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Clinton claims historic victory in Democratic primary


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Clinton claims historic victory in Democratic primary
JULIE PACE, Associated Press
LISA LERER, Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — Claiming her place in history, Hillary Clinton declared victory Tuesday night in her bruising battle for the Democratic presidential nomination, becoming the first woman to lead a major American political party and casting herself as the beneficiary of generations who fought for equality.

"This campaign is about making sure there are no ceilings, no limits on any of us," Clinton said during an emotional rally in Brooklyn, eight years to the day after she ended her first failed White House run. As she took the stage to raucous cheers, she paused to relish the moment, flinging her arms wide and beaming broadly.

Clinton had already secured the delegates needed for the nomination, according to an Associated Press tally. She added to her totals with victories in New Jersey and New Mexico, two of the six states voting Tuesday.

Clinton faces a two-front challenge in the coming days. She must appeal to the enthusiastic supporters of her rival Bernie Sanders — who insists he still has a narrow path to the nomination — and sharpen her contrasts with presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

She sought to make progress on both, using her own loss in 2008 to connect with Sanders' backers.

"It never feels good to put our heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and come up short," she said. "I know that feeling well. But as we look ahead to the battle that awaits, let's remember all that unites us."

She was biting and sarcastic as she took on Trump, accusing him of wanting to win "by stoking fear and rubbing salt in wounds — and reminding us daily just how great he is."

Even as the Democratic race was ending, new turmoil broke out among the Republicans. GOP leaders recoiled at Trump's comments about a Hispanic judge, with one senator even pulling his endorsement.

Trump capped his difficult day with victories in California, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota and Montana. But he was muted his victory rally, saying he understands "the responsibility" of leading the Republican Party. He also made a direct appeal to dejected Sanders supporters and other Democrats.

"This election isn't about Republican or Democrat, it's about who runs this country: the special interests or the people," he said. Trump promised a major speech next week on Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

Clinton's win in New Jersey came a day after she secured the 2,383 delegates she needed to become first female presumptive nominee of a major political party, according to an Associated Press tally. Her total includes pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses, as well as superdelegates — the party officials and officeholders who can back a candidate of their choosing.

Clinton and Sanders were both pressing for victory in California, each eager to effectively end their primary battle on a high note.

Sanders picked up a win in North Dakota, where a handful of delegates were up for grabs.

Sanders hoped a victory would help in his so-far-unsuccessful bid to get Clinton superdelegates to switch their support. Asked on NBC whether he was continuing that effort, he said, "We are. We're on the phone right now."

Clinton and Sanders are expected to connect in the coming days, Clinton's spokesman said late Tuesday. The candidates' campaign managers spoke earlier in the day, signaling that conversations were underway about the road ahead.

Republicans had appeared unified after Trump vanquished his last opponents about a month ago. But the real estate mogul has continued to make controversial statements, frustrating party leaders.

The latest cause for GOP concern was his insistence that a judge handling a legal case involving the businessman was being unfair in his rulings. Trump has said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel can't be impartial because the jurist's parents were born in Mexico and Trump wants to build a wall along the border.

Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, who is locked in a close re-election fight, became the first lawmaker to pull his endorsement of Trump. House Speaker Paul Ryan said the businessman's assertion was the "textbook definition of a racist comment" but he would continue to support Trump.

Trump released a statement saying he does "not feel one's heritage makes them incapable of being impartial." But he still questioned whether he was receiving fair treatment in the case involving the now-defunct Trump University.

Clinton will soon have help on the campaign trail from President Obama. Her 2008 foe is to endorse her as early as this week, a move meant to signal to Sanders and his supporters that it's time to unify behind her.

Dianne Feinstein of California said Sanders and Clinton should "march on to a general election together," and any Sanders plan to keep fighting until the Democratic National Convention "is going to make that much more difficult."

Sanders' achievements have been remarkable for a candidate who was unknown to most Americans before the campaign. He has drawn massive crowds to rallies around the country and built a fundraising juggernaut based largely on small donations online. The Vermont senator has been particularly popular with young voters, an important piece of the Democratic coalition.

Still, Clinton's victory has been broadly decisive. She leads Sanders by more than 3 million cast votes.

After her win in New Jersey, Clinton had 2,469 delegates to Sanders' 1,637. That count includes both pledged delegates and superdelegates.

Pace reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Ken Thomas in Los Angeles, and Hope Yen, Stephen Ohlemacher, Chad Day and Mary Clare Jalonick in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-08

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It's nice to see some Clinton threads. Just in time for some good news about her campaign too.

I was really counting on Bernie though to show California Democrats wouldn't support such a corrupt, criminal candidate. Maybe it is time to give Cali back to Mexico.

Edited by mopar71
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Congratulations to the lady. It's been a long tough campaign, and still miles to go.

She gave her best speech thus far, last week. When referring to Trump, all she had to do was quote him directly. No embellishments. The crowd loved it. Trump is his own worst enemy. All he has to do is take a stand on something, and he'll either be proven to contradict what he said earlier or shown to be a liar or a crude uninformed person. Tiny Tim or Justin Bieber could beat Trump now. All they'd have to do is repeat his statements.

From here on up to the election, Trump won't lose any of his die-hard fans no matter what he says or does, ....but he won't gain any either. So he's stuck at about 17 to 19% of the electorate.

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HRC is gaining traction, while Trump supporters are bailing out of the hay wagon. Even stuffed shirt Republicans who really want to support Trump are having trouble doing so. Whenever they're pressed by a reporter to give a response, 'are you now going to support Trump?', the Republican insiders look like they're gagging while muttering, 'yes' while rolling their eyes.

It's the type of 'yes' a little kid says, when his mommy scolds him for spilling out the box of cereal on the floor, and asks him if he's going to clean it all up.

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Even stuffed shirt Republicans who really want to support Trump are having trouble doing so. Whenever they're pressed by a reporter to give a response, 'are you now going to support Trump?', the Republican insiders look like they're gagging while muttering, 'yes' while rolling their eyes.

That says more about Democrats as it does Republicans.

Republicans are very hesitant to support their candidate who is deeply flawed based on what he has said in speeches. Being aware of your flaws is a good thing.

Democrats are enthusiastic to support their candidate who is deeply flawed based on what she has done...from enabling her sexual predator husband against innocent women, to selling influence at the Clinton Foundation. From Cattle Futures/Whitewater/Vince Foster/Travelgate all the way to espionage via her private email server/Benghazi/being in the pocket of Wall St. The woman is under TWO different active FBI investigations for emails and the Clinton Foundation. And tens of millions of Democrats think she is great???

I won't convince the Hillary lovers out there. But maybe some of the non-Americans who are still capable of critical thinking will take note of this and think about it for themselves.

I don't like Trump and will most likely vote for Gary Johnson...but what has Trump actually DONE bad that can compare to all that Hillary has done that is bad? Pardon the pun, but actions trump words every time.

Edited by mopar71
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Seems Bernie isn't going to let it go.

He's all over the news saying he's going to the convention to battle for the superdelegates. The latest poll shows Trump beating Crooked Hillary in the general election.


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Hillary is the worst choice for President. For many reasons but also for one that rarely gets mentioned.

If America elects Hillary, does any really expect the Republican to really give her a pass? Democrats may not care about her crimes but just putting "Mrs. President" in front of her name will not deter anyone else. The gov't will be even more ineffective than ever.

Unless of course Democrats take back control of Congress. Then we will end up with another ruinous two years like we did Obama's first two years.

And a Trump presidency wouldn't be another "Morning in America" moment. It would also be a mess.

We are doomed.

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Seems Bernie isn't going to let it go.

He's all over the news saying he's going to the convention to battle for the superdelegates. The latest poll shows Trump beating Crooked Hillary in the general election.


I so bet he is wishing now that he didn't give Hillary a free pass all those months leading up to the primaries.

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Seems Bernie isn't going to let it go.

He's all over the news saying he's going to the convention to battle for the superdelegates. The latest poll shows Trump beating Crooked Hillary in the general election.


So it seems you agree with what I was saying. LOL


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Hillary is the worst choice for President. For many reasons but also for one that rarely gets mentioned.

If America elects Hillary, does any really expect the Republican to really give her a pass? Democrats may not care about her crimes but just putting "Mrs. President" in front of her name will not deter anyone else. The gov't will be even more ineffective than ever.

Unless of course Democrats take back control of Congress. Then we will end up with another ruinous two years like we did Obama's first two years.

And a Trump presidency wouldn't be another "Morning in America" moment. It would also be a mess.

We are doomed.

What people seem to forget is just how appalling the approval rating of congress is. And coupled with that is just how much Trump is putting people off Republicans.

If enough of those voters change horses and kick out some of the dead wood, you might see a completely different political landscape come November.

Edited by Chicog
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Waiting for the results from Calif. I'm surprised at the votes in NM. Many true Democrats there that would not vote for Clintons. NM now has a koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers owned government. It was better even under the "patron system". A rigged game from the git-go and the "press" declaring Clintons the winner before these last primaries undoubtedly caused Bernie supporters to stay home. Rigged. Without Bernie America will regret this election for at least 4 yrs, really regret. The only thing good I can see possible coming out of the election farce is the disintegration of both the right wingnut Republican Party and the blue dawg corporate Democrat Party. Clintons may actually win the election but she will not regain the Senate and will loose seats in the House. Neither neocon/neoliberal Clintons or the fascist orange monster should even be considered for dawg catcher in a one dog town.

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however bad Trump may be, he cannot possibly be as bad as that evil reptile Clinton.

She's for sale

She's a pathological liar

She's quite willing to sacrifice ANYBODY to gain the power she so desperately seeks

She's a war monger that threatens global peace

She has arrogance in immeasurable quantity and thinks herself above any law

I only hope that Sanders runs as an independent.

She should NEVER EVER be allowed to walk the halls of the whitehouse.

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however bad Trump may be, he cannot possibly be as bad as that evil reptile Clinton.

She's for sale

She's a pathological liar

She's quite willing to sacrifice ANYBODY to gain the power she so desperately seeks

She's a war monger that threatens global peace

She has arrogance in immeasurable quantity and thinks herself above any law

I only hope that Sanders runs as an independent.

She should NEVER EVER be allowed to walk the halls of the whitehouse.

Agree with much of what you said, however, it has been shown conclusively that Trump understands the Executive less than a white house intern, understands the Judiciary MUCH less than a high school civics class student, and understands the Congress less than a congressional aide. He also has shown that same level of inadequacy in understanding the military, and poorer than any other subject matter, that of international relations, diplomacy and trade.

And, we didn't even start on whether this firebrand would have the suitable temperament to be trusted with the world's 2nd largest active nuclear warhead arsenal.

Apart from that, Trump would make a wonderful President.

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Seems Bernie isn't going to let it go.

He's all over the news saying he's going to the convention to battle for the superdelegates. The latest poll shows Trump beating Crooked Hillary in the general election.


Interesting how you don't bother to add a source for the 'Trump beating HRC' poll. No one wonders why, of course.

Now, here is the very latest, actual (as in factual) Reuters poll taken from yesterday showing HRC beating gossamer-skinned Trump by 10 points.


Want more actual polls? You can find virtually all of them at apolitical Real Clear Politics, except of course, for the magical poll in your mind.


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I think Clinton is vile and despicable but with her money and media control, she's teflon. Meanwhile, Trump seems determined to give a very hostile media every bit of ammunition they need to fully define him in their image. The previous notion that Hillary's FBI issue would do her in? forget it....Once Obama formally endorses her in the next few days, all of that will disappear.

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The Corporate wing of the Democratic party still controls California (and the party in general)
Lots of good ol' fashioned party machine activity was actively suppressing the vote in CA (but that has been the battle all along.)
The real battle in this election is whether the youngsters and the remaining liberal Boomers who hold to the FDR wing of Democrats (that supported the workers) could kick out the neo-liberals that Bill Clinton introduced after Reaganism caught hold during the 80s.

HOW did they convert this into a win for Hillary? Much of the answer is reported by Greg Palast at

Other examples include as one friend wrote me "The voter fraud that is happening in California today is... Someone from above is putting "mail in" by the voter's name and then the poll worker gives the voter a provisional ballot at the polls... saying we can't let you vote twice. My daughter was not a mail-in voter and this happened to her (she did not get a ballot in the mail). Other people are reporting the same thing. I did not understand it this morning when I first heard of this on Facebook. Now that my daughter explained what happened to her... it is clear."

and another:
"Currently volunteering at a UCLA polling station. Many polling places didn't receive their "blue lists" which are the newly registered democratic voters. This is forcing 50-80% of the voters to use provisional ballots which won't be counted for 30 days if they're counted at all. This is voter suppression. I'm seeing if first hand. It really sucks. Do NOT except a provisional ballet! Vote in the disability booth. It is the only way your vote will be counted today! This is not a crossover ballot issue. This is much bigger than that! Someone didn't bring the proper registration list!

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I don't like Trump and will most likely vote for Gary Johnson...but what has Trump actually DONE bad that can compare to all that Hillary has done that is bad? Pardon the pun, but actions trump words every time.

In a sense you're right. Trump hasn't done anything for anyone else since being a 5-time draft dodger. Hillary has done many things to assist others, both before and during her two-terms as NY Senator (both times beating Republican rivals by large margins). Hillary also did well as Secretary of State, not least was maintaining reliable friendships with leaders of many other countries, including Burma's Aung Sung Suu Chi (sp?). What foreign leaders does Trump get along with? Maybe Putin. Trump hasn't done anything to help others - in his entire career as a wheeler dealer, avoiding paying back loans, evicting long-time residents of apartments (not because they didn't pay their rent, but because he wanted richer tenants).

Note to foreigners trying to keep up with the 10 month circus that lead up to US elections: don't believe everything you hear from Trump lovers. Republicans used to be adept at their Attack Machine fueled with lies. Now they've updated it to; Attack and Hate Machine, ...fueled with even bigger lies. Republicans are scared shitless, because they're not only going to lose the presidential spot, they're also going to lose a bunch of incumbents. The balance in Congress will shift to the Dems.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Trump hasn't even started on Crooked Clinton yet. He's been gaining in the polls for over a month, and strongly.

"The NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking poll was conducted online May 30 through June 5, 2016 among a national sample of 10,520 adults aged 18 and over, including 9,240 who say they are registered to vote." NBC News


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The press is in league with the corrupt politicians since they cheered at their own announcement that Hillary was the winner before 6 states voted.This is how to skew an election and shows how much the press is out to defeat the people's vote. This was to prevent Bernie from taking California and they had to poll the super delegates beforehand so to influence the outcome and cause Bernie supporters to stay at home rather than vote.Regardless of the strong result for Hillary which they did not know beforehand it demonstrates how much the press is in the pockets of the political elite.

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Can't see how this is news- like being surprised when someone with malignant disease finally passes- we've known it all along. Clinton has declared her intention all along, in word and deed.

The crimes and 'omertà, the manipulation of election night 'news,' the legal huddles and obstruction of her RICO partners, the pay for play la Costa nostra of her Foundation and State... Ad nuaseum. Clinton's been hungering for the presidency the same way Gotti wanted Big Paul whacked. It was inevitable he aimed for capo de capo. It's obvious her whole life followed the same script.

This is not news. Americans debase themselves.


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The press is in league with the corrupt politicians since they cheered at their own announcement that Hillary was the winner before 6 states voted.This is how to skew an election and shows how much the press is out to defeat the people's vote. This was to prevent Bernie from taking California and they had to poll the super delegates beforehand so to influence the outcome and cause Bernie supporters to stay at home rather than vote.Regardless of the strong result for Hillary which they did not know beforehand it demonstrates how much the press is in the pockets of the political elite.

Of course she's amoral...always has been. That's why...amorality follows her the way honor follows some of our heroes and icons. Character sticks like an aura, it's unshakable.

I've no time to find the legal reasoning of badwagoning, etc., but there's plenty of evidence to suggest Hillary did to Sanders the same thing as Commodus pre-wounding Maximus in 'Gladiator' before their fight.

'Sanders. Sanders. Sanders..."





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