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PM Prayut says Dhammachayo will finally be arrested 'within his lifetime'


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So the junta leader, so-called PM says "he is not afraid of being accused of not performing his duty", HHMmmmmmm Isn't that one of the charges Yingluk is being accused of, DERALITION OF DUTY??????

Then there's the little what if some one fires a shot, what if some gets shot? while praying? He didn't seem to be so concerned when his soldiers were firing at civilians and volunteer's in a temple and people not just shot but killed....

And for the best little chestnut for the people Thailand and the world, good o'l uncle Too comes out, "Dhammachayo will finally be arrested within his life time".

What a spectacular and utter ________________________!!!!!! OOooohhhh "AA" and gaol for any Thai that says anything close that describes this snot, and for a falang gaol and fines, loss of any and all assets followed by family's assets then deportation...

But it's ok, we have djjamie, smedly, rubl, and er, and um, maybe one or two others who can put a spin on this pearl of a statement from their hero of the nation but some how I reckon they'll do what they are famous for, staying very very quiet when he comes out with these gems....whistling.gif

"But it's ok, we have djjamie, smedly, rubl, and er, and um, maybe one or two others who can put a spin on this pearl of a statement from their hero of the nation but some how I reckon they'll do what they are famous for, staying very very quiet when he comes out with these gems...."

But you MUST understand that this time around (after 12 previous coups where nothing changed) everything will be different, because....because....because...

OK, djjamie, smedly, rubl, PLEASE help me out here!

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Section 157 of the Criminal Code for not arresting Phra Dhammachayo because the law states that the officials can wait if the action to be taken may worsen the situation.

Wait..wait..wait..?....btw, are these Monks armed?

How can a house of god harbour or carries arms? Simply Flush the out...starve them..

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and blast rock music from loud speakers too. Like US has done.

He admitted that he was concerned that there might be a violent confrontation between the embattled abbots supporters and the officials if they rush to make the arrest.

That's understandable. But you could make him at least uncomfortable: cut his electric, water, landline, etc...he'll give up faster once the aircon is out.
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This incident clearly shows why Chinese gov doesn't tolerate organized religion wink.png

More religion bashing,,,

There are over 250 million Buddhists in China, idiot.

In this case the religion is not the problem, over 90% of Thailand are Buddhists according to official quotes and most people behave normally and get on with their lives.

Why do people like you immediately trash the religion when someone does something stupid and is a so called practitioner? You immediately tag all the people who peacefully follow their own beliefs because the actions of the few.

I think you will find people are more then capable of doing terrible things without any religion involved, people are the issue. Wake up.

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This incident clearly shows why Chinese gov doesn't tolerate organized religion wink.png

More religion bashing,,,

There are over 250 million Buddhists in China, idiot.

In this case the religion is not the problem, over 90% of Thailand are Buddhists according to official quotes and most people behave normally and get on with their lives.

Why do people like you immediately trash the religion when someone does something stupid and is a so called practitioner? You immediately tag all the people who peacefully follow their own beliefs because the actions of the few.

I think you will find people are more then capable of doing terrible things without any religion involved, people are the issue. Wake up.

And you need to take a chill pill. All he (jokingly) said was that this incident clearly shows why Chinese gov doesn't tolerate organized religion - which they don't.

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I do feel for Prayuth in this difficult situation. It is working against his moral belief. Didn't he brush off an alleged corruption park case when the accused parties returned the "commission?

Yep, good to know though. You can rob a bank tomorrow but if you are found out all will be ok if you return the money. giggle.gif

Imagine the discussion at the Police station

Police - "did you rob the bank?"

Me - "yes I did, sorry" "Here is the money, I want to return it"

Police - "Ok, off you go, but don't do it again you naughty boy"


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I do feel for Prayuth in this difficult situation. It is working against his moral belief. Didn't he brush off an alleged corruption park case when the accused parties returned the "commission?

Yep, good to know though. You can rob a bank tomorrow but if you are found out all will be ok if you return the money. giggle.gif

Imagine the discussion at the Police station

Police - "did you rob the bank?"

Me - "yes I did, sorry" "Here is the money, I want to return it"

Police - "Ok, off you go, but don't do it again you naughty boy"


Your anecdote acknowledged.

Let's say the bank after receiving back the stolen money decide not to press charge. What then?

Same situation in this temple case. Money was returned and KCUC said and I quote "given that we will get the money back (which they did), we have decided to drop all complaints against the temple and the abbot". Temple supporters are asking whether the DSI abandon its political neutrality. That's part of the temple supporters anger.

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"I don't know what I'm doing so I'm going to ask you (the public) silly and rhetorical questions. It's funny because I don't know what to do"

Embarrassing, exactly!cheesy.gif

The good thing about this case is that it has shown the silly little general for the weak, indecisive immature bully he really is.

He has lost any last vestige of credibility and can now only rely on his implied threat of force to stay at the head of this sorry country.

I used to liken him to Napoleon but that was wrong, Napoleon was a true leader and achieved things.

The "little general seems more and more like a little boy dressing up as a soldier and clomping clumsily around in his daddy's boots! Pathetic.

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It seems as if that temple has made itself nice little stronghold. So who would be in there for just praying and who brings weapons into a temple? Isn't that totally against Buddhism? If they have made a stronghold there then why doesn't the army seal them inside and prevent water, food, worshippers, or anything else from entering the temple? Eventually they would be forced out without life's essentials being brought to them. And why don't the police begin arresting those who have weapons of war in their possession? Clearly that is a violation of the law? There are just too many reasons the temple needs to be raided and that monk arrested.

Starving to death an already "sick man," (correction: sick HOLY man) would be a colossal PR blunder for the junta. Edited by Fookhaht
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Promise to take action within a lifetime ain't exactly wowing us with his speed of action...unless he knows something we don't about just how terminally short that lifetime might be, in which case, is that a threat on his life? Either way....Kim sucks.

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Bringing happiness to the people Dhammakaya Temple style, in a Michael Jackson type song.

And now for some light music....

A comment on the video from youtube by riseandshinetruthnow:-

Welcome to the Luciferian New World Order of Mindless Zombie Children.

Sorry ... I Know ... It's Sad but TRUE.

God Help Us !

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What can I say, or What can I do?

Well stop the rumor brigades and corruption fuming timewaisting

The figures have gone up to 2 billion bath for protection......and this sect for years have scored billions and billions of bath, never paid a bath on taxes and glorified a paid stairway to heaven........on the expense of old timers stolen life savings and dodgy donations.

the chain of commanders however is staggering long, probably the reason why the govt acts now........nothing and no-ones money is save anymore as fanatics infiltrate in schemes and pension funds in order to transfer donations to the heavenly chief operation Phra Dhammachayo .

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I think the PM's handler is suffering from burnout and that I can understand. I wonder if the PM thinks that the abbot will somehow change his reincarnation/afterlife and thus he is back pedaling. That is some serious S here. In spite of all the powers he possesses and article 44 I think he is truly afraid of some kind of change in the road map of his next life. He is of course an expert on road maps. To counteract this I think the PM should take a trip to Haiti and get his juju rejigged. I am sure he could have a voodoo doll made up complete with pins.

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The PM was asked a question and gave an answer. The follow up question received a sarcastic response which is the way Thais deal with each other. Actually, the PM of a country, any country, does not deal personally with this type of issue. That is why you have high ranking police to handle these type of issues. Storming the temple would be a huge mistake and could cause loss of life. Read up on the storming of a similar group in Waco, Texas, USA by the American FBI and what the result was? I believe his first answer was right on the money. The issue must be settled peacefully and in the Thai way.

There are many other steps that can be used to settle this issue. The police/DSI will handle this in good time and hopefully without a confrontation.

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It seems as if that temple has made itself nice little stronghold. So who would be in there for just praying and who brings weapons into a temple? Isn't that totally against Buddhism? If they have made a stronghold there then why doesn't the army seal them inside and prevent water, food, worshippers, or anything else from entering the temple? Eventually they would be forced out without life's essentials being brought to them. And why don't the police begin arresting those who have weapons of war in their possession? Clearly that is a violation of the law? There are just too many reasons the temple needs to be raided and that monk arrested.

Freeze the temples bank accounts.

Seize their assests.

That'll bring them round.

Agree completely, this is the way to go.

PM is also correct, you can't have the Army assault the place, it risks a violent confrontation that serves no purpose other than getting people killed or injured who have done nothing wrong. No need for another Branch Davidian/David Koresh scenario.

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What can I say, or What can I do?

Well stop the rumor brigades and corruption fuming timewaisting

The figures have gone up to 2 billion bath for protection......and this sect for years have scored billions and billions of bath, never paid a bath on taxes and glorified a paid stairway to heaven........on the expense of old timers stolen life savings and dodgy donations.

the chain of commanders however is staggering long, probably the reason why the govt acts now........nothing and no-ones money is save anymore as fanatics infiltrate in schemes and pension funds in order to transfer donations to the heavenly chief operation Phra Dhammachayo .

That was my first thought. To quell these rumours of having accepted 2 bn to tread softly make it go away, all that's needed is for an arrest. Conclusions will inevitably be drawn.

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