because somebody wants to enforce a border?

Geez, why are you being so obviously obtuse? You know it's much, much more than that.

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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

USA hard core veterans of special forces services -- who tend to carry on about loyalties based on blood, soil and nation -- tend to offer the sharpest differences to fellow Anglophones in the contemporary political-cultural disputes.

Honestly - at this point, it's hard to believe that even you buy into what you are putting on this forum.

Mussolini, Europe in the 20's.

Really - just because somebody wants to enforce a border?

Geez, why are you being so obviously obtuse? You know it's much, much more than that.

Obtuse is a kind word.

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Trump is embarrassing.

He was caught lying about his imaginary six million dollars, and now he's had to put his hand in his pocket and tap up his mates to raise the money and distribute it.

And he has the gall to criticise the press for calling him a LIAR.

What a joke.

Still, I'm sure he can write some of it off against tax, which will be evident when the same press are (rightly) battering him for not releasing his tax records.


Edited by Chicog
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So you think Europeans should be grateful for the Iraq war which they mostly opposed and which has unleashed the refugee tide? Interesting.

I thought the refugee tide was from Syria and wasn't Syria actually a French controlled area before the Muslims/Arabs took it over?

I think looking at the bigger picture. The US led invasion of Iraq [epic failure] created the environment that allowed ISIS to firstly claim large swarms of territory in Iraq, then they moved on into Syria.

Other US actions throughout the Middle East, such as toppling the Gaddafi regime and supporting terrorist groups in Syria, have also had a terrible impact on regional security and is the root cause of the now prolific refugee crisis around the Mediterranean and Europe.

Arab spring prompts biggest migrant wave since second world war,


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Quite a few of the anti-Trumps are not US citizens. There are several Aussies that have no dog in the fight but seem to believe what they say is relevant. It isn't

Most of them are simply trolling.

That tired old chestnut. Next it will be some cartoons.

So is there any evidence that supports Trump's assertions?

I rest my case.

Just as I thought, a total 'duck egg' zero.

Here's the headline: Donald Trump: "Migrants treated better than US military veterans"

Here's the facts, there aren't any: "Trump gave no evidence for his assertions"

Other than a couple of unconfirmed anecdotes that don't even compare veterans vs migrants from arjunadorn the discussion is pretty much 5 pages of bugger all.

Trump seems to serve this slop up into the Republican supporters 'dog bowl' and they just lap it up and start licking the bowl wagging their tails.

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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

USA hard core veterans of special forces services -- who tend to carry on about loyalties based on blood, soil and nation -- tend to offer the sharpest differences to fellow Anglophones in the contemporary political-cultural disputes.

Honestly - at this point, it's hard to believe that even you buy into what you are putting on this forum.

Mussolini, Europe in the 20's.

Really - just because somebody wants to enforce a border?

it's hard to believe that even you buy into what you are putting on this forum.

Rhetorical and presumptuous tripe and misdirection.

Trump is the unique American Mussolini who has the complete and enthusiastic support of the far out radical and vengeful right which is driving his anti-Bill of Rights campaign. That is, the advent of complete incivility as the barbarians presently at the gates already testify.

Trump will shred the Bill of Rights and the Constitution itself. The radical right wingnuts will cheer and applaud their dream of a lifetime come true.

Our nightmare.

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So you think Europeans should be grateful for the Iraq war which they mostly opposed and which has unleashed the refugee tide? Interesting.

I thought the refugee tide was from Syria and wasn't Syria actually a French controlled area before the Muslims/Arabs took it over?

I think looking at the bigger picture. The US led invasion of Iraq [epic failure] created the environment that allowed ISIS to firstly claim large swarms of territory in Iraq, then they moved on into Syria.

Other US actions throughout the Middle East, such as toppling the Gaddafi regime and supporting terrorist groups in Syria, have also had a terrible impact on regional security and is the root cause of the now prolific refugee crisis around the Mediterranean and Europe.

Arab spring prompts biggest migrant wave since second world war,


A quote from Condoleeza Rice:

. "I do think that an Arab spring in Iraq would have been unthinkable under Saddam Hussein."


Here's Dick Cheney

But I think that what happened in Iraq, the fact that we brought democracy, if you will, and freedom to Iraq, has had a ripple effect on some of those other countries.

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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

"It is too obvious, too easily demonstrable that fascism and communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs fighting over the same territory—that both are variants of statism, based on the collectivist principle that man is the rightless slave of the state—that both are socialistic, in theory, in practice, and in the explicit statements of their leaders—that under both systems, the poor are enslaved and the rich are expropriated in favor of a ruling clique—that fascism is not the product of the political “right,” but of the “left”—that the basic issue is not “rich versus poor,” but man versus the state, or: individual rights versus totalitarian government—which means: capitalism versus socialism."


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Honestly - at this point, it's hard to believe that even you buy into what you are putting on this forum.

Mussolini, Europe in the 20's.

Really - just because somebody wants to enforce a border?

Trump and Mussolini, if not born years apart, could be considered separated at birth. They say similar things. Their fans treat them similarly ("He can do no wrong." OR "I would punch anybody who said anything non-praising about my hero"). They strut and gesture and pout similarly.

It's about much more than the wall. Just today, documents were released which show what a charlatan Trump is re; his fake university.

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I was interested to look at the evidence Trump's statement was based on. Of course I found there was actually none.

"Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion."

Trump is certainly not the 'thinking man's' candidate.

When was the last time you saw a thinking man's candidate? Or one with a vision beyond personal aggrandizement?
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