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Fighting With Other Farang?

Delray Tweed

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cdnvic you cannot discount anyone or anything in a streetfight, a streetfight is complete chaos.

I did Shukokai, trained in a pro boxing gym and muay thai, i didnt really start learning to

streetfight until i intentionally went to bars and intentionally got in fights just to learn. Its

way different on the street than in any dojo, ring etc. Things happen fast and there are

NO rules, No referee, no time limit, and your only goal should be is to live thru it.

I was 100% striker til i trained with a Grecco guy from uzbekistan and was quite amazed by

grapplers, if this guy got his hands on me i was going down, not sure about judo but i would

not just write them off as a win. After training with this guy in the back of my mind i am now

always looking for a choke front or rear. The good news for strikers is they can pick this

up quickly and i would sugest they get some training on the ground.

The downside to the grappling styles is if there are 2 or more attackers you are history.

This is how most fights go down these days unforunately, in Thai or USA (gangs). The

striker too is at a big disadvantage with multiple opponents but he can stay on his feet

and most often has the ability to run when the rats (friends) come out of the woodwork.

The other downside of groundfighting is it seems in every ground fight i won i would get more

damaged than a strike fight i lost, going full force on the pavement will cut you up and

leave you like a bruised apple that was rolled down steep hill.

take care


nice guy :D

On the internet im 6'9, 200 kilos of steriod abuse.

No. On the internet you are the same prat you've always been.


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I didn't understand that . . . and as for Robski calling it a clarification . . . I've had my doubts about him and I am very surprised that neither Nam nor Rambo have sussed him yet. Robski?! Sounds Soviet to me . . .or Russian even . . . some outside agitator, red under the bed kind of lilly-livered, jelly-spined whatever . . .

(hey, why let a good thread die?!)

post #203

What do you know big nose? you've been listenening to Rambone too much and your still beefed up. think you can start trouble? you better watch out or the OP might get you in a choke hold (non lethal of course) talking of which where is the OP I reckon all the testosterone flying around has scared the boy off getting on the plane, best he stays at home. Bleedin' troublemakers.

Anyway Tel give us another story so we can all have self righteous laugh while Rambone kisses you're arse again. what a fag :D

You've got it all wrong Shergar ... old Robskis led you up the garden path with his disguise ... skin tone and sheesha smoke suggests middle eastern roots ... salaam my friend salaam :o

Well spotted, Mr Tayler!

In that case, ahlan wa sahlan, effendi . . . your arse is grass now - - - Nam and Rambo are going to be up your butt faster than Liberace on speed.

As for Terry - wanto to grab a few drinks with a few mates??? :D

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I didn't understand that . . . and as for Robski calling it a clarification . . . I've had my doubts about him and I am very surprised that neither Nam nor Rambo have sussed him yet. Robski?! Sounds Soviet to me . . .or Russian even . . . some outside agitator, red under the bed kind of lilly-livered, jelly-spined whatever . . .

(hey, why let a good thread die?!)

post #203

What do you know big nose? you've been listenening to Rambone too much and your still beefed up. think you can start trouble? you better watch out or the OP might get you in a choke hold (non lethal of course) talking of which where is the OP I reckon all the testosterone flying around has scared the boy off getting on the plane, best he stays at home. Bleedin' troublemakers.

Anyway Tel give us another story so we can all have self righteous laugh while Rambone kisses you're arse again. what a fag :D

You've got it all wrong Shergar ... old Robskis led you up the garden path with his disguise ... skin tone and sheesha smoke suggests middle eastern roots ... salaam my friend salaam :o

Well spotted, Mr Tayler!

In that case, ahlan wa sahlan, effendi . . . your arse is grass now - - - Nam and Rambo are going to be up your butt faster than Liberace on speed.

As for Terry - wanto to grab a few drinks with a few mates??? :D

Your cover's well and truly blown Robski ... or should we refer to you as 'Ali' ... your only hope is to convert Nam, Rambo amd Chuck to Islam ... :D

It used to be so much simpler when Sean was running the show don't you think Slingshot ...?

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>>>>I did Shukokai, trained in a pro boxing gym and muay thai, i didnt really start learning to

streetfight until i intentionally went to bars and intentionally got in fights

Love da liberals, yes i went in the water to learn how to swim

Staying on land will get you hurt bad




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Your cover's well and truly blown Robski ... or should we refer to you as 'Ali' ... your only hope is to convert Nam, Rambo amd Chuck to Islam ... :o

The only thing blown is your load and religion is for suckers.

Nam and Rambo are probably too busy getting a bit of one on one grappling 'practice'.

I really hate to see a good thread run out of steam 'cos 'can I kick the sshit out of another farang and get away with it' is a ###### good topic and long may it live, but theres the chance of a good testoterone fuelled pissing contest on the 'can I pepper spray lowlife in bangkok' thread.

I think Chuck is gonna kick your arse for saying that about him.

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>>>>your just the sort of person that shouldnt be allowed to carry these things, if you feel you have to go out tooled up you either live in a very bad neighbourhood, in which case have you considered moving, or you are Travis Bickle or your a <deleted>. the sensible money is on you being a <deleted>

Put some windshield wipers on your rose colored liberal glasses, for the blood spray that it

when the knife runneth thru

another wimp

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>>>>your just the sort of person that shouldnt be allowed to carry these things, if you feel you have to go out tooled up you either live in a very bad neighbourhood, in which case have you considered moving, or you are Travis Bickle or your a <deleted>. the sensible money is on you being a <deleted>

Put some windshield wipers on your rose colored liberal glasses, for the blood spray that it

when the knife runneth thru

another wimp

Sure Nam whatever you say.

I'd like to think your trying to be funny, but I think I got it right first time.

I think being stabbed is probably one of the worse things that I fear, but luckily that has never happened, I've had knives pulled on me but fear drove me to survive those situations, I've been shot and that left me scarred for life, I've had cheekbone fractures, several broken noses and many broken ribs, sometimes these things occurred because of situations that I just couldn't back out of, but the more recent ones have come from cranked up <deleted> right out of the blue, thats people like you, it is hard to put me down and when I get angry I want to get even.

Wind it in Nam. There are always bigger fish in the sea and even the little ones can give you a nasty surprise.

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Put some windshield wipers on your rose colored liberal glasses, for the blood spray that it

when the knife runneth thru

another wimp

i am not posting to wind people up, make enemies, or be macho

just trying to relay what i learned in the "house of hard knocks"

nothing more



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Sir Burr, i dont talk like i am a toughie. the first thing full contact training taught me is just how

vulnerable any human body can be. It has made me more humble by far.

I was just trying to convey what i learned to help you guys, i will stop now if your offended.

But woe to you liberals when when reality sets in on the dark soi. Reality has a sharp edge

you cannot curtail.



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:o Don't know Nam, but it's worrying :D

I think the the only thing you could teach me is how to be a boner or a troll.

Can you read? you certainly can't write properly.

Nam can't read and he can't write,

but he likes to bullsshit that he can fight.

I'll catch up with you later 'cos this is getting boring, try and stay out of trouble.


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Internet Tough Guy

Somebody who frequents internet message boards and chat rooms and tries to project an image of being a badarse. Typical internet tough guy behavior may include:

- Claims to be a master of any number of martial arts styles.

- Claims to be incredibly strong and physically fit.

- Threatens violence against other message board members or chat room users who anger or annoy him.

- May claim to an ex-Marine, ex-Special Forces, or gangsta.

- Makes exaggerated claims about his own sexual prowess and ability to seduce women.

Most internet tough guys are liars, and are actually angry, socially-awkward young males who use the internet as a place to act tough because they can't pull it off in real life.

Examples of comments an internet tough guy might make:

"If I knew where you lived in real life, I'd kick your arse for saying that."

"The other night I beat the <deleted> out of some dude who dissed my Harley. I then took his girlfriend (who happens to be a Victoria's Secret model) back to my place and shagged her until the sun came up."

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I wonder if this topic will go on as long as the one on rain. With regards to fighting/self defense, it's better to have the necessary skills to defend yourself and never have to use them rather than know nothing and possibly end up in a dangerous situation. I've met lots of tough guys here but most are humble and you would never know unless you started a fight with one of them which is something most people wouldn't do. True martial artists wouldn't go looking for fights either.

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>>>>>Sorry, but your earlier comments on deliberately looking for fights in bars has blown any credibility you ever had.

Your martial arts teachers would be horrified

I feel you reasoning Sir Burr, but i was preparing myself to fight on the street and the dojo

will not do that for you. Karate/Kung <deleted>/ Tae Con your Dough etc etc is a business, if they fought

for real they would have no customers to fill their coffueres. So i went out to biker bars dressed

like a nerd and the fight came to me. I learned alot fast and modified my style quickly. One

night i faced a boxer and quit karate and joined boxing, it was more real. They trained

you for war not war dances.

I dont know why you guys are calling me a toughie, bad guy etc. I am really not like that.

My bottom line advice (if you are in thai) is get a spray, mace or pepper for the weak hand

and a kobaton for the strong hand for in close. Of course any full contact training on top

of that is invaluable. Carry both in front pockets and keep your hands on them in dark

situations so you can pull/strike instantly.

Liberals will advise a group hug and understanding as the blade enters and exits



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internet tough guy

Someone who constantly talks about how bad and "hardcore" they are over the connected phone lines called the internet. These people usually frequent chat rooms and online forums for the sole purpose of <deleted> talking and gloating to complete strangers to fill the void in their life, something that dosen't impress someone in the REAL WORLD. They also like to troll areas in chat and forums that contain such topics as: Martial Arts, Boxing, Fighting, Excercise, Weight Lifting, Wrestling etc. so they can compete with other lifeless internet tough guys for the sole purpose of determining who is the biggest nerd of them all. These people talk about how much arse they kick and how they could take on the world single handedly, when in reality, quiver at such ideas of someone who dosen't like them finding them in their parents basement where they thought they were safe. Internet Tough Guys should be regarded as the lowest form of life on Earth. 99% of the time they are liars, who will make completely bogus claims of being 7 feet tall, 400 pounds of pure muscle, and bench 700. Often they have bullshite stories to accompany such bogus claims like "I've wrestled a bear and a lion at the same time, and I kicked both of their <deleted> with ease!" or "I'm a pro boxer who beat Mike Tyson in a backyard brawl with no gloves!" They often reply with sayings such as "<deleted> you", "i'll kick you arse", "your luckee that i cant get you", and the ever popular "where do you live and ill beat you arse". All threats by Internet Tough Guys should be promply backed up with "Try it with a nerd who buys into your tough guy bullshite".

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>>>With regards to fighting/self defense, it's better to have the necessary skills to defend yourself and never have to use them rather than know nothing and possibly end up in a dangerous situation

Thaiboxer, in all respect as i respect full contact guys ALOT

The ring is not the same as the street. I know this sounds wrong to you but to learn to

street fight you need to street fight. I am not advocating anyone to do this at all. Its VERY


But when you say "True martial artists wont go looking for fights" is like saying "True swimmers

wont go looking for a body of water to jump into". Do you understand this thinking?

A true fighter - fights.



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internet tough guy

simular to the flamer and angry young man. the internet tough guy is a commonly a individual on the internet who tends to post agressive and threatening posts a marked tendancy towards right wing opnions on pretty much everything. anyone who disagrees with his or on occasion her will usually face a incorherant terade of homosexual referances and direct threats of physical voilence. (despite the sheer implausability of them tracking someone down) irrational hatred of anyone differant or vaguegly left/humane/intelligent or willing to critisise them. Also staunch supposters of anything voilent or aggressive and anyone who isnt is a 'PUSSY LIBERAL FAG'.

in truth internet tough guys are rather sad individuals with little or no dignity or charm

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