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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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pretty useless to look here and expect an intelligent and sensitive dialog about this horrible subject. What you see here, did someone mentioning parroting? are the thoroughly propagandized hatemongers and bigots all strutting their self righteous little world views, jumping on a tragedy like this and using it to reinforce further ignorance and hatemongering. I'm no more surprised to see that than I am to see the Thai police and their photo op trophy displays. The disease of frearmongering, hatemongeriung, goosestepping ignorance and mis/disinformation and propaganda is about as much of a threat to our way of life as any terrorist group. Most of what you see here are self serving self righteous blow hards who haven't a clue about what's going on or how the world really works. the only reason they're here is to feed their overinflated egos by seeing their words in print, fantasizing that there is an intelligent audience out here reading their profound words of "wisdom", and no, only more morons like them. trot out their favorite monologs and convince themselves that their intellect is better than that of a chimp. , and finding comeraderie in like minded haters. there was one moron who actually believed that it is a US president who is in the pockets of big money. The president would not be a good value for their money, there are hundreds of better ways to buy the system. And that's what they do. Presidents come and go, but congress is always there, the party leaders are always there, the people crawling around on the soft underbelly of the political world are always there. . shit, what am I doing? Who am I talking to anyway? This world of the shallow and clueless? I got suckered into reading this page, I should know better.

never hurts to verbalize your ideas

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pretty useless to look here and expect an intelligent and sensitive dialog about this horrible subject. What you see here, did someone mentioning parroting? are the thoroughly propagandized hatemongers and bigots all strutting their self righteous little world views, jumping on a tragedy like this and using it to reinforce further ignorance and hatemongering. I'm no more surprised to see that than I am to see the Thai police and their photo op trophy displays. The disease of frearmongering, hatemongeriung, goosestepping ignorance and mis/disinformation and propaganda is about as much of a threat to our way of life as any terrorist group. Most of what you see here are self serving self righteous blow hards who haven't a clue about what's going on or how the world really works. the only reason they're here is to feed their overinflated egos by seeing their words in print, fantasizing that there is an intelligent audience out here reading their profound words of "wisdom", and no, only more morons like them. trot out their favorite monologs and convince themselves that their intellect is better than that of a chimp. , and finding comeraderie in like minded haters. there was one moron who actually believed that it is a US president who is in the pockets of big money. The president would not be a good value for their money, there are hundreds of better ways to buy the system. And that's what they do. Presidents come and go, but congress is always there, the party leaders are always there, the people crawling around on the soft underbelly of the political world are always there. . shit, what am I doing? Who am I talking to anyway? This world of the shallow and clueless? I got suckered into reading this page, I should know better.

Nice rantclap2.gif Feeling better?

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Looks like the Orlando story is going away to the cornfield. Ever since the news spread about the moslem terrorist being gay, the media narrative about "hate crime, not terrorism" has collapsed. CNN dropped it like a hot potato. So, this story will now disappear until it's time to tell us the next act of terror really isn't terror.

I wouldn't be surprised if ISIS dropped it also. Their "great Islamic warrior" turns out to be gay? Whoops.

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Looks like the Orlando story is going away to the cornfield. Ever since the news spread about the moslem terrorist being gay, the media narrative about "hate crime, not terrorism" has collapsed. CNN dropped it like a hot potato. So, this story will now disappear until it's time to tell us the next act of terror really isn't terror.

I wouldn't be surprised if ISIS dropped it also. Their "great Islamic warrior" turns out to be gay? Whoops.

Got news for you guy...

This man (gay) has an ex wife who drove him to the gun shop.

Not only this...she was the one who dropped him off at the Club, the night of the shooting.

What more do you need? Yes...she was a muslim as well.

Oh no! He scoped out Disneyland..did he not? Are you going to say he was a kid at heart because he hung around Disneyland? Why would he not scope out a gay club...and plan the attack as well? Do you have to be gay or non gay.....who cares? ISIL used him to further their cause. That makes it NOT just a local problem. Don't you think we are looking at the possibility that he decided, quite a while ago....to scope the club out as a potential target? Gay leanings or not...where is the proof? Ask his Ex wife? There is no gay boyfriend?????? Incredible.

For other folks on the forum...who believe this was only a domestic violence case from a silly boy..... Guess what silly boy took two consecutive trips to Saudi, and stayed in first class hotels? Common practice for recruits in foreign lands is to get paid trips to a benign area, and then be later transported, quietly, to a training camp/indoctrination. (outside saudi of course.)

(yes..you can work for ISIL even if you are French, Belgian or American..up 2 u).....

Ask Jihad John...or those guys in Belgium....

Just being born American does not mean that you dont have leanings and connections with ISIL.

what were you thinking?

Edited by slipperylobster
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Looks like the Orlando story is going away to the cornfield. Ever since the news spread about the moslem terrorist being gay, the media narrative about "hate crime, not terrorism" has collapsed. CNN dropped it like a hot potato. So, this story will now disappear until it's time to tell us the next act of terror really isn't terror.

I wouldn't be surprised if ISIS dropped it also. Their "great Islamic warrior" turns out to be gay? Whoops.

Got news for you guy...

This man (gay) has an ex wife who drove him to the gun shop.

Not only this...she was the one who dropped him off at the Club, the night of the shooting.

What more do you need? Yes...she was a muslim as well.

Oh no! He scoped out Disneyland..did he not? Are you going to say he was a kid at heart because he hung around Disneyland? Why would he not scope out a gay club...and plan the attack as well? Do you have to be gay or non gay.....who cares? ISIL used him to further their cause. That makes it NOT just a local problem. Don't you think we are looking at the possibility that he decided, quite a while ago....to scope the club out as a potential target? Gay leanings or not...where is the proof? Ask his Ex wife? There is no gay boyfriend?????? Incredible.

For other folks on the forum...who believe this was only a domestic violence case from a silly boy..... Guess what silly boy took two consecutive trips to Saudi, and stayed in first class hotels? Common practice for recruits in foreign lands is to get paid trips to a benign area, and then be later transported, quietly, to a training camp/indoctrination. (outside saudi of course.)

(yes..you can work for ISIL even if you are French, Belgian or American..up 2 u).....

Ask Jihad John...or those guys in Belgium....

Just being born American does not mean that you dont have leanings and connections with ISIL.

what were you thinking?

how can the FBI not have recruited you before this?? lol

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Looks like the Orlando story is going away to the cornfield. Ever since the news spread about the moslem terrorist being gay, the media narrative about "hate crime, not terrorism" has collapsed. CNN dropped it like a hot potato. So, this story will now disappear until it's time to tell us the next act of terror really isn't terror.

I wouldn't be surprised if ISIS dropped it also. Their "great Islamic warrior" turns out to be gay? Whoops.

Got news for you guy...

This man (gay) has an ex wife who drove him to the gun shop.

Not only this...she was the one who dropped him off at the Club, the night of the shooting.

What more do you need? Yes...she was a muslim as well.

Oh no! He scoped out Disneyland..did he not? Are you going to say he was a kid at heart because he hung around Disneyland? Why would he not scope out a gay club...and plan the attack as well? Do you have to be gay or non gay.....who cares? ISIL used him to further their cause. That makes it NOT just a local problem. Don't you think we are looking at the possibility that he decided, quite a while ago....to scope the club out as a potential target? Gay leanings or not...where is the proof? Ask his Ex wife? There is no gay boyfriend?????? Incredible.

For other folks on the forum...who believe this was only a domestic violence case from a silly boy..... Guess what silly boy took two consecutive trips to Saudi, and stayed in first class hotels? Common practice for recruits in foreign lands is to get paid trips to a benign area, and then be later transported, quietly, to a training camp/indoctrination. (outside saudi of course.)

(yes..you can work for ISIL even if you are French, Belgian or American..up 2 u).....

Ask Jihad John...or those guys in Belgium....

Just being born American does not mean that you dont have leanings and connections with ISIL.

what were you thinking?

how can the FBI not have recruited you before this?? lol

You guys just are not reading up. I don't need an FBI recruitment. You guys need to read what is being put out there.

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You guys just are not reading up. I don't need an FBI recruitment. You guys need to read what is being put out there.

reading is easy, its interpretation of what you read thats important

You guys just are not reading up. I don't need an FBI recruitment. You guys need to read what is being put out there.

reading is easy, its interpretation of what you read thats important

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Ok..you say this is only a domestic issue?


In your face.


source AP. Published by ISIL on their websites (obviously don't have that link..and would not post it)

That proves nothing slip, they are a resourseful bunch, they could of whipped that up in minutes.

In denial...as usual.

Tell you what. Lets get back on this. I am reasonable, and can wait for further evidence.

For me, I hope for hope for the best...but there has been at least four similar events....Belgium, Paris, San Bernadino and Orlando.

All pretty much recent.

My guess is that it takes more than two trees to fall on you, before you come around.

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You guys just are not reading up. I don't need an FBI recruitment. You guys need to read what is being put out there.

reading is easy, its interpretation of what you read thats important

You guys just are not reading up. I don't need an FBI recruitment. You guys need to read what is being put out there.

reading is easy, its interpretation of what you read thats important

Ayjaydee....I see you are having problems even figuring out how to work out your replies with a quote. Am I seeing double...or is my interpretation of your abilities incorrect. lol Very ironic and timely. Perhaps I am reading this wrong....

amazing. facepalm.gif doi ! nice work homer.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Ok..you say this is only a domestic issue?


In your face.


source AP. Published by ISIL on their websites (obviously don't have that link..and would not post it)

That proves nothing slip, they are a resourseful bunch, they could of whipped that up in minutes.

In denial...as usual.

Tell you what. Lets get back on this. I am reasonable, and can wait for further evidence.

For me, I hope for hope for the best...but there has been at least four similar events....Belgium, Paris, San Bernadino and Orlando.

All pretty much recent.

My guess is that it takes more than two trees to fall on you, before you come around.

No, not at all.

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You have been hammering hard on the Muslim thingy. I wonder why? What is your agenda? What are you trying to tell us?

Any comment on this post "The Muslim Silence on Gay Rights"? Or should I expect another meaningless rant?

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You have been hammering hard on the Muslim thingy. I wonder why? What is your agenda? What are you trying to tell us?

Any comment on this post "The Muslim Silence on Gay Rights"? Or should I expect another meaningless rant?

No comment on that, sorry. Just wondering why you are really going out of your way for a few days already to make a case against Muslims.

I told you why I am against generalizing Muslims. Be so kind to give yours.


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You have been hammering hard on the Muslim thingy. I wonder why? What is your agenda? What are you trying to tell us?

Any comment on this post "The Muslim Silence on Gay Rights"? Or should I expect another meaningless rant?

No comment on that, sorry. Just wondering why you are really going out of your way for a few days already to make a case against Muslims.

I told you why I am against generalizing Muslims. Be so kind to give yours.


No point. I suggest you read the post and comment on that.

Edited by FinChin67
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You have been hammering hard on the Muslim thingy. I wonder why? What is your agenda? What are you trying to tell us?

Any comment on this post "The Muslim Silence on Gay Rights"? Or should I expect another meaningless rant?

Yes, I think it's obviously often quite hard and mentally STRESSFUL being a gay Muslim, even in western countries like the USA. It reminds me of the situation of gay very orthodox Jews. I don't know if any still do this, I think probably so, but it has been the custom with some of those communities to hold a ceremony as if the child had DIED when it was discovered he was gay. There is rejection and there is EXTREME rejection. They don't kill gays just for being gay like they do in a number of Muslim and Christian dominated nations, but being CAST OUT like that can be almost as bad and have the same result.

I am hoping various issues related to HOMOPHOBIA (including homophobia among Muslims) are raised and addressed more publicly in the wake of the Orlando terrorist ATROCITY.

For those (you don't need to be gay) who want to comment more specifically on the HOMOPHOBIA angle of that terror event, I invite them to RESPECTFULLY participate here:


Edited by Jingthing
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Yes, I think it's obviously quite hard and mentally STRESSFUL being a gay Muslim, even in western countries like the USA. It reminds me of the situation of gay very orthodox Jews. I don't know if any still do this, I think probably so, but it has been the custom with some of those communities to hold a ceremony as if the child had DIED when it was discovered he was gay. There is rejection and there is EXTREME rejection.

I am hoping various issues related to HOMOPHOBIA are raised and addressed more publicly in the wake of the Orlando terrorist ATROCITY.

For those (you don't need to be gay) who want to comment more specifically on the HOMOPHOBIA angle of that terror event, I invite them to RESPECTFULLY participate here:


So the OJs are a bit like the muslims, but they don't actually kill you. I suppose you are allowed to be an ex-Jew, but muslims aren't so lucky.

Edited by halloween
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Yes, I think it's obviously quite hard and mentally STRESSFUL being a gay Muslim, even in western countries like the USA. It reminds me of the situation of gay very orthodox Jews. I don't know if any still do this, I think probably so, but it has been the custom with some of those communities to hold a ceremony as if the child had DIED when it was discovered he was gay. There is rejection and there is EXTREME rejection.

I am hoping various issues related to HOMOPHOBIA are raised and addressed more publicly in the wake of the Orlando terrorist ATROCITY.

For those (you don't need to be gay) who want to comment more specifically on the HOMOPHOBIA angle of that terror event, I invite them to RESPECTFULLY participate here:


So the OJs are a bit like the muslims, but they don't actually kill you. I suppose you are allowed to be an ex-Jew, but muslims aren't so lucky.

That's true, you are free to stop practicing Judaism without the death penalty, but generally according to Jewish customs you would only stop being considered an ethnic Jew if actively adopted another religion. Also to add the PERCENTAGE of Jews that would be so extreme as to consider gay children dead is QUITE SMALL.

But in considering Islamic homophobia, it's worth remembering that there is also homophobia deeply ingrained in the dogma of all the Abrahamic religions, including Christianity of course.

Edited by Jingthing
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You have been hammering hard on the Muslim thingy. I wonder why? What is your agenda? What are you trying to tell us?

Any comment on this post "The Muslim Silence on Gay Rights"? Or should I expect another meaningless rant?

Yes, I think it's obviously often quite hard and mentally STRESSFUL being a gay Muslim, even in western countries like the USA. It reminds me of the situation of gay very orthodox Jews. I don't know if any still do this, I think probably so, but it has been the custom with some of those communities to hold a ceremony as if the child had DIED when it was discovered he was gay. There is rejection and there is EXTREME rejection. They don't kill gays just for being gay like they do in a number of Muslim and Christian dominated nations, but being CAST OUT like that can be almost as bad and have the same result.

I am hoping various issues related to HOMOPHOBIA (including homophobia among Muslims) are raised and addressed more publicly in the wake of the Orlando terrorist ATROCITY.

For those (you don't need to be gay) who want to comment more specifically on the HOMOPHOBIA angle of that terror event, I invite them to RESPECTFULLY participate here:


Thanks. Islam need to change in this respect but as you see from many writings, incl. this one it is extremely hard because of Quran. There is actually very little room to interpret quran in any other way as it is written. Something to read:

Anonymous essay from the Queer Jihad website
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Very sad news indeed..., especially for my American friends..., I have no answers - only questions..., but I am very glad I live most of the year in a country that has restricted the availability and ownership criteria of firearms.

Surely the 2nd amendment was written for a time of single shot muskets..., not fully auto firearms firing soft tip ammo ?
So sad seeing an otherwise great country tearing itself apart.

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Very sad news indeed..., especially for my American friends..., I have no answers - only questions..., but I am very glad I live most of the year in a country that has restricted the availability and ownership criteria of firearms.

Surely the 2nd amendment was written for a time of single shot muskets..., not fully auto firearms firing soft tip ammo ?

So sad seeing an otherwise great country tearing itself apart.

The second amendment was written to protect people from the government with firearms of the time. Back then single shot muskets, today assault rifles. How does one protect oneself from the government today with a single shot musket?

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Very sad news indeed..., especially for my American friends..., I have no answers - only questions..., but I am very glad I live most of the year in a country that has restricted the availability and ownership criteria of firearms.

Surely the 2nd amendment was written for a time of single shot muskets..., not fully auto firearms firing soft tip ammo ?

So sad seeing an otherwise great country tearing itself apart.

The second amendment was written to protect people from the government with firearms of the time. Back then single shot muskets, today assault rifles. How does one protect oneself from the government today with a single shot musket?

Yes of course your right..., but my point was meant to be broad as in re: 'back then'..., and the existing Govt 'back then' was a whole different and comparatively simple construct compared to now.

I'm an outsider..., I am from a US aligned(military treaty wise at least) country..., and I'm not of the Christ based faith..., but (simplistically ?) I sincerely hope (and I'll pray to whomever also) that we all do not keep travelling down this increasingly primitive path.

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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The second amendment was written to protect people from the government with firearms of the time. Back then single shot muskets, today assault rifles. How does one protect oneself from the government today with a single shot musket?

Why do people from "the home of democracy" feel the NEED to "protect oneself from the government today."?

What delusion leads you to believe that owning an auto assault rifle would make a whit of difference if they came for you?

Edited by halloween
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The second amendment was written to protect people from the government with firearms of the time. Back then single shot muskets, today assault rifles. How does one protect oneself from the government today with a single shot musket?

Why do people from "the home of democracy" feel the NEED to "protect oneself from the government today."?

What delusion leads you to believe that owning an auto assault rifle would make a whit of difference if they came for you?

Because its not just one person - a lot of people own guns in the US.

I'm in two minds about this as easy gun ownership has lead to a lot of innocent deaths, but also understand arguments on the opposite side of the coin.

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