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Gingrich: Trump a 'gifted amateur,' judge comments not racist


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Trump never said he has been racist towards Mexico, that's your interpretation.He said he wanted to build a wall to stop illegal entry Mexicans and drug transports.

He was aware that the judge may not take kindly to that and therefore not be impartial. I think it was a reasonable assumption of Trump to make that there might be bias and therefore a conflict of interest since the judge had already brought a case against him and that he may not get a fair hearing because of the judge's connections indirectly to Hillary through a law firm he chose to take the action through. According to another Justice of the same origins (I think I already posted) ethnicity does have a bearing on judicial outcomes.So why can't Trump express that? And he did. And BAAAM

As I have pointed out previously, if Trump has a legitimate gripe, then his own lawyers would have already made a motion to have this judge removed. But they have not and will not because there is no conflict-of-interest.

OK fair enough, we'll wait to see. I can't help but think this is political with the judge announcing the hearing on the same day that the Repubs have their Convention plus the other links involved already talked about.Money rules and there's big forces out to stop Trump from the elites.

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Trump is being racist because he is profiling the person on the basis of his ethnicity and heritage.

And the Judge by his questionable associations with LA RAZA an extremist ethnic group hell bent on taking back lands from South West U.S. causes the judge to profile Trump for his race - a Caucasian - White person. This is BIAS plane and simple -- Racial Bias...

One La Raza official in Texas is known for his quote to kill whites some several yeas back. Yet the Judge will not disavowal his relationship with a Racist Biased Group ... La Raza - The RACE. And seems to be proud of it... displaying his allegiance with a racist group know for violent statements and a goal of usurping land from the United States of America by force if necessary ...

which la raza and when? I looked on their website and I don't see anything about returning the Southwest to Mexico. I seriously doubt that overwhelming majority of Mexican Americans who live here would want the southwest to become part of Mexico. Maybe you've got some polling data that says otherwise. And again, La Raza has many meanings in Spanish. It doesn't necessarily mean race.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Can those calling Trump a racist for calling the judge Mexican, please explain how he is being racist. If someone was born in the USA, therefore, is an American citizen, but is called a Mexican, does not appear racist to me but I am sure someone on here will let met know why it is given some of the comments already posted.

Hmmm, is this a genuine question? Ok then, here's the answer as you may not be aware of the big picture:

Former students of Trump University bring a case against Trump/Trump University alleging fraud.

Judge Curiel is the judge presiding. He was born in America, but parents are from Mexico.

Judge doesn't throw out the case because the evidence suggest the case has merit.

Trump is furious because he wants the case thrown out (will cost him big if he loses).

He attacks the judge for being Mexican, which is to say, the judge can't be impartial/fair because Trump has been anti-Mexican throughout his presidential campaign.

Trump's allegations are bothersome because:

1. Attacking a federal judge simply because he doesn't rule in your favor shows a disrespect of the courts and American judicial system.

2. Citing a judge's race/ethnicity in said attack is pure racism. Has nothing to do with the case--even Trump's own lawyers agree the man's race is irrelevant.

What makes you think that what I asked was not a genuine inquiry? If it wasn't, it would not have been asked. Thanks for your response, it provides an insight into the thoughts of others. I respect your outlining of the bigger picture, however, having read a considerable amount on this aspect I believe there is more to it than you have outlined.

Trump, regardless of what people say, has the right, under the American Constitution, to free speech and is able to speak his mind, even if many do not like what he says. And, as I also asked, if one is born in America, then how can calling him a Mexican, which he is not, be racist. His heritage is Mexican, through his parents but given what Trump said, and the definition of Racist, the two do not gel, as he did not put any of them down in any way.

So to call someone a Mexican, which he is not, is racist, then what about someone who is Australian being called an Irish Mick, even if they were born in Australia but whose parents were Irish. Same train of thought can be applied or maybe there is a 3rd definition of racism that I am not aware of. The only part that people are calling him out for being racist is the use of the word Mexican, nothing else, therefore, given the rest that you have mentioned is irrelevant and has nothing to do with racism, so why is the Racist card being played?

Good point. Not even Irish Mick you bloody Aussi you! Whoops sorry I hope I didn't offend you. What would you like me to call you? Wallaby? No maybe you play soccer. A person from down under? Mmmm no that has sexual connotations. Ahh I know, Australian. Hell why didn't I think of that? Bugger I'm slower than Trump

Come on, if you think about it, we all come from down under. Gee, all those wonderful names, nah, can't take offence, other than for the suggestion I might play soccer. heaven forbid, it's rugby league or nothing. I think the only way to be offended is being called late for dinner.

Edited by Si Thea01
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It gets so frustrating that those who find any group with "La Raza" in name automatically assume that is group the judge belongs to. Jeez, how hard can it be to get facts straight? "The group is often confused with the National Council of La Raza, an advocacy group often criticized by conservatives. Aside from a similarity in their names, the only tie we found was a link to the National Council of La Raza on the lawyers association website. But that list of links also includes the National Latino Police Officers Association and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce."

Perhaps if case had to do with some sort of discrimination case against ethnic group, then an argument might be made.

This case is about FRAUD by Trump et al. A university that holds weekend classes/seminars at hotels? Hand picked instructors Trump never met? This case is about taking money under false pretenses. NOTHING to do with race. But Trump et al love ad hominem personal attacks when they have no facts, logic or other grounds to defend their positions. The goal of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage with it.

As Joe Friday said "Just the facts ma'am. Just the facts"

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The Truth About Trump University and Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Stefan Molyneux

Published on Jun 8, 2016

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Trump is a bigot, a racist, a woman hater, and a pig. You cannot portray a pig as a gentleman. That is just a pig in camouflage. He represents everything that is wrong with contemporary American culture. He is as inferior a candidate as possible. Judging by their body language, not even immediate family is fond of him. A pig is a pig no matter how hard he tries to appear otherwise.

Thus an example of the emotive, subjective voter: bigot, racist, hater, pig, pig, judging by...not even his family... pig..

Really? See the problem? Can't get more off OP and ad hominem then this.

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Can those calling Trump a racist for calling the judge Mexican, please explain how he is being racist. If someone was born in the USA, therefore, is an American citizen, but is called a Mexican, does not appear racist to me but I am sure someone on here will let met know why it is given some of the comments already posted.

Hmmm, is this a genuine question? Ok then, here's the answer as you may not be aware of the big picture:

Former students of Trump University bring a case against Trump/Trump University alleging fraud.

Judge Curiel is the judge presiding. He was born in America, but parents are from Mexico.

Judge doesn't throw out the case because the evidence suggest the case has merit.

Trump is furious because he wants the case thrown out (will cost him big if he loses).

He attacks the judge for being Mexican, which is to say, the judge can't be impartial/fair because Trump has been anti-Mexican throughout his presidential campaign.

Trump's allegations are bothersome because:

1. Attacking a federal judge simply because he doesn't rule in your favor shows a disrespect of the courts and American judicial system.

2. Citing a judge's race/ethnicity in said attack is pure racism. Has nothing to do with the case--even Trump's own lawyers agree the man's race is irrelevant.

False logic. It's presented as sound. It's not. It breaks down at "Trump is furious." Pure speculation. Deduction or inference hardly work here. That makes this post...garbage. After all, the presentation of premise---Subjective---conclusion depends on actually making the connection. There's no center. You can't connect logic with your own subjectivity. This is emotion!

*Belonging to a group called The Race Plumbers guild is not just poor choice, it's intentional. The and Race alone mean nothing. "The and Race together mean Latino supremacy. Comprehende hombres?

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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such. So some students were unhappy with a university course....

You hope it's just some students with gripes. More realistically, it's many students, perhaps the majority, who feel royally ripped off and cheated. There's another NY City wheeler dealer who comes to mind as possibly Trump's twin, separated at birth: Bernie Madoff. They're about the same age, they both worship money, are slick manipulators (feeding off other peoples' lust for riches) and they're both very slick at what they do. One got nailed, the other is in the process of getting nailed.

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Anyone who deems a person unsuitable simply because of ethnic background is racist by definition. Full stop.

I think need to check about that "racist supremacy group" There are groups with similar names, and most right wingers & Trump fans fail to note that. Facts not being their strong points. Here is the group judge belongs to http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/07/donald-trump/trump-wrongly-casts-california-lawyers-group-stron/

La Raza -- The Race is a ethnic superiority group that has made many announcements that their goal is to retake lands from the U.S. in the South West that they believe was taken from them... The group has made statements that are nothing less than supporting a movement to overthrow the authority of the Unites States in these areas. It is called Reconquista referring to reconquering lands taken by force. How a Federal judge can be a member of such a group and not have that membership held up as bias in this case is beyond reason ....

The judge belongs to and supports a group hell bent on taking away parts of the United States by force if necessary ... case closed ...

Good thing that he is not a member of La Raza. He is a member of the La Raza California Lawyers association. Why do you persist in lying?

A distinction without a difference ... so why do you keep obfuscating? The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association of which Judge Curiel is a member happens to be a Hispanic activist association that supports illegal immigration groups. And on the La Raza Lawyers Association website has a direct link to the National Council of La Raza - NCLR -- The Race... All this is a direct indication of bias which questions Curiel's objectivity in a court case involving Donald Trump who is a vociferous critic of the illegal alien invasion of America ... Judge Curiel's La Raza Lawyers Association are open borders advocates who without surprise are against Trump's Wall. Trump's statements calling out the likely bias of Judge Curiel calls into question the integrity of a court presided my Judge Curiel - as it should.

This totally non objective Judge Curiel - 'accidentally' unsealed the court records of the Trump University to the media -- accidentally Really ?? Then had to close them again After confidential evidence was leaked. The Judge should be remanded and disbarred ...

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The Truth About Trump University and Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Stefan Molyneux

Published on Jun 8, 2016

Brilliant. Nothing more to be said, thank you. thumbsup.gif

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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such. So some students were unhappy with a university course....

You hope it's just some students with gripes. More realistically, it's many students, perhaps the majority, who feel royally ripped off and cheated. There's another NY City wheeler dealer who comes to mind as possibly Trump's twin, separated at birth: Bernie Madoff. They're about the same age, they both worship money, are slick manipulators (feeding off other peoples' lust for riches) and they're both very slick at what they do. One got nailed, the other is in the process of getting nailed.

Trump made these students fill out a questionair and captured things on video. Outcome was that more than 90% were satisfied. I think Trump will bring this evidence to court. If not, he was lying about it.

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Gingrich knows how the sleaze & corruption in Congress works as well as anybody. His peers from 20 years ago still anchor the leadership. He would be a valuable addition to Trump in some capacity. I almost wish he was named VP just to piss the Clintons off

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So here it is...

the full history of what-why-who-when.

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The Truth About Trump University and Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Stefan Molyneux

I ask again, if there is a legitimate case of conflict-of-interest, why has Trump's own lawyers not brought it up?

Edited by Berkshire
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This judge, like most other judges, is trained to do a job. Judges hear thousands of cases and judgement is made on the merits of the case. Can only a white judge convict a white man? A black judge convict a black man?

The judge is not racist; Trump is. Belonging to an organization does not mean one espouses to all it's beliefs or policies.

I once had a potentially fatal condition that required surgery. The Dr. performing it was Muslim and I was in a Muslim country. I wonder why he didn't kill the infidel?

The biggest problem the judge will have is probably trying to stay awake during these tedious and boring cases.

Edited by Credo
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Can those calling Trump a racist for calling the judge Mexican, please explain how he is being racist. If someone was born in the USA, therefore, is an American citizen, but is called a Mexican, does not appear racist to me but I am sure someone on here will let met know why it is given some of the comments already posted.

Hmmm, is this a genuine question? Ok then, here's the answer as you may not be aware of the big picture:

Former students of Trump University bring a case against Trump/Trump University alleging fraud.

Judge Curiel is the judge presiding. He was born in America, but parents are from Mexico.

Judge doesn't throw out the case because the evidence suggest the case has merit.

Trump is furious because he wants the case thrown out (will cost him big if he loses).

He attacks the judge for being Mexican, which is to say, the judge can't be impartial/fair because Trump has been anti-Mexican throughout his presidential campaign.

Trump's allegations are bothersome because:

1. Attacking a federal judge simply because he doesn't rule in your favor shows a disrespect of the courts and American judicial system.

2. Citing a judge's race/ethnicity in said attack is pure racism. Has nothing to do with the case--even Trump's own lawyers agree the man's race is irrelevant.

False logic. It's presented as sound. It's not. It breaks down at "Trump is furious." Pure speculation. Deduction or inference hardly work here. That makes this post...garbage. After all, the presentation of premise---Subjective---conclusion depends on actually making the connection. There's no center. You can't connect logic with your own subjectivity. This is emotion!

*Belonging to a group called The Race Plumbers guild is not just poor choice, it's intentional. The and Race alone mean nothing. "The and Race together mean Latino supremacy. Comprehende hombres?

Brilliant. Purporting to pin down the meaning of a phrase in a foreign language by using the ENglish translation. Here's a litte educational info for you.

A literal translation for “La Raza” is “the race,” but it’s interpreted as a broader term describing the Latino community. Opponents of immigration note that the term has roots in the Chicano nationalization movement of the 1960s. But “La Raza” is a common name incorporated throughout the community and often used by Latino organizations and businesses, including restaurants and medical clinics. A search for “la raza” on yellowpages.com turned up more than 3,000 results in California alone.

All those damn racist restaurants and medical clinics!


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The heavy majority of Federal Judges in the U.S. are Liberal - even Leftist ...

Probably because they're sage. They've gotten a bit compassionate as they get older, and gain positions of more authority. I applaud the judge who came from poverty and rose to prominence. Well done, sir!

Perhaps you like a hard-right conservative judge like Judge Hoffman who presided over the Chicago Seven (google it).

He slapped multiple 'contempt of court' on many people in that trial. Later, appeals courts threw out all of the contempt of court charges as frivolous.

Re; The Divider: If the judge in Trump's case was bosom buddies with Trump (as many NJ judges are, because Trump fast-tracked them to promotions), then Trump would love the guy. He'd be lavishing praise on him. Taking him and his wife out to dinner at expensive restaurants - all the sorts of things a mafia wannabe does.

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"According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination." (Google it up)

Because they (UN) say so doesn't mean it's got to be true (NOT), but racism is about a race, so false in this case. Better call it discrimination.

It is so popular these days to call anyone a racist, be it for stopping radical immigrants or pulling up a fence. Ok, might as well call me a racist then.

What about calling a black person from Africa a negro. What!! you damm racist, shame on you.

Errrrr, isn't that person from the negroid race or what? No no this is 2016 and there is no free speech any longer. You are a hate mongerer and Trump is too, so he must hang and therefor we use a racist judge.

It's inevitable.

By this kind of logic, Arabs can't be anti-semites because Arabs are semites.

And as for your ridiculous about Africans and Negro. If you were to say that a black person from Africa is a negro, fine (I won't go into the question if there really are separate races of humans. Scientific consensus says not). But if you were to say that a negro can't judge Donald Trump fairly, then that is racist. And that's the comparable example.

Horses used to have blinds for not getting scared of left/right traffic in the 'old' days. They don't use those blinds anymore (no horses in traffic), but I can feel you still have yours on.

There was no mentioning of Arabs, they aren't a race, and if you say Arabs cannot be anti-semites, why not? You can hate your white neighbor to can't you?

As far as negro's go, they are a race because of distinct characteristics and as far as your blinds again, sorry man, I never said anything wrong about negro's judgement. It is maybe the leftist in you that puts words in my mouth.


The point of the anti-semite/semite example was to show that you can't use etymology to derive the meaning of words. Arabs are semites and yet they can be anti-semites, too. Because anti-semite has a developed, if illogical meaning.

Even if race has a scientific basis, it doesn't matter that the use of "racism" to describe Trump's anti-Mexican diatribes, is illogical. That's how the word is used all over the world now. That's just the way it is. Usage defines words, not etymology.

As for your opinion about race, well, that's all it is: your opinion. This link sums up the consensus of physical anthropologists on the race question. https://www.jstor.org/stable/682043?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

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"According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination." (Google it up)

Because they (UN) say so doesn't mean it's got to be true (NOT), but racism is about a race, so false in this case. Better call it discrimination.

It is so popular these days to call anyone a racist, be it for stopping radical immigrants or pulling up a fence. Ok, might as well call me a racist then.

What about calling a black person from Africa a negro. What!! you damm racist, shame on you.

Errrrr, isn't that person from the negroid race or what? No no this is 2016 and there is no free speech any longer. You are a hate mongerer and Trump is too, so he must hang and therefor we use a racist judge.

It's inevitable.

By this kind of logic, Arabs can't be anti-semites because Arabs are semites.

And as for your ridiculous about Africans and Negro. If you were to say that a black person from Africa is a negro, fine (I won't go into the question if there really are separate races of humans. Scientific consensus says not). But if you were to say that a negro can't judge Donald Trump fairly, then that is racist. And that's the comparable example.

Horses used to have blinds for not getting scared of left/right traffic in the 'old' days. They don't use those blinds anymore (no horses in traffic), but I can feel you still have yours on.

There was no mentioning of Arabs, they aren't a race, and if you say Arabs cannot be anti-semites, why not? You can hate your white neighbor to can't you?

As far as negro's go, they are a race because of distinct characteristics and as far as your blinds again, sorry man, I never said anything wrong about negro's judgement. It is maybe the leftist in you that puts words in my mouth.


The point of the anti-semite/semite example was to show that you can't use etymology to derive the meaning of words. Arabs are semites and yet they can be anti-semites, too. Because anti-semite has a developed, if illogical meaning.

Even if race has a scientific basis, it doesn't matter that the use of "racism" to describe Trump's anti-Mexican diatribes, is illogical. That's how the word is used all over the world now. That's just the way it is. Usage defines words, not etymology.

As for your opinion about race, well, that's all it is: your opinion. This link sums up the consensus of physical anthropologists on the race question. https://www.jstor.org/stable/682043?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Thank you for that link. I read the contents and it made me again realize why there is such a gap between regular folks and elite's, specialists or scientists. The use of alot of bull moulded in high so language as to be certain simple folks like me can never understand it. That is probably (at least IMO) what makes Trump popular. Sorry for the side jump, but he speaks the language of the common people and not the secretive political correct language of the so called (left) political elite. Why can't one become a president if one speaks out what the people think?

So what I understood from the link is that races actually (better) not excist. So what's the fuss all about then.

America is awaiting a similar tsunami of migrants as in Europe, especially Germany and Sweden. Where will YOU be if the migrants openly state that they want to rape your wife and daughter(s) and that they are out to destroy you. No matter if you are political left or right, a commie or whatever. It is not racist to close your borders for these maniacs, but a matter of self defence. But, never mind, this is all a setup for the coming NWO if you want it or not. A world without democracy, but we already got used to this, right?

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By this kind of logic, Arabs can't be anti-semites because Arabs are semites.

And as for your ridiculous about Africans and Negro. If you were to say that a black person from Africa is a negro, fine (I won't go into the question if there really are separate races of humans. Scientific consensus says not). But if you were to say that a negro can't judge Donald Trump fairly, then that is racist. And that's the comparable example.

Horses used to have blinds for not getting scared of left/right traffic in the 'old' days. They don't use those blinds anymore (no horses in traffic), but I can feel you still have yours on.

There was no mentioning of Arabs, they aren't a race, and if you say Arabs cannot be anti-semites, why not? You can hate your white neighbor to can't you?

As far as negro's go, they are a race because of distinct characteristics and as far as your blinds again, sorry man, I never said anything wrong about negro's judgement. It is maybe the leftist in you that puts words in my mouth.


The point of the anti-semite/semite example was to show that you can't use etymology to derive the meaning of words. Arabs are semites and yet they can be anti-semites, too. Because anti-semite has a developed, if illogical meaning.

Even if race has a scientific basis, it doesn't matter that the use of "racism" to describe Trump's anti-Mexican diatribes, is illogical. That's how the word is used all over the world now. That's just the way it is. Usage defines words, not etymology.

As for your opinion about race, well, that's all it is: your opinion. This link sums up the consensus of physical anthropologists on the race question. https://www.jstor.org/stable/682043?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Thank you for that link. I read the contents and it made me again realize why there is such a gap between regular folks and elite's, specialists or scientists. The use of alot of bull moulded in high so language as to be certain simple folks like me can never understand it. That is probably (at least IMO) what makes Trump popular. Sorry for the side jump, but he speaks the language of the common people and not the secretive political correct language of the so called (left) political elite. Why can't one become a president if one speaks out what the people think?

So what I understood from the link is that races actually (better) not excist. So what's the fuss all about then.

America is awaiting a similar tsunami of migrants as in Europe, especially Germany and Sweden. Where will YOU be if the migrants openly state that they want to rape your wife and daughter(s) and that they are out to destroy you. No matter if you are political left or right, a commie or whatever. It is not racist to close your borders for these maniacs, but a matter of self defence. But, never mind, this is all a setup for the coming NWO if you want it or not. A world without democracy, but we already got used to this, right?

That's exactly how I feel about physicists.All that highfalutin' talk that dagnabbit a simple honest citizen such as myself just don't get. Lots of weird symbols and some numbers that somehow say time goes slower when you go faster and there ain't no such a thing as gravity just some kind of nonsense about space being curved. Give me good old common sense anyday.

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Trump is being racist because he is profiling the person on the basis of his ethnicity and heritage.

I suppose if we could ignore that La Raza is a racial supremacy group, the context being its name and the founder's desire to kill white people, then yes your statement would be true.

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Trump is being racist because he is profiling the person on the basis of his ethnicity and heritage.

I suppose if we could ignore that La Raza is a racial supremacy group, the context being its name and the founder's desire to kill white people, then yes your statement would be true.

More Nonsense. The only person I could find who the right accuses of calling for murder of white people is Jose Angel Gutierrez who was the founder of La Raza Unida Party which has nothing to do with either the National Council of La Raza or La Raza Lawyers Association

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Gingrich, who is trying so hard to say something positive about Trump, comes out with, "he's a gifted amateur". That's the most glowing thing he can blow out his pie hole.

For those who don't know, Gingrich is a laughing stock among Republican political back-room wheeler dealers.

He wants to be VP candidate. I hope Trump picks him. They'll both go flaming down nearly as quickly as Cruz and Fiorina. BTW, what was Ms Fiorina thinking? Buddying up with Cruz the day before his candidacy crashed and burned? .....and she claims she can make good decision? If Trump wins (which he won't) he'll likely appoint Fiorina as head of something big, like the Treasury or the Federal Reserve.

Trump is renown for appointing poorly qualified people to important positions - just look at the managers he's appointed to head his campaign. One got in trouble for accosting a reporter, some got caught not knowing how to secure delegates (Cruz's people beat Trump at that), at least one is a Goldman Sach's exec, and some of the same are now kow-towing to the Koch Brothers, on their knees pleading, "please please please give us lots of money. Pleeeeeaaasse!!! money money money. You've got lots of it. Give some to us. We'll say anything you want us to say, pleeeaaasse! You can pick the next twenty supreme court justices, anything you want."

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Can those calling Trump a racist for calling the judge Mexican, please explain how he is being racist. If someone was born in the USA, therefore, is an American citizen, but is called a Mexican, does not appear racist to me but I am sure someone on here will let met know why it is given some of the comments already posted.

Hmmm, is this a genuine question? Ok then, here's the answer as you may not be aware of the big picture:

Former students of Trump University bring a case against Trump/Trump University alleging fraud.

Judge Curiel is the judge presiding. He was born in America, but parents are from Mexico.

Judge doesn't throw out the case because the evidence suggest the case has merit.

Trump is furious because he wants the case thrown out (will cost him big if he loses).

He attacks the judge for being Mexican, which is to say, the judge can't be impartial/fair because Trump has been anti-Mexican throughout his presidential campaign.

Trump's allegations are bothersome because:

1. Attacking a federal judge simply because he doesn't rule in your favor shows a disrespect of the courts and American judicial system.

2. Citing a judge's race/ethnicity in said attack is pure racism. Has nothing to do with the case--even Trump's own lawyers agree the man's race is irrelevant.

What makes you think that what I asked was not a genuine inquiry? If it wasn't, it would not have been asked. Thanks for your response, it provides an insight into the thoughts of others. I respect your outlining of the bigger picture, however, having read a considerable amount on this aspect I believe there is more to it than you have outlined.

Trump, regardless of what people say, has the right, under the American Constitution, to free speech and is able to speak his mind, even if many do not like what he says. And, as I also asked, if one is born in America, then how can calling him a Mexican, which he is not, be racist. His heritage is Mexican, through his parents but given what Trump said, and the definition of Racist, the two do not gel, as he did not put any of them down in any way.

So to call someone a Mexican, which he is not, is racist, then what about someone who is Australian being called an Irish Mick, even if they were born in Australia but whose parents were Irish. Same train of thought can be applied or maybe there is a 3rd definition of racism that I am not aware of. The only part that people are calling him out for being racist is the use of the word Mexican, nothing else, therefore, given the rest that you have mentioned is irrelevant and has nothing to do with racism, so why is the Racist card being played?

The judge is an American of Mexican heritage. It's racist because Trump is suggesting that the Judge cannot be fair and impartial (i.e., do his job) simply because of his ethnicity. There is no proof that this judge has ever been biased in any case due to his ethnicity. Besides, this case has nothing to do with Mexico, but about whether Trump University is a fraud (from all the evidence that I've read, it most certainly is). I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Essentially, what Trump is saying is that he has been racist towards Mexico and since the Judge is of Mexican heritage, then the Judge MUST be offended and therefore, not able to rule impartially.

May I suggest you do some reading about the judge, his friends, associates and affiliates before jumping to his defence in so far as his being fair and impartial. He did a really good job of releasing sealed documents, thousands of them, and in doing so put witnesses lives in danger from some crazy lefties, then realising his error had to recall and reseal them to prevent anything untoward happening but it was a little late for some. Please check it out. Your jumping to the defence of a certain group is also wondrous, so do you condone their tactics and criminal attacks on people attending Mr. Trump's rallys.

As for racist, one cannot be racist towards a country nor heritage or ethnicity, as you tell us Mr Trump is, only a race and Mexican is not a race, it is just being a citizen of Mexico, a nationality, and in the judge's case, his heritage. As for Trump University being a fraud, again, please do some reading from both sides, then make up your mind, not just the biased left propaganda that you espouse. Even the court hasn't determined a fraud, so how can you with the limited knowledge you would have access to or would you care to tell us which legal team you are on?

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Anyone who deems a person unsuitable simply because of ethnic background is racist by definition. Full stop.

I think need to check about that "racist supremacy group" There are groups with similar names, and most right wingers & Trump fans fail to note that. Facts not being their strong points. Here is the group judge belongs to http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/07/donald-trump/trump-wrongly-casts-california-lawyers-group-stron/

La Raza -- The Race is a ethnic superiority group that has made many announcements that their goal is to retake lands from the U.S. in the South West that they believe was taken from them... The group has made statements that are nothing less than supporting a movement to overthrow the authority of the Unites States in these areas. It is called Reconquista referring to reconquering lands taken by force. How a Federal judge can be a member of such a group and not have that membership held up as bias in this case is beyond reason ....

The judge belongs to and supports a group hell bent on taking away parts of the United States by force if necessary ... case closed ...

Good thing that he is not a member of La Raza. He is a member of the La Raza California Lawyers association. Why do you persist in lying?

Such blatant misconceptions. La Raza is a civil rights organization. It is so like Trump to use something like this against the judge in question here. A low blow. Hispanics are in dire need of representation in the US. In my opinion the Hispanic population in the US brings so much to the table. They contribute to the US economy on so many levels, work harder than alot of Americans, are willing to do alot of work that most Americans are unwilling to do (despite what carrot hair has to say about this) and add to the cultural mix that makes the US so rich. Just stop whining, and accept that the fabric of society is evolving and changing.

Those familiar with the work of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) know that we are the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., and that we are an American institution committed to strengthening this great nation by promoting the advancement of Latino families. Our mission is to create opportunities and open the door to the American Dream for Latino and other families.


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More Nonsense. The only person I could find who the right accuses of calling for murder of white people is Jose Angel Gutierrez who was the founder of La Raza Unida Party which has nothing to do with either the National Council of La Raza or La Raza Lawyers Association

I am happy to let the American people decide whether there is an association among these groups. Good luck with your efforts.

But I'll make you a deal- I promise to not oppose a La Raza Lawyer's Association judge presiding over an anti-illegal immigrant presidential candidate's trial if you promise to not oppose a white judge who belongs to the Nazi Lawyer's Association presiding over Al Sharpton's trial for tax evasion.


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Anyone who deems a person unsuitable simply because of ethnic background is racist by definition. Full stop.

I think need to check about that "racist supremacy group" There are groups with similar names, and most right wingers & Trump fans fail to note that. Facts not being their strong points. Here is the group judge belongs to http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/07/donald-trump/trump-wrongly-casts-california-lawyers-group-stron/

La Raza -- The Race is a ethnic superiority group that has made many announcements that their goal is to retake lands from the U.S. in the South West that they believe was taken from them... The group has made statements that are nothing less than supporting a movement to overthrow the authority of the Unites States in these areas. It is called Reconquista referring to reconquering lands taken by force. How a Federal judge can be a member of such a group and not have that membership held up as bias in this case is beyond reason ....

The judge belongs to and supports a group hell bent on taking away parts of the United States by force if necessary ... case closed ...

Good thing that he is not a member of La Raza. He is a member of the La Raza California Lawyers association. Why do you persist in lying?

Such blatant misconceptions. La Raza is a civil rights organization. It is so like Trump to use something like this against the judge in question here. A low blow. Hispanics are in dire need of representation in the US. In my opinion the Hispanic population in the US brings so much to the table. They contribute to the US economy on so many levels, work harder than alot of Americans, are willing to do alot of work that most Americans are unwilling to do (despite what carrot hair has to say about this) and add to the cultural mix that makes the US so rich. Just stop whining, and accept that the fabric of society is evolving and changing.

Those familiar with the work of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) know that we are the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., and that we are an American institution committed to strengthening this great nation by promoting the advancement of Latino families. Our mission is to create opportunities and open the door to the American Dream for Latino and other families.


I love it. We're not racists! Ignore the examples of racism and just read what we say about ourselves on our web site!

Even their name identifies them as racial supremacists. If they are "the race", where does that position other races? This is not rocket science.

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Good thing that he is not a member of La Raza. He is a member of the La Raza California Lawyers association. Why do you persist in lying?

Such blatant misconceptions. La Raza is a civil rights organization. It is so like Trump to use something like this against the judge in question here. A low blow. Hispanics are in dire need of representation in the US. In my opinion the Hispanic population in the US brings so much to the table. They contribute to the US economy on so many levels, work harder than alot of Americans, are willing to do alot of work that most Americans are unwilling to do (despite what carrot hair has to say about this) and add to the cultural mix that makes the US so rich. Just stop whining, and accept that the fabric of society is evolving and changing.

Those familiar with the work of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) know that we are the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S., and that we are an American institution committed to strengthening this great nation by promoting the advancement of Latino families. Our mission is to create opportunities and open the door to the American Dream for Latino and other families.


I love it. We're not racists! Ignore the examples of racism and just read what we say about ourselves on our web site!

Even their name identifies them as racial supremacists. If they are "the race", where does that position other races? This is not rocket science.

You are an utter and complete ignoramus about Spanish and languages in general. You can't take a words from 2 languages that shares the same root and assert that they mean the same thing. The phrase "la raza" has a clear and documented history in Mexican Spanish. And all your ignorant assertions won't change that.

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