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Note where Smalling is, just to the right of Rose, should he be watching the 14 running into the box with a view to marking him ?

Milner come’s out to hold up the player and stop him getting a cross in !

Note where Wiltshire is ( furthest English player to the right ) and the eventual scorer (no14) is on the half turn.


Milner let’s the attacking player run past him ( mistake by Milner) and get a cross in.

Wiltshire has now ran past the no14, should he had stayed with him ? should he had blocked his run ?

Smalling is still too the right of Rose and appears to be ball watching with no idea that the no14 is behind him.At that moment there is 4 Russian players and 4 English players on the edge of the box.


Now Wilshire has completely run past the no14, Smalling is running past Rose and Alli comes into the equation, should he be thinking to get goal side of the no14, probably (slight mistake).


Rose challenges the no14 but the no14 being taller and stronger win’s the dual, Rose’s fault ? not in my book, should Hart be on his line ? perhaps, would he have saved the header if he was ? I doubt it.

Conclusion : Lot’s of small errors contrive to concede the goal, player probably most at fault is Milner, he stops the attacking player and the rest of the errors are irrelevant.





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Shouldn't it be Analize ?

What anal people do when they analyze something. Analysis with an anal slant. The anal person's thought process.


Ahhhhhh the hindsight.

Any self proclaimed expert's favorite tool.

Used it myself many times.


There are 1000s of variables in the equation leading up to where each and every player was positioned at a certain point in time.

It all depends how many seconds we will go back, and look at all the involved on the pitch.

The goal was a lucky one.

That's it.


In a recent poll 100 out of 100 Glaswegians described it as a brilliant goal. tongue.png

That is one of the few statistics I actually believe.



Alfies bored but in the first phase before your photos Ali should of tackled the player and non of the above would of happened biggrin.png

And then he should of got goal side so he is the man at fault as well as Milner,Rose cant defend anyway so all of it is useless.


Most goals are scored by a defensive mistake. Cant do everything right all of the time. Have to say that Russia's was multi layered starting with the manager not making any positive substitutions and especially not dragging off Sterling early in the second half!


Alfies bored but in the first phase before your photos Ali should of tackled the player and non of the above would of happened biggrin.png

And then he should of got goal side so he is the man at fault as well as Milner,Rose cant defend anyway so all of it is useless.

Do you have trouble with your eye's Reddy ? or is it that you just cannot read ? because you've repeated what i said facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Here's what i put regarding Ali

Alli comes into the equation, should he be thinking to get goal side of the no14, probably (slight mistake).

Incidentally you when put

so he is the man at fault as well as Milner,Rose

You conveniently forgot to add Smalling facepalm.gif


Alfie you put probably slight mistake! and you should of put definately big mistake biggrin.png

Yes Milner and Rose were at fault also agreed thumbsup.gif

I don't know were you are getting Smalling from as he already had a man who he stayed with and endid up at the far post still marking him another tall Russian! he hasnt got two heads pal and he is our best defender by a long shout btw!

But your just bringing your petty club rivalry thingy into play arent you cheesy.gif


Alfie you put probably slight mistake! and you should of put definately big mistake biggrin.png

Yes Milner and Rose were at fault also agreed thumbsup.gif

I don't know were you are getting Smalling from as he already had a man who he stayed with and endid up at the far post still marking him another tall Russian! he hasnt got two heads pal and he is our best defender by a long shout btw!

But your just bringing your petty club rivalry thingy into play arent you cheesy.gif

Like i said you have something wrong with your eye's,

he already had a man who he stayed with and endid up at the far post still marking him another tall Russian!

What !!!!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Pic 1.91.08 he was standing to Rose's left, Who was he marking ?

Pic 2.91.09 still landing to Rose's left, still not marking anyone with the no14 running behind him, yes or No ?

Pic 3. 91.10 he is still not marking anyone and moving across the area away from the no 14.

To be fair, i hadn't given much thought about Smalling's defending until Rio Ferdinand mentioned it, but what does he know !!


This seems like a more sophisticated way of finding the traditional English scapegoat.

Why not just do it the easy way and go with Rooney?



Alfie you put probably slight mistake! and you should of put definately big mistake biggrin.png

Yes Milner and Rose were at fault also agreed thumbsup.gif

I don't know were you are getting Smalling from as he already had a man who he stayed with and endid up at the far post still marking him another tall Russian! he hasnt got two heads pal and he is our best defender by a long shout btw!

But your just bringing your petty club rivalry thingy into play arent you cheesy.gif

Nothing to do with Club rivalry, iv'e even put Ali at fault, but lets face it your only defending him cos he plays for your mob, as for being our best defender, that's not difficult is it ?


And what is the point behind this topic?

England conceded a goal. Move on mate.

You don't get do you ?

People can the see the title of the thread and have a choice to read or not to read, so far 375 have viewed the post, if you don't want to read it then don't, how simple is that ?


I got. You being pedantic no doubt due to somebody blaming a spurs player for the goal I'm guessing.

If you want to pull apart a goal - and you clearly do - then pictures don't work, a link to the goal on Youtube so that people can consider it in real time is the only way.

I don't blame anybody in particular. A decent run in to the box caught out the players in that area (Wiltshire moving out the box, Rose, and Alli was it marking a wide player) and got on to the end of a decent cross; I don't blame Smalling as he correctly followed the man he was marking. Good move, good goal.


I got. You being pedantic no doubt due to somebody blaming a spurs player for the goal I'm guessing.

If you want to pull apart a goal - and you clearly do - then pictures don't work, a link to the goal on Youtube so that people can consider it in real time is the only way.

I don't blame anybody in particular. A decent run in to the box caught out the players in that area (Wiltshire moving out the box, Rose, and Alli was it marking a wide player) and got on to the end of a decent cross; I don't blame Smalling as he correctly followed the man he was marking. Good move, good goal.

He wasn't marking anyone biggrin.png


Actually Alfredo the more i look at it in video Rose is the man that needs to shake his head as he lost the goalscorer who ran in behind him first off and his positioning was terrible ....why was he in the centre anyway?


Actually Alfredo the more i look at it in video Rose is the man that needs to shake his head as he lost the goalscorer who ran in behind him first off and his positioning was terrible ....why was he in the centre anyway?

Lost the goalscorer !!! Where was he marking the goalscorer ? which Picture ? What time ? like i said Smalling was closer to the goalscorer than Rose, he was in the centre because he was coming back from being on the far post at the corner.

Incidently you still havn't answered these questions regarding Smalling

Pic 1.91.08 he was standing to Rose's left, Who was he marking ?

Pic 2.91.09 still landing to Rose's left, still not marking anyone with the no14 running behind him, yes or No ?


Not getting in to your picture malarkey, and I'm viewing off the poor quality videos on YouTube, here's my take as I'm so in to this topic ;-)

Corner. Someone at the near post (Wilshire?) clears it. Smalling is also near the front post and behind the clearing player. Russia work the ball from our left to our right. All players around England's penalty box are moving in the direction of the ball. Russian player breaks on an excellent run from the centre area away from the ball towards England's back stick area. Nobody tracks his run. It's a clever run. An England player (Wilshire?) doesn't spot the run as he jogs out of the box. Smalling realising a cross is coming in picks up a Russian around the penalty spot. .he gets tight to him banging in to him..Russian player with the ball puts in a deep cross to where the free man has run. Free man has the run on the ball and gets up above Rose. Ball goes in from header, with touch on or around the goal line from player Smalling picked up. Conclusion: Clever back post run by free player and decent cross which found him resulted in excellent goal.


And what is the point behind this topic?

England conceded a goal. Move on mate.

Yep yeah right no point behind this topic, so why have you posted 2 post's since making this statement cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


I got. You being pedantic no doubt due to somebody blaming a spurs player for the goal I'm guessing.

If you want to pull apart a goal - and you clearly do - then pictures don't work, a link to the goal on Youtube so that people can consider it in real time is the only way.

I don't blame anybody in particular. A decent run in to the box caught out the players in that area (Wiltshire moving out the box, Rose, and Alli was it marking a wide player) and got on to the end of a decent cross; I don't blame Smalling as he correctly followed the man he was marking. Good move, good goal.

So ain't the OP pic's taken from real Time cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Not getting in to your picture malarkey, and I'm viewing off the poor quality videos on YouTube, here's my take as I'm so in to this topic ;-)

Corner. Someone at the near post (Wilshire?) clears it. Smalling is also near the front post and behind the clearing player. Russia work the ball from our left to our right. All players around England's penalty box are moving in the direction of the ball. Russian player breaks on an excellent run from the centre area away from the ball towards England's back stick area. Nobody tracks his run. It's a clever run. An England player (Wilshire?) doesn't spot the run as he jogs out of the box. Smalling realising a cross is coming in picks up a Russian around the penalty spot. .he gets tight to him banging in to him..Russian player with the ball puts in a deep cross to where the free man has run. Free man has the run on the ball and gets up above Rose. Ball goes in from header, with touch on or around the goal line from player Smalling picked up. Conclusion: Clever back post run by free player and decent cross which found him resulted in excellent goal.

You haven't mentioned bad defending from Milner biggrin.png


Nowt to analyse really; England were napping and should have kept it out, but for most of the match they were over them like a cheap suit. They were unlucky not to be 2/3-0 up against the Ruskies.

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