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Australian dollar could drop to 40 US cents

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Last year 90% of those so-called economists were saying oil could go down to ten bucks. I was ready to exchange all my Canadian petro dollars to baht, but then I remembered when were those "economists" actually correct about anything. OIL over fifty bucks just 6 months later and so is $CAD.

In any case, if you do believe such nonsense, buy some real estate in Australia as Chinese are surely to scoop them up at 45% discount

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maybe the author of this article is American or has delusions about America because he makes it sound like the US economy is full steam ahead blink.png

in reality it is also suffering from many of the similar types of economic ailments to Australia.

and how long has Janet Yellen been only threatening an increase in interest rates now?

" There is another cycle here that is much more influential on the current market dynamic and should be much easier to spot. When the Fed talks up the economy and promises rate increases, the dollar usually rallies. When the dollar rallies, U.S. multi-national corporate profits take a hit, and the market falls. When the market falls, economic confidence falls and puts pressure on the Fed to maintain easy policy. This is a loop that the Fed does not have the stomach to break."

Peter Schiff

Edited by Asiantravel
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Strangely the other day I was reading it was going to go to 0.75USD, then today it is then today it is 0.74USD.

Remember Economists have correctly predicted 10 of the last 3 recessions.

However if it does go down I will shift back some of the funds I brought out at 1.03USD and pay down some debt, then wait for it to come up again. I will keep my finger on the trigger ready to make this transfer, or maybe not.


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maybe the author of this article is American or has delusions about America because he makes it sound like the US economy is full steam ahead blink.png

in reality it is also suffering from many of the similar types of economic ailments to Australia.

and how long has Janet Yellen been only threatening an increase in interest rates now?

" There is another cycle here that is much more influential on the current market dynamic and should be much easier to spot. When the Fed talks up the economy and promises rate increases, the dollar usually rallies. When the dollar rallies, U.S. multi-national corporate profits take a hit, and the market falls. When the market falls, economic confidence falls and puts pressure on the Fed to maintain easy policy. This is a loop that the Fed does not have the stomach to break."

Peter Schiff

. Maybe you 're the Delusional One...
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maybe the author of this article is American or has delusions about America because he makes it sound like the US economy is full steam ahead blink.png

in reality it is also suffering from many of the similar types of economic ailments to Australia.

and how long has Janet Yellen been only threatening an increase in interest rates now?

" There is another cycle here that is much more influential on the current market dynamic and should be much easier to spot. When the Fed talks up the economy and promises rate increases, the dollar usually rallies. When the dollar rallies, U.S. multi-national corporate profits take a hit, and the market falls. When the market falls, economic confidence falls and puts pressure on the Fed to maintain easy policy. This is a loop that the Fed does not have the stomach to break."

Peter Schiff

I have a lot of respect for Peter Schiff and I think he is right about the Fed. Unfortunately to many investors believe in Fed speak and that the Fed walks on water. They do have an Achilles heel as they are caught between a rock and a hard place. They keep talking dovish one day and hawkish the next. They are fast loosing credibility. They no longer seem to be able to yo yo the market so much anymore. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.

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I guess I spoke incorrectly in my post that was removed. Sorry. I guess what I was trying to say is that when things get bad America takes us to war.

Maybe Gerald Celente explains it better

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I think the USd could drop , bad job figures record debt uncertain political future and possible conflict, and record personal debt, Someone sure must of invested alot to make such a bold statement about the aud coal is rising that is a massive industry in Australia,

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There is without doubt more downside risk now on the AUD than there has been for a few years. We are basically relying on the US government to be more inept than our new government. That's why I'll keep my fingers crossed for Trump.

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There is without doubt more downside risk now on the AUD than there has been for a few years. We are basically relying on the US government to be more inept than our new government. That's why I'll keep my fingers crossed for Trump.

Somehow, I doubt even trump and his dodgy dealing can prevent an economic meltdown.....

The National debt is not going to disappear... Or is it?

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There is without doubt more downside risk now on the AUD than there has been for a few years. We are basically relying on the US government to be more inept than our new government. That's why I'll keep my fingers crossed for Trump.

Somehow, I doubt even trump and his dodgy dealing can prevent an economic meltdown.....

The National debt is not going to disappear... Or is it?

Just remove a few zeros....

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