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600 policemen on standby to support DSI’s action on defiant abbot


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600 policemen on standby to support DSI’s action on defiant abbot


BANGKOK: -- The Royal Thai Police has put a force of 600 police on standby to support the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) in enforcing the court's warrant for the arrest of Phra Dhammachayo, abbot of Wat Dhammakaya, if he still remains defiant of the order to turn himself in to face charges.

Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Chakthip Chaijinda said he was ready to support the DSI as it has earlier requested the police force to enforce the law.

He said four companies of police force comprising 600 policemen were placed on standby and were ready for action as soon as order was given.

He said he will be the sole man to order the movement of this force.

But he maintained that the DSI is still the authorised state agency to handle the arrest which has to be carried out with caution of its consequences.

He said the prime minister was also concerned about the matter and has personally advised the justice minister to supervise closely to avoid confrontation as now there are both supporters and opponents of the abbot.

The temple is still placed under maximum guard by its disciples who placed banners around the temple ground saying “we’re ready to die for Luang Por”.

Backhoes were used to block the temple’s main gate as a measure to prevent the DSI officials to storm in to arrest the abbot or Luang Por, and checkpoints were erected to check all vehicles to ensure no outsiders are allowed to enter.

But DSI chief has made clear earlier that officials will not storm in by force to apprehend the abbot but will rather let him to turn himself in voluntarily.

Effort was being made for senior monks to help in convincing him to give up and defend his innocence under the justice system.

It was not known if the abbot is still inside the temple.

He faces charges of receiving cheques worth several hundred million from Klongchan Credit Union Cooperatives former chairman, money laundering, and embezzlement.

The former chairman is now in prison pending court’s trials.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/165453

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-31

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"The Royal Thai Police has put a force of 600 police on standby to support the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) in enforcing the court's warrant for the arrest of Phra Dhammachayo, abbot of Wat Dhammakaya, if he still remains defiant of the order to turn himself in to face charges."

What's the big deal? Go in and arrest him. Charge him for the cost of the extra 600 police necessitated by his defiance. If he is not judged guilty for the crimes of which he is charged, return his money, plus the interest that would have accrued over the time between his arrest and the end of the trial.

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As seen so often here people are accused of breaking the law and the police are scared or hesitant to go and o their job. This is another show that hardly brings competence to the people and also once again shows that those with money and power seem to be above the law. Get in there and do the job you are paid for. Simple as that.

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Why haven't media (which says it has reformed itself) been keeping abreast of the several side issues?

Example: the investigation into why the military doctor signed medical reports explicitly breaking the strict protocol involved.

Issues like this sell newspapers, why don't they keep on the story?

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So his disciples are ready to die for him!

Are they willing to kill for him?

This is sounding a lot like one of those whacky brainwashed cults and should be shutdown right now for both the safety of the followers and the police before it spirals right out of control if hasn't already.

And I say again, who is the ultimate mastermind behind all of this and what is the ultimate objective?

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“we’re ready to die for Luang Por”

We now see how brainwashed these sheeple have become. Evidently this crook means more to them than their families. A cult is the correct description for this sect.

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“we’re ready to die for Luang Por”

We now see how brainwashed these sheeple have become. Evidently this crook means more to them than their families. A cult is the correct description for this sect.

Another Waco ready to happen. In my opinion.

News on the situation at the temple by TNN news 5 hours ago.


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So his disciples are ready to die for him!

Are they willing to kill for him?

This is sounding a lot like one of those whacky brainwashed cults and should be shutdown right now for both the safety of the followers and the police before it spirals right out of control if hasn't already.

And I say again, who is the ultimate mastermind behind all of this and what is the ultimate objective?

Some clues:
Next Supreme Patriarch must be free of scandal, politics
Since Somdej Chuang is close to Phra Dhammachayo, who is closely linked to a certain political party, Thai Buddhism will likely become more and more politicised under his leadership. Hence, Somdej Chuang's ascension to the post of Supreme Patriarch would likely do much to upset the country's religious and political equilibrium.
Jatuporn backing wrong candidate
Controversial politician Jatuporn Promphan has warned of a big public protest if Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha does not put forward the name of Somdet Phra Maha Ratchamangalacharn (aka Somdet Chuang) as a candidate for supreme patriarch.
"Everyone knows that Dhammakaya is Thaksin’s political tool."
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... "officials will not storm in by force to apprehend the abbot but will rather let him to turn himself in voluntarily" ... so why 600 BiB on standby. Just a load of b/s to me,

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600 cops on standby..... and they will "stand by". Besides the mad monk, haul off anyone who gets in the way for obstructing justice, such as it is.... "advised the justice minister to supervise closely to avoid confrontation as now there are both supporters and opponents of the abbot." seems the monk et al are ones causing confrontation... I am no fan of current government, but in this case, more power to them. The whole package from this wannabe monk smacks too much of cult mixed with shades of Nuremburg rallies and more than a dash of televangelists "Send us money now and we guarantee a better next life!".

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So his disciples are ready to die for him!

Are they willing to kill for him?

This is sounding a lot like one of those whacky brainwashed cults and should be shutdown right now for both the safety of the followers and the police before it spirals right out of control if hasn't already.

And I say again, who is the ultimate mastermind behind all of this and what is the ultimate objective?

Some clues:
Next Supreme Patriarch must be free of scandal, politics
Since Somdej Chuang is close to Phra Dhammachayo, who is closely linked to a certain political party, Thai Buddhism will likely become more and more politicised under his leadership. Hence, Somdej Chuang's ascension to the post of Supreme Patriarch would likely do much to upset the country's religious and political equilibrium.
Jatuporn backing wrong candidate
Controversial politician Jatuporn Promphan has warned of a big public protest if Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha does not put forward the name of Somdet Phra Maha Ratchamangalacharn (aka Somdet Chuang) as a candidate for supreme patriarch.
"Everyone knows that Dhammakaya is Thaksin’s political tool."

True enough but only part of the picture. The real problem for the junta is that many royalist, conservative Junta supporters are also fans of Dammakaya.

"It is also one of the fastest-growing, and wealthiest, temples in Thailand, counting some 10 million followers world-wide after its founding in 1970, many of them recruited from the ranks of the country’s urban middle class." http://www.wsj.com/articles/thai-temples-gospel-of-wealth-draws-protests-1426048060

And Dammakaya also echoes the natural leanings of military rulers everywhere;

"Mano Laohavanich, a former Dhammakaya monk who is now a professor at a Bangkok university, has described Phra Dhammachayo as having a strong interest in Hitler and the work of architect Albert Speer." (same article)

So any drastic action against the temple, and particularly bloodshed on "holy" ground is going to leave an unpopular and authoritarian Government in an even deeper hole regarding the JEC (Junta Enabling Constitution) that Thais will be voting on in August. At the same time the PM cannot really afford to show his weakness. A quandry which it is entertaining to watch. He has to appear strong and determined and understanding and respectful both at the same time.

Also consider - most Thais are not against corruption if they can have a piece of the action

Most Thais have an uncritical respect for anyone dressed in orange and for celebrities and in this case the abbot is both

Most Thais see it as a good thing to give money to the temple (regardless of whose money and where it comes from)

Many Thais enjoy seeing someone with an exaggerated sense of self importance lose face (and I am not referring to the abbot)

Almost all Thais have more respect for the monkhood than they do for the RTP.

For the Junta this is extraordinarily bad timing so expect inaction and delay until at least after the referendum.

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It is also one of the fastest-growing, and wealthiest, temples in Thailand, counting some 10 million followers world-wide after its founding in 1970, many of them recruited from the ranks of the country's urban middle class.

More specifically, the ranks of the urban Sino-Thai middle class who back the Teochew ruling elite.

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"He said four companies of police force comprising 600 policemen were placed on standby and were ready for action as soon as order was given."

That should work................................if the order is ever given ?

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