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Profile of Orlando gunman Oman Mateen


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Amazing that a man reported to have leanings towards conservative Salafism, who was interviewed several times by the Feds, and who is reported to be bipolar by his former wife was still able to purchase an AR-15, or any firearm for that matter. This was a total failure of the Feds and of course a failure of the US to do some serious regulation of firearm purchases simply to protect the imagined second amendment rights of so many of the populace who are too mentally unstable to be allowed to own firearms.

Meanwhile Mateen fits the profile described by a number of investigators (e.g. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/06/15/sexual-frustration-driving-kids-to-isis.html) of second generation Muslims who fall prey to Salafi propaganda as a way to escape their self-perceived inadequacies.

Here is another take on this aspect of, perhaps, Mateen.

Edited by Johpa
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I see no mention of the fact that he was an American, born in the U.S.

This was domestic terrorism.

Just an another American wacko with an AR 15.

When you permit civilians to own military weapons designed only to kill a lot of people at one time, you should expect this to happen.

One wacko man killed about 50 people and wounded about 50 more all by himself.

This could not have been done without a military assault weapon.

Think about that.

I think you should apply for a newly-opened position at G4S Security Services. Your having such extensive firearms and mass-shooting expertise should result in an instant hire. There is an office in Thailand if that is more convenient for you. Also, I might add that they seem open to retaining unstable personality types.

To bone up for the job interview, you may want to review the mass murders of a Mr. Anders Behring Breivik who on July 22, 2011 gunned down 69 (mostly young) people with weapons very similar to used by the Orlando shooter: Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle semiautomatic carbine and a Glock 34 semiautomatic pistol. Breivik's victims were not even in a confined space.

To quote the Wiki entry in the link above:

"The Mini-14 proved popular with small-game hunters, ranchers, law enforcement, security personnel, and target shooters."

It appears that neither Mateen nor Breivik were using the military/police versions of their semi-automatic carbines which have selective fire capability. We must conclude that Mateen, at least, didn't because he had reportedly purchased his gun legally.

Edited by MaxYakov
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This guy was a Muslim who attended a mosque where the leader preached that all gays must die.

This guy called 911 just before he started shooting and pledged allegiance to ISIS.

This guy was on the FBI's radar but they didn't do anything about it. They could have stopped him from legally buying the gun simply with an entry into their database which would have been checked by the gun dealer.

I've read a lot of posts on Twitter and Facebook by Gays who are going to vote for Trump. They realize the Democrats aren't going to protect them.

I remain flabbergasted when the same people who say most Muslims are peaceful seem to think that most gun owners aren't. There's a disconnect there.

There is NO way that 100 million Americans will give up 300 million guns just as the leaders of the country flood us with people from Muslim countries. No way.

Molon Labe.


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"This is the saddest day of my life. I can't even wrap my mind around the horror of what happened last night in Orlando, where 50 joyful dancing queers were murdered by a religious extremist. I'm sad -- devastated, in my soul -- about that; but I'm also sad that the events of Orlando have shattered my political beliefs, as I can no longer swear allegiance to a peace-love-and-unicorns progressive philosophy that only helps to get my fellow queers killed." LINK

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I see no mention of the fact that he was an American, born in the U.S.

This was domestic terrorism.

Just an another American wacko with an AR 15.

When you permit civilians to own military weapons designed only to kill a lot of people at one time, you should expect this to happen.

One wacko man killed about 50 people and wounded about 50 more all by himself.

This could not have been done without a military assault weapon.

Think about that.

The reasons I said father will undoubtedly make is a homosexual issue as opposed to a religious issue is because the father himself supported the Taliban and had an anti-American talk show. This Afghan anti-American whack job father born and bred another anti-American Muslim, Islamic killer . . . he absolutely will say whatever he can to misdirect the focus from where the focus needs to be.

The problem is brining more people in like the father that are apt to this thought process and will have children that will be apt to this thought process and easily influenced by those adhering to this thought process.


Nightclub shooter’s dad hosted anti-American talk show


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"This is the saddest day of my life. I can't even wrap my mind around the horror of what happened last night in Orlando, where 50 joyful dancing queers were murdered by a religious extremist. I'm sad -- devastated, in my soul -- about that; but I'm also sad that the events of Orlando have shattered my political beliefs, as I can no longer swear allegiance to a peace-love-and-unicorns progressive philosophy that only helps to get my fellow queers killed." LINK

Either very old or very bigoted to refer to gays as queers.

Try leaping into the twentyfirst century, or even the late twentieth!

Oh wait!

This is coming from the ever compassionate member who lives in America and is .always posting on a forum for people who live in Thailand , usually about what he perceives as problems in Thailand that he never experiences,

I understand now.

Always consider the source.

Never Mind, It's just Never Sure

How are things in America?

Any new shootings are proud of that we haven't heard about yet?

Edited by willyumiii
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"This is the saddest day of my life. I can't even wrap my mind around the horror of what happened last night in Orlando, where 50 joyful dancing queers were murdered by a religious extremist. I'm sad -- devastated, in my soul -- about that; but I'm also sad that the events of Orlando have shattered my political beliefs, as I can no longer swear allegiance to a peace-love-and-unicorns progressive philosophy that only helps to get my fellow queers killed." LINK

Either very old or very bigoted to refer to gays as queers.

Try leaping into the twentyfirst century, or even the late twentieth!

Oh wait!

This is coming from the ever compassionate member who lives in America and is .always posting on a forum for people who live in Thailand , usually about what he perceives as problems in Thailand that he never experiences,

I understand now.

Always consider the source.

Never Mind, It's just Never Sure

How are things in America?

Any new shootings are proud of that we haven't heard about yet?

"Either very old or very bigoted to refer to gays as queers."

I believe you're the one who's behind the times, old man. whistling.gif

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There is NO way that 100 million Americans will give up 300 million guns just as the leaders of the country flood us with people from Muslim countries. No way.

Molon Labe.

And that is the problem with having 100 million gun owners is that far too many are too mentally unstable to be allowed to possess a firearm. And that represents the core of the NRA, those too insecure of being judged as too mentally unfit to possess a firearm and who then resist any and all efforts for rational limits on gun ownership such as background checks. Of course using the old playground taunt of "come and take it" doesn't hurt my case. In my mind, both crazy people, even mildly crazy people, as well as anyone who adopts a conservative version of any variant of monotheism (believing in an invisible man in the sky qualifies for mildly crazy) should be banned from owning a firearm. That would preclude most Muslims and most Evangelicals from owning firearms. And that would be a good thing.

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A nutter. Gay hater. Woman beater. He had his 3 min of fame...

He presently holds the U.S. record in the mass shooting by an individual catagory, I hope his record is never broken ensuring his infamy through history.

it will be broken within 10 yrs ,maybe even 5 ,and by a wide margin i would say ..........although probably not a gun but a bomb or other chemical weapon

these muslim extremesists are not going to disappear and they will probably have hundreds of teenagers with clean records already on us soil and awaiting


closing the borders now would likely be a waste of time as they can be brainwashed and radicalized over the internet like this gentleman probably was ..........

bulldoze the mosques might be a start ,but i doubt it would be a popular solution

awaiting instructions!! lol. good one

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"This is the saddest day of my life. I can't even wrap my mind around the horror of what happened last night in Orlando, where 50 joyful dancing queers were murdered by a religious extremist. I'm sad -- devastated, in my soul -- about that; but I'm also sad that the events of Orlando have shattered my political beliefs, as I can no longer swear allegiance to a peace-love-and-unicorns progressive philosophy that only helps to get my fellow queers killed." LINK

Either very old or very bigoted to refer to gays as queers.

Try leaping into the twentyfirst century, or even the late twentieth!

Oh wait!

This is coming from the ever compassionate member who lives in America and is .always posting on a forum for people who live in Thailand , usually about what he perceives as problems in Thailand that he never experiences,

I understand now.

Always consider the source.

Never Mind, It's just Never Sure

How are things in America?

Any new shootings are proud of that we haven't heard about yet?

I think he was quoting someone else . . . hence the quotation marks and the bright purple link button labeled "LINK."

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Too bad Sitora Yusifiy didn't charge her husband with domestic violence, then he wouldn't have been able to buy the weapons.

Yes because it would have been impossible for him to get a weapon from somewhere else in USA.

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There is NO way that 100 million Americans will give up 300 million guns just as the leaders of the country flood us with people from Muslim countries. No way.

Molon Labe.

And that is the problem with having 100 million gun owners is that far too many are too mentally unstable to be allowed to possess a firearm. And that represents the core of the NRA, those too insecure of being judged as too mentally unfit to possess a firearm and who then resist any and all efforts for rational limits on gun ownership such as background checks. Of course using the old playground taunt of "come and take it" doesn't hurt my case. In my mind, both crazy people, even mildly crazy people, as well as anyone who adopts a conservative version of any variant of monotheism (believing in an invisible man in the sky qualifies for mildly crazy) should be banned from owning a firearm. That would preclude most Muslims and most Evangelicals from owning firearms. And that would be a good thing.


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I see no mention of the fact that he was an American, born in the U.S.

This was domestic terrorism.

Just an another American wacko with an AR 15.

When you permit civilians to own military weapons designed only to kill a lot of people at one time, you should expect this to happen.

One wacko man killed about 50 people and wounded about 50 more all by himself.

This could not have been done without a military assault weapon.

Think about that.

I have, and apparently you didn't.

One doesn't need a military assault style weapon. 9mm handguns would have been more than sufficient, when you are shooting unarmed people in a "Gun Free" zone. 15-17 round magazines aren't unusual, and even larger capacities are available. The Virginia Tech shooter would be one example, the Navy Shipyard using a common 12 Ga. pump shotgun would be another, in just a matter of minutes he had 8 people on the ground dead or dying.

Why is it you guys can't use any logic or common sense? The weapon itself, isn't the problem.

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I see no mention of the fact that he was an American, born in the U.S.

This was domestic terrorism.

Just an another American wacko with an AR 15.

When you permit civilians to own military weapons designed only to kill a lot of people at one time, you should expect this to happen.

One wacko man killed about 50 people and wounded about 50 more all by himself.

This could not have been done without a military assault weapon.

Think about that.

I have, and apparently you didn't.

One doesn't need a military assault style weapon. 9mm handguns would have been more than sufficient, when you are shooting unarmed people in a "Gun Free" zone. 15-17 round magazines aren't unusual, and even larger capacities are available. The Virginia Tech shooter would be one example, the Navy Shipyard using a common 12 Ga. pump shotgun would be another, in just a matter of minutes he had 8 people on the ground dead or dying.

Why is it you guys can't use any logic or common sense? The weapon itself, isn't the problem.

the capacity is the problem and americans love big capacity!!

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I see no mention of the fact that he was an American, born in the U.S.

This was domestic terrorism.

Just an another American wacko with an AR 15.

When you permit civilians to own military weapons designed only to kill a lot of people at one time, you should expect this to happen.

One wacko man killed about 50 people and wounded about 50 more all by himself.

This could not have been done without a military assault weapon.

Think about that.

I have, and apparently you didn't.

One doesn't need a military assault style weapon. 9mm handguns would have been more than sufficient, when you are shooting unarmed people in a "Gun Free" zone. 15-17 round magazines aren't unusual, and even larger capacities are available. The Virginia Tech shooter would be one example, the Navy Shipyard using a common 12 Ga. pump shotgun would be another, in just a matter of minutes he had 8 people on the ground dead or dying.

Why is it you guys can't use any logic or common sense? The weapon itself, isn't the problem.

the capacity is the problem and americans love big capacity!!

Maybe, but again, the Navy Shipyard shooter used a normal, 12 Ga. Pump Shotgun, normal capacity of 5 rounds. It doesn't necessarily take high capacity, to kill a lot of people, especially when nobody is returning fire.

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I see no mention of the fact that he was an American, born in the U.S.

This was domestic terrorism.

Just an another American wacko with an AR 15.

When you permit civilians to own military weapons designed only to kill a lot of people at one time, you should expect this to happen.

One wacko man killed about 50 people and wounded about 50 more all by himself.

This could not have been done without a military assault weapon.

Think about that.

I have, and apparently you didn't.

One doesn't need a military assault style weapon. 9mm handguns would have been more than sufficient, when you are shooting unarmed people in a "Gun Free" zone. 15-17 round magazines aren't unusual, and even larger capacities are available. The Virginia Tech shooter would be one example, the Navy Shipyard using a common 12 Ga. pump shotgun would be another, in just a matter of minutes he had 8 people on the ground dead or dying.

Why is it you guys can't use any logic or common sense? The weapon itself, isn't the problem.

the capacity is the problem and americans love big capacity!!

Maybe, but again, the Navy Shipyard shooter used a normal, 12 Ga. Pump Shotgun, normal capacity of 5 rounds. It doesn't necessarily take high capacity, to kill a lot of people, especially when nobody is returning fire.

12 people in different locations with a weapon that can get more than one at once. not the same thing

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They tell me that this terrorist doesn't represent "all Muslims" but that as a gun owner he represents "all gun owners". #CrippledLogic.

who is this they youre referring to. do you have a link to them? to their accusations?

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Gays rally around Trump after Orlando attacks
By RED ALERT POLITICS • 6/13/16 2:12 PM
"The horror of Sunday's terrorist attack in Orlando at a gay nightclub has sent shockwaves throughout the LGBT community and forced many to change their support from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump.
On Reddit, a gay man who lost a friend in the terror attack at Pulse said that he was never more ready to see Trump take office and wanted to volunteer for the billionaire's campaign.
"I'm shaken, I'm a mess, I'm broken, but I've never been more determined for a leader to actually take charge and make a change, how do i get started. How do I help this man lead us into a safer country?" 4yyyy wrote."
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Gays rally around Trump after Orlando attacks

By RED ALERT POLITICS • 6/13/16 2:12 PM

"The horror of Sunday's terrorist attack in Orlando at a gay nightclub has sent shockwaves throughout the LGBT community and forced many to change their support from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump.

On Reddit, a gay man who lost a friend in the terror attack at Pulse said that he was never more ready to see Trump take office and wanted to volunteer for the billionaire's campaign.

"I'm shaken, I'm a mess, I'm broken, but I've never been more determined for a leader to actually take charge and make a change, how do i get started. How do I help this man lead us into a safer country?" 4yyyy wrote."


Time to buy your second hand Queers for Palestine t-shirt, many should now be available due to a bout of coffee smelling.
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Bipolar my bum, the only thing that matters is that he was a Muslim, the New York Times did not inspire him to murder, the readers Digest did not, the Koran did.

There is not enough time left in the world to list all of the atrocities committed by Christian extremist in the past 2000 years.

All religious extremist are evil.

A very small percentage of Muslims are extremist.

This can not just be blamed on the fact that he was Muslim.

Statements like yours only cause more extremism.

So, that makes you responsible as well.

However, there is the current and specific political movement of Islamist Extremism which is an issue for now. It is an abdication of responsibility for President Obama (and presumably yourself) for avoiding recognising, this at least in public. Just hiding behind the veil of verbally being against all religious extremism is just not good enough.

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"Assault rifle" and "AR-15" are the default terms for the clueless MSM. BTW the AR-15 isn't an assault rifle and it isn't issued to any military operatives anywhere. They get real assault rifles.

Word on the street now is that the gun is a Sig Sauer. This apparently came to light after someone who knows a damned thing about guns actually got to see it.


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This guy was a Muslim who attended a mosque where the leader preached that all gays must die.

This guy called 911 just before he started shooting and pledged allegiance to ISIS.

This guy was on the FBI's radar but they didn't do anything about it. They could have stopped him from legally buying the gun simply with an entry into their database which would have been checked by the gun dealer.

I've read a lot of posts on Twitter and Facebook by Gays who are going to vote for Trump. They realize the Democrats aren't going to protect them.

I remain flabbergasted when the same people who say most Muslims are peaceful seem to think that most gun owners aren't. There's a disconnect there.

There is NO way that 100 million Americans will give up 300 million guns just as the leaders of the country flood us with people from Muslim countries. No way.

Molon Labe.


Your post coincides with the statement below.

Let me get this straight. You have a crazed militant group vowing death to Americans, looking to bring the war to your doorstep, and your plan is to surrender your guns?

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