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Ram hospital initial test


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Yes, and most men don't realize this or that they should have their bone density checked periodically once they get to be over age 65. Many older men have brittle bones and vitamin D and calcium deficiencies and don't realize it. They think this is a "female problem".

Good point Nancy. I just read that Vitamin D has some thing to do with bone density. Vitamin D is in the sun light particularly the early morning I am told. I admit I don't get out like I used to and two months ago my Doctor did a test for Vitamin D and found out I was low on it. She also said it would help me get out and about a little more than I have been lately.

It is not a cheap test and from what I understand you have to get the Vitamin D on line. Not a problem with iHerb.

Yes, the test for Vitamin D deficiency isn't cheap and it's difficult to get enough from sunlight as you get older, even if you're in the sun a lot.

You can purchase tablets with Calcium and added Vitamin D here fairly cheaply. I get them at Peera Pharmacy inside the Old City, across from Hotel M, the first pharmacy a few doors down the street from Black Canyon coffee. The lady pharmacist in there sure knows her stuff.

Not 100% sure but I believe to much calcium contributes to Arthritis's.

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70 baht!! ......outrageous, to find out your vital signs are OK (or not).

Do you know how to make a formal complaint

Formal complaint likely costs 1600 baht. OP "goddammit I'm going to do it to make my point"

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So how can you explain that then ?

I went for the first time, and yes I was feeling sick and was prescribed some dose of medicine. I had an initial check, which I can understand. Blood pressure on very good level.
Then I went for the second time, when I was feeling well already, just for a control visit. They actually called me to come. I said, OK, I feel good already, by why not. In the doctor office just conversation such as : You good already ? Yes good. Ok goodbye. No medication needed anymore. Feeling great. So why I needed this initial check done again ?

Another time I went with a bad toe nail problem. How my height and weight or blood pressure are any way related to that ? No medicine dose needed, just a simple surgery treatment, which would be the same no matter what my blood pressure is.

And on the bill I always see "Doctor charge" or "Hospital/nurse charge". For me kind of scam.

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So how can you explain that then ?

I went for the first time, and yes I was feeling sick and was prescribed some dose of medicine. I had an initial check, which I can understand. Blood pressure on very good level.

Then I went for the second time, when I was feeling well already, just for a control visit. They actually called me to come. I said, OK, I feel good already, by why not. In the doctor office just conversation such as : You good already ? Yes good. Ok goodbye. No medication needed anymore. Feeling great. So why I needed this initial check done again ?

Another time I went with a bad toe nail problem. How my height and weight or blood pressure are any way related to that ? No medicine dose needed, just a simple surgery treatment, which would be the same no matter what my blood pressure is.

And on the bill I always see "Doctor charge" or "Hospital/nurse charge". For me kind of scam.

I am beginning to believe this is a troll post.

As I said earlier, I know my height and weight, so I give them the information and they record it. As for blood pressure check, it takes all of one minute of my time so I have no complaint whatsoever. I am not charged specifically for this check, it is standard procedure in ALL hospitals, so I fail to see where you see any scam.

In the times I have had to attend physio at the hospital, it is also done there, before they proceed with any treatment.

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...And on the bill I always see "Doctor charge" or "Hospital/nurse charge". For me kind of scam.

As I have tried several times to explain, the doctors are private contractors and the fee goes directly to them.

The hospital charge goes to the hospital for use of their facilities: the building, furniture, utilities, record keeping system, appointment acheduling etc. Hardly a "scam".

It has nothing at all to do with vital signs being taken.

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...And on the bill I always see "Doctor charge" or "Hospital/nurse charge". For me kind of scam.

As I have tried several times to explain, the doctors are private contractors and the fee goes directly to them.

The hospital charge goes to the hospital for use of their facilities: the building, furniture, utilities, record keeping system, appointment acheduling etc. Hardly a "scam".

It has nothing at all to do with vital signs being taken.

Give up Sheryl, some don't or don't want to understand previous posts


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The hospital charge goes to the hospital for use of their facilities: the building, furniture, utilities, record keeping system, appointment acheduling etc.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Sheryl,

I have no objection to my vitals being taken anytime I visit a hospital, or doctor, and no objection to a small fee.

I am curious about the source of your information; I assume you are speaking about CM Ram, and the doctors being contractors there would not surprise me. I believe, without knowing for certain, that other staff at CM Ram, like the excellent orthopedic surgeon Dr. Paiboon, who did such a bang-up job on my multiple-spiral-fractured-leg-courtesy-of-hit-and-run-motocy, are full time staff ... if that's true, I, of course, have no knowledge of what their financial compensation is, or involves.

For other hospitals, including public ones (like Mahajraj/Suandok used through the Sriphat expat service), can one make any generalization about whether the doctors are "contractors," rather than full-time staff, or any meaningful statement about whether doctor's are "rewarded" in some way for generating more revenue ?

cheers, ~o:37;

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When my Dentist started to insist on blood pressure at check in I refused.

Others complained also and the policy was shelved.

How incredibly childish to refuse a blood pressure check,one whole minute out of your life.

Others complained ...did you monitor that over several hours or days ? you would have no idea.Our dentist does BP checks and we don't refuse, its called a mature reaction and never have I ever seen anyone else object over multi visits

It is not unknown, for some people with hypertension.to be extremely agitated and suffer anxiety once in the chair,that's why they do it, to protect you and them.

This whole matter has been explained logically and intelligently by Sheryl but you still don't get it.

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"Not a problem with iHerb."

Any unwelcome testimonial, and unnecessary on this thread. iherb is a vendor of supplements, muscle powders, whitening cosmetics and related garbage.

And there ain't no Vitamin D in sunlight, regardless of the time of day.

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Gosh, if the doctor ends up needing to prescribe some medication they need to know your weight to ensure the dosage is correct...they need to know your weight accurately and not just a person's estimate which will almost always be low (most everyone likes to lie about our weight). And its important to know a person's blood pressure for many medical reasons and that is key indicator a person current condition. It only takes minute to take you height, weight, and BP and that nurse's fee is still going to be there since they are doing other things related to your visit such as processing your paperwork, working with the doctor, etc. And if it's like my hospital the nurse's fee is only around Bt200 for a visit.

This morning I looked at several my very recent hospital receipts from Thonburi 2 Hospital here in Bangkok for outpatient visits for whatever minor ailment I had...the Nursing Charge was Bt100. Well, worth it as the nurses pamper me when at the hospital for a visit...I'm more than happy to let them take my weight, height, and BP combined with the paperwork, assistance to the doctor, and pampering they do. Money well spent.

Again,the "nursing charge" has nothing to do with any of those things. It is a hospital fee. If you had absolutely no contact with nursing personnel you'd still have to pay it.

On my hospital bill (or the Thai wife's) for an outpatient visit to Thonburi 2 Hospital which is a private hospital here in western Bangkok I "always" have below three charges regardless of what the visit is for. Any other charges like meds, Xrays, etc., are separate/additional line entries. Same pricing for me (one each handsome farang) or the Thai wife.

- Nursing Charge: Bt100 (a standard set price regardless of what the visit is for...use to be Bt40 about 5 years ago)

- Health Profession Fee: This fee varies from about Bt300 to Bt700...it usually Bt400 for a general physician. I assume this is the doctor's fee....varies from clinic to clinic within the hospital depending on the type of doctor seen. Use to be around Bt200 to Bt400 with Bt250 the general physician charge 5 years ago.

- Other Medical Charges: Bt115 (a standard set price regardless of what the visit is for...use to be Bt70 about 5 years ago)

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When my Dentist started to insist on blood pressure at check in I refused.

Others complained also and the policy was shelved.

How incredibly childish to refuse a blood pressure check,one whole minute out of your life.

Others complained ...did you monitor that over several hours or days ? you would have no idea.Our dentist does BP checks and we don't refuse, its called a mature reaction and never have I ever seen anyone else object over multi visits

It is not unknown, for some people with hypertension.to be extremely agitated and suffer anxiety once in the chair,that's why they do it, to protect you and them.

This whole matter has been explained logically and intelligently by Sheryl but you still don't get it.

Well, I refuse to take it simply because the readings are always wrong. Some of these nurses don't have a clue how to properly take a blood pressure. How often I have seen putting a cuff over the clothing. Ridiculous!

As soon as I sit in that chair and nurse (often incorrectly) measures my blood pressure, my heart beat and p-off meter goes through the roof.

I refuse to take it because the reading is wrong and they put these wrong readings into their little notes. But no.... they insist on taking the blood pressure.

I was so concerned about the blood pressure reading at the hospital (for unrelated illness) that on the same day I went to see a cardiologist. He measured it and sure enough there was nothing wrong with me. Now every time when my blood pressure goes through the roof during these pre-doctor visits I get a blood pressure taken at the office. Always in the mid 130's range.

Even typing this thinking how all this blood pressure obsession at the hospitals is stupid is making my blood pressure go high.

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When my Dentist started to insist on blood pressure at check in I refused.

Others complained also and the policy was shelved.

How incredibly childish to refuse a blood pressure check,one whole minute out of your life.

Others complained ...did you monitor that over several hours or days ? you would have no idea.Our dentist does BP checks and we don't refuse, its called a mature reaction and never have I ever seen anyone else object over multi visits

It is not unknown, for some people with hypertension.to be extremely agitated and suffer anxiety once in the chair,that's why they do it, to protect you and them.

This whole matter has been explained logically and intelligently by Sheryl but you still don't get it.

I have a OMRON blood pressure machine from Japan. Checked it against my Doctor brother's gold standard sphygmomanometer reading. The OMRON is quite accurate and I check my BP frequently. Can't say so for the accuracy of the piece of junk at the Dentists Office or the skill of the pimply faced teenage Dental Assistant taking the reading. What happens if I suffer a heart attack during my dental appointment, sue the Dentist for negligence in not taking a blood pressure reading every 5 minutes? I'll find another dentist if needed. Next they'll be asking for blood tests and DNA swabs. Rubbish.

To a certain degree one has to be one's own Physician these days, not being an armchair Doctor but paying very close attention to the care services recommended, and who is giving it. Get a second opinion if concerned.

Especially in a country where success in examinations and receipt of diplomas are often based on cheating and cash payments to University officials. Jobs then handed out not to the most qualified but to applicants paying those other officials in charge of hiring.

Edited by arunsakda
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When my Dentist started to insist on blood pressure at check in I refused.

Others complained also and the policy was shelved.

How incredibly childish to refuse a blood pressure check,one whole minute out of your life.

Others complained ...did you monitor that over several hours or days ? you would have no idea.Our dentist does BP checks and we don't refuse, its called a mature reaction and never have I ever seen anyone else object over multi visits

It is not unknown, for some people with hypertension.to be extremely agitated and suffer anxiety once in the chair,that's why they do it, to protect you and them.

This whole matter has been explained logically and intelligently by Sheryl but you still don't get it.

I have a OMRON blood pressure machine from Japan. Checked it against my Doctor brother's gold standard sphygmomanometer reading. The OMRON is quite accurate and I check my BP frequently. Can't say so for the accuracy of the piece of junk at the Dentists Office or the skill of the pimply faced teenage Dental Assistant taking the reading. What happens if I suffer a heart attack during my dental appointment, sue the Dentist for negligence in not taking a blood pressure reading every 5 minutes? I'll find another dentist if needed. Next they'll be asking for blood tests and DNA swabs. Rubbish.

To a certain degree one has to be one's own Physician these days, not being an armchair Doctor but paying very close attention to the care services recommended, and who is giving it. Get a second opinion if concerned.

Especially in a country where success in examinations and receipt of diplomas are often based on cheating and cash payments to University officials. Jobs then handed out not to the most qualified but to applicants paying those other officials in charge of hiring.

I also have a MORON ...
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I returned to Ram today to talk to the doc. No one asked if I wanted my BP, weight or height measurements taking - I was most upset.

If you tell the nurse you just want to talk to the Dr. or ask a question (no examination) then they will forego the vitals, though getting your vial signs checked for such a cheap price wouldn't hurt while you are there and you get to know the nurses, who in turn remember you.

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I returned to Ram today to talk to the doc. No one asked if I wanted my BP, weight or height measurements taking - I was most upset.

If you tell the nurse you just want to talk to the Dr. or ask a question (no examination) then they will forego the vitals, though getting your vial signs checked for such a cheap price wouldn't hurt while you are there and you get to know the nurses, who in turn remember you.

Not sure mine would've changed much in 3 days.
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I returned to Ram today to talk to the doc. No one asked if I wanted my BP, weight or height measurements taking - I was most upset.

If you tell the nurse you just want to talk to the Dr. or ask a question (no examination) then they will forego the vitals, though getting your vial signs checked for such a cheap price wouldn't hurt while you are there and you get to know the nurses, who in turn remember you.

Not sure mine would've changed much in 3 days.

Mine changes when I see some of the nurses, even one or two Dr's. biggrin.png

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When my Dentist started to insist on blood pressure at check in I refused.

Others complained also and the policy was shelved.

How incredibly childish to refuse a blood pressure check,one whole minute out of your life.

Others complained ...did you monitor that over several hours or days ? you would have no idea.Our dentist does BP checks and we don't refuse, its called a mature reaction and never have I ever seen anyone else object over multi visits

It is not unknown, for some people with hypertension.to be extremely agitated and suffer anxiety once in the chair,that's why they do it, to protect you and them.

This whole matter has been explained logically and intelligently by Sheryl but you still don't get it.

Well, I refuse to take it simply because the readings are always wrong. Some of these nurses don't have a clue how to properly take a blood pressure. How often I have seen putting a cuff over the clothing. Ridiculous!

As soon as I sit in that chair and nurse (often incorrectly) measures my blood pressure, my heart beat and p-off meter goes through the roof.

I refuse to take it because the reading is wrong and they put these wrong readings into their little notes. But no.... they insist on taking the blood pressure.

I was so concerned about the blood pressure reading at the hospital (for unrelated illness) that on the same day I went to see a cardiologist. He measured it and sure enough there was nothing wrong with me. Now every time when my blood pressure goes through the roof during these pre-doctor visits I get a blood pressure taken at the office. Always in the mid 130's range.

Even typing this thinking how all this blood pressure obsession at the hospitals is stupid is making my blood pressure go high.

Yes and most women don't realize this and that the measuring blood pressure also requires the hose to be lined up with the artery on the inside of the elbow. Without proper measuring technique, it is impossible to get an accurate reading. I measure mine at home and its usually good.

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When my Dentist started to insist on blood pressure at check in I refused.

Others complained also and the policy was shelved.

How incredibly childish to refuse a blood pressure check,one whole minute out of your life.

Others complained ...did you monitor that over several hours or days ? you would have no idea.Our dentist does BP checks and we don't refuse, its called a mature reaction and never have I ever seen anyone else object over multi visits

It is not unknown, for some people with hypertension.to be extremely agitated and suffer anxiety once in the chair,that's why they do it, to protect you and them.

This whole matter has been explained logically and intelligently by Sheryl but you still don't get it.

I have a OMRON blood pressure machine from Japan. Checked it against my Doctor brother's gold standard sphygmomanometer reading. The OMRON is quite accurate and I check my BP frequently. Can't say so for the accuracy of the piece of junk at the Dentists Office or the skill of the pimply faced teenage Dental Assistant taking the reading. What happens if I suffer a heart attack during my dental appointment, sue the Dentist for negligence in not taking a blood pressure reading every 5 minutes? I'll find another dentist if needed. Next they'll be asking for blood tests and DNA swabs. Rubbish.

To a certain degree one has to be one's own Physician these days, not being an armchair Doctor but paying very close attention to the care services recommended, and who is giving it. Get a second opinion if concerned.

Especially in a country where success in examinations and receipt of diplomas are often based on cheating and cash payments to University officials. Jobs then handed out not to the most qualified but to applicants paying those other officials in charge of hiring.

I also have a MORON ...

Crikey it's actually a NISSEI I have. Guess I am a MORON


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i have been going to a public eye hospital now for some years

always checked blood and weight no charge so no problem

but i can see the problem with these wingers

they check to see if you are still alive

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Gosh, if the doctor ends up needing to prescribe some medication they need to know your weight to ensure the dosage is correct...they need to know your weight accurately and not just a person's estimate which will almost always be low (most everyone likes to lie about our weight).


I've lots of experience with medication, and never seen any prescription drug issued to an outpatient on a weight related dosage. Adult or child doses are about as weight dependent as it gets.

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