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Tooled up students on revenge mission rounded up by cops in Rangsit


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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

It seems you were an elite back in the Netherlands as well. Tell me, do you think these "low intelligence" people should have a vote at all?

Well, if they have turned 18, yes the same as every other citizen. But then, if they have turned 18, they will be charged as adults with carrying weapons with intent and/or conspiracy to commit deadly assault or similar, which would see them incarcerated if charges are proved, and unable to vote.

The response which you were trolling to gain is that one of the acknowledged weaknesses of democracy is that the village idiot has the same voting rights as the professor of politics. But resolving that problem is far too complicated for the village idiot to understand, so the KISS principle applies.

Edited by halloween
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These fine upstanding models of Thai culture were all packing MACHETES. You don't take a machete to a fight unless you plan on killing someone, or cutting off an arm or leg. So, what's going to happen to them. Well, the police (snicker-snicker) will call their parents and give them a good talking to about their wayward kids, maybe a 500 baht fine, and send them on their way.

Meanwhile, in a civilised country, every one of these punks would find himself staring at the world outside through the bars of a jail cell. But, I digress. This is Thailand, and things just don't work like that here.

Which civised countries lock up kids for merely carrying weapons?

Any examples you can give?

you don't want to be caught carrying a knife in the UK

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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

It seems you were an elite back in the Netherlands as well. Tell me, do you think these "low intelligence" people should have a vote at all?

Yes I was elite back there.. I now have a pretty good idea you were not.

Seems your missing the point those lowly educated people are always more prone to violence in any country. Its certainly is not a Thai thing.



Its quite often that low IQ is linked to violence and or crime

In general people with low IQ don't think their actions through.

I was not elite but we just had technical schools with people of the lowest IQ and they were known to be the most violent. Just like the guys in the news article. I am not sure where you are from but I doubt that it was any different where you were from.

"Yes I was elite back there.. I now have a pretty good idea you were not. "

People who feel the need to blow their own trumpet often have a small trumpet, physically and mentally.

""Yes I was elite back there.. "

"I was not elite..."

Make up your mind. Were you, or weren't you, "elite"?

Edited by MZurf
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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

It seems you were an elite back in the Netherlands as well. Tell me, do you think these "low intelligence" people should have a vote at all?

Well, if they have turned 18, yes the same as every other citizen. But then, if they have turned 18, they will be charged as adults with carrying weapons with intent and/or conspiracy to commit deadly assault or similar, which would see them incarcerated if charges are proved, and unable to vote.

The response which you were trolling to gain is that one of the acknowledged weaknesses of democracy is that the village idiot has the same voting rights as the professor of politics. But resolving that problem is far too complicated for the village idiot to understand, so the KISS principle applies.

"Well, if they have turned 18, yes the same as every other citizen."

Thanks for giving your opinion but I wasn't asking for it, I was asking roblock.

"The response which you were trolling to gain is that one of the acknowledged weaknesses of democracy is that the village idiot has the same voting rights as the professor of politics."

No, I wasn't. I was just curious to know if he wanted to include "non-elite" educated people in the group of people he believes should not have a vote, as he's earlier stated that people who don't pay tax should not be allowed to vote.

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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

It seems you were an elite back in the Netherlands as well. Tell me, do you think these "low intelligence" people should have a vote at all?

Yes I was elite back there.. I now have a pretty good idea you were not.

Seems your missing the point those lowly educated people are always more prone to violence in any country. Its certainly is not a Thai thing.



Its quite often that low IQ is linked to violence and or crime

In general people with low IQ don't think their actions through.

I was not elite but we just had technical schools with people of the lowest IQ and they were known to be the most violent. Just like the guys in the news article. I am not sure where you are from but I doubt that it was any different where you were from.

"Yes I was elite back there.. I now have a pretty good idea you were not. "

People who feel the need to blow their own trumpet often have a small trumpet, physically and mentally.

""Yes I was elite back there.. "

"I was not elite..."

Make up your mind. Were you, or weren't you, "elite"?

Yes I am a bit confused because of your definition of elite.. if you mean someone who does not have low IQ and does not pick fights.. Then yes, but if I use the normal definition of elite then no. You just confuse me with your stupid remarks.

But instead of addressing the facts i brought op connecting low IQ with violence and crime and saying that it is world wide you seem hung up over your elite yes or no stuff.

Must be something strange in your mind.

At least your predictable and made it easy to make my point thans for stepping in it with both feet at the same time.

Edited by robblok
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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

It seems you were an elite back in the Netherlands as well. Tell me, do you think these "low intelligence" people should have a vote at all?

Yes I was elite back there.. I now have a pretty good idea you were not.

Seems your missing the point those lowly educated people are always more prone to violence in any country. Its certainly is not a Thai thing.



Its quite often that low IQ is linked to violence and or crime

In general people with low IQ don't think their actions through.

I was not elite but we just had technical schools with people of the lowest IQ and they were known to be the most violent. Just like the guys in the news article. I am not sure where you are from but I doubt that it was any different where you were from.

"Yes I was elite back there.. I now have a pretty good idea you were not. "

People who feel the need to blow their own trumpet often have a small trumpet, physically and mentally.

""Yes I was elite back there.. "

"I was not elite..."

Make up your mind. Were you, or weren't you, "elite"?

Yes I am a bit confused because of your definition of elite.. if you mean someone who does not have low IQ and does not pick fights.. Then yes, but if I use the normal definition of elite then no. You just confuse me with your stupid remarks.

But instead of addressing the facts i brought op connecting low IQ with violence and crime and saying that it is world wide you seem hung up over your elite yes or no stuff.

Must be something strange in your mind.

At least your predictable and made it easy to make my point thans for stepping in it with both feet at the same time.

"Yes I am a bit confused because of your definition of elite."

"You just confuse me with your stupid remarks."

It seems you are easily confused.

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(far) East Side Story

I think it is significant that these kids allowed themselves to be arrested, and the Police felt safe enough doing it. I am sure there are many places in many countries where kids live in law enforcement "no-go" areas and roam around in gangs with weapons looking for a fight, without needing to worry about what the nice police officer might be going to say to my mum!

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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

It seems you were an elite back in the Netherlands as well. Tell me, do you think these "low intelligence" people should have a vote at all?

Vote for who ? Do you even live in Thailand? Also if you are going around with guns and knifes in a gang to seek unlawful revenge then there not the sharpest tools in the box. I bet they would be democrats if they did vote, but that won't be happening for some time yet.

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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

It seems you were an elite back in the Netherlands as well. Tell me, do you think these "low intelligence" people should have a vote at all?
Vote for who ? Do you even live in Thailand? Also if you are going around with guns and knifes in a gang to seek unlawful revenge then there not the sharpest tools in the box. I bet they would be democrats if they did vote, but that won't be happening for some time yet.

"Vote for who ?"

Indeed. There is no one to vote for courtesy of the elite, who know better than the low-so/non-elite so should consequently be in control in perpetuity.

"Do you even live in Thailand?"

Yes, more than two decades and counting. Why do you ask?

"Also if you are going around with guns and knifes in a gang to seek unlawful revenge then there not the sharpest tools in the box."


"I bet they would be democrats if they did vote, but that won't be happening for some time yet."

Why would they be Democrats?

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Voke/Technical College "students" here have long been groomed as semi-official paramilitary cadres, who can be called into action to put down pesky serf/student uprisings. They are groomed to be violent towards their fellow citizens, and can be let loose where more traditional military types might be loosely bound by a code of conduct (which still doesn't prevent them from killing fellow citizens of course).

Most groups are a bit like fraternities or other social clubs, with significant hazing, military-like hierarchies, liaisons into the military and police, alumni leaders.

Inter-organization skirmishes are encouraged to keep them prepared, able to fight - even if a few 'innocents' get killed. Being able to fashion their own weapons (knives, machetes, zip-guns, small grenades) is a plus.

YES WE have had this problem from the 1970s as far as I know.

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The problem with youth is its wasted on the young.

Sounds like a modified quote from The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

I am not sure it is word perfect but Oscar Wilde.

Youth is wasted on the young. - George Bernard Shaw

What is with this "tooled up" expression used in the article?

I guess "armed to the teeth" (or some such) is simply not PC.

Edited by MaxYakov
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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

no knives and stuff where I grew up. And who is 'we' Rob?

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These guys are the lower educated students.. we had that back in the Netherlands too. Those guys were far more eager to fight then the ones that had higher education. These are the guys that study technical stuff and not really at the highest level. Take a group of lowly educated people like that and they are far more violent than those who study to become a lawyer or something like that (in general)

Not shocking at all.. though in my time it was just knives and stuff that they used and no serious wounded people. No guns.

We always made sure we stayed away from those groups low intelligence makes people not think about the consequences of their actions. (alcohol does the same)

no knives and stuff where I grew up. And who is 'we' Rob?

People from the non technical schools that is we, the guys from the lower (not higher) technical schools were known to be violent and loved group fights. (kinda like gangs). The lower technical schools also had more non native Dutch people. Though it was not as bad as it is here with guns.

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Youth is wasted on the young. - George Bernard Shaw

What is with this "tooled up" expression used in the article?

I guess "armed to the teeth" (or some such) is simply not PC.

UK expression for carrying weapons. I found it singularly appropriate when most are carrying agricultural implements even if they are generously, and quite inaccurately IMHO, described as swords.

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