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Fighting With Other Farang?

Delray Tweed

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just the other day i saw a judo man beat a mauy thai / mixed martial arts man on ultimate fighting. it certainly can be done. i suppose it depends on what level you both are. i assume the worlds best judo fighters could beat an average mauy thai fairly easily and vice versa.

i was always told by my tai kwon do teacher the best thing to do is run off. all the best fighters i have met would run away rather than street fight unless it was absolutely necessary.

so my advice is to walk away, go to a different bar and if you really have to fight this guy make sure your not drunk and be careful who's around or you may find yourself with several foes or worse the police carting you off.

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just the other day i saw a judo man beat a mauy thai / mixed martial arts man on ultimate fighting.

Rather simple explanation - "Ultimate Fighting" is still a ring sport. No weapons, no biting, no eye poking, no ten against one - nothing what you can see in an average streetfight.

The constant debate which "martial art" might be "better" than the other, or more "useful" in a real life situation is a bit of a joke. Martial arts keeps you fit, but that's about it.

I have dabbled in this one and that one, but if i get into a bit of a situation i do exactly hat i have done before - if i can't talk my way out, i walk, and if i can't walk, i run as fast as i can. Acting abilities are useful as well - the dead man move helps often when nothing else worked: go down fast and theatrically, curl up, protect the important parts, and after a while they usually will stop kicking you.

A few minutes of lost manly dignity are an easy price to pay, considering the options such as injury (thanks, had that, hurts a lot), or being locked up (thanks, had that a few times when i was young and very stupid, not nice, fortunately not enough proof for convictions), or even worse.

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[i have dabbled in this one and that one, but if i get into a bit of a situation i do exactly hat i have done before - if i can't talk my way out, i walk, and if i can't walk, i run as fast as i can. Acting abilities are useful as well - the dead man move helps often when nothing else worked: go down fast and theatrically, curl up, protect the important parts, and after a while they usually will stop kicking you.

I almost can't believe that you are recommending curling up in a ball and letting somebody beat you up rather than fight back. There is no guarantee that they are not going to do you some serious harm just because you act like a pansy. Everyone who ever knows you who sees or hears of you acting like this will also lose respect for you, you will become a laughing stock. I'd rather stand up for myself and suffer some physical pain, than live the rest of my life as a coward.

I hope this post is a wind up.

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[i have dabbled in this one and that one, but if i get into a bit of a situation i do exactly hat i have done before - if i can't talk my way out, i walk, and if i can't walk, i run as fast as i can. Acting abilities are useful as well - the dead man move helps often when nothing else worked: go down fast and theatrically, curl up, protect the important parts, and after a while they usually will stop kicking you.

I almost can't believe that you are recommending curling up in a ball and letting somebody beat you up rather than fight back. There is no guarantee that they are not going to do you some serious harm just because you act like a pansy. Everyone who ever knows you who sees or hears of you acting like this will also lose respect for you, you will become a laughing stock. I'd rather stand up for myself and suffer some physical pain, than live the rest of my life as a coward.

I hope this post is a wind up.

I'd agree there are times when fighting is unavoidable, and certainly letting someone beat you isnt the solution.

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Let's see . . .

Option b: Spend an extra 30 hours a week with my family and enjoy one another's company and learn to understand and try to bridge the generation gap - possibly play monopoly or badminton or kick the ball around a bit.

There's no helping some people, me and Nam give our hard earned advice from years of experience in the trenches. You think it's always avoidable? Think again. Maybe you can get away with it if you're some jelly spined, apologetic, poor excuse for a man, but even then it might catch up with you one day. There are many out there who target and prey upon the weak. Just having the air of a man who can handle himself discourages a lot of those sort of attentions.

Yeap, a little body language goes a long way,

Look at any Italian in the Bronx as he's walking down the block, .. hey yuz talkin to me, yuz talkin to me ... :o

The posts seem to be running ~50/50, / engage or turn the other cheek,,

To take the possible asss whippin, or suffer the stench of humiliation ...

umm, yeah, think I'm going with the fat lip and black eye, over running away down the street as some actually proposed, seriously, would anyone actually even consider that with a wife or GF in attendance, :D

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[i have dabbled in this one and that one, but if i get into a bit of a situation i do exactly hat i have done before - if i can't talk my way out, i walk, and if i can't walk, i run as fast as i can. Acting abilities are useful as well - the dead man move helps often when nothing else worked: go down fast and theatrically, curl up, protect the important parts, and after a while they usually will stop kicking you.

I almost can't believe that you are recommending curling up in a ball and letting somebody beat you up rather than fight back. There is no guarantee that they are not going to do you some serious harm just because you act like a pansy. Everyone who ever knows you who sees or hears of you acting like this will also lose respect for you, you will become a laughing stock. I'd rather stand up for myself and suffer some physical pain, than live the rest of my life as a coward.

I hope this post is a wind up.

I believe you confuse a schoolyard brawl with a streetfight.

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[i have dabbled in this one and that one, but if i get into a bit of a situation i do exactly hat i have done before - if i can't talk my way out, i walk, and if i can't walk, i run as fast as i can. Acting abilities are useful as well - the dead man move helps often when nothing else worked: go down fast and theatrically, curl up, protect the important parts, and after a while they usually will stop kicking you.

I almost can't believe that you are recommending curling up in a ball and letting somebody beat you up rather than fight back. There is no guarantee that they are not going to do you some serious harm just because you act like a pansy. Everyone who ever knows you who sees or hears of you acting like this will also lose respect for you, you will become a laughing stock. I'd rather stand up for myself and suffer some physical pain, than live the rest of my life as a coward.

I hope this post is a wind up.

Waaaaait a minute, somethings wrong here Rambo would never use the phase " a wind up" I am starting to wonder if you really are Rambo???

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I think you have to do what the situation calls for. I try to be passive, I don't go looking for trouble, I don't go to places where trouble is likely to happen. That doesn't mean it will not. Sometimes it just does - you could be the most careful driver in the world, doesn't stop that other idiot rear ending you though does it.

Usually you can see the situtaion getting heated and there are passive ways to get out of it. Humour is a good one. Suddenly remember you left the iron on can work too. However, if someone takes a swing at your Mrs, who the four-hashes would stand there and watch. Instinct takes over, red flag to a bull, adrenalin overdose and you're standing over the <deleted> with sore knuckles.

Only fools never stand down, but one has to be able to respect one's self - dignity - I could not walk away from such things. Like the earlier post of the old guy getting attacked by two drunks for kicks. I don't think I could let that happen. I would look around to see if someone else was going to stop it. I would call out for them to 'give it up' or something - hopefully a joke that turns their heads etc. At the end of the day, I could not walk away from some inocent guy getting whacked in such a manor (of course if they were just giving him a soaking, I'd cringe and think they were see-you-next-Tuesday's but no need for the chance on hospital food testing) - but they grabbed his hair and were, presumeably, going to give him a hiding (?).

When I have had trouble before, and its happened a few times, I usually get away with looking like I'm willing to go the whole hog - as someone said body language works wonders - you can look hard and unconcerned without looking challenging. Many times I've put myself between a-holes and friends - this usually sends a signal that I'm stepping in and am obviously not overly concerned about them. It usually works and calms down the situation.

A few times I have had to push guys back (or over even) - I find this better than a punch - not as quick ending perhaps, but it keeps you out of jail. If the guy is overly aggressive, and drunk (the two usually come hand in hand), keep pushing them over everytime they just get to there feet - not so hard to send them sprawling and make them more irate - but enough to just knock them over again seems to work well. They get knackered faster, and usually people begin to laugh and they get embarrissed out of fighting!!! This is where the Op's Judo could come in - not locks etc (better to be at a distance), but basic over balance pulls, pushes, against joint redirection and throws.

At the risk of the post going on for ever, a small story. My cousin is 7 years my senior. We were both brought up in the East End of London (Bow). My parents took me to Judo and then various Karate's from about 6, his parents took him boxing. In the 70's every kids in the East End did one or the other - I have no idea why, they just did. Years later I was studying Feng Shou (a form of Wu Shu - Kung <deleted>). My cousin loved the old Kung <deleted> movies and wanted to come along, so I took him. There was a guy there the same age (give or take) as mu cousin who'd been doing that style for years. It was a small class, and he paired up with my cousin for a little gentle sparing. Well, this guy thought he was Bruce Lee and kept dishing out the take-the-p1ss-slaps as they spared. My cousin had never done martial arts at all, and was getting annoyed with this guy keep jabbing him. Eventually, my cousin flips into boxer mode, takes up a boxing stance and wham - the <deleted> is on his back after a three punch set piece sends him on his arse.

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Let's see . . .

Option b: Spend an extra 30 hours a week with my family and enjoy one another's company and learn to understand and try to bridge the generation gap - possibly play monopoly or badminton or kick the ball around a bit.

That wont help you one little bit when you get attacked from behind one night, and some deviant mofo is slamming your face into the hard concrete with no regard for your welfare, or that extra 30hrs a week that you're wanting to spend with your family in the future, will it?

There's no helping some people, me and Nam give our hard earned advice from years of experience in the trenches. You think it's always avoidable? Think again. Maybe you can get away with it if you're some jelly spined, apologetic, poor excuse for a man, but even then it might catch up with you one day. There are many out there who target and prey upon the weak. Just having the air of a man who can handle himself discourages a lot of those sort of attentions.

:D Ok, Rambo, mate . . . time to get down off the branch before some mofo-monkey gets you upset . . . seriously, you are in a world of your own, aren't you. I really don't mean to be offensive, I'm too scared to be, but please let some sanity prevail with you and your words of wisdom:

There's no helping some people, me and Nam give our hard earned advice from years of experience in the trenches

In the trenches of what? Soi Cowboy? In the trenches? Good grief . . .

Think again. Maybe you can get away with it if you're some jelly spined, apologetic, poor excuse for a man

Them's fightin' words, podna . . . :o Are you sure the steroids have not kicked in yet?

I was an officer in the navy (subs) and we had a few guys like you on board . . . generally they were seen as having a persecution complex, but your whole posts remind me of Planet of the Apes

You see yourself 30uwg8p.jpg and fight to the death to avoid being caught, as you are clearly not some jelly-spined, apologetic poor excuse for a man. No, sir! No way! You're a tough and tumble, rough and rumble, down and dirty he-man!!!

Sadly, most counter-evolutionary types end up like this, back to the basics:


Ok, I'm taking the pi$$, but your posts kind of provoke that. Apologies if I offended.

Edited by Sing_Sling
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I almost can't believe that you are recommending curling up in a ball and letting somebody beat you up rather than fight back. There is no guarantee that they are not going to do you some serious harm just because you act like a pansy. Everyone who ever knows you who sees or hears of you acting like this will also lose respect for you, you will become a laughing stock.

I don't think that the Colonel was ever in my Marine Corps! :o

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Guys in Thai carry a spray, pepper, mace etc preferably one that comes out in a fog 10-15 ft and

when you are out in bad sois/situations have your hand on it inside you pocket so you

can instantly pull/spray in a second and practice with this and mace yourself one time to

know the consequences of accidently moving into your spray. Things happen fast. When you

release your venom be backing up so you dont walk into it.

The days of punching it out in a gentlemanly manner are over. You really need a weapon

now. Boxing etc is good training but now its multiple attackers and weapons vs you. You need

a weapon to meet theirs. Those days are over. 1 on 1 Hand 2 hand is over.

I recommend a spray in one pocket (weak hand)with hand on a kobaton(strong hand) in other hand in pocket with

full contact training for inside fighting.

If we could conceal carry a pistol in thai i would reccomend front pocket carry with hand on inside

front pocket for if they get the drop on you you could draw/fire instantly and hopefully surprize

them and get the drop back on them as they are expecting you to be scared and not instantly

drawing/firing on them.

What a wonderful world we live in my friends, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare

Edited by Nam Kao
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The days of punching it out in a gentlemanly manner are over. You really need a weapon

now. Boxing etc is good training but now its multiple attackers and weapons vs you. You need

a weapon to meet theirs. Those days are over. 1 on 1 Hand 2 hand is over.

True @ Nam Kao,

" The days of the Hard man are over, some spotty skinny 17 year old kid will just stab you or shoot you "

So Rambo and Chuck and all you other internet warriors, I know you are tough, I know you are all highly trained lethal fighting machines, but...................beware of that skinny kid, you can't block a bullet. :o

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This thread makes me laugh a bit.I wonder how tough some of these guys are if a bloke pulled out a gun and shot them? :o

Toughest blokes that i know/have met, wouldn't say boo to a goose.They also would never tell somebody how "hard" they are....

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my mate thought he was a tough guy when we were 16 years old.

he's got this girlfriend and this other guy was trying to crack on to her at school.

anyway my mate decides he's going to kick this little dudes arse under the big tree on the top school yard.

so he sets the date and time to meet this little dude so he can teach him a lesson, he tells me. :o

word gets around school about the big fight under the tree, my tough mate verses skinny dude.

well, half the frigging school is waiting under the tree for the skinny kid to show up.

next thing we see the skinny kid rock up on his push bike with a bag and a big smile on his face.

my tough mates standing there waiting for his big chance to kill the little dude.

little dude jumps off the push bike opens the bag and pulls out a motor cycle chain and proceeds to attack my mate swinging it around his head like a maniac.

it was a classic , as my mate started crying like a baby a bolted off down the school yard doing about 600klm per hour.

turned out the skinny dude got the girl and my stupid mate never ever picked on another guy ever again.

everybody took the piss out of him for months and 33 years after we still give him <deleted> over that incident but we give him top marks for be able to run away as fast as an olympic sprinter.

he broke the 4 minute mile by 2 minutes on that day. :D:D:D

cheers punting friends. :D:D

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Guys in Thai carry a spray, pepper, mace etc preferably one that comes out in a fog 10-15 ft and

when you are out in bad sois/situations have your hand on it inside you pocket so you

can instantly pull/spray in a second and practice with this and mace yourself one time to

know the consequences of accidently moving into your spray. Things happen fast. When you

release your venom be backing up so you dont walk into it.

The days of punching it out in a gentlemanly manner are over. You really need a weapon

now. Boxing etc is good training but now its multiple attackers and weapons vs you. You need

a weapon to meet theirs. Those days are over. 1 on 1 Hand 2 hand is over.

I recommend a spray in one pocket (weak hand)with hand on a kobaton(strong hand) in other hand in pocket with

full contact training for inside fighting.

If we could conceal carry a pistol in thai i would reccomend front pocket carry with hand on inside

front pocket for if they get the drop on you you could draw/fire instantly and hopefully surprize

them and get the drop back on them as they are expecting you to be scared and not instantly

drawing/firing on them.

What a wonderful world we live in my friends, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare

your just the sort of person that shouldnt be allowed to carry these things, if you feel you have to go out tooled up you either live in a very bad neighbourhood, in which case have you considered moving, or you are Travis Bickle or your a <deleted>. the sensible money is on you being a <deleted>.

The days of punching it out in a gentlemanly manner are over. You really need a weapon

now. Boxing etc is good training but now its multiple attackers and weapons vs you. You need

a weapon to meet theirs. Those days are over. 1 on 1 Hand 2 hand is over.

True @ Nam Kao,

" The days of the Hard man are over, some spotty skinny 17 year old kid will just stab you or shoot you "

So Rambo and Chuck and all you other internet warriors, I know you are tough, I know you are all highly trained lethal fighting machines, but...................beware of that skinny kid, you can't block a bullet. :D

Please don't encourage Nam Kao, you will only get tarred with the same <deleted> brush.

This thread makes me laugh a bit.I wonder how tough some of these guys are if a bloke pulled out a gun and shot them? :o

Toughest blokes that i know/have met, wouldn't say boo to a goose.They also would never tell somebody how "hard" they are....

Well said hard men dont have to prove themselves and spend most of their time keeping a low profile, and are generally the most generous and friendly members of society when not being confronted by a###holes.

As for all the macho talk about eyeing up the situation using caution and all that it's bs n it's getting boring, usually the first thing you know about it is when some monkey is already trying to knock the f##k out of you.

Get angry and grab the nearest thing to hand a smash the f##k out of them back.

Guns and knives aint new, neither is dope, but I'll tell you what is, the amount of people cranked or coked on a saturday night gettin twisted in the city centre . :D

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I'm still trying master the choke hold in one arm, while I have another guy in a figure 4 with my legs, then with my right free hand I snap the third guys Hyiod

The move is right right down down up up and then up again.

"Streets of Wrath 4, Part 1, chapter 3" Play Station 2

One day I hope to get the move down.... Then I fear NO MAN

Until then, I am just a mortal.

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I believe you confuse a schoolyard brawl with a streetfight.

And i believe that your only participation in either has been curled up in a ball at the first sign of any trouble, with everybody laughing at the pansy on the floor. I'm sure it worked very well, they were probably all wetting themselves to hard with mirth to lift a finger to you.

In the trenches of what? Soi Cowboy? In the trenches? Good grief . . .

I was an officer in the navy (subs) and we had a few guys like you on board . . . generally they were seen as having a persecution complex,

So a man who is prepared to protect himself and his family/friends is regarded as having some sort of persecution complex? Not in any group i've ever associated with.

Having served in the U.S Special Forces i feel entitled to use a military analogy such as 'trenches'.

Well said hard men dont have to prove themselves and spend most of their time keeping a low profile, and are generally the most generous and friendly members of society when not being confronted by a###holes.

As for all the macho talk about eyeing up the situation using caution and all that it's bs n it's getting boring, usually the first thing you know about it is when some monkey is already trying to knock the f##k out of you.

Get angry and grab the nearest thing to hand a smash the f##k out of them back.

No, apparently you should curl up in a ball on the floor and let them hammer you.

I don't think anyone on this thread is advocating going out and throwing your weight around to prove how tough you are, it's all about being prepared for a potential life threatening situation when it occurs, and knowing how to deal with it.

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:o I take back what I said . . . even Chuck Norris would be afraid . . .

Sing Sling is so scared he's only half the horse he used to be ... :D

The other half is still in a choke-hold by rambo . . .

John_Rambo said:

Having served in the U.S Special Forces i feel entitled to use a military analogy such as 'trenches'.

Yes, we had 'special' forces as well . . . they were called cooks . . . no enemy in the word could stomach their food.

Mate, can't you see what a caricature you are becoming? Naming yourself John Rambo and going on about this stuff like we're at war with the insect world?

If you feel entitled to use a military analogy then use it for the purpose it was 'created' - - - WAR!. Look up its origins, please, and then use the word properly.

Jesus wept, this is getting scary.

I would have that drink with Donz now, especially now that I know he irons his t-shirts while wearing them . . . and he is a t-shirt salesman = lots of t-shirts.

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