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Cobra bites man on bum in toilet - but local monk saves the day


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Cobra bites man on bum in toilet - but local monk saves the day

Image: Thairath

BANGKOK: -- A Prajuab man was bitten by a snake on his rear as he was doing his business in his house. The big black serpent emerged from the squat toilet and brushed past his genitals before sinking its fangs in.

There was a lot of blood. The man jumped up as the snake disappeared back down the bowl and rushed out into the street to find a local policeman reported Thairath. The policeman knew the bitten man, Amporn Jaengsin, 56, and after an inspection of his derriere advised going straight to hospital. There were two large bite marks on his cheeks.

But Amporn was having none of it. "Take me to the Wat Nong Hoi temple - the abbot will know what to do!," he demanded. Amporn knew that the temple in Ang Thong sub district of Thap Sakae district has a famous abbot who is an expert on snakes and cures for snake bites,

So he was rushed to the temple where the wily abbot, Phra Ajarn Sompong, took the matter in hand having a good shufty of Amporn's swelling chuddies. A needle was hastily soaked in a herbal remedy and put into the wound and in next to no time a black liquid started flowing out that was mopped up with another potion.

Within thirty minutes Amporn was feeling as right as rain and was even telling his story to people who had come to hear his terrifying toilet tale.

"It was late morning in my house in Ban Saphan," said Amporn. "I needed the loo and when I had finished squatting I was just washing my bits when a big black snake bit me twice. I could feel it brush past my other sensitive areas.

"There was so much blood and I just rushed out of the house to get help. But I didn't want to go to hospital because I knew about the abbot at Way Nong Hoi."

The abbot said that the size of the bites and their depth indicated that a cobra or a King Cobra was to blame. He modestly said there was nothing special about the remedies used to treat the victim, they are well known.

Meanwhile Amporn was rather reluctant to go home even though he had recovered sufficiently by afternoon. He asked relatives and friends to go to the house with him so they could help him locate the snake that was probably lurking in the pipes.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-06-08

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He will have nightmares about using the hong nam

for a long time to come,

2 ways it could go, 1) fear causing constipation or at least a delay in bowel movement,

2) fear causing rapid expulsion of waste maybe before reaching the dumping point.

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So he was rushed to the temple where the wily abbot, Phra Ajarn Sompong..

Well, if I had a nearby "wily" abbot I would always go to the temple for medical treatment. If the guy had went to the hospital they might have amputated his butt and maybe even charged him 30 baht.

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I know these stories are jokey, but i hope this type of news does not make the Thai media.

The last place you want to be taken if bitten by any type of Cobra is a temple. The first and only stop should be the emergency room of a hospital- in many cases you would be visiting the temple later anyway.

It really is dangerous filling peoples heads with nonsense that these monks can inject some herbal remedy into you and you are right as rain after 30 minutes from a cobra bite.

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We know this pattern already: given a string of bad publicity , drag out a positive 'monk story'....same as with the taxi drivers. More to follow but for now the best on offer is the cobra bite on the bum hero monk.

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Silly, of course it was not a cobra, if it was he would be dead or at least fighting for his life by now, and to think the witch doctor cured a cobra bite with a bit of substance put into the wound is just stupid, by the time he reached the Monk the poison would already have spread throughout at least his blood distribution system.

Next we will have a story about a taxi driver returning 2 million dollars which he found in the back of his car to the owner.

Edited by AlQaholic
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What about all this monk bashing, most monks are not rich and are doing a good social job in their area.
There are rotten eggs among them and it's the same all groups of people. It's like saying that all of us foreigners in Thailand are bad people because some of us are. For example you have that Danish man that killed his wife and kept the body in the basement and an even better example are all these pedophiles... "Judge Peter Rook sentenced 30-year-old freelance photographer Richard Huckle on Monday to serve a minimum of 25 years for 71 offenses against children aged between six months and 12 years from 2006 to 2014.". So by using the logic of all of you who are monk bashing I would come to the conclusion that freelance photographers are pedophiles and Danes are murderers!?

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This might not have been a Cobra.And now you will have many more Thais beliving in :The Voo Doo" of this monk when ever they get snake bit and dieing because of not getting proper care.Now every body knows that had he been wearing the proper amulets the snake would not have bit him. Sure

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At least the snake was nice enough to rush out into the street and alert the police.

With all the bad press about monks lately, are we going to get these stories instead of the "kind taxi driver" stories? Or will it be in addition to?

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I never heard of anyone in 68 years getting bit by a snake while doing what comes natural until this year in Thailand. It seems it is happening weekly now.

Perhaps turning on a light and look where your going should now be in the school's curriculum.

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This might not have been a Cobra.And now you will have many more Thais beliving in :The Voo Doo" of this monk when ever they get snake bit and dieing because of not getting proper care.Now every body knows that had he been wearing the proper amulets the snake would not have bit him. Sure

You would have to ask yourself did it actually happen , being bitten by any snake is a hospital job , and no snake bite makes a lot of blood only puncture wounds like a large needle and plenty have been bitten on the A!!se.

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