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PM advises Thais to "use their brains and intellect" in wake of Tiger Temple raids

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I used my brains and stayed away from Tigers. Then a few years ago I went (because of girls) It is a nice attraction but......

My intellect told me exactly what must be going on. The attraction must breed constantly to keep a supply of "littlest" tigers, which are the most expensive to visit/pet. They get bigger and bigger quickly. Within a few years they are giant. Most are not sociable enough for petting, they can live for decades and need much meat and care. Then the attraction has the gall to suggest in their literature that it is almost the duty of tourists to visit or else the Tigers would go hungry (when they are only being bred for greed). Obviously they are being slaughtered for body parts and sold to China/where ever or whoever is willing to waste money on hides and phony cures/quack medicine, and superstitions.

A cruel money making enterprise to benefit a few people. The whole concept should be banned. The only way to ensure a future for wild Tigers is to protect their habitat. Period.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It was good that a search was carried out to discover the truth and people should be careful before putting their trust in such places.

Wow, asking people to question things could get out of hand. Where will it stop?

Getting out of hand, eh? Getting really out of hand in Thailandwould be calle Atheism. That's never going to happen.......... unfortunately. In Malaysia too, it would be a good or actually an even better idea.
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I remember many years ago visiting a crocodile farm in Bangkok, when walking around the back there were about 12 tiger cubs in a small cage. I bet they were destined for the same fate as the crocodiles. I think the Tiger Temple are not the only abusers of tigers in Thailand. LOS. my foot.

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BANGKOK:-- Following the raids on the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi PM Prayut has advised Thais not to be gullible and to think things through clearly using their brains and intellect.

This from the guy with 3 kilos of amulets around his neck, and who consults astrologers because he thinks a tree nearly fell on him because of black magic.

This place gets surreal sometimes.


Yeah,....that's why I love it here.....surreal !!!!


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So he's trying to persuade everyone that nothing really happened at the 'Tiger temple'..?

Tell you what Mr...check the freezer contents..it most certainly happened for them..!!!

What on earth are you going on about?

He is actually telling people not to trust places simply because they are temples.

Read this part again - "Who could believe that such goings on could happen at a temple, " he said. It was good that a search was carried out to discover the truth and people should be careful before putting their trust in such places.

The opposite to your comment.

Yes,..you are right in this, and most people read and remember just what they want and forget the essential message....it is called "Congivit Dissonance"

Best regards.

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I used my brains and stayed away from Tigers. Then a few years ago I went (because of girls) It is a nice attraction but......

My intellect told me exactly what must be going on. The attraction must breed constantly to keep a supply of "littlest" tigers, which are the most expensive to visit/pet. They get bigger and bigger quickly. Within a few years they are giant. Most are not sociable enough for petting, they can live for decades and need much meat and care. Then the attraction has the gall to suggest in their literature that it is almost the duty of tourists to visit or else the Tigers would go hungry (when they are only being bred for greed). Obviously they are being slaughtered for body parts and sold to China/where ever or whoever is willing to waste money on hides and phony cures/quack medicine, and superstitions.

A cruel money making enterprise to benefit a few people. The whole concept should be banned. The only way to ensure a future for wild Tigers is to protect their habitat. Period.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I couldn't agree more with you !!!

Best regards.

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The PM should be a role model for the younger generation, but how can they aspire to a man who is destroying Thai Buddhism.

I see there is a thread on Thai culture. Let me share some of this culture with you.

Never underestimate the importance and respect shown to monks in Thailand.

think you will find the monks are destroying buddhism in Thailand all,by themselves, you only have to read any of the thai papers to see it. We have one monk on the run who has millions at his disposal through corrupt practices, we have graft and corruption, rapes, drugs, drunks, illegal sales of tiger parts etc, conning people out of their money, refusal to obey the countries laws, faking illness to avoid having to face prosecution in a fraud case etc. Seems you are blinded by your personal bias for the pm and are incapable of rational thinking, maybe less time in the bar may help clear your muddled brain, anyone able to read or open their eyes is well aware that there are monks/temples that are simply not abiding by buddhist requirements, anyone pointing this out is just telling the truth, the only people destroying the religion are those that are supposed to be teaching/abiding by it.
You forgot the nominated Supreme Patriarch and his vintage classic car collection. Isn't this the reason for Dhammakaya temple scandal to shift power away from Thaksin's friends and if the taking down of the Tiger temple causes a major scandal this will only galvanize peoples opinions that temples are crooked and abbots criminals. Could this be the reason an mp made a fool of by Thaksin, overthrows the government with the help of the mad monk and his friend the army chief, is hell bent on controlling all institutions in Thailand and wiping any Thaksin influences off the face of the Earth. Could this be the motive for the PM's speech or am I posting drunk again?
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"So don't think that all monks or all temples display good conduct. Conduct can be rotten to the core. Open your hearts and use your intellect to discover the truth."
Is this guy muslim?
Nope.. he is not .. this is just a realistic thing to say. Can fault him for many things but these comments are valid.
These comments are taken from the book of Issara the mad monk who is doing his best to bring down Thai Buddhism. Issara and Suthep with their facist agenda are restarting, resetting and reforming to suit the elite's roadmap for continued control of the masses.
In the international headlines Thai Buddhism is portrayed as a laughing stock.

So, you think Issara is really a muslim?

Well he aint a Buddhist and that's a fact.
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I think the popular "No money no honey" says it all about Thai brain and intellect apart from family. But in spite of all the hoopla, the vast majority of Thais are poor and mostly uneducated. I just read an article that some 10 million Thai kids are not in school because they are working. So ... looking at all the other poor countries in the world it's the same thing. Money takes precedent over just about everything ... even being a decent human being.

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Well, it happened under the scrutiny eyes of the authorities ....... for years and years and years - resting the case.

This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the nasty side of Thainess which is being hammered into every Tom, Dick and Harry's head as being the superiors in SEA. Well, I for one, have not come across anything like that anywhere else - period!

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"So don't think that all monks or all temples display good conduct. Conduct can be rotten to the core. Open your hearts and use your intellect to discover the truth."

Is this guy muslim?

"...use your intellect to discover the truth." doesn't sound like any muslim that I've heard of.

Or any Thai General/politician either. The last thing they want is people using their intellects to discover the truth. Could bring the whole power strucutre down around their ears.

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Good time to ride the wave of sentiment and to go for all the exploitative animal attractions in the kingdom, most of which are not run by monks but by ordinary HiSo entrepreneurs.

Start with the Sriracha Tiger zoo and the dolphinariums please.

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One doesn't need to open their hearts; rather think critically. The PM's statement should have included regardless of one's position in society, people will be held fully accountable for heinous crimes committed and punished under the full extent of the law.....

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So when someone stands on tv and say they are doing their best and everything they do is only being done for the good of the people,

Use your brains and interlect and find out the truth

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Considering the apparent results of the Thai educational system,

"advised Thais not to be gullible and to think things through clearly using their brains and intellect." might be a gigantic challenge for most Thai educated (so to say) people.

Took some time but we have a winner :-)

Our maybe that should be loser.

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Unfortunately the two requirements are not exactly Thais strong points, brains yes, intellect yes BUT together that is a hard one to swallow.

Someone calling themself, "khun" cannot be taken seriously. Obviously you don't know how ridiculous that make you look.
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There's something about this that I don;t understand. I visited the temple in 2006. There were many farang helpers from various countries that I spoke to, although most seemed to be 20 something girls from Australia, generally students in their holidays. It is difficult for me to believe that these girls would be complicit in killing of tigers and selling off their body parts. They were do-gooders and animal lovers living and helping at the temple unpaid for a few weeks/months and must have seen something going on. If they witnessed illegal things why didn't they report it then? Or did they report it and were ignored?

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the vast majority of Thais are poor and mostly uneducated. I just read an article that some 10 million Thai kids are not in school because they are working.

Thais who go through the school system are barely educated themselves. The biggest surprise is that so many near the bottom of the heap can actually read and write on top of basic functions to support their masters. Looking towards the top of the pile we find doctors whose qualifications are based not on knowledge or ability, but on cheating and buying their way.

Those that can escape abroad for their education are the lucky ones, the rest not so much. Still, there can be little helping those who would not help themselves.

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There's something about this that I don;t understand. I visited the temple in 2006. There were many farang helpers from various countries that I spoke to, although most seemed to be 20 something girls from Australia, generally students in their holidays. It is difficult for me to believe that these girls would be complicit in killing of tigers and selling off their body parts. They were do-gooders and animal lovers living and helping at the temple unpaid for a few weeks/months and must have seen something going on. If they witnessed illegal things why didn't they report it then? Or did they report it and were ignored?

One explanation might be that these kinds of people you describe as do-gooders and animal lovers are highly likely to be lacking in life experience, indeed many of them will only now just be picking up some of their first real travel experience, they will be idealists and romantics and that will have a high contingent of naivety, then there is the temporary, transient nature of their time in a culture and people they most likely know almost nothing about.

Finally, apply Asia, South East Asia and Thailand, Asian, South East Asian and Thai culture and Asian, South East Asian and Thai people to the equation.

What isn't there to understand?

Edited by Squeegee
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"So don't think that all monks or all temples display good conduct. Conduct can be rotten to the core. Open your hearts and use your intellect to discover the truth."

Is this guy muslim?

Nope.. he is not .. this is just a realistic thing to say. Can fault him for many things but these comments are valid.

Surely these comments can only be 'valid' and 'realistic' if it's the case that no policemen, military nor government officials ever took bribes to turn a blind eye to the carry-ons at such 'temple'.

There have been suspicions and stories about this place for years.

Is it really possible that nobody in authority ever knew of what was happening there? Not so sure about that.

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