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Good Isaan Ladies don't drink...or Do they?


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My observation is all will have some drinks at party time. When they come to our house I'm usually always able to persuade them. The old ones as well will take a shot of whiskey. The smart ones will tell me I have to have one first. Man, I hate that.

Had my wife's cousin bring a foreigner to the house, so being the good host I ask his G/F what she wanted to drink and he jumps in and tells me she doesn't drink. Fine. So they leave and my wife just giggled because she says her cousin does like to party. But, she acts like she's prim and proper.

So, this is just trivial BS but always wonder when folks say, "Good ladies don't drink"

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Issan wife not a drinker before she met me. Doesn't like what it's done in her family and how her girlfriends behave when drinking. Now she will have one small shot of whiskey "I bring for father" which gives me a license to have an occasional sip before dinner on Sunday's.

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Not sure what you mean by "all" want to drink, as this is not the case.

My wife, and several of her friends, who are nurses, doctors, teachers, etc...do not drink at all (alcohol). They are not "High Society" but rather just professional types. Back on the farm, most females in her family drink excessively. They drink until they are out of control. My wife can't drink even half a spy...without becoming ill. She doesn't even try.

Many foreigners, such as myself, were alcoholics, needing to drink at every opportunity. When you get my age, health becomes a concern, and I was forced to change my ways. I know lots of guys who are the same. I do relapse once in a while (every few months) but I suffer greatly afterwards.

It catches up with you...for sure. I am happy my wife and her friends absolutely do not drink, as it makes it easier for me. They still laugh, dance, and manage to enjoy good times. We live comfortably distant from her relatives.

I suppose ladies who work in bars all drink...can't argue with that.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Issan ladies like to drink, a few weeks ago my wife had a few Thai friends visit.

My wife is a school director, and until this day i had never seen her drink.

We have been married over 5 years, and before my accident i used to drink

but my wife always refused any alcohol.

When these people 1 director 2 teachers came they brought beer, offered me some

i refused , offered my wife some she accepted.. What!!

After they left i asked my wife why did you drink that beer when you never drink

answer was i was being polite but i not like.

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The really hard drinkers in the villages do serious damage to themselves. I measured one of the villagers with my blood pressure unit.His blood pressure was normal, but his pulse rate was 115 bpm. Tachycardia caused by a lifetime of Lao Kaow.

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my girl (mine because we have 2 kids) drank like a fish while in and out of pattaya for 10 years. she said she did 52 shots of tequila one night working in her bar which i find hard to believe, think water was not so scarce back then. only saw her drinking once in the last few years and she looked like she was suffering the next day. not sure if that is the reason for her lack of drinking or because she is busy with the kids. most of the esan girls we get to meet get paid to drink so i would imagine a fair amount of them do.

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I know a few that won't touch it ever because they saw what it did to people in their family (the typical Laao Khau story). A couple have tried a little (eg. 1 'homeopathic' whisky or part bottle of Spy and were sick), or have part of a drink (the soft sweet alcohol type drinks) in a large ice smoothy, and a couple who were heavy on the whisky with friends at party time, which just looks plain ugly, much like it makes any of us that over do it.

Overall though I think mostly they don't drink after seeing what it did with family.

I used to be a daily beer drinker after coming to Thailand (moderate, but by some definitions that still makes you alcoholic - and the amount was slowly creeping up). I could never have done that and held down a job prior to that back in my home country due to the smell. Doc showed me my liver though, which I don't believe is alcohol related (doc says "yeah, but all alcoholics say that") - the reality is that there are many causes such as Hepatitis, NAFLD, parasites, pancreatic and gall bladder issues that all can make you look alcoholic in skin and weight terms. I put mine down to several years of bad diet (read: not eating for several days at a time, and then just a can of tuna or block of cheese should hunger arise, which it normally didn't - I was listless and depressed and didn't take care of myself). I do drink still, but only 2 days a week, and certainly no binge drinking - that suits me and my body reflects that, but a lot of the damage done is only marginally repairable.

For women drinking, I don't think it has much to do with social status, or at least not in the way that smoking is viewed over here for women.

Edited by Shiver
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My wife drinks very rarely, but does the odd time, however in my almost 20 years of knowing her I have only seen her drunk once, and that was when were both alone, and drinking champagne. The ladies in the village all seem to drink, but for sure not all the time, I don't know any that seem to be alcoholics.

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I wouldn't know as I have developed a natural avoidance mechanism against teetotalers.There's something ominous about them, either alcoholics or scheming against you.

That said, never had to avoid any females in Isaan.

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Not sure what you mean by "all" want to drink, as this is not the case.

My wife, and several of her friends, who are nurses, doctors, teachers, etc...do not drink at all (alcohol). They are not "High Society" but rather just professional types. Back on the farm, most females in her family drink excessively. They drink until they are out of control. My wife can't drink even half a spy...without becoming ill. She doesn't even try.

Many foreigners, such as myself, were alcoholics, needing to drink at every opportunity. When you get my age, health becomes a concern, and I was forced to change my ways. I know lots of guys who are the same. I do relapse once in a while (every few months) but I suffer greatly afterwards.

It catches up with you...for sure. I am happy my wife and her friends absolutely do not drink, as it makes it easier for me. They still laugh, dance, and manage to enjoy good times. We live comfortably distant from her relatives.

I suppose ladies who work in bars all drink...can't argue with that.

I drink, but would also get sick on 1/2 of a Spy. Looks nasty. Your wife is a lady.

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Funny that.My wife is isaan,and when we had the bar,she would have a beer and a Jack coke.And would never refuse a drink if bought for her.But back in the village she doesnt drink at all,only water.She's never smoked,so thats not a problem for her.

She's ok if i go across to the guy's house over the soi,he's a Thai guy,he works on the rigs and speaks good English,so we have a few beers and a couple of shots on the occasional evening.

She's even ok,if i nip into the city and visit a few ferang bars once a month.Its good to,just get out and hear my own language being spoken and to have a few games of pool.

But,no! she doesnt drink at all.

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