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US court: No right to carry concealed weapons in public


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This ruling is for concealed carrying of weapons. So is there any restriction on strapping on a gun (or guns) cowboy style, slinging an assault rifle over your shoulder, or simply carrying a 50 round magazine auto-shotgun?

Gun laws, like drivers' license requirements and issuing, vary by state. The US Constitution 2A is an overriding guarantee to own guns. But concealed carry etc. could, even with this court ruling continue under other states' Constitutions. My state of Oregon has an even more powerful right to keep and bear arms in its constitution than does the US Constitution. It's blunt and to the point.

In US law the word "shall" is powerful in that "will issue" means nothing compared to "shall" issue. "Shall" is a command. My state says the the government "shall issue" a concealed carry license to anyone who meets basic requirements. The requirements are to be 21 years old and have no criminal record and perhaps no provable mental defect, and having made no threats against people. The state "shall issue" the permit to anyone who meets those requirements.

This court ruling doesn't affect that.

The Supreme Court we have now would overturn this current lower court ruling just as it did with Washington DC over its refusal to issue permits. This US district court is an outlier that is regularly overruled.

With the massive illegal immigration including possible terrorists and drug gangs there is NO WAY I will give up my guns. "Over My Dead Body" and "Molon Labe".


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This ruling is for concealed carrying of weapons. So is there any restriction on strapping on a gun (or guns) cowboy style, slinging an assault rifle over your shoulder, or simply carrying a 50 round magazine auto-shotgun?

Gun laws, like drivers' license requirements and issuing, vary by state. The US Constitution 2A is an overriding guarantee to own guns. But concealed carry etc. could, even with this court ruling continue under other states' Constitutions. My state of Oregon has an even more powerful right to keep and bear arms in its constitution than does the US Constitution. It's blunt and to the point.

In US law the word "shall" is powerful in that "will issue" means nothing compared to "shall" issue. "Shall" is a command. My state says the the government "shall issue" a concealed carry license to anyone who meets basic requirements. The requirements are to be 21 years old and have no criminal record and perhaps no provable mental defect, and having made no threats against people. The state "shall issue" the permit to anyone who meets those requirements.

This court ruling doesn't affect that.

The Supreme Court we have now would overturn this current lower court ruling just as it did with Washington DC over its refusal to issue permits. This US district court is an outlier that is regularly overruled.

With the massive illegal immigration including possible terrorists and drug gangs there is NO WAY I will give up my guns. "Over My Dead Body" and "Molon Labe".


Big difference between this case and the DC case

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The National Rifle Association pipes up, "This decision will leave good people defenseless, as it completely ignores the fact that law-abiding Californians who reside in counties with hostile sheriffs will now have no means to carry a firearm outside the home for personal protection," said NRA legislative chief Chris W. Cox.

So let me ask Mr. Cox or any gun-hugger; are you assuming only law-abiding Californians will be carrying concealed loaded weapons? That's a very naive assumption. Here's another tidbit for gun-lovers to chew on: People who shoot other people in anger are very often law-abiding citizens until the point where they're not. Even Jack the Ripper was probably law-abiding before he became a sicko murderer. I'm saying; people are people. There are barely any people on the planet who don't have a breaking point. Some level of anger where they might pull out a gun (if they had one handy) and start shooting. People who love guns are probably more apt to erupt in anger/revenge than the average person. Look at stats (of guns shot at civilians in anger) and tell me whether that's true or not.

These laws are silly,criminals don't obey the law that's why they are criminals. This will only effect law abiding citizens while helping the criminals.

You are assuming people who apply for permits are law-abiding. The man who shot and killed Supervisor Milk and Mayor Moscone in SF was a law-abiding police officer until the moment he cracked. It proves my point, above.

Gun lovers don't want to entertain the thought, but it's plain fact: the less guns in circulation, the less shooting deaths. Perhaps it will take one of their sons or daughters to get killed by a formerly law-abiding citizen for it to sink into their thick skulls.

I don't have a big problem with concealed carry. Many states require a carry license anyway. I do have a problem with the idiots that walk around trying to prove how macho they are by toting semi-auto military style rifles in Target, etc. Of course they are all white, if black they would be shot on sight. I made a living with guns for many years. Always carried concealed. Open in uniform (backup concealed) and semi-open when bouncing in clubs. America's problem with the mass shootings does not stem from the available guns, it stems from sick people that before the Regan regime would have been locked up and/or receiving the mental care they needed. I'll add that I do think in general America has long lost it's morals (not that religious bull-real ones), ethics and oh hell, brains. Along with everything else the Regan regime destroyed was the mental health system. When I lived in the mountains of New Mexico I often had, pistols, my long range 300 Win. mag, shotgun and AK-47 in my truck, my wife carried pistol. After a divorce from hell I moved back to Texass, just carried my .45 and AK-47 in truck or SS Camaro. I had what many here would consider an arsenal, many of my friends had 3 times as much. Guns aren't the problem, people are.

Did your 'divorce from hell' involve any bullets fired back and forth? If so, then perhaps you're quicker at the draw (or a more accurate shooter) than your ex-wife.

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If I'm in California at a mall, and there's a dispute about a parking spot. My car and another man's car get to a rare open space at nearly the same time, but I pull in before him. He gets out, puts a 45 to my head. Who's going to get the parking spot? He is. Gun lovers will think, "cool. He had the smarts to carry a loaded gun, so he's more of a man, particularly because he used his gun to get his way."

Here's another scenario (based on a true scenario in California that I witnessed):

Two macho white guys. One has reason to believe the other was talking sweet with his wife. They happened to meet in front of a K-mart, middle of afternoon. Immediately both put up their dukes, like two dogs in heat, shouting cuss words, and ready to rumble right there. Now imagine if one or both had guns: POW!! dead bodies, blood all over, possibly a few injured bystanders/kids. Again, that's a scenario that gun-lovers might lament, but they'd defend the gun carriers, .....probably praise them for being such real men.

Now multiply those types of scenarios by hundreds, and you get an idea of the type of mayhem that will befall Americans if many people are carrying loaded guns.

The day before yesterday, (this is the gospel truth) I had (what I thought was) a very minor dispute with a hill triber guy in Chiang Rai. He immediately went ballistic and started cussing at me, and then said he had a gun and would kill me. I'm not making this up. I was standing next to his wife and she was too scared to tell him to cool down. The wife and I just stood there, and the hot-head walked away shouting threats. It blew over, but it gave a picture of a gun-fanatical society.

Even when I was a little boy, I remember looking at movies where the good guys would always hit their targets and the bad guys would always miss (indeed, that's been a GIANT influence on gun lovers today, and partly explains why they have such hard-ons for guns). I would think the good guys were cowards because they couldn't settle their problems with a fair fight, man-to-man with no weapons. I still think that way.

To me, all the gun-toting heroes: Swarzenegger/Terminator, Stalone/Rambo, Ken Norton, Bruce Willis all exemplify cowardice more than bravery. Guns don't make a man courageous. They prove that the man needs mechanical weapons to overcome his lack of physical strength and street-smarts. A big gun probably indicates a small something-else.

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This ruling is for concealed carrying of weapons. So is there any restriction on strapping on a gun (or guns) cowboy style, slinging an assault rifle over your shoulder, or simply carrying a 50 round magazine auto-shotgun?

It's known as open carry. Laws vary with location.

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Hey boomer, it didn't involve trading bullets, but damn close with the hit man she hired. Yes, I was quicker to the draw and with that big of a target at 7 ft. I would not have missed, I am good. I beat him to the draw and he didn't like that Colt Gov't Mod. 1911A1, modified and accurized that I carried, he would have liked the Black Talon bullets even less. He back off and yes had he gone for his it would have been double tap center mass and one between the running lights. That barrel can look like a 12 guage at that range. Ah you do know what a 12 guage is, right? I carried as always, locked and loaded, safety on, hammer back, round in the chamber, the way it was meant to be carried. My ex was a damn good shot, but as we used to say back in New Mexico, cuckoo in la cabeza. She would tell you that she didn't hunt elk for the meat, she was hunting balls. She used my built 7.62 that had been accurized and I had used in combat. That man was 240 lbs lbs. and 6'5", I'm 5'7", weighed in at 147 back then. Think I didn't fear for my life, welcome to the real world boomer. No disrespect meant, truly, but you are a fool. Or perhaps you just live in another world, certainly not the one I lived in. Sam Colt made all men equal, thank you Sam. I agree, America does have some real losers running around with guns, there is a huge mental health issue. It is a people issue, not the availability of weapons issue. Do you really think the bad guys are going to apply for a license? Of course gun laws that affect the right to carry only effect the good guys.

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Sarge, I probably know as much about electric guitars as you do about guns. Different paths. I never got a buzz from guns, maybe I missed something growing up.

Maybe it had something to do with Sam Cooke getting shot and killed by a white woman clerk in a cheap hotel, because Sam came down the steps in his underpants asking where a friend of his was.

....or Marvin Gaye getting shot and killed by his father, while Marvin was protecting his mother from being bullied by the father. There was also an argument about insurance at the same time.

There are tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths by guns in the US, in large part because guns are so prevalent.

How many little kids shoot a parent (or a friend or sibling) by mistake because a loaded gun was left around? Maybe 5,000?

Just yesterday, a young lady singer was shot and killed at an entertainment venue. There are tens of thousands of stories like that.

.....and John Lennon.

Edited by boomerangutang
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And your point is again not valid. The guns are there, have been there and bad guys and nut cases will always get them. I much prefer killing animals, not people. They are good to eat, people, I think not. Well, I can't play guitar, but I played classical piano, could write the music from listening to it, until a little expense paid vacation to sunny Vietnam courtesy Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, does that count? Everybody has their own path. I was hunting before I was 12. The biggest problem with the push from pantie waste liberals for "common sense gun control" is that it is a step in the direction to no guns and that is their long term agenda. I will point out I raised 2 kids, there were always guns around, always and they learned very early how dangerous they could be. My son used to go hunting with me well before he could shoot, much less hunt. Later US Navy SEAL. They never shot me or anybody else. Parenting, parenting. Sorely lacking for many years in the states. The right wing went way overboard with accusing Obama of planning to take their guns, they just didn't want a black man in a white house. Hillary, now that just might be a different situation.

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These laws are silly,criminals don't obey the law that's why they are criminals. This will only effect law abiding citizens while helping the criminals.

The laws are not designed to prevent criminal behavior but to prevent the mentally ill, the stupid, the irresponsible, and the insecure from carrying fire arms.

I live in a state that allows for open carry as well as issues a concealed weapons permit which requires modest additional background checks. I rarely meet someone with a concealed permit who is not a responsible gun owner. On the other hand, the people who came into my store blatantly open carrying often fit one of the categories I listed above, so much so that I legally posted on the entrance to my store "no open carry". Now I did not always enforce that rule in the store. Mature people who were openly carrying in what I refer to as "high and tight", that is not really noticeable, got no grief from me. But the young yahoos who came in wearing a large tactical thigh holster imagining they were making some sort of political statement, automatic disqualification for being allowed to own a firearm in my book, were told to park it in the car.

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There's probably a thread dedicated to today's mass shooting in Orlando (latest tally: 50 dead, 51 wounded). Even so, this is on-topic for this thread.....

excerpt from NPR story......

"According to a search of public records, Mateen is 29 years old and listed as living in Port St. Lucie, Fl. The search shows that Mateen had a firearm license and he received a security officer license in both 2011 and 2013. The search did not turn up any criminal record."


Boomer's comment; The above quote proves what I've been saying and refutes what Sarge has been saying. Sarge says the good guys will be legally carrying guns, if gun laws continue to be open-ended. He's wrong. The mass murderer in today's shooting was a good guy up until he started his murder spree. He had a security guard license and was carrying licensed guns. It proves that gun insanity continues in the USA. Guns should be banned for anyone not in law enforcement or military while in uniform on the job. Also exception for gun ranges, and some exceptions for hunting - though I and many others think hunting with guns is immoral and should eventually be banned also.

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I'm an American US veteran expat living in Thailand for over 10 years ... Take away our 2nd amendment to carry a firearm(s) and our sick govt would quickly bury us

now that's outta the way ... Many "Yanks" will wanna kill the messenger (me)

Increase in US mass shootings or single shootings have nothing to do with gun laws or guns themselves. To use what some would call a worn out cliche, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" ... If some crazy or a gang member or any other type of criminal or soon to be criminal wants a gun to commit a crime they can easily get one, law or no law.


When a countries govt sends storm troopers around the world mass murdering innocent men women and children, destroying countries and a socio-psychopath POTUS using his favorite killer drones to kill a granddmother blown apart and screaming in agony while her now crippled and maimed grandaughter watches her die then you have a society that follows suit. Just as an animal or human child learns watching it's parents so does a society learn from the actions of it's so called leaders. The US govt, it's leaders(politicians) and TPTB "Elite" are all very very greedy, wealth / power hungry sick socio-psychopaths ... that's the reason America has among other things a gun problem ... America has other just as devastating societal problems as a "gun" problem

These single, semi-mass and mass killings have nothing to do with guns but everything to do with the mind-set of our uneducated child like society in general, monkey see monkey do, A child behaves like those who raised it ... You could take every single gun in America and dump'em all in the ocean, then the perverse govt trained society would kill with knives, take away the knives then they'll use rocks, take away the rocks, they'll use fire and so on and so on ... if America wants the mass killings to stop then the US govt should stop it's murder and destruction of our planet, and replace all the puppet politicians with honest moral leaders ... sad part is we are gettin' ready to elect one of the sickest most vicious, immoral war hawk socio-psychos walking the planet ... if you think bumbling, stumbling boy POTUS Dhuuuubya and our current Orea faux nobel peace prize winning POTUS were bad wait'll ya see what Killary Billary Hillary has in store for the world.

By the way these are some of the wonderful traits of socio-psychos (our leaders and puppet masters) These disorders (sociopath and psychopath) share many common behavioral traits which lead to the confusion between them. Key traits that sociopaths and psychopaths (socio-psycho) share include: (list is also IMO a pretty good description of today's US govt)

  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
  • Will not hesitate kill others to reach goals or quell lust

I agree with neverdie, a great post apart from the first paragraph. I fear that your Government have already buried the US population and they do not even know it. The Patriot Act and essentially ungoverned illegal surveillance are but two of a huge list of Government systems brought in to limit the freedom of US citizens.. It is interesting observing from a distance, you know the old story (which is true) about putting a frog into a pan of very hot water and it will leap out immediately. Put it into a pan of cold water and put the pan on a low heat you can boil the frog alive and it will not move.

Your analysis of "THE REAL REASON FOR AMERICA'S MASS KILLINGS" is candid and unusual to hear from someone from the USA and that gives many of us hope I am sure. Thank you, keep spreading your valuable word.

Andaman Al ... U R absolutely right our US govt has already buried us. From the looks of some of the articles I've been reading lately some of us more determined half way intelligent, informed honest citizens R startin' ta dig our way out ... Thank U 4 your comments and compliment, not all of us Americans R brainwashed braindead Village Idiots but most R I'm sad 2 say ... with a little bit of internet news and corruption exposure and a large amount of luck more village idiots may wake up and we might have a chence 2 dig America out ,,, thx again 4 your support and words of encouragement .. U R a good man Sir

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I'm an American US veteran expat living in Thailand for over 10 years ... Take away our 2nd amendment to carry a firearm(s) and our sick govt would quickly bury us

now that's outta the way ... Many "Yanks" will wanna kill the messenger (me)

Increase in US mass shootings or single shootings have nothing to do with gun laws or guns themselves. To use what some would call a worn out cliche, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" ... If some crazy or a gang member or any other type of criminal or soon to be criminal wants a gun to commit a crime they can easily get one, law or no law.


When a countries govt sends storm troopers around the world mass murdering innocent men women and children, destroying countries and a socio-psychopath POTUS using his favorite killer drones to kill a granddmother blown apart and screaming in agony while her now crippled and maimed grandaughter watches her die then you have a society that follows suit. Just as an animal or human child learns watching it's parents so does a society learn from the actions of it's so called leaders. The US govt, it's leaders(politicians) and TPTB "Elite" are all very very greedy, wealth / power hungry sick socio-psychopaths ... that's the reason America has among other things a gun problem ... America has other just as devastating societal problems as a "gun" problem

These single, semi-mass and mass killings have nothing to do with guns but everything to do with the mind-set of our uneducated child like society in general, monkey see monkey do, A child behaves like those who raised it ... You could take every single gun in America and dump'em all in the ocean, then the perverse govt trained society would kill with knives, take away the knives then they'll use rocks, take away the rocks, they'll use fire and so on and so on ... if America wants the mass killings to stop then the US govt should stop it's murder and destruction of our planet, and replace all the puppet politicians with honest moral leaders ... sad part is we are gettin' ready to elect one of the sickest most vicious, immoral war hawk socio-psychos walking the planet ... if you think bumbling, stumbling boy POTUS Dhuuuubya and our current Orea faux nobel peace prize winning POTUS were bad wait'll ya see what Killary Billary Hillary has in store for the world.

By the way these are some of the wonderful traits of socio-psychos (our leaders and puppet masters) These disorders (sociopath and psychopath) share many common behavioral traits which lead to the confusion between them. Key traits that sociopaths and psychopaths (socio-psycho) share include: (list is also IMO a pretty good description of today's US govt)

  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
  • Will not hesitate kill others to reach goals or quell lust

Fantastic post, I agree. Well said.

Thx neverdie, appreciate the compliment & support ... carken

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I'm an American US veteran expat living in Thailand for over 10 years ... Take away our 2nd amendment to carry a firearm(s) and our sick govt would quickly bury us now that's outta the way ... Many "Yanks" will wanna kill the messenger (me)

Increase in US mass shootings or single shootings have nothing to do with gun laws or guns themselves. To use what some would call a worn out cliche, "guns don't kill people, people kill people" ... If some crazy or a gang member or any other type of criminal or soon to be criminal wants a gun to commit a crime they can easily get one, law or no law.


When a countries govt sends storm troopers around the world mass murdering innocent men women and children, destroying countries and a socio-psychopath POTUS using his favorite killer drones to kill a granddmother blown apart and screaming in agony while her now crippled and maimed grandaughter watches her die then you have a society that follows suit. Just as an animal or human child learns watching it's parents so does a society learn from the actions of it's so called leaders. The US govt, it's leaders(politicians) and TPTB "Elite" are all very very greedy, wealth / power hungry sick socio-psychopaths ... that's the reason America has among other things a gun problem ... America has other just as devastating societal problems as a "gun" problem

These single, semi-mass and mass killings have nothing to do with guns but everything to do with the mind-set of our uneducated child like society in general, monkey see monkey do, A child behaves like those who raised it ... You could take every single gun in America and dump'em all in the ocean, then the perverse govt trained society would kill with knives, take away the knives then they'll use rocks, take away the rocks, they'll use fire and so on and so on ... if America wants the mass killings to stop then the US govt should stop it's murder and destruction of our planet, and replace all the puppet politicians with honest moral leaders ... sad part is we are gettin' ready to elect one of the sickest most vicious, immoral war hawk socio-psychos walking the planet ... if you think bumbling, stumbling boy POTUS Dhuuuubya and our current Orea faux nobel peace prize winning POTUS were bad wait'll ya see what Killary Billary Hillary has in store for the world.

By the way these are some of the wonderful traits of socio-psychos (our leaders and puppet masters) These disorders (sociopath and psychopath) share many common behavioral traits which lead to the confusion between them. Key traits that sociopaths and psychopaths (socio-psycho) share include: (list is also IMO a pretty good description of today's US govt)

  • A disregard for laws and social mores
  • A disregard for the rights of others
  • A failure to feel remorse or guilt
  • A tendency to display violent behavior
  • Will not hesitate kill others to reach goals or quell lust

CarKen, your arguments in favor of gun ownership are soggy. Dragging out the tired-old alarmist rhetoric, "Take away our 2nd amendment to carry a firearm(s) and our sick govt would quickly bury us" That's ultra-right-wing paranoia thinking.

There is no cure-all for gun-violence in the US, but there are ways to lessen the insanity.

Here are some suggestions for lessening the insanity of an America drowning in guns and the violence which comes with guns:

>>> Make it difficult to get guns.

>>> The only people who should legally have guns are servicemen in uniform on the job. Even then, there would be gun violence (as much of it is committed by servicemen in or out of uniform, trained on how to use guns). Sure bad guys would still have guns, so we try to put them out of business. How often does a good guy with a gun shut down a bad guy with a gun in the real world? Not often. It's mostly a myth.

>>> Do all we can as a society to lessen culture which glorifies guns and gun shooting. Parents: every time you let your kids watch gun violence (tv, video, online, etc), you're further glorifying guns and their use. Don't be surprised if your kids grow up to be problematic with guns. All gun-loving parents reading this are surely going to respond: "Oh no! My kids are never going to be problematic with guns!"

Note: every shooter, including the most recent who wiped out over 50 in Orlando, had parents. And every set of their parents allowed them to see movies depicting gun violence. And those parents were probably gun lovers.

The US is on a downward spiral with this debate. Gun lovers are winning, and the US is experiencing more gun problems because of it.

Congratulations gun lovers - your agenda has taken hold. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy: the more guns circulating in the US, the more gun problems there are, and the more we hear gun lovers saying we need more guns, on and on and on.

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But not allowing mentally ill people to buy firearms, wouldn't that be discrimination? Their illness would deprive them of those cherished 2nd Amendments rights, no? Wonder how the American Civil Liberties Union would handle such a case.

And then there's the old "we can't lock somebody up for a crime they haven't committed yet." The guy wasn't a terrorist until he started shooting people, therefore he was not a terrorist when he purchased the weapons, and it would have been a crime to, again, deprive him of those 2nd Amendment rights.

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Keep shooting boys. Then there will be an unpopulated country from which we can then feed the rest of the world. The sheer stupidity of allowing these weapons to all and sundry continues to stagger all of us from those other educated countries where gun violence is rare. You dumbarse citizens of the USA keep quoting the 2nd ammendment which was written when you were fighting for your freedom and independance and not meant to apply to a free, independant and civilised??? country.

You sound like an aussie who watches the ABC and votes "green", why do you think 'merica is still free and independant? 20 million armed citizens....that's why!! Don't hold the UK or Oz up as "free and independant", not with the pollies in either country!thumbsup.gifwink.pngsad.pngwai.gif

Actually there are approximately 100 million armed Americans who have about 300 million guns and tons of ammunition. It's the largest militia the world has ever known. The US Military has fewer than 2 million members, most scattered all over the world.

Most states have their own concealed carry laws, many embedded into their own state constitutions and they are the defining factor of concealed carry in those states. My state is a "shall issue" state which is a legal term that means the state "shall" (must) issue a permit unless I have a criminal history or am below the age of 21.

The 2nd Amendment was written to protect citizens from government as was the entire Bill of Rights (citizens' rights) of which it is a part. The way governments are letting encouraging potentially dangerous people to flood into Western countries, I'm very happy to be well armed.


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-snip- You dumbarse citizens of the USA keep quoting the 2nd ammendment which was written when you were fighting for your freedom and independance and not meant to apply to a free, independant and civilised??? country.

You dumbarse furriners don't know a thing about US History. AFTER the US Colonists kicked the King of England's ass clear back across the Atlantic (fighting for freedom as you put it) in The Revolutionary War, the founders of the US Constitution drew it up and ratified it.

AFTER that they decided we needed a Bill of Rights to give citizens power over the government by delineating human rights. They did that by lumping ten new amendments to the Constitution into what's called The Bill of Rights - rights of the individual against the government. I was written to and only to limit the power of government.

Many having come to America to escape the oppressive King of England wanted to assure that such oppression never happened in America. Thus The Bill of Rights which includes the Second Amendment.

So your timing is wrong and your reasons for 2A are wrong and you will remain wrong long after you've lost your country and freedom because you are unarmed. Look the the status of London with creeping Sharia, no go zones and a new population of people many who want to kill you.


PS The following is surely untrue because there are no guns on the loose in the UK:

A British member of parliament has succumbed to her injuries after being “stabbed and shot” in an attack in her constituency in Yorkshire.

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But not allowing mentally ill people to buy firearms, wouldn't that be discrimination? Their illness would deprive them of those cherished 2nd Amendments rights, no? Wonder how the American Civil Liberties Union would handle such a case.

And then there's the old "we can't lock somebody up for a crime they haven't committed yet." The guy wasn't a terrorist until he started shooting people, therefore he was not a terrorist when he purchased the weapons, and it would have been a crime to, again, deprive him of those 2nd Amendment rights.

You're right, but the 2nd amendment needs to be studied by anyone who gives a hoot about the raging gun problem in the US. And it needs to be understood in the context and time frame it was written.

Incidentally, semi-automatic guns were illegal in the US until the law expired in recent years. Then the NRA paid politicians handsomely and often to keep the issue dead. NRA were doing what they like to do best: make sure as many guns are owned by as many Americans as possible. Has there been a study to gauge how close NRA execs are with gun manufacturers? It would be interesting. Also: Each time there a shooting massacre in the US, gun sales go up. So for NRA, it's win win. More guns sold, more people murdered, more guns sold, more people murdered, more guns sold. Business is great for them.

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You're right, but the 2nd amendment needs to be studied by anyone who gives a hoot about the raging gun problem in the US. And it needs to be understood in the context and time frame it was written.


I was taking already absurd arguments and pushing them even further. To wit, that one person's 2nd amendment rights takes priority over another person's right to not be murdered.

It just may happen that something positive is fostered by Trump in this insane campaign, that he breaks the NRA's lock on Congress. If so, you know he's going to be crowing about it as long as he's alive.

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You wanna buy a gun in the US? How about a semi-automatic gun which is popular for killing lots of people quickly?

Easy as pie. There are currently over 3,000 semi-automatic guns for sale in the US, with zero background check.

It's person to person. SOURCE

An ISIS member can buy, a convicted felon, a downtown mafia wanna-be tough-guy, an Idaho overthrow-the-government redneck,

.....anyone can sell, and anyone can buy. as easy as buying a salad bowl at a yard sale.

A gun hugger wants to sell one of his assault weapons. No problemo, senor. Just put a little ad online and sell it.

Background checks? Ha ha ha. What gun-loving redneck gun-seller is going to spend $55 to background check a guy who shows up with cash to buy a gun?

Welcome to the 21st century America. Expect a whole lot more massacres.

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