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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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YOU are actually the one who's unable to substantiate your assertion in any way, shape, or form, and the one perpetuating a political correctness which is killing innocent people. This scum in Orlando is a perfect example. Read up on what his co-workers had to say about HIS prejudice, hate, and murderous threats, and its utter dismissal by the company for fear of appearing to be anti-Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if that company doesn't have some litigation by the families of the victims in its future. And the father - who insists his precious was a "good son" - is an Afghan Taliban supporter FPS.

"If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?"

On some planet in some bizarro universe in another dimension, that must make some sense. Meanwhile, here on this planet, ask the FBI and other LE agencies around the world about the plans they've managed to successfully thwart if you really want to explore the "would haves". 'Totally irrelevant to the point being made though, as all that's necessary for the Islamist atrocities to keep brewing is for the silent ones to just keep doing what they're doing; play dumb, look the other way, and let the talking heads voice the occasional objection - for consumption by a gullible public - to these atrocities for them, and a little luck. As we've so often heard, the good guys have to detect and thwart every attempt to be successful; these Islamist scum only need succeed once. But Allah forbid that "mainstream Muslims", whatever that really means, should actually get off their butts and out onto the streets in protest, as they seem to have NO trouble doing in cities around the world, when the issue is some comic they object to, or some perceived discrimination, or an exercise of free speech by "infidels" they deem unacceptable. But a Muslim tidal wave in the streets to express outrage and openly & loudly & collectively repudiate these brutal atrocities - nope, that never happens.

when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

When was the last time someone burst into a bar, a club, a stadium, or coffee shop and shouted "in the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost," and then started to kill everyone?

who said they did?

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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

Rinse and repeat.

Police commander & wife killed by soldier ‘chanting Allah Akbar’ in Paris hostage horror
A POLICEMAN and his wife have been killed and their three-year-old son was taken hostage in Paris by a man reportedly shouting “Allah Akbar”.
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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report
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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

sure is a country full of hate. sure glad I never go there anymore

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To all you anti gun nuts.. the 2nd amendment isn't there to protect my rights to go hunting with any weapon..



Thanks for the link.... I read it from top to bottom, and found it quite enlightening,

Second amendment.... "A well regulated militia being nessesary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

But what does that really mean? For Americans, it means go get a firearm, much as I was once told by a cop, just outside Bakersville, some years ago ( after searching my car for a concealed weapon which he refused to believe that I didn't have)

That said, of the three recognized models dealing with interpreting the right to bear arms, model one deals with an individual's right, with the president of the American civil liberties union having stated "it is no more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution."

Model two boils down to "the rights only purpose is to enable states to maintain a militia",

Model three... Oh my... "Exists only for individuals serving in the militia."

Now, with a standing army of some one and a half million of the world best equipped warriors, how valid is the whole "maintaining a militia" issue? Not!

I know you yanks aren't that scaredy scared.... Therefore its all BS and you'all just want the right to shoot shit up... Which seems to be the "law of the land"... So like that cop told me... Go get a gun.

<sigh> ... the militia thing again. OK, so your argument is that gun-owners should all join militias. Gotcha'. NO problem. 'Happy to. BTW, the word "state" in the phrase "security of a free state" refers to the individual states, which are constitutionally considered sovereign. The national "standing army" you refer to, and the "free state" militias the 2nd Amendment refers to are not the same thing. I know you non-Yanks aren't really that conversant with the "federal republic" thing. (Actually, a whole lot of Yanks have been pretty thoroughly dumbed-down to the point where they don't get it either.)

Now what the heck are you babbling about WRT what the president of the ACLU has to say? "No more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution." NO right can be considered absolute. But the rights enumerated in the Constitution, such as freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms, are there because they're considered, and specifically called out as, inalienable human rights, and not rights "granted" by the state or a government. Not granted by, and not subject to being removed by... Get it? "Inalienable". Look it up.

Yeah. Right. Gun-owners just want to shoot sh*t up. LOL. Talk about BS!

lol.... <sigh>.... That militia thing again.... I wouldn't mention it but for the fact that it's the word used in your constitution... Don't blame me for that... I suggest having the word removed, so no one else uses it, if it upsets you.

And no.... My argument is not that anyone should join a militia group (legal or otherwise).... My point is that the militia aspect is redundant, given that the US has what is probably the worlds strongest standing army (this comment might indicate that I know the difference between the two)

And... That I stated that I read the link, should also serve to demonstrate that I understand that there is a difference between the state and federal sides of the coin, or it would, if you had perused the link, as well, because it's made plain therein

And further..... Babbling about " no more absolute than.... " is a direct quote from the a past president of the ACLU... They are not my words... Read the link, and you will see this... As part of the same quote, it goes on to state "... No right is absolute; the government is allowed to restrict the right if it can satisfy constitutional strict scrutiny and show the restriction is narrowly tailored to promote a goal of compelling importance"

As for inalienable...lol .... Look it up buddy... You have an inalienable right to life, liberty and happiness... And maybe some other feel good stuff.... But not to bear arms... That, my friend, is a constitutional right granted by your government.... In a constitution that seems to be a living document, given the amount of amendments, and that's as it should be. ( same with the other "rights" under the constitution.)

So... With those points explained... We get back to gun owners just wanting to shoot shit up... Perhaps I'm wrong... Perhaps all those gun toting citizens are hiding indoors, waiting to unload a round or two at a burglar come calling... But I don't think so....

I've travelled extensively throughout the continental states, and have seen more hunting stores and dead animal heads than I care to remember, and have talked to numerous hunters as well, who have claimed that you need several firearms for hunting, dependent on the prey.... But how many do you need for self protection?

My argument? Don't hide behind an amendment to a man made document... Man up...Just admit you like shooting shit

What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." do you not understand? I'd like to add that there are estimates of between 320 million and up to billion firearms in the USA. Add to that we have approximately 150 million armed Americans so if you say 10 percent decided to fight tyranny then you have 15 million motivated individuals saying you can pry my guns from my cold dead fingers. Good luck disarming largest standing army on this planet.


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What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." do you not understand? I'd like to add that there are estimates of between 320 million and up to billion firearms in the USA. Add to that we have approximately 150 million armed Americans so if you say 10 percent decided to fight tyranny then you have 15 million motivated individuals saying you can pry my guns from my cold dead fingers. Good luck disarming largest standing army on this planet.


PERFECT that leaves a huge whack of armed citizens that will take up against the 15 million. America is such a ridiculous place! lol

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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

The Prophet Mohammed was a paedophile and with those sort of grubs you wouldn't know if he was doing little girls or little boys. Wait until the Orlando murderer rolls up to collect his 72 virgins in hell and finds out they're horny well hung gay males & he's their new biatch........priceless.

The guy was a real low life, a woman beater and a coward, we can only hope his final moments were painful ones. Most of these terrorist are similar to this guy and seem to lack a correctly functioning brain, sadly there's thousands more like him and we need to come up with a way of rounding them up and eliminating them & fast.

Praise the first responders to this evil cowardly crime & give the victims families strength. I hope the injured make full recoveries.

ISIL = Cockroach.

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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

The Prophet Mohammed was a paedophile and with those sort of grubs you wouldn't know if he was doing little girls or little boys. Wait until the Orlando murderer rolls up to collect his 72 virgins in hell and finds out they're horny well hung gay males & he's their new biatch........priceless.

The guy was a real low life, a woman beater and a coward, we can only hope his final moments were painful ones. Most of these terrorist are similar to this guy and seem to lack a correctly functioning brain, sadly there's thousands more like him and we need to come up with a way of rounding them up and eliminating them & fast.

Praise the first responders to this evil cowardly crime & give the victims families strength. I hope the injured make full recoveries.

ISIL = Cockroach.

got any ideas on how they might be identified and rounded up and eliminated? lol

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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

The Prophet Mohammed was a paedophile and with those sort of grubs you wouldn't know if he was doing little girls or little boys. Wait until the Orlando murderer rolls up to collect his 72 virgins in hell and finds out they're horny well hung gay males & he's their new biatch........priceless.

The guy was a real low life, a woman beater and a coward, we can only hope his final moments were painful ones. Most of these terrorist are similar to this guy and seem to lack a correctly functioning brain, sadly there's thousands more like him and we need to come up with a way of rounding them up and eliminating them & fast.

Praise the first responders to this evil cowardly crime & give the victims families strength. I hope the injured make full recoveries.

ISIL = Cockroach.

got any ideas on how they might be identified and rounded up and eliminated? lol
A few ideas yes & obviously this guy was already on the radar only the people that should have 'fixed' the problem failed to do it.

Time to toughen up a bit.

I should point out, these days the authorities are often Hogg tied with red tape and do good era looking over their shoulders. I remember the times when the boys would rock up to grab the bad guys & business just got done, no fuss. Theses days, it's the hugs and cuddles way because some penis in a suit is worried a rule might get broken or someone's feelings might suffer.

Time to claim the streets back for the decent folk......the decent folk deserve it.

Edited by neverdie
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Ultimate sleeper cell: U.S.-born kids of immigrants are fertile jihadist recruiting grounds

While immigrants draw much of the attention, it’s their children who are proving to be the most fruitful recruiting ground for radical jihad in the U.S., accounting for at least half of the deadly attacks over the past decade.


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A few ideas yes & obviously this guy was already on the radar only the people that should have 'fixed' the problem failed to do it.

Time to toughen up a bit.

feel free to explain how they could have "fixed" this american citizen.

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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Not being a christian, never. OTOH it is expected behaviour, especially when emanating from the home country of rabid christians.

Remember “The Christian Right is neither”?

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A few ideas yes & obviously this guy was already on the radar only the people that should have 'fixed' the problem failed to do it.

Time to toughen up a bit.

feel free to explain how they could have "fixed" this american citizen.

Arrested and deported together with his Taleban supporting father.

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Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

It would be really interesting to see this moron prosecuted for hate speech and/or inciting homicide, especially with this crime committed in the same area shortly afterwards. But then, imagine the uproar over prosecuting someone for preaching their religious beliefs.

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A few ideas yes & obviously this guy was already on the radar only the people that should have 'fixed' the problem failed to do it.

Time to toughen up a bit.

feel free to explain how they could have "fixed" this american citizen.

The same way we use to fix grubs in the old days. There use to be men and women on the street with their finger on the pulse. When something was adrift it quickly got sorted. It wasn't always a tidy affair but it stopped none sense like this.

Then all of a sudden we entered modern times, where 'penis brained' do good era were worried about civil liberties of nasty folk, then all these inquiries, royal commissions other actions which targeted the good guys commenced, suddenly everyone took their eye off the ball and vermin like this took over.

Now we have decent folk being gunned down in the prime of their lives just for having an evening out with friends.

Nobody has their finger on the pulse or for everyone with their finger on the pulse there's another 25 watching him just in case he slips up and someone's feelings are hurt.

Time to get back to basics.

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A few ideas yes & obviously this guy was already on the radar only the people that should have 'fixed' the problem failed to do it.

Time to toughen up a bit.

feel free to explain how they could have "fixed" this american citizen.

Arrested and deported together with his Taleban supporting father.

lol, international law not your strong point I see. deport an american born citizen!! lol

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Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

It would be really interesting to see this moron prosecuted for hate speech and/or inciting homicide, especially with this crime committed in the same area shortly afterwards. But then, imagine the uproar over prosecuting someone for preaching their religious beliefs.

Mate, this would be one of the first people I picked up and gave a shake down. Just turn them over and shake them, everything will spill out onto the floor. The best thing about shaking grubs is they always drop their mate in it too.

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A few ideas yes & obviously this guy was already on the radar only the people that should have 'fixed' the problem failed to do it.

Time to toughen up a bit.

feel free to explain how they could have "fixed" this american citizen.

Arrested and deported together with his Taleban supporting father.

lol, international law not your strong point I see. deport an american born citizen!! lol

Why not, back to his home country where he can follow islam with his daddy & other Taleban buddies. He would have been much happier in a muslim country for sure, without any gay in sight..

Australia reviews visa of Islamic scholar who preached about death for homosexual acts
Farrokh Sekaleshfar, a senior Shi'ite Muslim scholar, is currently giving a series of lectures at an Islamic center in Sydney on the topic of spirituality. Sekaleshfar said in a lecture in Michigan in 2013 that in an Islamic society, the death penalty should be carried out for homosexuals who engaged in sodomy. "Out of compassion, let’s get rid of him now, because he’s contaminating society," he said, according to a recording available online.
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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

Don't know this guy in video from Adam but..........If someone is to make such a claim that "He" said

Gays must die then show the full statement...Not a 1 liner that could be cut from anywhere.

This type of sensationalism smacks of Controlled Mass Media

IF the Statement claimed was made then why not include it in the video?

Instead of a single line saying death is the sentance we know?

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Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

It would be really interesting to see this moron prosecuted for hate speech and/or inciting homicide, especially with this crime committed in the same area shortly afterwards. But then, imagine the uproar over prosecuting someone for preaching their religious beliefs.

Yes, he is just repeating what quran says. Try banning that book whistling.gif

No, I don't think it's fair to label Islam 'violent.' But I will say that to my knowledge, no writer has ever gone into hiding for criticizing the Amish. - Salman Rushdie

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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

Don't know this guy in video from Adam but..........If someone is to make such a claim that "He" said

Gays must die then show the full statement...Not a 1 liner that could be cut from anywhere.

This type of sensationalism smacks of Controlled Mass Media

IF the Statement claimed was made then why not include it in the video?

Instead of a single line saying death is the sentance we know?

Australia reviews visa of Islamic scholar who preached about death for homosexual acts
Farrokh Sekaleshfar, a senior Shi'ite Muslim scholar, is currently giving a series of lectures at an Islamic center in Sydney on the topic of spirituality.
Sekaleshfar said in a lecture in Michigan in 2013 that in an Islamic society, the death penalty should be carried out for homosexuals who engaged in sodomy.
"Out of compassion, let’s get rid of him now, because he’s contaminating society," he said, according to a recording available online.
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I do remember. It was the European folk who started this war. I believe the year was 1095.

Nope..... . it was the Muslims that started the war.......not the Europeans.

.... from the time Mohammad conquered Arabia.. and then invaded the rest of the middle east and North Africa and then moved into Spain etc... They almost made it to the gates of Vienna at one point in history... They want the planet for "Allah"

Mohammad and his army were fighters from the very start... slaughtering other Arabs that continued to worship in pagan religions or in Christianity if they refused to convert.

The Crusades were just Christianity's attempt to free the Holy Land from the Muslim invaders that took it following the Siege of Jerusalem in 637 A.D. (or C.E. if you prefer that way)

The Muslims followed up the capture of Jerusalem the attack and capture of Antioch... and with attacking Caesarea.... but Caesarea did not fall until 640 A.D. They also invaded Egypt in 639.... and from there they spread across north Africa, and eventually invaded Spain...

The Muslim army conquered Persia, and from there invaded Afghanistan in 667 A.D.... the Afghans putting up great resistance.. but eventually they fell to Islam around the year 1000..

The Muslim invasion of India which took place from the 12th to the 16th century... led to one of the most horrifying mass slaughters in recorded history... millions and millions of Hindus and Buddhists slaughtered.. and in some areas... when Indians realized they could not win.... mass suicide of Hindu and Buddhist families to avoid being taken and either murdered or being taken for slavery...

Buddhism was effectively wiped out from India for hundreds of years.... temples destroyed...

The great Buddhist monastery and famous University at Nalanda in the ancient Kingdom of Magadha in northern India were looted destroyed and monks murdered by the Muslim leader Muhammad-i-Bakht-yar about the year 1200.

The great historian, Will Durant (1885 - 1981) said: "The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."

Koenraad Elst , the german historian writes in "Negation in India":

"The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter. The Bahmani sultans (1347-1480) in central India made it a rule to kill 100,000 captives in a single day, and many more on other occasions. The conquest of the Vijayanagar empire in 1564 left the capital plus large areas of Karnataka depopulated. And so on."


This...... is Islam.....

here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?

this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.

so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.

what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?

these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

it is a sad and tragic event, yes but look what where we are going now in this thread:?

- Send them to Arabia! (Like all muslim is arab)

- Wall them!

- Camp them!

- Castrate them!

- Kill them!

Like <deleted> nazis sorry, no difference.

Tell me... did I make any factual errors in my post on the history of Muslim conquest? Or do you just wish to mud sling ? ?

Please point out my errors.

You talk about hate ? ? Here is hate..... Islamists hate gays, lesbians etc....

PEW Research polls show Muslims... Islam.... hate gays and lesbians and transgender etc..

At least seven countries execute gays and lesbians Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Mauritania, Sudan, and northern Nigeria.
ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES ! ! Some of them doing the killings in public. And at least one... Iran.... killing them by slow hanging... not a fast drop.
There is your hate....... there is death... .

Of 335 terrorist attacks in 2015... listed up to December, 2015, ...310 of them were carried out by either an Islamic terrorist group or a lone wolf Muslim terrorist. That's more than 92%

The Crusades were a defensive war and to recover the Holy Land that had been conquered by advancing Islamic armies.

You have at least 70 million Hindus and Buddhists slaughtered on the India sub-continent.

In the Bangladeshi "War of Independence" in 1971 Muslims slaughtered at least 300,000 innocent civilians and possibly as many as 3,000,000. We will never know for sure..... but 300,000 minimum.

So you can keep on crying about "Islamophobia" and "Christian atrocities" all you wish... But they pale in comparison to the slaughter record achieved by Islam.

The world wars were not fought over religion. They were fought over political power and territory grabbing and started by dictators.

The Islamists love death..... and they even sing about how they love death as much as we love life... : Islamists remind me of mass killers like the Communists and Nazis..


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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

Its funny why do Muslim countries never take in their religious brethren. Is it a hate speech or is he just using his right to freedom of speech? Their game plan is to conquer you from within. They try to set up Sharia law within your borders demonstrate against you they use all the tools available which you have given them. Again its conquer from within. There is just to much difference in beliefs and way of life for them to ever integrate peacefully.

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when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

Its funny why do Muslim countries never take in their religious brethren. Is it a hate speech or is he just using his right to freedom of speech? Their game plan is to conquer you from within. They try to set up Sharia law within your borders demonstrate against you they use all the tools available which you have given them. Again its conquer from within. There is just to much difference in beliefs and way of life for them to ever integrate peacefully.

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he said, according to a recording available online.

See again?

"according to a recording available online"

Ok so why don't they link it?

Would give more credibility to claims...until then "He Said" claims they are

Frenzy reporting does not help anthing on either side.

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Of course they claim responsibility, like all other terrorist organisations.

They claim responsibility for everything in order to remain in the Media.

Why didn't they claim responsibility for the crash of EgyptAir flight 804 in the Mediterranean Sea ? ? I think they only claim actions that are theirs !

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Why not, back to his home country where he can follow islam with his daddy & other Taleban buddies. He would have been much happier in a muslim country for sure, without any gay in sight..

Australia reviews visa of Islamic scholar who preached about death for homosexual acts
Farrokh Sekaleshfar, a senior Shi'ite Muslim scholar, is currently giving a series of lectures at an Islamic center in Sydney on the topic of spirituality. Sekaleshfar said in a lecture in Michigan in 2013 that in an Islamic society, the death penalty should be carried out for homosexuals who engaged in sodomy. "Out of compassion, let’s get rid of him now, because he’s contaminating society," he said, according to a recording available online.

because its not his home country. i suggest you take an introductory course in law pal. perhaps one in civics as well?

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he said, according to a recording available online.

See again?

"according to a recording available online"

Ok so why don't they link it?

Would give more credibility to claims...until then "He Said" claims they are

Frenzy reporting does not help anthing on either side.

Did you watch the video? Surely just all lies and the recording is a fake....


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