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Their visibility belies scorn, harm transgender Thais face

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As opposed to abnormal heterosexual relationships?

The way I was brought up, a heterosexual relationship is normal.
So gays are sexual deviants?

Many are. When you have removed the biggest obstacle, everything else is fair game. I have a few gay friends who have told me about things that made me blush, like human wine decanters, for example.

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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.
I do accept them, but sexuality and gender confusion do not belong in school. Neither does religion and racism.

Sure, cover it in class so everyone knows what it is. Talk about it from a scientific point of view and move on. But boys dressing like girls at school is not appropriate, ever. Neither is it appropriate in the workplace. However, what you do in your private life is up to you.

Edited by dcnx
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The word 'acceptance' was first used in post #26, posted by yourself.

Correction! The word ‘accept’ was used by ‘Bluespunk’ to which you initially responded so eloquently

and subsequently used yourself in response to my initial comment.

But, I agree, ‘acceptance’ is different to learning to ‘respect’ and tolerate’ others so perhaps I should have

made the distinction in my initial response.

Perhaps you disagree that all humans, regardless of their choice of sexuality, are entitled to the same basic

respect and tolerance unless proved otherwise?

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Ah, the voice of reason!

By implication then, you are saying that to teach acceptance of people for WHO they are, not WHAT you think they are, is wrong?

Yet another who likes to live in a blinkered world of black and white!

Vive la difference!

Acceptance was never used when most of us went to school.

A male is born a male, and a female is born a female, fact.

Yeah let's put them in chambers and gas them all!

I don't think anybody would recommend that,everyone should have the right to be what they want to be but by the same coin you cant order acceptance, having said that i am of the opinion that nobody should be insulted or made fun of because of something they can do nothing about. I would accept the professional opinion of a trans-person at work but i wouldn't want to mix with them socially.

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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.
I do accept them, but sexuality and gender confusion do not belong in school. Neither does religion and racism.

Sure, cover it in class so everyone knows what it is. Talk about it from a scientific point of view and move on. But boys dressing like girls at school is not appropriate, ever. Neither is it appropriate in the workplace. However, what you do in your private life is up to you.

Nope. Acceptance of those who are different from you/the norm is an essential part of any decent education system.

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Thai visa, don't we just love it, never a dull day, members up early in order to comment on things hardly relevant.

The outside world is heading for financial ruin, talk of nuclear war is everywhere, and NATO's mercenaries are

murdering and raping their way across the Mid-East, and the subject that is getting peoples panties in a twist

is ladyboys and their problems, let them form a daisy chain and fall off Bali hai pier for all I care, Seems like

all hands are on deck for this enthralling subject.

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Thai visa, don't we just love it, never a dull day, members up early in order to comment on things hardly relevant.

The outside world is heading for financial ruin, talk of nuclear war is everywhere, and NATO's mercenaries are

murdering and raping their way across the Mid-East, and the subject that is getting peoples panties in a twist

is ladyboys and their problems, let them form a daisy chain and fall off Bali hai pier for all I care, Seems like

all hands are on deck for this enthralling subject.

So what is your opinion on the topic we should discuss?

It is your world and we are suppose to follow you opinion right?


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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.

When I was young, girls weren't allowed to wear make up at school.

So why is a gender confused male allowed to?

My gut feel on reading the article is that it's made up by an LGBT activist.

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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.

When I was young, girls weren't allowed to wear make up at school.

So why is a gender confused male allowed to?

My gut feel on reading the article is that it's made up by an LGBT activist.

There's a difference between school rules being enforced on all students and prejudices not being challenged.

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In a world populated by millions of men pretending to be women and millions of women pretending to be men and a whole lot more who aren't sure what they are, God has a lot to answer for. Whatever happened in that garden of Eden? Were there hormones in that apple?

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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.
I do accept them, but sexuality and gender confusion do not belong in school. Neither does religion and racism.

Sure, cover it in class so everyone knows what it is. Talk about it from a scientific point of view and move on. But boys dressing like girls at school is not appropriate, ever. Neither is it appropriate in the workplace. However, what you do in your private life is up to you.

Nope. Acceptance of those who are different from you/the norm is an essential part of any decent education system.

so what about pedo's or people who want sex with animals, that's also sexual orientation, different from the norm. A 30 year old man say who has consensual sex with a 14 year old would be arrested and vilified, there is a man in the USA who is campaigning for the right to have sex with his dog (the dog seems quite happy about it). Acceptance is all about the era and country we live in. Murder due to ethnic cleansing happens because the majority persecuting go along with it.

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so what about pedo's or people who want sex with animals, that's also sexual orientation, different from the norm. A 30 year old man say who has consensual sex with a 14 year old would be arrested and vilified, there is a man in the USA who is campaigning for the right to have sex with his dog (the dog seems quite happy about it). Acceptance is all about the era and country we live in. Murder due to ethnic cleansing happens because the majority persecuting go along with it.

Acquainting sexual orientation and gender identity with those who sexually abuse others is a terrible thing to do.

It is appalling to attempt to link personal life style choices with abuse.

Edited by Bluespunk
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As opposed to abnormal heterosexual relationships?

The way I was brought up, a heterosexual relationship is normal.
So gays are sexual deviants?

So perceptive of you, yes they are

So left handed people are deviants too?coffee1.gif

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The most dangerous place in high school for Jetsada Taesombat was the boys' bathroom. Her makeup, her lipstick, her accessories became signals to fellow students who targeted her with cruel jokes, insults and physical abuse. But Jetsada refused to hide her transgender identity.

This must have happened years ago as today no one would bat an eyelid. Most transgender or transvestite teenagers I see around my neck of the woods are tolerated well if not welcomed more into the social community. There are homophobic people too but most are elderly men who make a joke, nothing more.

If a transgender student went to use the boy's toilets today she'd get a glancing stare and that's it, Thailand's moved on and so should you.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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In a world populated by millions of men pretending to be women and millions of women pretending to be men and a whole lot more who aren't sure what they are, God has a lot to answer for. Whatever happened in that garden of Eden? Were there hormones in that apple?

Pretty sure a typical apple today would have several xenoestrogen pesticides and chemicals used in it, then to top it off its wrapped in plastic, more xenoestrogen

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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.
I do accept them, but sexuality and gender confusion do not belong in school. Neither does religion and racism.

Sure, cover it in class so everyone knows what it is. Talk about it from a scientific point of view and move on. But boys dressing like girls at school is not appropriate, ever. Neither is it appropriate in the workplace. However, what you do in your private life is up to you.

Nope. Acceptance of those who are different from you/the norm is an essential part of any decent education system.

And that has nothing to do with little boys dressing like little girls at school.

I wouldn't be permitted to go to school dreassed in an ape costume every day, even if I believed I was an ape. It would be disruptive to those around me. But, I'm an ape trapped in a boy's body! Doesn't matter, when you are in school everyone should be equal, thus school uniforms.

Some things are just common sense.

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Nope. Acceptance of those who are different from you/the norm is an essential part of any decent education system.

And that has nothing to do with little boys dressing like little girls at school.

I wouldn't be permitted to go to school dreassed in an ape costume every day, even if I believed I was an ape. It would be disruptive to those around me. But, I'm an ape trapped in a boy's body! Doesn't matter, when you are in school everyone should be equal, thus school uniforms.

Some things are just common sense.

"And that has nothing to do with little boys dressing like little girls at school."

Who said it did?

Was that in the OP?

The prejudice and bullying shown towards the student in the OP should have been countered.

Prejudice needs to be challenged and acceptance of difference should be part of the learning process..

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Acceptance was never used when most of us went to school.
A male is born a male, and a female is born a female, fact.

Yeah let's put them in chambers and gas them all!

I don't think anybody would recommend that,everyone should have the right to be what they want to be but by the same coin you cant order acceptance, having said that i am of the opinion that nobody should be insulted or made fun of because of something they can do nothing about. I would accept the professional opinion of a trans-person at work but i wouldn't want to mix with them socially.

Yeah let's cast them all out of society!

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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.
I do accept them, but sexuality and gender confusion do not belong in school. Neither does religion and racism.

Sure, cover it in class so everyone knows what it is. Talk about it from a scientific point of view and move on. But boys dressing like girls at school is not appropriate, ever. Neither is it appropriate in the workplace. However, what you do in your private life is up to you.

Nope. Acceptance of those who are different from you/the norm is an essential part of any decent education system.

And that has nothing to do with little boys dressing like little girls at school.

I wouldn't be permitted to go to school dreassed in an ape costume every day, even if I believed I was an ape. It would be disruptive to those around me. But, I'm an ape trapped in a boy's body! Doesn't matter, when you are in school everyone should be equal, thus school uniforms.

Some things are just common sense.

There is no equivalence between those two examples. A transgender girl and your very silly fiction of a child who identifies as an ape. Come on now. Try harder.
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Oh let's not hide the discrimination under the thin veil of the five Buddhist precepts. If all people who do not follow the precepts are bad people and will in the next life be subject to discrimination, then most of Thai Buddhists will face a tough next life. How many Thai Buddhists haven’t done any of the following?

  • harming living things.
  • taking what is not given.
  • sexual misconduct.
  • lying or gossip.
  • taking intoxicating substances e.g. drugs or drink.

To use religious precepts to justify discrimination is just pathetic and hypocritical (and that goes for any religion).

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Your words @MESTERM, not mine, if a man wishes to dress as a woman that's his choice,his right, my choice,my right, is not to socialize with him/her, your choice if you wish to, or is it PC now to deny rights to those who don't agree with you. PC isn't written in stone it changes with the era, slavery was PC once remember, i hate PC because it is dictated by a few for the masses and they are quick to pick up on new fads, the fashion industry relies on it.

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I saw 2 Toms kick off once outside a Toms club.My god! it was a real wicked fight,all over a girl.Ive seen guys kick off,but that was scary.The bouncers came out and tried to stop it.And even they were Toms.i wouldnt want to be around that too often.

I dont know any Toms,but i have been told that they are really distasteful creatures.

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I saw 2 Toms kick off once outside a Toms club.My god! it was a real wicked fight,all over a girl.Ive seen guys kick off,but that was scary.The bouncers came out and tried to stop it.And even they were Toms.i wouldnt want to be around that too often.

I dont know any Toms,but i have been told that they are really distasteful creatures.

I had my Tom neutered, maybe this will solve your problem. If not you could always buy a BB gun.
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In a world populated by millions of men pretending to be women and millions of women pretending to be men and a whole lot more who aren't sure what they are, God has a lot to answer for. Whatever happened in that garden of Eden? Were there hormones in that apple?

Pretty sure a typical apple today would have several xenoestrogen pesticides and chemicals used in it, then to top it off its wrapped in plastic, more xenoestrogen

You mean GOD works for Monsanto, too? Yikes!

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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.


Ah, the voice of reason!

By implication then, you are saying that to teach acceptance of people for WHO they are, not WHAT you think they are, is wrong?

Yet another who likes to live in a blinkered world of black and white!

Vive la difference!

Yeah, but. . . when your dad starts putting on wigs and dresses at 65 and claiming he's actually been a woman all his (and your) life, imprisoned in a man's body, it's possibly a little more complex than you are letting on.

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Sorry, but if you are in an all boys school and you choose to wear make up and act like a girl, you asked for it.

You go to school to learn, NOT parade your sexuality. Put on your girlie clothes and make up when you get home.

And one of the things you should learn in school is to accept people for who they are and not what you think they should be.


Ah, the voice of reason!

By implication then, you are saying that to teach acceptance of people for WHO they are, not WHAT you think they are, is wrong?

Yet another who likes to live in a blinkered world of black and white!

Vive la difference!

Yeah, but. . . when your dad starts putting on wigs and dresses at 65 and claiming he's actually been a woman all his (and your) life, imprisoned in a man's body, it's possibly a little more complex than you are letting on.

E.g. Frank Maloney. Managed the undisputed heavyweight boxing champion of the world, then reaches his 60's, starts wearing dresses, and says he's been trapped in a man's body. My arse, he is a bloke.

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