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A great new way to pay fines - just transfer the money to the cop's private account


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If he remains in his present position, he will find a way to get revenge on her. Or one of his buddies can do it for him.

He'll be moved to an inactive ATM post for sure. This type of blatant corruption can't go unpunished.

not sure if you have spent much time in thailand but taking payment on the spot for offences happens many thousands of times a day in thailand. it is how the system works. he might get a stern word for leaving evidence of collecting money upfront but i doubt he would get any sort of real punishment. i for one am happy to hand over cash on the spot when required. a few times i have had to pay at the police station which can mean hours wasted out of my busy day. makes me laugh when people get upset about something which is just a part of life living in this great country.

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And here I thought all tickets issued were to be paid at the police station? Yet here in this story, the officer offers to let her pay him personally in cash. Seems like the police have as yet been able to weed out the extortion imbibed in the police department. It begs to wonder how many other people's cars he clamped and then waited nearby to introduce himself whilst asking for hard cash to.unclamp their vehicles. Surely this isn't a one time occurrence.

I agree. This instance is probably just the tip of the iceberg of RTP corruption.

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What is the process for passing this information on to the corruption busters in the Army?

Whatever story you believe here, it is quite clear, isn't it?

Clean up Thailand? Clean up the police andn judiciary first.

No - pay them a decent salary 1st THEN you might clear up the coruption

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More poor news reporting methinks? Why would a woman who openly broke the law parking the car boast about it on social media.

The offence is minor so no real loss of face compared to the big face of getting something on social media and maybe collecting a lot of Likes and favourable comments.

few would see her getting the ticket but a lot see her post.

Social Media Rocks.

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Responding to the success of the recent efforts of the Thong Lor traffic cop to boost customer service to its traffic violators, Bangkok police have taken the initiative and have made issued new decals that will be displayed prominently on their helmets and jackets. The new decal proudly informs violators that for their convenience the individual Thai police will now accept . . .


And Bitcoin?


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Check his bank statements for the past few years. Any deposit of 500 Baht or similar round figure will be from sources he won't be able to explain. Share it with the boss and all will be fine.

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I suppose anything will happen in Thailand,this is one of the most crazy one I heard off

You wait 'til she gets arrested for trying to bribe a police officer and is then charged with defamation on top! Unless you are in a yellow shirt rally, whistle blowing is a very dangerous thing to do in Thailand.

Thong Lor police station is famous in Thailand for many things, upholding the law is not one of them.

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2 choices for the sub ordinate either a promotion for his initative or moved to an inactive post for not passing in the proceeds

for this techo-cop his future is sorted.


posting to a tourist heavy coastal town, to maximise his talents.

training the local cops how to update to new technology.

2 acconts one for him and 1 for his chiefs wife.

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Absolutely disgusting. Just the mafia in ugly, ill fitting uniforms.

I really wish the relevant authorities would take these issues seriously. Also, harsher punishments for childish excuses.

"Take these issues seriously"?? Now that's funny! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Every so often someone here will squeak and claim his brother-in-law or drinking buddy or neighbor is a "good" cop, or one has saved his bacon, or " 'never had anything but positive experiences". So I speculate they must exist and am wondering what it must be like to really be a "good" cop... Do they ever get promoted (or early retired instead)? I also wonder how the concept of "face" manages to survive when the whole world, and even the locals, are so scornful and organizational credibility so abysmally low. And this precinct in particular... People who have never even been to Thailand have heard of Thong Lor.

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It would be best if everyone refrained from judgment until the investigation is completed.

Give the officer the benefit of the doubt for now.

A positive outlook makes the world a better place!

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And here I thought all tickets issued were to be paid at the police station? Yet here in this story, the officer offers to let her pay him personally in cash. Seems like the police have as yet been able to weed out the extortion imbibed in the police department. It begs to wonder how many other people's cars he clamped and then waited nearby to introduce himself whilst asking for hard cash to.unclamp their vehicles. Surely this isn't a one time occurrence.

Fresh off the boat are you? All fines paid at the station..... Really!!! Or have I fallen into your overly subtle little trap.
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What is the process for passing this information on to the corruption busters in the Army?

Whatever story you believe here, it is quite clear, isn't it?

Clean up Thailand? Clean up the police andn judiciary first.

No - pay them a decent salary 1st THEN you might clear up the coruption

So do you think the judiciary are not paid enough?

For the police does a higher salary beget better training? More severe punishments for violations of the code of ethics? The list goes on a bit.

Corruption is endemic within the Thai system. Everyone expects it. If the police have to live this way and people expect it, is there

anything wrong with it?

Perhaps for the people that cannot afford to pay and when, it produces the protection of violent crime, such as the Red Bull heir's 'accident' and

so on and so on.

"Instant" fine payment to the police has been going on in most countries for eons. Like this case, it is frequently convenient for the regulations breakers, 'us', the general public to get rid of the fines as quickly and as cheaply as one can and get on with the day's work.

It is going to be less than the court system imposes? In many countries it could mean avoiding a points system imposition. It could even save the

licence for a professional driver who is dependent on his or her ability to drive for a living.

I feel an essay coming on . . . . not time for that.

Edited by Maggusoil
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"Deputy Thong Lor station chief Wasu Cheuaphuthorn said: "The officer concerned has been called in. I cannot tell you the truth of the matter yet. But I will let you know of any developments.""

Well, you don't need to. It's bloody obvious for anyone with half a brain

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think this can be more the case

the lady in question transfer the money to the account and then falsely accused the officer because she paid bride money. and now is afraid the officer in question will turn her in?


anyhow the story is one essential part missing.

and that is if he provided her the receipt they have when they write out and tocked.

I have to add this in favor of the police officers

I myself have had two times a ticked for traffic violation., normally you can pick up your drivers license the NEXT daty at the police office

Since I am from far way and could proof it the officer accepted the money and provide me not only the official traffic violation ticked also a proof of payment.

i have check later the if the traffic violation ticket was outstanding by going by the Police station that I should have attended to pay and collect my drivers license.. A bit surprised about the checking they told me they fine was payed and in both cases the ticket was traceable as well registered as paid.

I have heard form more people who come for mfar that officers help them out.

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What is the process for passing this information on to the corruption busters in the Army?

Whatever story you believe here, it is quite clear, isn't it?

Clean up Thailand? Clean up the police andn judiciary first.

No - pay them a decent salary 1st THEN you might clear up the coruption

So do you think the judiciary are not paid enough?

For the police does a higher salary beget better training? More severe punishments for violations of the code of ethics? The list goes on a bit.

Corruption is endemic within the Thai system. Everyone expects it. If the police have to live this way and people expect it, is there

anything wrong with it?

Perhaps for the people that cannot afford to pay and when, it produces the protection of violent crime, such as the Red Bull heir's 'accident' and

so on and so on.

"Instant" fine payment to the police has been going on in most countries for eons. Like this case, it is frequently convenient for the regulations breakers, 'us', the general public to get rid of the fines as quickly and as cheaply as one can and get on with the day's work.

It is going to be less than the court system imposes? In many countries it could mean avoiding a points system imposition. It could even save the

licence for a professional driver who is dependent on his or her ability to drive for a living.

I feel an essay coming on . . . . not time for that.

As most apologists do, you're ignoring the key problem. ....Which IS that when police can expect payment on the spot, and the public actually "accepts" and tacitly supports the practice, there's little to stop them from extorting these payments from motorists who've done absolutely nothing wrong. Everyone knows that the amount of the fine multiples exponentially when the motorist declines to pay on-the-spot and wants to escalate the matter, amounting to coercion to cash up the cop. I've actually seen some arguing here on TV that even this abuse by police is acceptable because it's "preferable" to the western bureaucratic practices you mention and the cops "need the money". Another part of the problem is that it's a corruption mentality with tentacles that extend well beyond mere traffic citations. Last but not least, what do you define as "honest" law enforcement vs less-than-honest when cops are free to conduct themselves this way? Where exactly is that line that must not be crossed by a law enforcement agency which is supposed to have (some would say must have) the public trust? Well, wherever it is - and it'd be a fool's errand to go looking for it now - it was crossed long ago...

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More poor news reporting methinks? Why would a woman who openly broke the law parking the car boast about it on social media.

Didn't think about this, is there no laws about paying bribery ???

The bribe could well have been extorted.

However I have no sympathy for the woman. Should have parked in the right place.

Every saturday I go for a run in Rama 9 park and every time I leave there are 5 to 6 cars clamped for parking in the no parking area in front.

This has been going on for the best part of a year and yet every week there are those still parking there and being clamped.

Every single week.

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Brave girl and kudos to her. It's the trouble here that people are too fearful to speak up in case of reprisals. All too easy to find out where you live and send some goons around. The media loves helping in this regard by often publishing people's personal details.

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If he remains in his present position, he will find a way to get revenge on her. Or one of his buddies can do it for him.

He'll be moved to an inactive ATM post for sure. This type of blatant corruption can't go unpunished.

not sure if you have spent much time in thailand but taking payment on the spot for offences happens many thousands of times a day in thailand. it is how the system works. he might get a stern word for leaving evidence of collecting money upfront but i doubt he would get any sort of real punishment. i for one am happy to hand over cash on the spot when required. a few times i have had to pay at the police station which can mean hours wasted out of my busy day. makes me laugh when people get upset about something which is just a part of life living in this great country.

Maybe after a few experiences of wasting hours of time, drivers would start to follow the rules.

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Really easy case to sort out. Simply get a statement on the same account from the bank over the last year and check how many other deposits of a similar nature were made and then see what has been paid to the station. I am sure the honest policeman protesting his innocence will most happy to oblige to clear his good name within the community.

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Of course the officer will be exonerated as he was only trying to help. But you can be sure the lady will be paying serious hell for posting this on the internet and making the police loose face. Sad ass country here.

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2 choices for the sub ordinate either a promotion for his initative or moved to an inactive post for not passing in the proceeds

And thumbs down to the RTP that they have not educated their officers on correct unmoveable strict procedures and the consequences of not following the procedures and also for not monitoring the correct usage of the procedures.

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