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Thank you my dear Thai taxi drivers

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Thank you my dear Thai taxi drivers


Many people talk about “taxi Thai” by which they mean a reasonably poor level of Thai language sufficient to get you from A to B and perhaps say thanks or slow down.

Many people also do nothing but complain about taxi drivers suggesting that the good ones are in remarkably short supply.

Some even suggest that the service is expensive – those really are Thai bashers who have lost the plot.

I would like to say a few kind words in favour of taxi drivers and thank them for making me rich.

I realised early on when I came to live in Thailand that learning the language would be an extremely good idea especially as I couldn’t really ever envisage going anywhere else for the rest of my life. (That was back in the early eighties when I was in my twenties – I stuck to my plan).

So how to learn? Well, there were many strategies but the fundamental core of my learning strategy was not to pay for lessons and to get as much help from the general public as I could. Surely in this way I could save money (money that I didn’t even have if the truth be known) and learn to speak a bit proper.

This is where the taxis came in. I would say the tuk-tuks as well but the noise of the engine and the noise from outside made this a bit of a challenge for a Thai beginner.

Taxis in the eighties were meter-less so the opportunity to break the ice with a request and an offer were ever present. This was important in setting the language scene – it is always important for anyone wanting to practice their Thai to establish the language. Even something as simple as saying ‘sawatdee’ clearly can do this. It attunes the Thai ear and sets the scene for what is to follow.

Having got into the cab then would follow the inevitable questions. To facilitate this it was always a good idea to risk sitting in the front. The constant repetition in Thai of where were you from, what was your nationality, did you have children, were you married, did you have a Thai girlfriend and what were you doing in Thailand were all great first term lessons.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/thank-dear-thai-taxi-drivers/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-06-05

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Most of the Thai cabbies are nice man who work too many hours. Its the few bad ones who give them all that bad name. It's not fair to say this article was paid for. More likely the man who wrote this has a Thai cabbie brother in law or friend he feels needs to be given a break from all the bashing. :(


Given the history of posts by the OP, I'd go with paid propaganda as well.

I'd say there are a few good cabbies, the majority aren't and their reputation is deserved.

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Nice article. I'd say it makes a fair point. Like anything about taxis, though, it'll get dumped on by the usual miserable chorus - even though they mostly live in the middle of nowhere and maybe get a Bangkok taxi twice a year. As someone who uses them everyday, I'd say the vast majority are decent guys.


I live in Bangkok, I suppose the experience you get is also based on where you live and where you want to go. I've mostly had ok experiences, but especially more recently it has been getting worse. I drive myself mostly now, and take taxis only as a last resort (assuming they are willing to go to my destination)

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I lived here for 4 years in the 70's when no meter or air conditioning. I have lived here for 20 years this time. All of my taxi use has been in Bangkok.

I cannot recall comming across a really bad driver. I have come across the ones who dont want to turn on the meter, or dont want to go to my destination, but its never been a serious problem as I just get the next one. I should add that i speak thai fluently.

Maybe i am very luck but it doew indicate that the bad ones are a minority.

And no this is not paid for or even suggested by anyone else.


I wanted a Taxi the other night... 6 in a row said no or asked for 500 baht (Journey is 170 baht).

After the first 3 rejections I got a little frustrated so took a photo of the following 3 taxi's as they drove off - with the intention of sending the pic with a complaint to the DLT Check In App (which is used for Taxi complaints)...

Except that the App can't import the photo... so its fairly useless.

The return journey later on the same evening... I had a great taxi, new clean car, seatbelts in the rear, polite driver... But he couldn't drive... 'on-off-on-off' the accelerator left me feeling a little ill...


Nice article. I'd say it makes a fair point. Like anything about taxis, though, it'll get dumped on by the usual miserable chorus - even though they mostly live in the middle of nowhere and maybe get a Bangkok taxi twice a year. As someone who uses them everyday, I'd say the vast majority are decent guys.

I use taxis everyday too and they are perfectly fine.

Then again I don't try to get taxis in the obvious tourist areas where I know the drivers are mafia scum.


Most of the Thai cabbies are nice man who work too many hours. Its the few bad ones who give them all that bad name. It's not fair to say this article was paid for. More likely the man who wrote this has a Thai cabbie brother in law or friend he feels needs to be given a break from all the bashing. sad.png

Yes,..in the 20+ years I live partly in Thailand, most Bangkok taxi drivers were nice people, and I forgot already about the few bad ones...



When I lived in BKK quite some years ago & I was single......I would take the motor bike Taxi.... it was more fun than the white knuckle ride at Alton towers (a UK fun park) wrong way down 1 way streets, up on the pavement, ridding against the traffic. I hardly ever saw them in an accident, price all agreed on before -----yer its probably heart attack material for me now. but back then it was fun, especially 3 on the bike--with the girl of your choice madly clutching onto you............coffee1.gif


Given the history of posts by the OP, I'd go with paid propaganda as well.

I'd say there are a few good cabbies, the majority aren't and their reputation is deserved.

Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

Propaganda or not I have in over 30 years met very few bad taxi drivers. Most have enjoyed a chat and they have not overcharged me. I know in Sukhumvit road there are many less than helpful taxi's but in reality these are the minority. The majority are ok


Some even suggest that the service is expensive – those really are Thai bashers who have lost the plot.

Thai basher posts...seem to always be followed by a Troll Post like this one...

Troll Posts like this always have a money motive...

What is yours?


Mind numbing stuff. Wonder if he has learned such phrases as "ping pong show" "you want girl?" "no. have wife you want boy?" The entire article makes me feel like as I am being narrated to as if I am a 5 year old child.


Getting a taxi and having it go where you want to go for the correct price. Is there really an artical to be written about someone doing their job properly ?


I like those cars with the we speak English signs, get in and then discover this only goes as far as where you come from, cannot and goodbye sad.png


Remember well the years pre-SkyTrain and even before metered taxis. Did ALOT more walking and bus riding back then! They were in the hi-ball the farang business back then too. City bus was a much better option in those days.

With metered taxis it became much more convenient. Use the meter or on to the next one. NO negotiations. Still use this strategy today. When the Skytrain started in 1999, the need for me in taxis was much diminished.

Overall, Thai taxis have always been a good value and remain so today and I would rate my experience over the years at about 50-50. 50% good with no bullshit, wrong turns; "long cuts, etc...and 50% with one or more of the aforementioned.


more crappy article, thaivisa should mention this is an advertisement and Inspire Pattaya is not a real newspaper and Nina is not a real journalist.

You know something is wrong when Inspire Pattaya start to speak about Bkk cabbie


Getting a taxi and having it go where you want to go for the correct price. Is there really an artical to be written about someone doing their job properly ?

Inspire' articles should have a clue in the title so we do not click on their non-stories and can move on to something interesting.


Getting a taxi and having it go where you want to go for the correct price. Is there really an artical to be written about someone doing their job properly ?

Inspire' articles should have a clue in the title so we do not click on their non-stories and can move on to something interesting.

actually the clue is : Inspire


I speak enough Thai to get around and have a basic conversation. I agree wholeheartedly with the article and have had enjoyed many opportunities to practice Thai with Taxi drivers. I have found all but one or two to be very honest and had several return me more change than required. Admittedly most of my rides have been in the less touristed Rangsit and Pathum Thani areas. The criticism of the OP is totally unjustified. Some posters just look for things to criticise. If you don't like the thread topic then don't read the replies or comment. I thought the topic was quite OK and something I could relate to from personal experience.


If you don't like the thread topic then don't read the replies or comment. I thought the topic was quite OK and something I could relate to from personal experience.

If you don't like the replies, don't read them or comment. See how easy it is to use your playground logic? Grow up.

These 'Inspire' topics are propaganda trolling and spinning to cast Thailand in a light that's already faded.


If you don't like the thread topic then don't read the replies or comment. I thought the topic was quite OK and something I could relate to from personal experience.

If you don't like the replies, don't read them or comment. See how easy it is to use your playground logic? Grow up.

These 'Inspire' topics are propaganda trolling and spinning to cast Thailand in a light that's already faded.

What absolute crap. The article is about learning Thai through conversing with ordinary people, in particular taxi drivers. It is not an 'inspire' article. And I hardly see what 'grow up' has to do with my comment. I just get sick of the desire of some posters to rip into anything that doesn't fit their negative agenda.


If you don't like the thread topic then don't read the replies or comment. I thought the topic was quite OK and something I could relate to from personal experience.

If you don't like the replies, don't read them or comment. See how easy it is to use your playground logic? Grow up.

These 'Inspire' topics are propaganda trolling and spinning to cast Thailand in a light that's already faded.

What absolute crap. The article is about learning Thai through conversing with ordinary people, in particular taxi drivers. It is not an 'inspire' article. And I hardly see what 'grow up' has to do with my comment. I just get sick of the desire of some posters to rip into anything that doesn't fit their negative agenda.

I see that... However, most posters are probably well balanced... They see an abundance of positive things in Thailand which is why they are living here, they also see great deal of negative things and would like to see improvement... much in the same way as Thai's do.

Of course, there are some overly negative, bitter and sadly twisted individuals who like to troll, however, a thread regarding taxi's brings out an abundance of negatively charged comments from numerous balanced posters for one very simple reason - Our experiences with Taxi's for the most part are generally negative.

I've been keeping sort of a mental running tally... Turn downs, poor driving, attempts at overcharging, refusal of meter etc... things I'm not happy with - I'm probably running at 7 negative experiences per 1 positive....

Others don't have these issues such as Soi Biker who made an interesting thread a while back which identified that it is perhaps location and time which more greatly influences negative experiences. I'm in central Sukhumvit so I guess thats a factor.

One things is for sure... My experiences of Taxi drivers (which of course differs from others) is most definitely not a positive one - In fact its a surprise to me when things run 'normally' without issue.

And, No... its not an easy Job for Taxi drivers, conditions are fairly poor, some passengers are probably quite impolite, but hey, my job isn't all roses either, we all work hard.

So, with balance in mind - I don't really agree with the article... I had some very good conversations with Taxi drivers, a very small percentage... but most are juvenile... "You have Thai Wife?... From Isaan? You like Boom Boom, I take you lady now"..... Its tiresome...

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