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Electing Trump would be 'historic mistake,' Clinton says


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Now, what about Supreme Court nominees?

Nominating the USSC judges is really the only important role a president plays that can directly effect the country long term.

I would HATE to see who Hillary would try to put in there. Has she put forth a list yet like Trump has?

As for Trump, I don't really trust him either to be honest. He is not a true conservative or true Republican. Historically I think he has swayed with the political winds.

Trump holds grudges (like the current prez) so anyone he nominates will be checked for "loyalty". Any judge put forth by the Republican establishment is no automatic either. Trump could very well end up nominating a judge who would vote with the liberal side more often. He sure wouldn't be the first Republican president to do that.

So as far as judges go, I think the Democrats should feel pretty good no matter who wins. America is doomed.

Now, what about Supreme Court nominees? Nominating the USSC judges is really the only important role a president plays that can directly effect the country long term. I would HATE to see what Hillary would try to put in there. Trump? I don't really trust him either to be honest.

Trump's list of possible Supreme Court nominees is filled with right-wingers. Who the heck wants that? Most Americans would prefer a moderate or even left-leaning.

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It was an excellent speech.

She is presidential big time. The vile monster ill tempered vindictive psychopathic trump buffoon is a carnival barker con man.

It shows Hillary Clinton has got her moxie back and the tactics to crush the vile fascist monster have been decided on.

Compared to the vile monster's constant rants ... as Bill Maher calls him, "whiny little (b-word)" there is no choice any rational voter would make except for Hillary Clinton.

Gee mate. Maybe you should take a Valium and have a good lye down? "Ill tempered psychopathic vile fascist monster? If you represent the rational voter you talk about we are in big trouble.

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Fortunately for the listeners she lost that shrill witches whine that came across like fingers on a chalk board. Her foreign policy speech was void of substance and just old down in the ditch politics. How low will Hillary get with her personal attacks that contain no policy?

"Personal attacks that contain no policy," damn, Hillary claims to be a Democrat and is using Republican tactics. Meanwhile the Shrubs still haven't announced their support for Trump. I guess they are pissed, after all it was Jeb's turn to invade Iraq.

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It was an excellent speech.

She is presidential big time. The vile monster ill tempered vindictive psychopathic trump buffoon is a carnival barker con man.

It shows Hillary Clinton has got her moxie back and the tactics to crush the vile fascist monster have been decided on.

Compared to the vile monster's constant rants ... as Bill Maher calls him, "whiny little (b-word)" there is no choice any rational voter would make except for Hillary Clinton.

is she still in this race? I thought she dropped out a few weeks back. 99.9% of airtime is Trump, he is the only candidate making an impact. This will reflect in the election results. No need to fret, Donald will make a splendid president.
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It was an excellent speech.

She is presidential big time. The vile monster ill tempered vindictive psychopathic trump buffoon is a carnival barker con man.

It shows Hillary Clinton has got her moxie back and the tactics to crush the vile fascist monster have been decided on.

Compared to the vile monster's constant rants ... as Bill Maher calls him, "whiny little (b-word)" there is no choice any rational voter would make except for Hillary Clinton.

Correct JT a very Presidential presentation from Hillary. If she went back to the 'green room' and said 'nailed it!' she wouldn't be far off the mark.

Could have done with a couple more flags behind her though. lol

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Here is a video of Obama the other day, see what happens when he can no longer read from the teleprompter. The guy is a blithering idiot - just like Bush.

So the Obama the voters - and the world - have come to know is a guy who can read someone else's words very well. Someone who cannot speak off the top of his head like Trump can.

But Trump speaks off the top of his head. He says what is on his mind and that is why he gets in trouble all the time. So today we know what Trump thinks, but after 8 years we still don't know what Obama thinks.

Now, imagine if Trump always read from a teleprompter. Reading words written by a sane, professional speech writer. He would have much lower negatives in the polls, but we would not know what he really thought.

Knowing what we know now, wouldn't that be kind of scary? And isn't that what the situation with Obama is now? He would very likely have a reputation closer to Bush for not being a good public speaker (closer, certainly not the same unless he suffered from some kind of injury). Instead he is a great public reader.


If you go to YouTube and search for "Teleprompter in chief" you will see many videos of him speaking without a teleprompter. Stuff that wasn't shown on the nightly news like it was with Bush. I especially like the one where he used a teleprompter to speak to a class of 6th graders.

Anyway, the purpose of this post isn't really to bash the out-going president.

The purpose is to show how the use of a teleprompter, speaking someone else's well-written words can change the perception of someone, in this case a presidential candidate.

So what do we want? Someone who can speak off the top of their head and say stupid things?

Or someone who can read someone else's written word and sound great?

We're doomed. :)

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But Trump speaks off the top of his head. He says what is on his mind and that is why he gets in trouble all the time. So today we know what Trump thinks, but after 8 years we still don't know what Obama thinks.

Geez, are you for real? Nearly every time Trump opens his mouth (or "speaks off the top of his head"), he says something insanely stupid. But then a few days later, he says the exact opposite. And then he denies ever saying what he originally said in the first place. This has happened over and over again. No one knows where Trump stands on a number of issues. So take your pick, Trump will be America's:


Whack job-in-Chief

Conspiracy Theorist-in-Chief





Should I go on?

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Let's get real.

True believers in the vile monster, perhaps 35 percent of likely voters, are not even worth talking to. It's GAME OVER for them.

Clinton isn't trying to change them and she shouldn't. That would be IMPOSSIBLE.

Would you have a "debate" with Mussolini followers?

They have been seduced. It's a drug for them. Often there is racism and blood lust in the hearts of this hateful American fascist trump movement. Logic and rationality are irrelevant. No horrific truth about their "great orange leader" softens their enthusiasm. In fact, it reinforces it.

So forget about them. 100 percent. On this forum of course and in the real life campaign.

The contest is with more rational people who haven't been INFECTED.

I am heartened by the Hillary Clinton foreign policy speech. I know her campaign has been struggling with crafting tactics to deal with the most totally INSANE potential president in American history.

I think this speech, with further adjustments of course, is the TICKET to the white house for our next president, Hillary Clinton.

Of course dodging the bullet of the dangerous "trump train" is even more important than electing Hillary. Nobody is saying she's perfect but she's MUCH MUCH better than the American Mussolini.

Edited by Jingthing
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Electing Crooked Hillary would be the 'historic mistake' as we all know. Her criticism of Trump University has come full circle to grab her by the neck:

Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back


Appears to be some heavy-duty corruption going on there, eh? thumbsup.gif

MSNBC and CNN will be all over this in 3, 2, 1...... 0.....-1, -2, -3. laugh.png

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Hillary Clinton's Got Game.

You go girl! Bring it on!

I well understand Bernie supporters are going to be sad, but this is the contest, Hillary Clinton vs. the vile fascist monster.

Hillary Clinton has now shown she has what it takes to throw his horrible movement into the bankrupt Atlantic City casino of history!

Hillary Clinton Just Kicked Trump in the Shins
And showed that she’s certainly tough enough for the long haul.


Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different; they are dangerously incoherent. They’re not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies. He is not just unprepared, he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability, and immense responsibility. This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes, because it’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because someone got under his very thin skin.


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Let's get real.

True believers in the vile monster, perhaps 35 percent of likely voters, are not even worth talking to. It's GAME OVER for them.

Clinton isn't trying to change them and she shouldn't. That would be IMPOSSIBLE.

Would you have a "debate" with Mussolini followers?

They have been seduced. It's a drug for them. Often there is racism and blood lust in the hearts of this hateful American fascist trump movement. Logic and rationality are irrelevant. No horrific truth about their "great orange leader" softens their enthusiasm. In fact, it reinforces it.

So forget about them. 100 percent. On this forum of course and in the real life campaign.

The contest is with more rational people who haven't been INFECTED.

I am heartened by the Hillary Clinton foreign policy speech. I know her campaign has been struggling with crafting tactics to deal with the most totally INSANE potential president in American history.

I think this speech, with further adjustments of course, is the TICKET to the white house for our next president, Hillary Clinton.

Of course dodging the bullet of the dangerous "trump train" is even more important than electing Hillary. Nobody is saying she's perfect but she's MUCH MUCH better than the American Mussolini.

No comment about all this other than to say that it's a no-win situation for the USA this November -- a dangerous crook or a dangerous clown is being offered to the voters.

(WOW !!! I just noticed that you have over 69,000 posts. I'm blown away. I see you've been a member for about 9-1/2 years, so that averages about 20 posts every single day for almost 10 years. That's amazing dedication to this forum.)

Edited by Inn Between
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Paul Ryan is now backing Trump. Just when you thought things couldn't get more bizarre.......... I guess when you are between a rock and a hard place you have to swallow any self respect you have and join the mob.

This really is turning into an astonishing election. More and more Hollywood everyday.

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Let's get real.

True believers in the vile monster, perhaps 35 percent of likely voters, are not even worth talking to. It's GAME OVER for them.

Clinton isn't trying to change them and she shouldn't. That would be IMPOSSIBLE.

Would you have a "debate" with Mussolini followers?

They have been seduced. It's a drug for them. Often there is racism and blood lust in the hearts of this hateful American fascist trump movement. Logic and rationality are irrelevant. No horrific truth about their "great orange leader" softens their enthusiasm. In fact, it reinforces it.

So forget about them. 100 percent. On this forum of course and in the real life campaign.

The contest is with more rational people who haven't been INFECTED.

I am heartened by the Hillary Clinton foreign policy speech. I know her campaign has been struggling with crafting tactics to deal with the most totally INSANE potential president in American history.

I think this speech, with further adjustments of course, is the TICKET to the white house for our next president, Hillary Clinton.

Of course dodging the bullet of the dangerous "trump train" is even more important than electing Hillary. Nobody is saying she's perfect but she's MUCH MUCH better than the American Mussolini.

No comment about all this other than to say that it's a no-win situation for the USA this November -- a dangerous crook or a dangerous clown is being offered to the voters.

(WOW !!! I just noticed that you have over 69,000 posts. I'm blown away. I see you've been a member for about 9-1/2 years, so that averages about 20 posts every single day for almost 10 years. That's amazing dedication to this forum.)

and every post a winner. Not bad going.

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Paul Ryan is now backing Trump. Just when you thought things couldn't get more bizarre.......... I guess when you are between a rock and a hard place you have to swallow any self respect you have and join the mob.

This really is turning into an astonishing election. More and more Hollywood everyday.

He said he will vote for him.

Hardly a glowing endorsement.

But still a mark of shame on Ryan's record.

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Signs that the vile monster is ALREADY falling apart?

I certainly hope so.

The moron thought the general election would be the same as the primary.

Crush the vile monster!

After Ted Cruz left the GOP race and Trump had all but clinched the nomination, Republicans tried to sell themselves on the idea of a silver lining in all of this: that Trump might be more competitive that he looks, that he might help the party expand in traditionally Democratic states. But if this week is any indication, those hopes are delusions. Trump isn’t just a compromised candidate hated by large parts of the electorate—he’s hardly a candidate at all, with few of the skills or qualities you need to survive at the highest levels of national politics. Trump has all the markings of a paper tiger, and there’s a good chance he’ll be torn apart like one, too.


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If, if Bernie is out the election, if one could call it that, will boil down to not the lessor of 2 evils, but 2 evils different in their own way. The orange monster is a proto-fascist racist and the Clintons, yes it is the Clintons, are neocon/neoliberal bought and sold tools of Wall Street criminals/banksters. America will loose either way, but in different ways. The orange monster will destroy America and the Clintons will continue on continuing on. One way or the other the middle/working class will continue to get screwed. The Clintons move to the center will end as soon as she is anointed empress to be by the DNC, oh wait they did that before the primaries. She will support TPP, to hell with $15 minimum wage, and move back to the right where she came from. The Clintons are nothing but Republican lite and do not represent the Democrat Party of FDR, nor do they or the DNC support the New Deal. Not much of a choice, a megalomaniac proto-fascist or a neocon/neoliberal war loving tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters. I will not vote for either, wouldn't ever vote for any Republican, write in Bernie or vote Jill Stein.

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Left wing radicals who want to help the vile monster win ... who cares? They are as irrelevant to this real contest as vile monster supporters. EXTREMISTS not worth any energy on. Not living in the real world of this actual election, which like it or not, is a BINARY choice.

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It was an excellent speech.

She is presidential big time. The vile monster ill tempered vindictive psychopathic trump buffoon is a carnival barker con man.

It shows Hillary Clinton has got her moxie back and the tactics to crush the vile fascist monster have been decided on.

Compared to the vile monster's constant rants ... as Bill Maher calls him, "whiny little (b-word)" there is no choice any rational voter would make except for Hillary Clinton.

Correct JT a very Presidential presentation from Hillary. If she went back to the 'green room' and said 'nailed it!' she wouldn't be far off the mark.

Could have done with a couple more flags behind her though. lol

Good point up2, needs more flags. Goes without saying really

Edited by NumbNut
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If, if Bernie is out the election, if one could call it that, will boil down to not the lessor of 2 evils, but 2 evils different in their own way. The orange monster is a proto-fascist racist and the Clintons, yes it is the Clintons, are neocon/neoliberal bought and sold tools of Wall Street criminals/banksters. America will loose either way, but in different ways. The orange monster will destroy America and the Clintons will continue on continuing on. One way or the other the middle/working class will continue to get screwed. The Clintons move to the center will end as soon as she is anointed empress to be by the DNC, oh wait they did that before the primaries. She will support TPP, to hell with $15 minimum wage, and move back to the right where she came from. The Clintons are nothing but Republican lite and do not represent the Democrat Party of FDR, nor do they or the DNC support the New Deal. Not much of a choice, a megalomaniac proto-fascist or a neocon/neoliberal war loving tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters. I will not vote for either, wouldn't ever vote for any Republican, write in Bernie or vote Jill Stein.

The Clinton's represent the Clinton's. Us peasants can't enrich them so they have to go where the real money is.

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Let's get real.

True believers in the vile monster, perhaps 35 percent of likely voters, are not even worth talking to. It's GAME OVER for them.

Clinton isn't trying to change them and she shouldn't. That would be IMPOSSIBLE.

Would you have a "debate" with Mussolini followers?

They have been seduced. It's a drug for them. Often there is racism and blood lust in the hearts of this hateful American fascist trump movement. Logic and rationality are irrelevant. No horrific truth about their "great orange leader" softens their enthusiasm. In fact, it reinforces it.

So forget about them. 100 percent. On this forum of course and in the real life campaign.

The contest is with more rational people who haven't been INFECTED.

I am heartened by the Hillary Clinton foreign policy speech. I know her campaign has been struggling with crafting tactics to deal with the most totally INSANE potential president in American history.

I think this speech, with further adjustments of course, is the TICKET to the white house for our next president, Hillary Clinton.

Of course dodging the bullet of the dangerous "trump train" is even more important than electing Hillary. Nobody is saying she's perfect but she's MUCH MUCH better than the American Mussolini.

No comment about all this other than to say that it's a no-win situation for the USA this November -- a dangerous crook or a dangerous clown is being offered to the voters.

(WOW !!! I just noticed that you have over 69,000 posts. I'm blown away. I see you've been a member for about 9-1/2 years, so that averages about 20 posts every single day for almost 10 years. That's amazing dedication to this forum.)

JT is consistent if nothing else thumbsup.gif

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Jeez you right-whingers get out of bed early, do you all have to change your colostomy bags or something? Strewth! Give a bloke a chance to read the news and respond eh!

Okay, read it now. She's right. Next!


They haaaaaaaaaate HRC. They spew this delusional nonsense about her about her, nonstop. All the conspiracies that float around the Republican brain sad.png . How do they function as a normal human beings with all that hate inside them?

We've got a couple here in town. I avoid them. I can say hello and maybe bring up American sports but they always go off on the Obama/HRC hate tangent. Sorry...I gotta go.

So many Republican "solutions" are far worse than the original problems even for problems that actually exist!

I can't imagine a Trump presidency would be like. Hillary nails it, "an historic mistake". It's not something I worry about.

Same same. Same coin different side

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Donald Trump -- what exactly is it?

Here's a theory. UNREAL reality television show running for the most powerful office on the planet.crazy.gif


Glasser: So it’s a TV show about a book about a guy who was an invented character.

O’Brien: Yes.

Glasser: That’s now led to a campaign based on the TV show based on the book.

O’Brien: About a man who’s saying he’s a politician, who could probably never really deliver on everything he’s saying.

D’Antonio: So it’s all about this autobiography, which isn’t auto, and it isn’t a biography—which is, you know, only in America.

Again, not only a huge mistake to elect it as president, but a huge mistake to mistake it for a normal candidate or even a normal human being.

Edited by Jingthing
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But Trump speaks off the top of his head. He says what is on his mind and that is why he gets in trouble all the time. So today we know what Trump thinks, but after 8 years we still don't know what Obama thinks.

Geez, are you for real? Nearly every time Trump opens his mouth (or "speaks off the top of his head"), he says something insanely stupid. But then a few days later, he says the exact opposite. And then he denies ever saying what he originally said in the first place. This has happened over and over again. No one knows where Trump stands on a number of issues. So take your pick, Trump will be America's:


Whack job-in-Chief

Conspiracy Theorist-in-Chief





Should I go on?

Sorry for not writing clearly enough, but I agree that Trump says stupid things.

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Let's get real.

True believers in the vile monster, perhaps 35 percent of likely voters, are not even worth talking to. It's GAME OVER for them.

Clinton isn't trying to change them and she shouldn't. That would be IMPOSSIBLE.

Would you have a "debate" with Mussolini followers?

They have been seduced. It's a drug for them. Often there is racism and blood lust in the hearts of this hateful American fascist trump movement. Logic and rationality are irrelevant. No horrific truth about their "great orange leader" softens their enthusiasm. In fact, it reinforces it.

So forget about them. 100 percent. On this forum of course and in the real life campaign.

The contest is with more rational people who haven't been INFECTED.

I am heartened by the Hillary Clinton foreign policy speech. I know her campaign has been struggling with crafting tactics to deal with the most totally INSANE potential president in American history.

I think this speech, with further adjustments of course, is the TICKET to the white house for our next president, Hillary Clinton.

Of course dodging the bullet of the dangerous "trump train" is even more important than electing Hillary. Nobody is saying she's perfect but she's MUCH MUCH better than the American Mussolini.

"The contest is with more rational people who haven't been INFECTED."

Based on your "vile monster!', "fascist!" rants it is safe to say you are not one of those rational people.

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Hillary makes a good point.

If a steak turns out tough and chewy and tastes like shit and the business goes belly up thousands aren't going to lose their lives. Make a bad foreign policy decision like W Bush did and hundreds of thousands of people die and it impacts economically on the people who can least afford it.

Are you talking about the "bad foreign policy decisions" that Hillary backed 100%?

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It was an excellent speech.

She is presidential big time. The vile monster ill tempered vindictive psychopathic trump buffoon is a carnival barker con man.

It shows Hillary Clinton has got her moxie back and the tactics to crush the vile fascist monster have been decided on.

Compared to the vile monster's constant rants ... as Bill Maher calls him, "whiny little (b-word)" there is no choice any rational voter would make except for Hillary Clinton.

Nothing rational in that,

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