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Wart Of The Ring

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I've copme bsck from the isle of wight and right now i am very very drunk and i can't yype what i meabnt to say but yes - tomorrow i am going to high wycombe hopital to ghave my wart lazeredboff for good.

we are all waiting for this asspicious occasion......

may the wart be without you :o

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Well first of all thank you for entertaining me. I'm sorry for laughing at your mis-fortune(s).

That will teach you to rubber up in future!!!!

Apparently once the little buggers are gone there is a small chance of them returning. Im no doc but imagine it will be ok. I reckon you will be fine wipeing your arse sooner rather than later.

Thank you so much for cracking me up in the middle of a thai office, I recieved some funny looks but obviously can not share the amusements.

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Ok, where do I start?

I went today for the second treatment and I had some zapping done with a mini tazer for the little ones and I got some cream in a box with a free mirror.

Now look, I'm very tired and I'm round Louise's and I've had a drink and I still have to have a shallow saltwater bath before I go to bed so if you want me to go into more detail about today then bear with me please; I'm very tired.

...Not that I have not appreciated everybody's continuing interest in my ringpiece; don't get me wrong, but like I say - it's been a long day.

Best wishes to y'all - to be continued...

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Warts are caused by a virus. Piles and similar, caused by bacteria. A biopsy is in order.

Sounds ominous :D

G.Scamp, looks as if you have not had the best of days :D Thanks for the update on "state of the warts" I trust a speedy recovery is in order :o Maejo

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Piles and similar, caused by bacteria. A biopsy is in order.

piles are not caused by bacteria, piles are venous extrusions through the muscle of the anal sphincter or the rectal wall.

piles do not need biopsies.

piles may be brought on by impairment to the venous return system or by years of straining when "pinching a loaf".

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Snark: Appreciate your concern but it's really not that serious, it's starting to shrink already and I've been seen by the finest in their field and had a good old MOT in preperation for my return to LOS next week.

Sophisticat: You're welcome, if one is to share his malady with strangers, he may as well make it entertaining.

Bash: Yes mate, stings a bit but you know that Protex cooling talcum powder you can get from 7-Eleven? ...I'm never without a tub.

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G.Scamp, glad to hear that all is on the mend. This thread has provided us all with a great amount of mirth at your expense, and you've come through magnificently.

I trust you will be flying British Airwarts for your forthcoming trip? :o

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