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Gen Prawit hints at curbs on UDD’s anti-cheating centres

Jonathan Fairfield

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Can one of the junta supporters please step in and explain why banning foreign observers is a good thing?

Not expecting an answer of course, but miracles do sometime happen...coffee1.gif

Not a junta supporter but I hope you don't mind I answer this question.

Foreign observers seem to be somewhat confused about Thai election games. So no need for them.

"An Asian election monitoring group has hailed Thailand's nationwide election as final results were tallied for being generally peaceful, orderly and allowing the public to express their voice. But, theAsian Network for Free Elections also cited some flaws in the polls and warned the Thai military not to intervene in politics. "


"Having served as a short-term international observer for the general election in Thailand earlier this month on July 3, I unfortunately became somewhat of an expert in the dark arts of vote buying.

As one of 60 observers from the Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL) deployed around the country, I spent eight days in Chonburi province in the lead-up to election day. Located just a little east of Bangkok, Chonburi is home to Kamnan Poh, the notorious godfather who once declared, “I used to have enemies in Chonburi, but they all died.” "



"Not a junta supporter but I hope you don't mind I answer this question."

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

And you ain't ever fooling me.

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Can one of the junta supporters please step in and explain why banning foreign observers is a good thing?

Not expecting an answer of course, but miracles do sometime happen...coffee1.gif

Not a junta supporter but I hope you don't mind I answer this question.

Foreign observers seem to be somewhat confused about Thai election games. So no need for them.

"An Asian election monitoring group has hailed Thailand's nationwide election as final results were tallied for being generally peaceful, orderly and allowing the public to express their voice. But, theAsian Network for Free Elections also cited some flaws in the polls and warned the Thai military not to intervene in politics. "


"Having served as a short-term international observer for the general election in Thailand earlier this month on July 3, I unfortunately became somewhat of an expert in the dark arts of vote buying.

As one of 60 observers from the Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL) deployed around the country, I spent eight days in Chonburi province in the lead-up to election day. Located just a little east of Bangkok, Chonburi is home to Kamnan Poh, the notorious godfather who once declared, “I used to have enemies in Chonburi, but they all died.” "



"Not a junta supporter but I hope you don't mind I answer this question."

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

And you ain't ever fooling me.

Rubl's attempt to make a toilet look seem like a drinking fountain continues. Leopards, spots.


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Good reasons is your interpretation and a few others. It seems based on distrust, unjustified distrust, expecially as the same guys suggested the referendum doesn't really matter. The suggestion by one of the PR value of having foreign observers is no valid reason.

There is no reason to have the UDD around as long as they have no problem with that criminal fugitive as 'de facto' leader. That 'self-exiled' running away from the law figure.

BTW you yourself called me a liar a while ago. I appended the clasp to my signature that time. You also called me 'associating with and being dregs of Thai society'. Some call me desperate or despicable or say I should be ashamed of myself. In another topic Winnie wrote " I'm sure this is not the first time in your life that honesty and a certain tendency to right-wing views have been a problem for you"

All because I have an opinion different from what you and others here tell I should have.

The truth will set you free and that's not trolling.

I don't recall calling you a liar, but if you post a link to the offending post I'm sure we will find a demonstrable lie. Regarding you associating with the dregs of Thai society, you've repeatedly posted derogatory posts about Thais. I don't recall you ever posting anything positive about Thai's, either individually or collectively. I can't see how this can be true unless you only associate with the dregs of Thai society.

Your are trying to shift the argument away from the need for foreign observers/monitors of the referendum and focusing on the UDD observers. I and others have focused on the need for international monitoring of the vote. This need is clear to everyone, especially those hoping to fix the vote without getting caught.

"It seems based on distrust, unjustified distrust, expecially as the same guys suggested the referendum doesn't really matter."

How remarkably astute of you, you noticed that a lot of people don't trust the junta. What was your first clue?

Some people think the referendum doesn't matter. I'm not one of them. I don't think the referendum will return democracy to Thailand, but a rejection will strongly influence how the junta maintains control, and make it harder to justify continued undemocratic rule. What happens then is unknown.

"Your are trying to shift the argument away from the need for foreign observers/monitors of the referendum and focusing on the UDD observers. I and others have focused on the need for international monitoring of the vote. This need is clear to everyone, especially those hoping to fix the vote without getting caught."

Actually you are trying to shift and I humour you by giving reasons why I see no need for foreign observers following which I return to the topic of "Gen Prawit hints at curbs on UDD’s anti-cheating centres"

"How remarkably astute of you, you noticed that a lot of people don't trust the junta. What was your first clue?"

A handful of posters here who try to keep on pushing for foreign observers for reasons they think important. Reasons like "PR value", "why not", etc.

"Some people think the referendum doesn't matter. I'm not one of them. I don't think the referendum will return democracy to Thailand, but a rejection will strongly influence how the junta maintains control, and make it harder to justify continued undemocratic rule. What happens then is unknown. "

That's what you think, I think differently.

Now to the insults

"I don't recall calling you a liar, but if you post a link to the offending post I'm sure we will find a demonstrable lie. Regarding you associating with the dregs of Thai society, you've repeatedly posted derogatory posts about Thais. I don't recall you ever posting anything positive about Thai's, either individually or collectively. I can't see how this can be true unless you only associate with the dregs of Thai society."

We will not find as TVF is difficult to search. At that time there was only a Heybruce not liking my opinion and calling what I wrote a lie. Even more interesting is the dregs part. Dregs of society are the lower classes, the dropouts, the poor, all those a democracy tries to take care of. Posters here even justly complain when someone calls red-shirts buffaloes and lower classes. So as fighter for democracy as you'd like to have it known you're fighting for the rights of the dregs, including my rights. Now that's nice. Of course the "I can't see" covers the possibility you might be wrong about me and the need to defend me.

ADD: actually I found it

I wrote

"No, those opposed to a government with a pretty face as PM and run by a criminal fugitive, the one from the topic warning about democracy."

and you didn't like that and gave it your own interpretation

"You lied rubl, you are clearly opposed to that elected government, and eager to avoid new elections in a real democracy because you know you once again won't like the results."


"Actually you are trying to shift and I humour you by giving reasons why I see no need for foreign observers following which I return to the topic of "Gen Prawit hints at curbs on UDD’s anti-cheating centres""

The topic does cover foreign observers and Prawit's opposition to them. From the OP:

"General Prawit said that there is no need for the UDD or any political groups to set up centres to monitor the referendum in order to prevent possible cheating because there are two already two agencies responsible for monitoring the referendum namely the Election Commission and the government sector’s Anti-Corruption Commission.’

He also dismissed any suggestion of bringing in foreign observers to observe the referendum, saying that referendum is an internal affairs of Thailand."

"A handful of posters here who try to keep on pushing for foreign observers for reasons they think important. Reasons like "PR value", "why not", etc."

Of course you want to focus on these easy to dismiss reasons. My reasons for foreign observers are:

1. The junta came to power by toppling an elected government, showing contempt for election results.

2. The junta has censored press and speech, making a free election and monitoring of the election by the press impossible.

3. Many junta supporters insist that Thai elections always suffer from vote buying, voter intimidation, and other faults. Foreign observers will help alleviate these problems.

Can you explain why these are not valid reasons for foreign observers?

Regarding my stating that you lied, I stand by it. When have you ever supported an elected government in Thailand?

Regarding my stating you only associated with the dregs of Thai society, prove me wrong. Tell us about the fine and admirable Thai people in your life.

Prove you wrong? You accuse and tell me to prove you're wrong?

Obviously you don't know Thai defamation laws or just happen to reside outside Thailand. Not to be done, but I could file a defamation charge against you and since TVF moderators are doing nothing include them as well as they have monitored this and other threads and I even have a mail from supporting Linda saying "I don't think he called you dregs".

As for standing by your statement 'you lied', well I say "opposed to a government with a pretty face as PM and run by a criminal fugitive" and you say "elected government". We both mean the Yingluck Administration. So I say I oppose it and you say "you lied, you oppose it".

It would seem that you have permission from TVF finest to continue trolling and insulting and provoking. For all of ThaiVisaForum viewers to see and wonder as our Baboon so nicely wrote.

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Can one of the junta supporters please step in and explain why banning foreign observers is a good thing?

Not expecting an answer of course, but miracles do sometime happen...coffee1.gif

Not a junta supporter but I hope you don't mind I answer this question.

Foreign observers seem to be somewhat confused about Thai election games. So no need for them.

"An Asian election monitoring group has hailed Thailand's nationwide election as final results were tallied for being generally peaceful, orderly and allowing the public to express their voice. But, theAsian Network for Free Elections also cited some flaws in the polls and warned the Thai military not to intervene in politics. "


"Having served as a short-term international observer for the general election in Thailand earlier this month on July 3, I unfortunately became somewhat of an expert in the dark arts of vote buying.

As one of 60 observers from the Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL) deployed around the country, I spent eight days in Chonburi province in the lead-up to election day. Located just a little east of Bangkok, Chonburi is home to Kamnan Poh, the notorious godfather who once declared, “I used to have enemies in Chonburi, but they all died.” "



"Not a junta supporter but I hope you don't mind I answer this question."

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

And you ain't ever fooling me.

Rubl's attempt to make a toilet look seem like a drinking fountain continues. Leopards, spots.


How desperate ones case must one be to keep on attacking posters in a vile manner ? How much protection must one have from TVF finest monitoring to have ones post of tribe remain and be allowed to post such.

Probably someone read to many British tabloits.

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