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Eight years later, Clinton ready to break one glass ceiling


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Well it's taken a while but now the inevitable has happened and it's Clinton versus Trump. We all know the result but at least it should be an entertaining few months of blood and guts.

Maybe we should look at the two camps from a voters perspective. Who will vote for Trump and who will vote for Clinton?

Well Trump can count on the racists, homophobes and those who fear women for starters but there must be more than that surely?

Clinton can count on the Mexican and black vote, the Muslims, Chinese and other ethnic minorities, women, academics etc. etc.

Question is will this election define what is a "true American". When it comes to the crunch, just how close will it be? Interesting times indeed.

More popcorn over here please!

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If it boils down to Clintons vs. the orange monster I predict the lowest turnout in presidential voting history, at least on the Democrat side. Who knows about the batshit crazy Republican's? The 2 most disliked "candidates" in history, "what a revoltin' development this is". Dem's will NOT regain the Senate and will loose even more seats in the house and the racist, homophobic, misogynist, absolutely ignoramus voters may just elect the fascist orange monster. I don't see a viable 3rd party bid for Bernie as the Green Party would be the only alternative and it isn't certified in all 50 states. If it were, I would say go for it. Most Bernie supporters won't vote for Hillary but they won't vote for the fascist orange monster. Most thinking people see the Clintons for what they are, neocon/neoliberal war monger tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters and the military/spy/industrial complex.

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In theory it should be a very low turnout as neither candidate is worthy of the Presidency. The only thing that might get people voting is to stop the other candidate getting to sit in the big chair. This whole campaign has been run on negatives from day one and that is probably how the voting will be done.

God help America!

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One thing we know is that polls and all those "in the know" have been so wrong throughout this entire process. There are twists and turns happening every day. The lies, the disgusting behavior, the misinformation and deception are all coming together to make this one of the most interesting but also dishonest elections in modern history.

When I hear the news say that Bernie supporters will back Hillary I just have to laugh. Knowing what I know and talking to MANY Bernie supporters the word I keep hearing is No. Meaning that they will not vote for Hillary or Trump. I understand those who follow the past elections thinking otherwise but as pointed out, this is not a usual election.

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It will be interesting to see the reaction when the book "Crisis of Character" comes out this month. It is not released yet, and it is currently #1 on Amazon's Best Sellers List. It appears to be extremely unflattering to Billy and Hillary, written by a member of their security team in the White House. First chapter includes a recount of Hillary throwing a vase at Billy in the residence quarters, giving him quite the black eye. And this was before the Lewinsky scandal.

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If it boils down to Clintons vs. the orange monster I predict the lowest turnout in presidential voting history, at least on the Democrat side. Who knows about the batshit crazy Republican's? The 2 most disliked "candidates" in history, "what a revoltin' development this is". Dem's will NOT regain the Senate and will loose even more seats in the house and the racist, homophobic, misogynist, absolutely ignoramus voters may just elect the fascist orange monster. I don't see a viable 3rd party bid for Bernie as the Green Party would be the only alternative and it isn't certified in all 50 states. If it were, I would say go for it. Most Bernie supporters won't vote for Hillary but they won't vote for the fascist orange monster. Most thinking people see the Clintons for what they are, neocon/neoliberal war monger tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters and the military/spy/industrial complex.

I don't know Sgt. If nothing else, US voters seem to drift towards style/entertainment over substance. The garish, "Jerry Springer" like atmosphere might draw the voters to the polls like moths to a porchlight

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15 shit talking, wingnut, "Hillary is the devil" posts in a row. The lemmings hate Clinton. Hate her like they hate Obama. Get use to "Madame President", boys. clap2.gif

Trump's campaign is a raging dumpster file. Everyday another pathetic attempt at being a Presidential candidate...and coming off like the racist buffoon he is.

Democrats don't hate Trump. You just don't get that hate vibe from democrats. Oh wait, I forgot about Clarence Thomas. I do hate him and I use to hate Scalia. You can't hate them after they're dead.

I look at Republicans with disdain. Disdain isn't hate. And I love making fun of Republicans.

The Republican party is toast. Congrats Hillary.

Of course it's the old timer Dem supporters who are well cemented into their loyal mental fix but the under 30's are more flexible. Hard to believe that 71% of HRC supporters would still vote for her if indicted and charged with a felony illustrates the point. Of course Obama will pardon her to remove the problem.


Sorry Pinot FOX news/ rasmussen poll, but you don't have to believe it even if it favors HRC and regardless still would confirm your likely vote

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15 shit talking, wingnut, "Hillary is the devil" posts in a row. The lemmings hate Clinton. Hate her like they hate Obama. Get use to "Madame President", boys. clap2.gif

Trump's campaign is a raging dumpster file. Everyday another pathetic attempt at being a Presidential candidate...and coming off like the racist buffoon he is.

Democrats don't hate Trump. You just don't get that hate vibe from democrats. Oh wait, I forgot about Clarence Thomas. I do hate him and I use to hate Scalia. You can't hate them after they're dead.

I look at Republicans with disdain. Disdain isn't hate. And I love making fun of Republicans.

The Republican party is toast. Congrats Hillary.

Of course it's the old timer Dem supporters who are well cemented into their loyal mental fix but the under 30's are more flexible. Hard to believe that 71% of HRC supporters would still vote for her if indicted and charged with a felony illustrates the point. Of course Obama will pardon her to remove the problem.


Sorry Pinot FOX news/ rasmussen poll, but you don't have to believe it even if it favors HRC and regardless still would confirm your likely vote

"Hard to believe that 71% of HRC supporters would still vote for her if indicted and charged with a felony...."

Not if you consider who she's running against.

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