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Thai innovation: 3D Zebra crossing to train kindergarten kids and adults alike!


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More than a few times now I have banged hard on a roof of a car that cuts in front of me as I am walking half way across a zebra crossing.

Hopefully it scares the sh*t out of the driver and they will think twice next time.

The worrying thing is that most drivers probably don't even understand what they have done wrong.

I would be worried about some Thai driver going balistic on you for banging on his precious car.

Did that a good few times in BKK, but I preferred the rear quarter panel - just a slap, no damage. Mostly, when the drivers heard a sound, they probably figured they'd hit a kid and therefore just kept on driving. Naturally.

Only got challenged once and he racked off when I stopped walking and turned around...


Edited by Winniedapu
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Definitely a good idea and will hopefully have the desired effects on drivers, however a look here: https://goo.gl/74YMcH reveals that somebody 'imitated' from somewhere, can not say, this is a Thai 'innovation', but then, in their 'innocent ignorance', that is how the nation makes everybody proud to be part of it; In the spirit of the new thainess and old xenophobia.

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It was always entertaining to stand on the verandah of Royal Garden Plaza in Beach rd Pattaya and watch the first time tourists naively walk across rhe zebra crossing to the beach. The look of horror on their faces when they realized the huge bus was not stoppong was priceless. Always surprised no one was killed there.....or perhaps the BIB kept it quiet, don't want to discourage the tourists.

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Zebra crossings, called ‘tang ma lai‘ (literally ‘path zebra’), are the ‘safety’ zones.. That’s why zebra figurines are often seen at Buddhist shrines in Thailand wai2.gif . Every good Buddhist knows these afford 'protection' and a 'safe' journey to an individual as do all zebra crossings in Thailand. If one doesn’t, it's not the driver but karma and you had it coming to you bah.gifOWORLD05_P1.jpg?alias=standard_600x400

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Thais don't know what is check blind spot. Ask them about Zebra Crossings? they don't know either. How about Safe Distance?

I brought my wife to Singapore n she was so amazed n impressed by our traffic there. She felt so safe on the road when I am driving or as a pedestrian.

Seriously Educate n Re-educate all the license holders or whoever is driving a vehicle all over again.

re-educate drivers, please start with the feckless spawn of those in higher levels of thai society.

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I remember recently being at a zebra crossing on Payon Yothin road where the traffic is awful. The lights were red and there was about 10 metres of free space ahead of the zebra crossing. Everyone had to run quickly to cross and I was just behind them. I ran too but there was a small truck approaching. He was revving his engine and kept inching forward and nearly hit me. He knew I was there but he just had to be 10 metres forward so he could wait at the red light.

I banged on his window and told him that's it's a zebra crossing. The light is red anyway so you're not going anywhere. He just stared forward pretending he couldn't see or hear me. I just called him rude and childish in Thai and he kept ignoring me. I very rarely confront in public but this made me so angry.

Zebra crossings? They're nothing more than pretty lines on the road here.

You banged on the window of a Thai truck driver? Did you have a deathwish...

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Zebra crossings, called ‘tang ma lai‘ (literally ‘path zebra’), are the ‘safety’ zones.. That’s why zebra figurines are often seen at Buddhist shrines in Thailand wai2.gif . Every good Buddhist knows these afford 'protection' and a 'safe' journey to an individual as do all zebra crossings in Thailand. If one doesn’t, it's not the driver but karma and you had it coming to you bah.gifOWORLD05_P1.jpg?alias=standard_600x400

So basically, striped amulets?
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It was always entertaining to stand on the verandah of Royal Garden Plaza in Beach rd Pattaya and watch the first time tourists naively walk across rhe zebra crossing to the beach. The look of horror on their faces when they realized the huge bus was not stoppong was priceless. Always surprised no one was killed there.....or perhaps the BIB kept it quiet, don't want to discourage the tourists.

There where a couple of German tourists ( if I remember correctly ) killed on a zebra crossing in Bangkok a couple of years ago,

that made the headlines.

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Zebra crossings should be removed in certain areas where they give tourists a false sense of safety. Saw a couple from Singapore almost taken out in front of MAYA Lifestyle shopping centre in Chiang Mai. The surprised woman said something like "its a ZEBra crossing isn't it?".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Shame on Thais... shame on them.
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A waste of time when the vast majority of Thai drivers have no idea what the black and white stripes, painted on the road, are there for. And the police are almost as useless. See a car parked on a crossing, which they often are, and if the BiB decides to do anything at all, it'll be to clamp it. When will the concept of towing - and the money it can generate - arrive in LoS?

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Same old , Same old. Laws exist but are rarely, if ever, enforced. More carrot and a great big stick. Life is very hard for pedestrians in this country. I used to see parents dropping off their kids at a very well-to-do private girl's school in Bangkok. Inside the school there are numerous zebra crossings and parents would routinely speed across them regardless of whether there were kids crossing or not. Shameful.

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Could not watch more than 20 seconds of this youtube. Drivers casually and arrogantly plowing into pedestrians at Zebra


The schoolgirl sliding down the street like a curling stone, then bowed over in pain for no reason at all whatsoever was heart wrenching.

Car was not even going that fast, plenty of time to stop.

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I know the video is hard to watch.....

but it very clearly shows that just because there is a zebra crossing painted on the road it offers pedestrians in Thailand no protection what so ever,

in fact I think in many cases it's more dangerous to use them for both pedestrians and drivers...

many are very hard to see as they are faded with little or no sign posts to warn drivers of their existence..

if a driver stops for someone crossing there is quite a high chance of being "rear ended" by the "tail gater" behind.

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