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Soldier stabs ladyboy wife dead with scissors in Khon Kaen salon

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Soldier stabs ladyboy wife dead with scissors in Khon Kaen salon


Image: Thairath

KHON KAEN:-- A soldier left his camp to try to get back together with his estranged ladyboy wife only to stab her to death with a pair of scissors in a Khon Kaen salon.

Police found the lifeless body of Ketsuda Chaibutr , 36, at the back of the salon in a market area on the Chumpae - Sri Bun Ruang road on Friday. She was found face down in a pool of blood with 18 body and chest wounds. A bloodstained screwdriver and scissors were found nearby amid scenes of a violent struggle, reported Thairath.

Athita Warasu, 27, another ladyboy who was the owner of the shop said that Ketsuda like to come in for chats. Her friend had had a full sex change operation to become a woman and was a hairdresser and cosmetic specialist. She said that while they were talking Friday evening her husband Anan Somboon, 21, showed up. They had been together for two years and had even married according to local custom but after Anan was drafted into the army their relationship had cooled, the friend said

She understood that Anan had showed up to try and get back together with his wife and seeing that it was a private matter she left them to talk it through while she went home.

Later Friday the grisly scene of the murder was discovered and police sent two teams out to hunt for the soldier. One went to his home in Nong Bua Lampu while the other was despatched to the camp in Nakorn Rachasima where he was based a s a soldier. He was found outside the camp and arrested for murder.

He admitted the crime and told police that he was jealous and angry after finding out that his wife had a new lover. He said that he tried to stab her in the neck with the screwdriver but when that didn't work he stabbed her with the scissors until she was dead. Then he cleaned up and went back to the camp.

Police are preparing the case for trial at a military court.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-06-04

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"A soldier left his camp to try to get back together with his estranged ladyboy wife only to stab her to death with a pair of scissors in a Khon Kaen salon."

Its' baffling to the western eye as to how much jealously exists and to what lengths some people here will go to in order to save face, no matter how little face they possess to begin with.

How can anyone take it seriously when the Thai leaders talk about creating a competitive education system and work environments, when even the most constructive of criticism would be viewed as losing face and warrant retribution, rather than make the necessary changes to achieve success?


Edited by jaltsc
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"A soldier left his camp to try to get back together with his estranged ladyboy wife only to stab her to death with a pair of scissors in a Khon Kaen salon."

Its' baffling to the western eye as to how much jealously exists and to what lengths some people here will go to in order to save face, no matter how little face they possess to begin with.

How can anyone take it seriously when the Thai leaders talk about creating a competitive education system and work environments, when even the most constructive of criticism would be viewed as losing face and warrant retribution, rather than make the necessary changes to achieve success?

Face is a major impediment to development in Asia. However some have somehow managed to thrive even with that huge handicap, like Singapore, South Korea and Japan. Maybe there's something the Thais could copy, they're good at that.

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He admitted the crime and told police that he was jealous and angry after finding out that his wife had a new lover. He said that he tried to stab her in the neck with the screwdriver but when that didn't work he stabbed her with the scissors until she was dead. Then he cleaned up and went back to the camp.

​ Sounds like a recipe how to make Somtham. One of the good general's best men....facepalm.gif

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He admitted the crime and told police that he was jealous and angry after finding out that his wife had a new lover. He said that he tried to stab her in the neck with the screwdriver but when that didn't work he stabbed her with the scissors until she was dead. Then he cleaned up and went back to the camp.

​ Sounds like a recipe how to make Somtham. One of the good general's best men....facepalm.gif

have you ever made som tam yourself?

when i, or my wife, make it, it does not involve inserting implements into each others body.

after, perhaps, in a good way...

poor people, but, having to solve their private differences in such an ugly way.

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"A soldier left his camp to try to get back together with his estranged ladyboy wife only to stab her to death with a pair of scissors in a Khon Kaen salon."

Its' baffling to the western eye as to how much jealously exists and to what lengths some people here will go to in order to save face, no matter how little face they possess to begin with.

How can anyone take it seriously when the Thai leaders talk about creating a competitive education system and work environments, when even the most constructive of criticism would be viewed as losing face and warrant retribution, rather than make the necessary changes to achieve success?

Face is a major impediment to development in Asia. However some have somehow managed to thrive even with that huge handicap, like Singapore, South Korea and Japan. Maybe there's something the Thais could copy, they're good at that.

The three countries that you mentioned used and indeed encouraged western thinking and assistance, at no time in Singapore's modern history did you have poorly trained English teachers , the first PM Lee was a union leader not a general , who gleaned insight into the west because of the UK influence and indeed held running street battles with the British to improve the workers conditions..

Edited by chainarong
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While it has many elements of a salacious story: violent, bloody death, older sex change wife, soldier husband comes home to find out he's been gazumped....is it really much different to the cases one reads about in other countries? NO. We seize upon the Thainess aspect, with some justification, but this could be...IS....something that happens just as frequently in NYC or Sydney or Paris or London. Most Thais do not respond to jealous situations in this way; not to say it isn't truly awful when they do.

But this forum is for expats residing in Thailand so it's only natural that people are going to pick up on the negative with so many stories on here everyday.

The simple fact is if you live in Thailand expect negativity towards your hosts by expats who read the news and post on forums such as this.

Depending on the news topic expats either praise their former home nations or find the negative as in your post,it's human nature.

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He didnt get the welcome he wanted , so as a Thai male he did the only thing he could to save face.

Do you know many Thai males? What a pathetic thing to say.

No its not pathetic - in fact to disparage others with your patronising BS is pathetic. We might not all agree but this website is about opinions in case you did not understand. Before you discredit my opinion I would say that after living and working here (permanently) for 10 years "shirtless" gave a very accurate assessment of the average Thai male.

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"A soldier left his camp to try to get back together with his estranged ladyboy wife only to stab her to death with a pair of scissors in a Khon Kaen salon."

Its' baffling to the western eye as to how much jealously exists and to what lengths some people here will go to in order to save face, no matter how little face they possess to begin with.

How can anyone take it seriously when the Thai leaders talk about creating a competitive education system and work environments, when even the most constructive of criticism would be viewed as losing face and warrant retribution, rather than make the necessary changes to achieve success?


You know nothing.

This is not about saving face. Love and jealousy are powerful emotions and messing with peoples emotions can lead to serious consequences. People both men and women can react in different ways if discovering their partners have fallen out of love with them or been cheating. It can lead to self harm, the harming of others or falling into a sort of grief. It`s just that there are some people that can`t handle it too well, maybe mentally unbalanced and can lose it on the spur of the moment without thinking, their minds go into rage and that`s it. The symptom was recognized in France years ago and why a person could be let off murder if proven to be a crime of compassion.

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He didnt get the welcome he wanted , so as a Thai male he did the only thing he could to save face.

Do you know many Thai males? What a pathetic thing to say.

No its not pathetic - in fact to disparage others with your patronising BS is pathetic. We might not all agree but this website is about opinions in case you did not understand. Before you discredit my opinion I would say that after living and working here (permanently) for 10 years "shirtless" gave a very accurate assessment of the average Thai male.

No, he didn't, shirtless gave an inaccurate, pathetic generalisation.

If you really believe what you posted you want to get out and meet some real Thai people. By the way, there was nothing patronising about either posts but there was some BS...in shirtless' post.

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From my observations, world wide, not any one country, males seem to be either of the "control freak" variety, with all that entails: jealousy, constant checking up on their

partners ,with personal insecurity and low self esteem; or otherwise of the more balanced : "be with me because that is what you want, if not, move on " variety.

I find the first lot quite pathetic but abundant in most societies. They seem to know what they are about, but behave like it anyway.

When questioned about it the answer

is "yeah I am jealous, blah blah, blah". Unfortunately for women, or partners ,once in a caustic, toxic relationship with one of these types, life becomes fraught and scary.

No love or caring of the genuine kind is involved, simply the ego of the insecure male who does not give a hoot for anything else than his own rather overinflated sense of

importance in the grand scheme of things.

It can be , as we have just seen, a high price to pay for trying to love somebody when things do not work out.

Raise boys to be men, with strong self worth and self belief, values and ethics, but I fear those are dying principles.

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He didnt get the welcome he wanted , so as a Thai male he did the only thing he could to save face.

Do you know many Thai males? What a pathetic thing to say.

No its not pathetic - in fact to disparage others with your patronising BS is pathetic. We might not all agree but this website is about opinions in case you did not understand. Before you discredit my opinion I would say that after living and working here (permanently) for 10 years "shirtless" gave a very accurate assessment of the average Thai male.

Opinions are one thing but ignorant, racist comments are not OK. 10 years whoopdeedoo. I've worked here over 30 years and when you start having a family, put them through school and university, learn the language, interact and generally integrating into this society, you'll realize that what you say is inane.

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He didnt get the welcome he wanted , so as a Thai male he did the only thing he could to save face.

Do you know many Thai males? What a pathetic thing to say.

No its not pathetic - in fact to disparage others with your patronising BS is pathetic. We might not all agree but this website is about opinions in case you did not understand. Before you discredit my opinion I would say that after living and working here (permanently) for 10 years "shirtless" gave a very accurate assessment of the average Thai male.

Opinions are one thing but ignorant, racist comments are not OK. 10 years whoopdeedoo. I've worked here over 30 years and when you start having a family, put them through school and university, learn the language, interact and generally integrating into this society, you'll realize that what you say is inane.

You just can't stop projecting yourself into every post. It's good you are happy with your own life and circumstances but we don't need to be continually reminded.

By the way you forgot to include that you are applying for citizenship.

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He admitted the crime and told police that he was jealous and angry after finding out that his wife had a new lover. He said that he tried to stab her in the neck with the screwdriver but when that didn't work he stabbed her with the scissors until she was dead. Then he cleaned up and went back to the camp.

​ Sounds like a recipe how to make Somtham. One of the good general's best men....facepalm.gif

She couldn't stand up for him anymore.

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''Police are preparing the case for trial at a military court.''

I thought military courts were for military crimes and/or crimes committed by soldiers on military property. In this case the soldier was acting as a civilian and committed murder in a public place :unsure:

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He didnt get the welcome he wanted , so as a Thai male he did the only thing he could to save face.

Do you know many Thai males? What a pathetic thing to say.

No its not pathetic - in fact to disparage others with your patronising BS is pathetic. We might not all agree but this website is about opinions in case you did not understand. Before you discredit my opinion I would say that after living and working here (permanently) for 10 years "shirtless" gave a very accurate assessment of the average Thai male.

Just because its your opinion doesnt make it fact.

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You just can't stop projecting yourself into every post. It's good you are happy with your own life and circumstances but we don't need to be continually reminded.

By the way you forgot to include that you are applying for citizenship.

How am I projecting myself?

Less of the personal attacks and stay on topic.

Do you actually agree that the average Thai male does this sort of thing?

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You just can't stop projecting yourself into every post. It's good you are happy with your own life and circumstances but we don't need to be continually reminded.

By the way you forgot to include that you are applying for citizenship.

How am I projecting myself?

Less of the personal attacks and stay on topic.

Do you actually agree that the average Thai male does this sort of thing?

Personal attacks, do you mean like those you indulge in when a post doesn't meet with your approval and you comment on the poster not having been here long enough, can't speak Thai to your standard and dares to criticise the country etc ?

Do you really not realise how many times you bring your own personal circumstances into things ?

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''Police are preparing the case for trial at a military court.''

I thought military courts were for military crimes and/or crimes committed by soldiers on military property. In this case the soldier was acting as a civilian and committed murder in a public place :unsure:

A military court tries and adjudicates cases involving persons within its jurisdiction, as he is a member of the military, it would appear the right decision.

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"A soldier left his camp to try to get back together with his estranged ladyboy wife only to stab her to death with a pair of scissors in a Khon Kaen salon."

Its' baffling to the western eye as to how much jealously exists and to what lengths some people here will go to in order to save face, no matter how little face they possess to begin with.

How can anyone take it seriously when the Thai leaders talk about creating a competitive education system and work environments, when even the most constructive of criticism would be viewed as losing face and warrant retribution, rather than make the necessary changes to achieve success?


Maybe he only just found out it was a lady boy haha

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