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Potential pedophilia sex scandal brewing at one of Thailand's oldest secondary schools


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ezzra wrote

"A sickening cover ups by the teacher's friends and school officials says it all, really, the society that allows

such ongoing rampant abuse of children in full knowledge of everyone need to re examine it self and it's morals

checks and balances........"

Ditto the Catholic church maybe?

Yes, but on a much grander scale.more money, more victims, more denials, more threats, more payoffs.

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Can't believe posters on here debating ages and rounding down ages to justify what?

Spotlight the movie and especially the end credits sums all this up!

And that's just the Catholic Church !

Having sex with an 18 year old person is not against the law. Having sex with a 17 year old person is but you can also marry a 17 year old person 15 is the age of consent. 18 you can do things and 19 and 20 different things. Age has everything to do with it. People here are trying to lump little children together with young women and they are obviously two different things.

When I was in college I offered to have sex for good grades but all my professors turned me down.rolleyes.gif

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Can't believe posters on here debating ages and rounding down ages to justify what?

Spotlight the movie and especially the end credits sums all this up!

And that's just the Catholic Church !

Having sex with an 18 year old person is not against the law. Having sex with a 17 year old person is but you can also marry a 17 year old person 15 is the age of consent. 18 you can do things and 19 and 20 different things. Age has everything to do with it. People here are trying to lump little children together with young women and they are obviously two different things.

When I was in college I offered to have sex for good grades but all my professors turned me down.rolleyes.gif

Why? Are you butt ugly or something? How about now? Do you still sell your body to get ahead?
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'... the school in question ... has a campus in the Phra Nakorn area of Bangkok ...'

'The unnamed school was reportedly founded in the late 1800s and is believed to be one of the oldest in Thailand.'

Well, if it's the only one in the vicinity, it won't need to be named. If it's not, then it should be named in order to avoid suspicion falling on the wrong school.

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

PAEDO - short for 'paedophile'. One who molests young children.


a paedophile molests prepubuscent children


Children, in other words under the age of consent.

Nothing to do with pre-pubescent

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a paedophile molests prepubuscent children


Children, in other words under the age of consent.

Nothing to do with pre-pubescent

the age of consent is different from one country to another and paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder - please explain.

BTW, from Wikipedia:

Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children

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In the linked Manager article it said the abused pupils were ranged from junior to senior secondary school (high school) which would put their ages at between 12-18.

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All boys school.

Is it a catholic school?

This sort of thing is very common at all boy catholic schools.


And of course there are the always the people who know about it and do nothing who are almost as sick as the pedophiles.

Like in this very case, other teachers are reported to have known about it and done nothing. Victims were silenced with money(and probably threatened.)


Over 40,000 priests and teachers (brothers) and over 1million victims reported with more coming forward daily.

I would think that it would be only the tip of the iceberg, it is the sort of thing a lot of victims would want to forget.

I went to an all boy catholic school as did all the males in my family for a number of generations. The worst that happened to me and my kin was utterly tedious teaching methods.

Generalisations such as the ones you are making (no doubt because you wish to deflect from this case) are utter nonsense.

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Normal..... nothing strange goes on here. It is all normal run of the mill stuff.

Except that on the rest of real planet earth it is not considered normal..... or if it happens it is usually dealt with, let us say, by a better legal system.

All manner of madness goes on round these parts....


I dare say there are teachers up to no good in Europe/North America at all boys schools but are not posting on social media and getting away with ...?

..... no comment....


On the morning of June 22, 2006, the people of Thailand woke up to shocking headlines in the tabloid newspapers. A well-known Phra Khru abbot from the province of Phatthalung had been caught on film engaging in illicit sexual acts. In several of the more than 60 photographs, his partner appeared to be a young girl, probably under age, while the abbot himself is in his late 60s or early 70s. Even more horrifying was the image of the monk having sexual intercourse with a dog.


I hope the dog received counselling and the correct vaccinations

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This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

Rubbish, a pedophile is someone that preys on children. The legal definition of a child is 21 years old. Each country has their own laws regarding age of consent. In Thailand, it is 18 years old for male or female. In most countries it is 16 for female and 18 for male. If you are having sex with a teenager below the legal age of consent then you are a pedophile, child sex predictor, statutory rapist. Many boys and girls reach puberty at the age of 11 or 12 years old. Do you think it's ok for their teacher to introduce them to b jobs on the Internet.

It amazes me the way pedophiles try to make their abuse of children seem like the most natural thing in the world.

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I wonder how many times in Thailand history, has a teacher actually been convicted of the crime of sex or fondling of students. From what I have seen in thai schools teacher/student goings on is absolutely rampant. Everytime there is one of these stories, sadly I have to sit my kid down and warn him of the dangers of teachers affections.

Telephones in the toilets and swim changing rooms. Things that happen in the toilets.

Make sure your kid knows something that feels nice is not always going to end up feeling nice at all.

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And of course there are the always the people who know about it and do nothing who are almost as sick as the pedophiles.

Like in this very case, other teachers are reported to have known about it and done nothing. Victims were silenced with money(and probably threatened.)


Over 40,000 priests and teachers (brothers) and over 1million victims reported with more coming forward daily.

I would think that it would be only the tip of the iceberg, it is the sort of thing a lot of victims would want to forget.

I went to an all boy catholic school as did all the males in my family for a number of generations. The worst that happened to me and my kin was utterly tedious teaching methods.

Generalisations such as the ones you are making (no doubt because you wish to deflect from this case) are utter nonsense.

I assumed you must have been a catholic from your post. Who else would defend what is the biggest peodophile network the world has ever seen?

The denials are part of the problem and have aided the cover ups which the Catholic Church have spent well over 500 million on. Cardinal Pell makes me sick. He knew what was going on for years, parents complained that their kids were being raped. The church sometimes paid them off, and instead of defrocking them and calling the police like they should have done, these sickos were just moved on to another town to rape other kids.

Money they collected from people who were the followers of this strange religion and weird beliefs. The bible is a work of fiction, Mary was a Virgin, yeah right, Noah's Ark etc etc.

A poster above called it a "money collecting pedophiles club". A fair call in IMO.

So who do I believe, an internet troll or hundreds of thousands of victims. A lets not forget the many priests that actually have admitted their guilt. (Usually only because the evidence was overwhelming and so as to get a lighter sentence)

You are denying the indefensible. Your reason that it couldn't be true because it didn't happen to you personally.

And your very obvious overarching, well developed burning hatred of the Roman Catholic Church and it's members is relevant to this topic in which way?

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Question : Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent? If not it's rape and sex pen of a minor/child. How on earth could a person of sound mind and morals even ask this question. Many paedophiles use the defence of the child loved me, I loved him/her and they consented. Sorry a child consenting doesn't cut it.

Answer : "Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent?" Yes, In Thailand often he/she is. Children grow up here much faster than in Europe, women ( or girls) have children at a much earlier age and frequently so and Thai youth are much earlier sexually active too.

"Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent?" Yes, In Thailand often he/she is. Children grow up here much faster than in Europe, women ( or girls) have children at a much earlier age and frequently so and Thai youth are much earlier sexually active too.

Edited by luckyman
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How can u be sure it is rape? Even 14 year old boys are capable and sometimes willing to have consensual sex with an adult. Often the only question is what is in it for him??
Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent? If not it's rape and sex pen of a minor/child. How on earth could a person of sound mind and morals even ask this question. Many paedophiles use the defence of the child loved me, I loved him/her and they consented. Sorry a child consenting doesn't cut it.

"Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent?" Yes, In Thailand often he/she is. Children grow up here much faster than in Europe, women ( or girls) have children at a much earlier age and frequently so and Thai youth are much earlier sexually active too.

Edited by luckyman
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This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

PAEDO - short for 'paedophile'. One who molests young children.


a paedophile molests prepubuscent children

When you are talking about the psychiatric disorder as defined in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-nn) - you are correctly defining what a Paedophile is. But the word was in use before Psychiatry was ever a real profession, and the general dictionary meaning is one who is attracted to young children which in common usage just refers to someone that is attracted to someone under age (which changes over the generations). If you expect the general public to "refine" the terminology into psychiatric terms of paedophilia, ephebophilia or hebephilia... that psyciatrists have chosen to divide it into.... I think you may be wrestling with the term because of reasons other than psychiatric correctness.

The age of consent laws are actually very close to what they are in Canada. The age of consent is 15 OR 18 depending on the relationship. If the relationship is of a authoritative or financial nature the age of consent rises to 18. For two children playing doctor it is 15. For this case it would be 18 because of multiple factors.

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What do you mean this country?

The Catholic Church systematically moved and still does move paedofile priests out of their parishes once a complaint is made and they are free to continue with their abuse.

There's one Australian bishop they want back to answer questions about his role in all this but is hiding and protected by the Vatican itself and guess what just like the monk he is to sick to travel even after being filmed a couple of weeks ago having a steak and beer at a upmarket restaurant.

Rockspiders how could any defend them!

The Vatican is protecting the almighty richness of the church first of all and in the process the pedophile rides on their coattails.It all about the power they don't want to lose.Check out their knowledge of the Nazis in ww11 and how they covered up this.Here it the same.In reporting this to the police the school can lose a lot of money,so if they can pay off the teacher to leave great for them they think but if not ,better to keep it quite.

Well summed up. Too sick to answer questions about thousands of raped kids, but not too sick to drink beer. And protected by the Vatican.


Child rapists. How could anyone defend them?

Edited by sanukjim
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And of course there are the always the people who know about it and do nothing who are almost as sick as the pedophiles.

Like in this very case, other teachers are reported to have known about it and done nothing. Victims were silenced with money(and probably threatened.)


Over 40,000 priests and teachers (brothers) and over 1million victims reported with more coming forward daily.

I would think that it would be only the tip of the iceberg, it is the sort of thing a lot of victims would want to forget.

I went to an all boy catholic school as did all the males in my family for a number of generations. The worst that happened to me and my kin was utterly tedious teaching methods.

Generalisations such as the ones you are making (no doubt because you wish to deflect from this case) are utter nonsense.

I assumed you must have been a catholic from your post. Who else would defend what is the biggest peodophile network the world has ever seen?

The denials are part of the problem and have aided the cover ups which the Catholic Church have spent well over 500 million on. Cardinal Pell makes me sick. He knew what was going on for years, parents complained that their kids were being raped. The church sometimes paid them off, and instead of defrocking them and calling the police like they should have done, these sickos were just moved on to another town to rape other kids.

Money they collected from people who were the followers of this strange religion and weird beliefs. The bible is a work of fiction, Mary was a Virgin, yeah right, Noah's Ark etc etc.

A poster above called it a "money collecting pedophiles club". A fair call in IMO.

So who do I believe, an internet troll or hundreds of thousands of victims. A lets not forget the many priests that actually have admitted their guilt. (Usually only because the evidence was overwhelming and so as to get a lighter sentence)

You are denying the indefensible. Your reason that it couldn't be true because it didn't happen to you personally.

And your very obvious overarching, well developed burning hatred of the Roman Catholic Church and it's members is relevant to this topic in which way?

The revelance is blatantly obvious. Kiddy fiddling students, reports being ignored and cover ups. Method of Operation.

Google Cardinal Pell for more information.

The world has a over population problem. Let's start with child rapists.

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Teenagers are a bit old for the typical pedophile aren't they. I thought they liked em prepubescent.


Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.

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a paedophile molests prepubuscent children

When you are talking about the psychiatric disorder as defined in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-nn) - you are correctly defining what a Paedophile is. But the word was in use before Psychiatry was ever a real profession, and the general dictionary meaning is one who is attracted to young children which in common usage just refers to someone that is attracted to someone under age (which changes over the generations). If you expect the general public to "refine" the terminology into psychiatric terms of paedophilia, ephebophilia or hebephilia... that psyciatrists have chosen to divide it into.... I think you may be wrestling with the term because of reasons other than psychiatric correctness.

Nice try, but I don't think "the word was in use before Psychiatry was ever a real profession".

People don't come up with a greek compound word at random. The word they used before was satyr or "one who likes them young" or simply "pervert" before there was even a legal age.

People now associate "paedophile" with "under age sex" because of distortion and misuse of terms by the media.

I think you may be wrestling with the term because of reasons other than psychiatric correctness.

lowest of attacks, are you proud of yourself?

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