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UK tabloid urges Britain to free itself from ‘dictatorial Brussels’


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UK tabloid urges Britain to free itself from ‘dictatorial Brussels’


LONDON: -- The UK’s Brexit campaign has been given a boost my media tycoon Rupert Murdoch.

His Sun tabloid is urging its readers to quit the European Union as opinion polls suggest momentum is swinging in favour of the ‘leave’ camp.

The UK’s biggest newspaper says
“we must set ourselves free from dictatorial Brussels.”

The British people will vote in a referendum next week (June 23) either to remain in the EU or withdraw from the bloc.

Dual nationals
Many Britons living in France are applying for French nationality .. including Collette Taylor-Jones. She’s worried about having to apply for a residence permit if Britain leaves the bloc.

“I decided to change my nationality when the whole ‘Brexit’ story started because I actually was kind of worried that I would have to ask for what we call a ‘titre de sejour’ [residence permit] to be able to keep on living and working in a country where I’ve been my whole life,” says Taylor-Jones.

If Britain does leave the EU, it may be able to stay in the European Economic Area (EEA) alongside non-EU member states Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

At this stage, there is a lot of uncertainty. A withdrawal from the bloc would likely take years to negotiate.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-14

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

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Oh mighty Sun I prostrate myself before thee and respect your words of wisdom but my eyes and ears are glued to Page 3........

I have not flicked through a dog eared Sun since the 80's.

Do they still do page 3 nowadays ?

Why are your ears glued to page 3 ? Has technology brought live commentary to page 3 ? biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Might have to track a copy down thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

I have no horse in this race, but your post made me laugh out loud. Thank you!

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

... and in the BLUE corner.... David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, George Osborne, John Major and... Eddie Izzard.

Seconds out!..........................

Up to you!

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This is a HUGE endorsement of BREXIT and only a fool would scoff at the influence the Sun has - it cost Neil Kinnock an assured election victory when they switched allegiance to John Major.

Unfortunately you are absolutely right. With an absolute disaster looming, I really don't know what to suggest. I wish the accepted laws (unfortunately there is no so called constitution in the UK) would allow the Sovereign to voice a view in this "live or die" situation for the UK. It looks as though this may be the only possibility for common sense to take effect in the UK, with the voters, who mostly don't seem to understand the implications. Unfortunately this step seems impossible and "unconstitutional".

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

Add Boris the berk and Gormless Gove and you've got 5 real geniuses there. All supporting Brexit.

What a boon for the Remain campaign!

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

Add Boris the berk and Gormless Gove and you've got 5 real geniuses there. All supporting Brexit.

What a boon for the Remain campaign!

Yes indeed.................. somehow you imagine Remain should be performing better! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Oh mighty Sun I prostrate myself before thee and respect your words of wisdom but my eyes and ears are glued to Page 3........

I have not flicked through a dog eared Sun since the 80's.

Do they still do page 3 nowadays ?

Why are your ears glued to page 3 ? Has technology brought live commentary to page 3 ? biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Might have to track a copy down thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

They stopped the Page 3 breast-fest years ago. A certain miss Lucy-Anne Holmes did it, probably because she didn't quite make the grade.

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The smartest thing the UK did was to never enter the money union and adopt the Euro. The pound is sacrosanct. However,leaving the EU may have unforeseen consequences economically. As an American, I certainly do not know all the nuances of an exit or a remain. In either event- Americans will always be friends with the UK and support its result,

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I imagine many EU citizens would like to be free of dictatorial Brussels, but few of them will ever get the chance to have a say due to their own dictatorial governments.

It has taken 35 years push and the rise of UKIP (in 2015 they polled 4m which was three times the total vote for the SNP in Scotland) to get this vote.

Cameron never realised the promise of a referendum would actually get him a majority government when he made the promise in 2014.

A vote for remain will be much more than any "status quo" as the EU will push on towards the undemocratic federal states of Europe and the middle east that the bureaucrats want.

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I certainly do not know all the nuances of an exit or a remain.

Nor do we. But we will wrest sovereignty back from Brussels.

The EU is on a journey to a dark place and I personally don't want nothing to do with where it's heading.

The EU is on the Highway to Hell

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This is a HUGE endorsement of BREXIT and only a fool would scoff at the influence the Sun has - it cost Neil Kinnock an assured election victory when they switched allegiance to John Major.

I do believe the headline of that edition of the Sun was printed the day before the election and portrayed Kinnock on the front page with a huge light bulb above him and the headline "screamed" If he is elected will the last person to leave Britain turn off the lights" or to that effect and the next day Major swept into power -

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Almost every Brit that I know or speak with wants to leave the EU. Apparently, many Uk citizens has had enough of the EU policies that are opposed by many in the UK. If the UK does pull out expect a temporary decline in both the Pound and Euro but then a stronger Pound and a weaker Euro. Once Britain pulls out expect Germany to go next.

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It has taken 35 years push and the rise of UKIP (in 2015 they polled 4m which was three times the total vote for the SNP in Scotland) to get this vote.

Cameron never realised the promise of a referendum would actually get him a majority government when he made the promise in 2014. The EU are desperate we should stay in as we are one of only two net contributors to the whole dirty corrupt nonsense.

A vote for remain will be much more than any "status quo" as the EU will push on towards the undemocratic federal states of Europe and the middle east that the bureaucrats want.


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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

... and in the BLUE corner.... David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, George Osborne, John Major and... Eddie Izzard.

Seconds out!..........................

Up to you!

You forgot the other loon for remain! All the way from Kent ( did I speel that right )? Non other the Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury ( did I speel that right as well must a vowel errm!!).

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

Add Boris the berk and Gormless Gove and you've got 5 real geniuses there. All supporting Brexit.

What a boon for the Remain campaign!

Please don't leave out the 'in' lot, Martin McGuinness, Gerry Adams, Tony Bliar and Jeremy Corbyn.

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Good riddance. Hopefully once we leave the EU, Scotland will leave too! thumbsup.gif

I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

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