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Phra Buddha Isara wants Dhammachayo to be stripped of his monastic rank


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Do not judge and do not insist your own beliefs upon other people because like you, everyone have their own beliefs and knowledge of what is right or wrong. And do not underestimate or belittle other people easily, it does not make you a better person in any way. Respect other people and you will gain more genuine followers/readers. Do not reply again.

What a shame to see your media and your writers not being educated to address Monks correctly and respectfully or is it both a bias and a deliberate act? Your media has repeatedly avoided addressing Phra Dhammachayo as the Abbot and on top of that you have addressed the Abbot Phra Dhammachayo just by his name without even including the basic title of "Phra" or "Venerable". It goes to show the level of basic manners, education and impartiality that is non existent in your media.

A trustworthy, respectable and reliable media is supposed to stay as neutral and as impartial as possible in its stand during its reporting so as not to try to seriously distort and mislead readers at large. The media should not endeavor to take sides and try to sway readers. Readers are free to explore and maintain their own judgement.

One may underestimate the power of Karma or not believe in the law of cause and effect then wait to bear the fruits of your own speech, actions and thoughts which have been planted when the karma is ripened.

To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind this is the teaching of the Buddhas.

Good luck to those who speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain will follow, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.

Rejoice the merits of those who speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.


it's coz we don't believe he's a real monk as he loves da secular and acts like a homeboy ok? monks do NOT get involved with politics get it? do you understand anything about Buddhism? I think not

I think we can see you are the one who is insisting on 'titles' and the aggrandisement of this sect's leader. This is NOT Buddhism.

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