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Thailand’s PM Tells Reporters “I Won’t Leave, Despite How Much You Hate Me”


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For all his bravado and shouting he has not fixed one problem in this country...

A high ranking cop & his cronies sent to jail, finally sorted out the lottery price, some people in Phuket just been jailed over land issues, cleaned up Surin beach, army guy & others arrested for human trafficking, many other cases pending. He may not be perfect but has done more than previous governments.

a whole lot more than any previous government

I agree these were most certainly life threatening issues and were stopped just in time. How lucky we are

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You have to love the guy. He lets it be known he does it because he can.Do not like it too bad for you. So sorry. Straight shooters no matter what side of the fence they are should get respect for their ability to be honest.

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You have to love the guy. He lets it be known he does it because he can.Do not like it too bad for you. So sorry. Straight shooters no matter what side of the fence they are should get respect for their ability to be honest.

no problem with straight shooters, but i am worried who he is aiming at.

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You have to love the guy. He lets it be known he does it because he can.Do not like it too bad for you. So sorry. Straight shooters no matter what side of the fence they are should get respect for their ability to be honest.

no problem with straight shooters, but i am worried who he is aiming at.

IMHO, guys like this are not 'straight shooters' but are 'compensators', compensating for something. Usually it's not hard to guess what they're compensating for, as in this case.


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This self appointed leader who refuses to quit could become one the great leaders along side Chavez and Mugabe - those magnificent leaders of Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Would be totally awesome if Thailand could model their country on those other 2 nations.

strangely enough in Cambodia the propaganda is pushing people to believe that Syria and Lybya were great countries brought down by their acceptance of human rights, so it seems they do admire those kind of leaders in this part of the world

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Scary thing for me is how will he react if there is an uprising.

Live fire on unarmed civilians has been their modus operandi in the past, on several occasions, I have no reason to believe that will change.

Too true just read what happened to Cambodian refugees way back ...


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You have to love the guy. He lets it be known he does it because he can.Do not like it too bad for you. So sorry. Straight shooters no matter what side of the fence they are should get respect for their ability to be honest.

With Article 44 he can do just about anything he likes....it aint clever it's power bullying and despotism.This story is far from over and I think it will end badly for him.

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The alternative of leaving things the way they were was also not much of an option.

Shudder to think how that would have turned out for Thailand

Well, had the army and the police not refused a government instruction to maintain law, order and peace, and had the EC refused to enforce voting law, and had the Constitution Court not stepped in as instructed, it would have turned out that there was an election.

There will be a reckoning... a big one.


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The alternative of leaving things the way they were was also not much of an option.

Shudder to think how that would have turned out for Thailand

Well, had the army and the police not refused a government instruction to maintain law, order and peace, and had the EC refused to enforce voting law, and had the Constitution Court not stepped in as instructed, it would have turned out that there was an election.

There will be a reckoning... a big one.


The day of reckoning draws ever closer.
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The mans confidence in himself is truly inspiring. Not sure the rest of the nation shares that confidence after the past 2 years but whatever... its either agree or spend a few years reconsidering your point of view in less salubrious surroundings.

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People do not hate him rather they "Loathe" him.

Just the sight of him or the thought of him induces revulsion.

But the word "hate" will suffice....lol


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The alternative of leaving things the way they were was also not much of an option.

Shudder to think how that would have turned out for Thailand

Well, had the army and the police not refused a government instruction to maintain law, order and peace, and had the EC refused to enforce voting law, and had the Constitution Court not stepped in as instructed, it would have turned out that there was an election.

There will be a reckoning... a big one.


The day of reckoning draws ever closer.

Nah... the "day or reckoning" is fading away... How long will he live? ... That's how long you'll have to wait.

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Reminds me of Richard Nixons speech when he climbed aboard his helicopter and waved to the American people.

had to Google him. Anyone still living from those days.

???? What was it? 1973 or so? 43 years ago. Most TVFers are in their 60's and 70's, so they know who he was.

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The alternative of leaving things the way they were was also not much of an option.

Shudder to think how that would have turned out for Thailand

Well, had the army and the police not refused a government instruction to maintain law, order and peace, and had the EC refused to enforce voting law, and had the Constitution Court not stepped in as instructed, it would have turned out that there was an election.

There will be a reckoning... a big one.


The day of reckoning draws ever closer.

Nah... the "day or reckoning" is fading away... How long will he live? ... That's how long you'll have to wait.
The day of reckoning. Is that Terminator 2 or 3?

Big P wants a sympathy hug, when the going gets tough, people resort to tactics learnt in childhood.

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Every time he strolls around in public, there are men and (particularly) women clustered around, smirking their support. Anything/everything he says elicits grins and nods of approval from his entourage. I wouldn't doubt he speaks in that typically Thai high nasal tone, which pretends to be self-effacing and (hoped-for) humorous. It works fine for with Thais, .....the Thais that bind.

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