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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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Here is a gay dude who knows what he is talking about and puts the blame for Orlando in the right place while giving great solutions. He speaks to the crowd for almost 40 minutes but it goes by fast. He is that good...


Here’s Everything I Wanted To Say About Islam Yesterday, But Couldn’t
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Here is a gay dude who knows what he is talking about and puts the blame for Orlando in the right place while giving great solutions. He speaks to the crowd for almost 40 minutes but it goes by fast. He is that good...


Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” former Department of Homeland Security official Philip Haney insisted terrorism in Orlando, FL and San Bernardino, CA might have been prevented had the his former agency not deleted a list he compiled linking some Muslims with terrorism.
Haney told host Sean Hannity he was able to link a mosque where San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik worshiped to a network that tied the mosque where Orlando shooter Omar Mateen worshiped, but under the leadership of President Barack Obama, that database was deleted.
“Farook would have been put on the no-fly list and not allowed to travel, or his pending fiancé would have been denied a visa because of his affiliation with an organization with plausible ties to terrorism,” he said.


Quote was copied from here:

Orlando Attack But SILENCED Agents

Edited by seedy
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Here is a gay dude who knows what he is talking about and puts the blame for Orlando in the right place while giving great solutions. He speaks to the crowd for almost 40 minutes but it goes by fast. He is that good...


Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” former Department of Homeland Security official Philip Haney insisted terrorism in Orlando, FL and San Bernardino, CA might have been prevented had the his former agency not deleted a list he compiled linking some Muslims with terrorism.
Haney told host Sean Hannity he was able to link a mosque where San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik worshiped to a network that tied the mosque where Orlando shooter Omar Mateen worshiped, but under the leadership of President Barack Obama, that database was deleted.
“Farook would have been put on the no-fly list and not allowed to travel, or his pending fiancé would have been denied a visa because of his affiliation with an organization with plausible ties to terrorism,” he said.

I knew you were a Fox News fan. Funny how you denied it earlier

You like to discuss about me? Do you have anything at all about the subject itself?

Quote was copied from here:

Orlando Attack But SILENCED Agents

This subject is outdated already but you just keep posting and posting. Muslims this, Muslims that and now you even bring the racist and bigot Sean Hannity of Fox News into the mix. I wonder why?

I asked you a very simple question the other day that you refused to answer; why are you putting so much time into your anti-Muslim rhetoric?

Everyone has a reason for doing something. What is yours?

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I knew you were a Fox News fan. Funny how you denied it earlier

You like to discuss about me? Do you have anything at all about the subject itself?

Quote was copied from here:

Orlando Attack But SILENCED Agents

This subject is outdated already but you just keep posting and posting. Muslims this, Muslims that and now you even bring the racist and bigot Sean Hannity of Fox News into the mix. I wonder why?

I asked you a very simple question the other day that you refused to answer; why are you putting so much time into your anti-Muslim rhetoric?

Everyone has a reason for doing something. What is yours?

Do you have anything, any arguments at all, about the subject itself?

A follow-up report in May reiterated Haney’s assertions that “intelligence was ignored despite having been used to connect members of the movement to terrorist organizing and financing at the highest levels, including for Hamas and al-Qaida.”

An additional 67 records of individuals and organizations linked to the case that Haney had compiled were completely eliminated by orders from “upper management.”

Now those deleted records could have been used to stop the Orlando attack as well.

Hopefully someone wakes up to prevent future attacks like this.

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This is what I wanted to say to everyone who was being too negative about Muslims but of course I lost my temper and used some bad words, so my apology for that. This is why Bernie Sanders is a politician and I'm not, he is much better with words:

"We know that one hateful person committed the atrocity in Orlando, not an entire people or an entire religion. More than any other people on Earth, it is the Muslim people who have been hurt by ISIS by the hundreds of thousands". - Bernie Sanders


??? well done Dave. ( although Sanders may be over simplifying the situation somewhat)

Edited by farcanell
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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

Yes I to was surprised that "innocent" Muslims did not come forward and loudly condemn this heinous act. The US has given them the opportunity of a better life its the least they could do. This young lad was American born yet he still retained hatred against the certain accepted ideas in American culture. Muslim's do not assimilate well. I find it ironic that they settle in Western countries and not in countries with the same faith. In fact very few Muslim countries accept refugees.

Every Time there is any act by the lunatic fringe of the Muslim religion, it is condemned by the rest of the Muslim religion. That fact is rarely reported except by the lunatic fringe of the wingnut religion Fox News, when one of their lemmings points out that no one from the Muslim religion has apologized. And on and on we go.

This is pure unadulterated bullshit. If you were to do any research at all you find a dozen Muslim organizations condemning the violence. The overwhelming majority of the 1.5 billion Muslims out there are peaceful loving people who would never think of committing an act of violence.

Stop doing this. It's simply a lie.

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Don't cover up the truth. A significant percentage of global Muslims support some pretty disgusting things, including death penalty for apostasy, and Sharia law for gays and women adulterers. How about a balance of TRUTHINESS for a change? It's not correct or fair to demonize all Muslims but it's also not correct to put on play act that there isn't a MAJOR problem with Muslim (religious and cultural) attitudes being inconsistent with liberal western values.

Western societies are never going to be able to deal with this in a rational and civilized way if they sweep the truth under the rug and act like there isn't any problem. Doing that will only add fuel to fascistic backlash as we're seeing in so many nations, including the USA. These issues, ironically consider the rise (and likely fall) of trump are much more on the surface in European nations than the USA for the simple reason of much higher percentage Muslim populations there.

I agree absolutely do not scapegoat or demonize all Muslim people or the Islamic religion in general, but on the other hand, that message needs to be in BALANCE with a clear and total rejection of the more disgusting views of SIGNIFICANT percentages of global Muslim people (that are there due to religious interpretations and specific local cultures, etc.).

Edited by Jingthing
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Here is a gay dude who knows what he is talking about and puts the blame for Orlando in the right place while giving great solutions. He speaks to the crowd for almost 40 minutes but it goes by fast. He is that good...


Here’s Everything I Wanted To Say About Islam Yesterday, But Couldn’t

Letting the far right, wingnut website Breitbart do your talking? And you seriously expect anyone else to follow that link? Other than the usual suspects.

Breitbart is the site that sold it's soul to the devil when a Breitbart female reporter was assaulted by a Trump representative and Breitbart unbelievably took the side of the Trump representative, resulting in mass resignation by anyone over there that still had an ounce of journalistic integrity. Breitbart has always been a website that featured the hate and fear so beloved by all the wingnuts. Usually the second stop of the day for those hitting the Fox News site first.

Breitbart for all intents and purposes is owned by Trump.

I think at this point anyone still believing this was an act of a ISIL terrorist, has a serious issue with reality...or is voting for Donald Trump. I think even Donald Trump wishes he hadn't hoisted himself on this petard. Of course he'll never admit that.

I love it when I read that some posters have written that this incident will get Trump elected. If anything, it will be his undoing. The world got a good look at the small, mean little nasty creep that is Donald Trump this week.

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Here’s Everything I Wanted To Say About Islam Yesterday, But Couldn’t



Letting the far right, wingnut website Breitbart do your talking? And you seriously expect anyone else to follow that link? Other than the usual suspects. Breitbart is the site that sold it's soul to the devil when a Breitbart female reporter was assaulted by a Trump representative and Breitbart unbelievably took the side of the Trump representative, resulting in mass resignation by anyone over there that still had an ounce of journalistic integrity. Breitbart has always been a website that featured the hate and fear so beloved by all the wingnuts. Usually the second stop of the day for those hitting the Fox News site first.Breitbart for all intents and purposes is owned by Trump. I think at this point anyone still believing this was an act of a ISIL terrorist, has a serious issue with reality...or is voting for Donald Trump. I think even Donald Trump wishes he hadn't hoisted himself on this petard. Of course he'll never admit that. I love it when I read that some posters have written that this incident will get Trump elected. If anything, it will be his undoing. The world got a good look at the small, mean little nasty creep that is Donald Trump this week.

Do you have any arguments over the content? You know the writer Milo Yiannopoulos?

What you think of this?

A Gallup poll of Muslims in the UK found that not a single one of the 1,001 people polled thought that homosexuality was morally acceptable. That is compared to 58% of the overall British population who think homos are OK. The same poll found that just 35% of French Muslims and 19% of German Muslims thought homosexuals were morally acceptable.
52% believe homosexuality should be illegal
23% would like to see Sharia law in England
39% believe a woman should always obey her husband, as opposed to 5% of English overall
31% consider it acceptable for a man to have multiple wives
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Milo mentioned in his press conference something about replacing "Don't Tread On Me" with "Shoot Back" and a few days later they are appearing...

Gay Themed Pro-Gun #ShootBack Posters Appear All Over West Hollywood

Following the Orlando terror attack on a gay nightclub, gay themed posters reminiscent of the Gadsden Flag and including the phrase #ShootBack have appeared all over the predominantly gay California neighborhood of West Hollywood.



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I would not be surprised if we see some tit for tat shootings happening any time about now.

Oh you mean a retaliatory attack by a messed up Gay Christian on a Muslim Night club. Kay sera sera...............I don't think so.

This Guy was a nut bar and they live in all Societies just seem to surface a bit more in the USA.

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

Soon Eu Russia England China and USA are going to Kill more than the Germans and Japanese dies in the 2nd World War

These Muslims even have declared war on Liberal Gays who through the will be overlook

ISIS and all Muslims Groups better stop this War at once

As Many of them shall Died

It is very possible the beginning of the 4th crusade is upon us. Every person in the west, vs. every man, woman and child of the Muslim persuasion. Anger is building. I do not want to see this happen, but the Islamic community needs to start making their voices heard, in a loud, and powerful manner, or else terrible things are going to start happening to them. A lot of my moderate minded friends are calling for this to happen, right now. Kind people, without one iota of racism.

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What is happening in all over Europe is a clear sign of things to come... Just a few small examples..
How did it go for gays who went to "love bomb" metro station in Rissne, Sweden? Not so well because the "locals" did not like it...
”Era horbögar”: HBT-aktivist misshandlad i Rissne – Polisen beslagtog tiotalet brandbomber
Netherlands Ramadan passion: "Youth" stone city busses (new "normal" says one of them)
"French Jews are experiencing the most difficult situation they have encountered since the end of World War II, the newly-elected president of France’s umbrella of Jewish communities said.
Jeder Zweite fühlt sich vom Islam bedroht (Every second person feels threatened by Islam)
In a study by the University of Leipzig one respondent stated "You feel like a foreigner in your own country"
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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

" Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism."

Why would they "condone" a tragedy?

REDMOND CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, put out a statement today condemning the violence in Orlando and saying the shooter doesnt represent the ideals of their faith.


The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation: The Islamic State Has Nothing To Do With Islam, Has Committed Crimes That Cannot Be Tolerated.


Muslim advocates in Michigan and across the U.S. strongly condemned the mass shooting early this morning at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida that left 50 dead and dozens injured.


Well, these reactions are from muslim organisations.

They understand very well the anti muslim reactions and feelings will get stronger.

And that is not what they want, they want to stay and go on Islamising the world.

The average muslim guy, and gal maybe, are silent and deep in their hearts more or less condone acts against "infidels".

Look around the world, everywhere where muslims are, there is violence.

It simply is ordained by the "holy book".

Wake up!

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

Soon Eu Russia England China and USA are going to Kill more than the Germans and Japanese dies in the 2nd World War

These Muslims even have declared war on Liberal Gays who through the will be overlook

ISIS and all Muslims Groups better stop this War at once

As Many of them shall Died

It is very possible the beginning of the 4th crusade is upon us. Every person in the west, vs. every man, woman and child of the Muslim persuasion. Anger is building. I do not want to see this happen, but the Islamic community needs to start making their voices heard, in a loud, and powerful manner, or else terrible things are going to start happening to them. A lot of my moderate minded friends are calling for this to happen, right now. Kind people, without one iota of racism.

This is silly nonsense.

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

Soon Eu Russia England China and USA are going to Kill more than the Germans and Japanese dies in the 2nd World War

These Muslims even have declared war on Liberal Gays who through the will be overlook

ISIS and all Muslims Groups better stop this War at once

As Many of them shall Died

It is very possible the beginning of the 4th crusade is upon us. Every person in the west, vs. every man, woman and child of the Muslim persuasion. Anger is building. I do not want to see this happen, but the Islamic community needs to start making their voices heard, in a loud, and powerful manner, or else terrible things are going to start happening to them. A lot of my moderate minded friends are calling for this to happen, right now. Kind people, without one iota of racism.

This is silly nonsense.

History does have an annoying habit of repeating itself. Ignoring that is silly, and nonsensical.

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It is very possible the beginning of the 4th crusade is upon us. Every person in the west, vs. every man, woman and child of the Muslim persuasion. Anger is building. I do not want to see this happen, but the Islamic community needs to start making their voices heard, in a loud, and powerful manner, or else terrible things are going to start happening to them. A lot of my moderate minded friends are calling for this to happen, right now. Kind people, without one iota of racism.

Only one side stopped fighting at the end of the 3rd crusade.

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Turns out now that there is no evidence at all connecting Omar Mateen to ISIS. Maybe an apology is in place from certain people who argued with me that he was an ISIS terrorist thumbsup.gif

Here's the press conference with CIA director John Brennan:


The website with story and video:


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Turns out now that there is no evidence at all connecting Omar Mateen to ISIS. Maybe an apology is in place from certain people who argued with me that he was an ISIS terrorist thumbsup.gif

Here's the press conference with CIA director John Brennan:


The website with story and video:


What ridiculous and distorted spin.

From the beginning of this, there wasn't anyone asserting definitely that the Orlando atrocity was directly ordered by ISIS.

Anyone with even a basic understanding of how such Jihadists organizations operate would already know that they intentionally try to INSPIRE terrorist actors in the west to do "do it yourself" terrorist actions.

You push this lie that this is news.

It WOULD be big news if they found direct orders in this case. Not the opposite as you assert.

A local USA terrorist that was INSPIRED by Jihadist terrorist is still indeed a Jihadist terrorist.

Weirdly, in the USA, the right wing wants to make this all about Jihadist terrorism, and the left wing wants to make this all about gun control.

But in reality it's about multiple things:

Jihadist terrorism

Gun control

Homophobia (in this case likely internalized homophobia being a factor)

There is no need that it has to be only about ONE thing. Except for distorted spin purposes.

BTW, anyone (gay or not) that wants to participate with a more in depth discussion on the GAY ANGLE in the Orlando atrocity, which has turned out to be the most mysterious aspect of because of the issue of gay desire side of the terrorist may wish to post here:


Edited by Jingthing
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Turns out now that there is no evidence at all connecting Omar Mateen to ISIS. Maybe an apology is in place from certain people who argued with me that he was an ISIS terrorist thumbsup.gif

Here's the press conference with CIA director John Brennan:


The website with story and video:


From above comment: A local USA terrorist that was INSPIRED by Jihadist terrorist is till indeed a Jihadist terrorist.

Rinse and repeat. Omar Mateens fellow muslims hard at work:

Belgium charges three men with terrorism offences after overnight raids
Edited by FinChin67
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Here’s Everything I Wanted To Say About Islam Yesterday, But Couldn’t



Letting the far right, wingnut website Breitbart do your talking? And you seriously expect anyone else to follow that link? Other than the usual suspects. Breitbart is the site that sold it's soul to the devil when a Breitbart female reporter was assaulted by a Trump representative and Breitbart unbelievably took the side of the Trump representative, resulting in mass resignation by anyone over there that still had an ounce of journalistic integrity. Breitbart has always been a website that featured the hate and fear so beloved by all the wingnuts. Usually the second stop of the day for those hitting the Fox News site first.Breitbart for all intents and purposes is owned by Trump. I think at this point anyone still believing this was an act of a ISIL terrorist, has a serious issue with reality...or is voting for Donald Trump. I think even Donald Trump wishes he hadn't hoisted himself on this petard. Of course he'll never admit that. I love it when I read that some posters have written that this incident will get Trump elected. If anything, it will be his undoing. The world got a good look at the small, mean little nasty creep that is Donald Trump this week.

Do you have any arguments over the content? You know the writer Milo Yiannopoulos?

What you think of this?

A Gallup poll of Muslims in the UK found that not a single one of the 1,001 people polled thought that homosexuality was morally acceptable. That is compared to 58% of the overall British population who think homos are OK. The same poll found that just 35% of French Muslims and 19% of German Muslims thought homosexuals were morally acceptable.
52% believe homosexuality should be illegal
23% would like to see Sharia law in England
39% believe a woman should always obey her husband, as opposed to 5% of English overall
31% consider it acceptable for a man to have multiple wives

1001 of a Muslim population of how many

But was the poll of Non Muslim UK "Citizens" the same amount or more. Depending on where you ask the percentages on any question can be skewed. I think on a poll as a whole of the eligible voting population in any Country you may find the level of tolerance is less than you think. Those of us opposed to discrimination on the grounds of Religion, Sex, orientation as opposed to those who accept is a whole different ball game. If the UK allows sharia law then let it sink. If you tried to put it through in NZ which is on the surface a much more tolerant Country you may find you have opened a can of worms. Here they wanted two legal systems for the Maori and non maori guess what ? No way. Gay marriage pushed through by Parliament supported I don,t believe so. Rape within marriage to the majority of us unacceptable. Introduce Sharia law might as well legalise genocide! Multiple wives why not or husbands if there is agreement and not coercion. The UK may be a little more down trodden than us but We are still on the whole similar. The fuse is lit the days of tolerant Societies are limited. Just my opinion and nothing I say is trite or glib. We all look at the World in different ways. I hope always for all there is tolerance and level headedness. But keep skewing our Societies and thinking you can change the moral views of all others is like sparking a battery in a powder keg.

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Turns out now that there is no evidence at all connecting Omar Mateen to ISIS. Maybe an apology is in place from certain people who argued with me that he was an ISIS terrorist thumbsup.gif

Here's the press conference with CIA director John Brennan:


The website with story and video:


What ridiculous and distorted spin.

From the beginning of this, there wasn't anyone asserting definitely that the Orlando atrocity was directly ordered by ISIS.

Anyone with even a basic understanding of how such Jihadists organizations operate would already know that they intentionally try to INSPIRE terrorist actors in the west to do "do it yourself" terrorist actions.

You push this lie that this is news.

It WOULD be big news if they found direct orders in this case. Not the opposite as you assert.

A local USA terrorist that was INSPIRED by Jihadist terrorist is still indeed a Jihadist terrorist.

Weirdly, in the USA, the right wing wants to make this all about Jihadist terrorism, and the left wing wants to make this all about gun control.

But in reality it's about multiple things:

Jihadist terrorism

Gun control

Homophobia (in this case likely internalized homophobia being a factor)

There is no need that it has to be only about ONE thing. Except for distorted spin purposes.

It hurts doesn't it? After a full week of spinning and twisting every negative thing you could find on Muslims only to find out that the man in question had nothing to do with aforementioned terrorist organisation. 55555!

I do appreciate your very hard attempt above to spin it the other way again....Jihadists, bla bla bla.

You are way to deep into this topic to even give in a little bit.

Even the CIA director doesn't change your mind....lol

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No, it doesn't hurt.

The Islamist terror links in this case are solidly established.

Nobody has ever asserted there have to be direct orders for that to be so.

I do understand that persons with an agenda of trying to protect all Muslims from being scapegoated or demonized would have an interest in covering this up.

But that is not helpful.

As we post here there are other people being inspired (on the internet and also with local extremist Imams) right now to do similar acts for Jihadist motivations.

How do we stop them? There the question of gun control does come into the discussion.

Edited by Jingthing
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Turns out now that there is no evidence at all connecting Omar Mateen to ISIS. Maybe an apology is in place from certain people who argued with me that he was an ISIS terrorist thumbsup.gif

Here's the press conference with CIA director John Brennan:


The website with story and video:


What ridiculous and distorted spin.

From the beginning of this, there wasn't anyone asserting definitely that the Orlando atrocity was directly ordered by ISIS.

Anyone with even a basic understanding of how such Jihadists organizations operate would already know that they intentionally try to INSPIRE terrorist actors in the west to do "do it yourself" terrorist actions.

You push this lie that this is news.

It WOULD be big news if they found direct orders in this case. Not the opposite as you assert.

A local USA terrorist that was INSPIRED by Jihadist terrorist is still indeed a Jihadist terrorist.

Weirdly, in the USA, the right wing wants to make this all about Jihadist terrorism, and the left wing wants to make this all about gun control.

But in reality it's about multiple things:

Jihadist terrorism

Gun control

Homophobia (in this case likely internalized homophobia being a factor)

There is no need that it has to be only about ONE thing. Except for distorted spin purposes.

It hurts doesn't it? After a full week of spinning and twisting every negative thing you could find on Muslims only to find out that the man in question had nothing to do with aforementioned terrorist organisation. 55555!

I do appreciate your very hard attempt above to spin it the other way again....Jihadists, bla bla bla.

You are way to deep into this topic to even give in a little bit.

Even the CIA director doesn't change your mind....lol

Muslim following islam killed people and he was inspired by ISIS.

Nothing to laugh at.

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Also, of course aside from his closet gay desire thing, the terrorist was obviously a mentally troubled individual, with evidence of that going back to his early years.

But that doesn't cancel the Jihadist inspiration factor.

Such disturbed young people, with a tendency towards violence, are indeed PERFECT marks for their efforts.

To add, a new factor I just read about. There are reports he was an abuser of STEROIDS for body building. Yes, that could have contributed to already violent tendencies.

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Guys, really??

Holding all Muslims accountable for one so-called 'Jihadi's' actions is like holding every German accountable for Hitlers madness.

People who are still on their Muslim 'kristallnacht' really need a reality check. It's as if you are just sitting behind your computer all day and night waiting until someone reacts to this topic so that you can spin it or twist it again, just to suit your anti-Muslim crusade. It's so surreal that I'm stepping out of it(talking about disturbed) Please leave it up to the security services to hunt these guys down.....it's not as if you are getting paid for it, are you? clap2.gif

Edited by DaveinAsia
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Guys, really??

Holding all Muslims accountable for one so-called 'Jihadi's' actions is like holding every German accountable for Hitlers madness.

People who are still on their Muslim 'kristallnacht' really need a reality check. It's as if you are just sitting behind your computer all day and night waiting until someone reacts to this topic so that you can spin it or twist it again, just to suit your anti-Muslim crusade. It's so surreal that I'm stepping out of it(talking about disturbed) Please leave it up to the security services to hunt these guys down.....it's not as if you are getting paid for it, are you? clap2.gif

5% as you said earlier from 1.5-1.7 billion muslims is a quite a lot of jihadists.

Luckily they hunt them down but not fast enough.

Belgium charges three men with terrorism offences after overnight raids
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