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So Many Continuous Days of Rain - Fewer Smiles - Ending When?


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Just coming out of the worst drought in decades and already people are complaining about the rain. Unbelievable

Expect the OP will return later in the year complaining about heat, smoke or the cost of running air con !

And the lack of smiles then too... farang OP needs to see Thais smile at him :(

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Why are you complaining about rain in RAINY SEASON ?

Why are you in Thailand ?

Did you forget to read about Thailand before you came here ?

Rainy season is late May to the end of October every year in The LOS.

Go back to New London, Connecticutt,USA and cry about rainy season there.

The farmers need the rain.

Try to think of someone other than yourself.

If you have an air conditioner, you have a dehumidifier.

Edited by themerg
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Rain is good for the farmers but this humid 32 deg is far worse than the 42 deg of dry heat , 2 weeks ago.

Everything is moist and sticky . Walk 20m and your shirt is wet with sweat.

>>Walk 20m and your shirt is wet with sweat.<<.......are you grossly overweight ? ,as i dont seem to have that problem currently .

Nope ! Normal weight.

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You're obviously not a Thai farmer. Out in rural Northern Thailand, lots of smiles come with the rain. With the rains come mushrooms, and then the fields fill with water and the rice planting can begin. If it continues to rain, the reservoirs will fill, the farmers may be able to plant a second crop, more smiles.

You're confusing Thai city-dwellers with Thai rural folk. Even when its drought or floods - the rural folk smile. And when the planting seasons are really good, they smile even more.

You should consider relocating to San Diego, CA. You'd be happier.

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There might be some confusion regarding the simple question I posted here. I asked when we could expect continuous raining days to become less frequent, because I enjoy the sunshine of Thailand, and because I also appreciate the low humidity of Chiang Mai, due to Chiang Mai's 400 meter elevation, as well as other factors.

I do not believe that my wish to see sunny days will cause the rain to stop, nor will it cause the reservoirs to become any less full than they would if I preferred rainy days.

Another important truth to keep in mind is that, due to global warming we are likely to see increased precipitation in the future. However, this does not mean that the increase in precipitation will have the benefit of making the growing fields wetter. Just the opposite, since the increased rainfall due to warming will be offset by higher levels of evaporation, and the fields will become drier, on average. This effect may not be pronounced in Northern Thailand, since each region is not identical, but on average we will see more rainfall and simultaneously more drought. In other words, more rain but enjoying it less, due to the diminished benefits.

I, as most of you, actually love the rain. I just do not like high humidity, since this lowers the oxygen carrying capacity of the air, and with lower oxygen levels comes less of the energetic Thailand spirit, with smiles, that brings us to Thailand.

If we wish to enjoy the raining days, it might be useful to keep one aircon unit running in just one room, for dehumidification, and then use fans to mix the air for dehumidifying efficiency. Using more than one aircon and the house gets cold, maybe too cold, but still stays damp.

Or, one can spend one's time at Robinson's, because their climate control is pretty good. I just do not like to shop.

So, I hope Northern Thailand, and all of Thailand, will get all the precipitation it needs to correct the recent deficit, and that the daily sunshine will come again soon.

But, I have no idea when this will happen.

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You're obviously not a Thai farmer. Out in rural Northern Thailand, lots of smiles come with the rain. With the rains come mushrooms, and then the fields fill with water and the rice planting can begin. If it continues to rain, the reservoirs will fill, the farmers may be able to plant a second crop, more smiles.

You're confusing Thai city-dwellers with Thai rural folk. Even when its drought or floods - the rural folk smile. And when the planting seasons are really good, they smile even more.

You should consider relocating to San Diego, CA. You'd be happier.

They also smile if you've just caught them red handed stealing, looking at a murder victim or have just informed them that their house has burnt down...
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Yes, the Louvre is probably very well climate controlled. However, with enginuity and simple technology it is easily possible to reduce the discomfort of high humidity in one's home here in Chiang Mai. Weather stripping is a must. That and just one aircon running 24 hours per day at the lowest setting is sufficient.

The larger the home, the drier it will become, since air leaking in from outside will have less impact on the larger volume of air inside the house. Theoretically speaking, of course.

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It is getting annoying, rode home tonight shivering and trying my best to not slide all over these polished roads with the torque monster v twin

Tomorrow ill try and not stack the bicycle when i nearly lose it on a bend down doisuthep

Been like that since monday lol

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This rain is too much!!!!! Bugs, wet, no fun for me

Last month the heat was too much!!!! very difficult

Month before the pollution too much!!! hard hard

Month before too many tourists!!! woe is me...

leave, you say? Never, I love this place!!!!!!

oh, rain tomorrow!!! no, no......

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Surely a troll post.

Agreed. Can not believe so many people fell for it.

The problem is it's becoming increasingly difficult to take any thread serious on Thai Visa nowadays.

Even the news section can be hard to believe.

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This rain is too much!!!!! Bugs, wet, no fun for me

Last month the heat was too much!!!! very difficult

Month before the pollution too much!!! hard hard

Month before too many tourists!!! woe is me...

leave, you say? Never, I love this place!!!!!!

oh, rain tomorrow!!! no, no......

Actually, although I know that you are being slightly facetious, this is also not what I was expressing.

Since arriving in Chiang Mai, last June, I have had nothing negative to say about the local weather.

In fact, this year the hot season was not quite hot enough for me, and I am sorry to see it has departed. Some Like it Hot. And, so do I. Maybe this just reflects my advancing years. But, I enjoy walking at noon in the blazing sun of Thailand's hot season. Once one becomes fully acclimatized, the heat is a pleasure.

I have not found the air pollution annoying either. Yes, true, there were about 3 especially smokey days when the guys were burning corn husks somewhere up above us down here. I admit that on those days it was slightly smokey. Still nothing to get hung up about. I kept the windows closed at night, and it was fine.

So really, Chiang Mai weather is, with the exception of the present elevated humidity, very comfortable, I think.

Last year, they sent me over the river to that town in Laos to have a new visa added. Compared to that city, even today's humidity is nothing, or no it might not be wet enough.

After my first couple of months in Chiang Mai, I thought I would stay as long as I could. And, not a bad decision, either.

One must make small adjustments to minor irritations, and try to adapt. So, what I think that I might do is just to move out away from all this bamboo.

Bamboo is one of my favorite grasses. However, when it gets wet, especially if one is living in the middle of a large bunch of it, the long stalks retain the moisture on the bamboo leaves, sometimes for hours after each downpour ends.

And although I have not yet taken measurements, if I can find a hygrometer, I think that I will find that the air around the bamboo is probably about 10 percent more humid than it is farther from these plants.

So no, nothing bothers me about Chiang Mai weather, except the Raining Season humidity.

But I cannot say when it will end.

Surely it cannot last like this until October.

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So no, nothing bothers me about Chiang Mai weather, except the Raining Season humidity.

But I cannot say when it will end.

Surely it cannot last like this until October.

Indeed it can't/won't. Having multiple rainy days is more something for September, but I'm sure we'll go back to typical early-rainy-season weather which is mostly sunny, with a downpour in the late afternoon or evening.

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So no, nothing bothers me about Chiang Mai weather, except the Raining Season humidity.

But I cannot say when it will end.

Surely it cannot last like this until October.

Indeed it can't/won't. Having multiple rainy days is more something for September, but I'm sure we'll go back to typical early-rainy-season weather which is mostly sunny, with a downpour in the late afternoon or evening.

Thank you for this welcome piece of empirical evidence based on your experience with these truly important matters.

Very good news, indeed.

I love long downpours, so long as there is a daylong hiatus between.

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Nearly two whole months are dedicated to rain making ceremonies in NE Thailand. Singing, dancing, praying, firing rockets etc. Rainfall = reason to be cheerful. Let us all pray and hope for rain here and for full resovoirs.

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So no, nothing bothers me about Chiang Mai weather, except the Raining Season humidity.

But I cannot say when it will end.

Surely it cannot last like this until October.

Indeed it can't/won't. Having multiple rainy days is more something for September, but I'm sure we'll go back to typical early-rainy-season weather which is mostly sunny, with a downpour in the late afternoon or evening.

Yes for over a decade I have noticed the 5 pm showers, especially in BKK and the CCR song being played in bars- 'Have you ever seen the rain'
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