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London bans 'unrealistic body images' from transport system


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Sharia law next.....

Stoning for those who post cute girls on the subway posters....

Stand by. This is going to get worse.

How about women being segregated to the back of the crowd when the mayor is giving a speech.

Is that true? Somehow I suspect not.

According to this report and photo it is. A picture is worth a thousand words. You can see it for yourself.


Of course it's true. Muslims treat women like chattel. They will destroy all of the hard-earned gains made by women, gays and other minorities.

Women Segregated at London Mayor’s "Remain" Rally



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Thin is an unrealistic body image for British ladies.

The evidence is overwhelming.

Most of the 'British ladies' I met out and about in London were of Arab descent.

I guess they would describe themselves as 'Persian'.

Super slim, great figures and very attractive, always lots of cleavage on display.

(Queensway, Kensington, Hyde Park area of London)

Guess you guys haven't been home in a while.

I used to work in Queensway, and I can confirm that the place is crawling with hot Arabic women.
Yes they are hot,its those all covering black sacks they wear,and bags over their heads. You would be bloody hot covered in all that

They remove their burkas as soon as touch down at LHR

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What many here have appeared to miss is the many studies done on the relationship between advertising featuring models that weigh significantly less then the average and eating disorders in teenagers and other women. This has nothing to do with Sharia law, but simply an attempt to stop putting unrealistic images of women (who often have eating disorders themselves ) in front of the public. This is not an isolated effort but part of a ongoing effort by many groups in many countries.



Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already. Part of the 'safe space no platform generation' who are lost to reality and demand us all to conform to their distorted world view. So in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!
You're totally wrong. Of course advertising is effective.

I am overwhelmed by your rhetoric and well argued opinion! The issue is not advertising's efficacy but whether there is substantial narrative of shaming that is tangibly damaging to women when they see idealised images of their gender. I suggest not and have explained why. This has nothing to do with the effectiveness of advertising. Its about the negative impact of advertising which I believe is just a recent made up moan by the immature twitterati and the lost generation of PC politicos who have failed to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions but seek to bully and silence those around them who have a non left wing/liberal world view. Next time you respond to me please dignify yourself with more than a single sentence assertion or better still don't bother until you have something interesting or original to say

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What many here have appeared to miss is the many studies done on the relationship between advertising featuring models that weigh significantly less then the average and eating disorders in teenagers and other women. This has nothing to do with Sharia law, but simply an attempt to stop putting unrealistic images of women (who often have eating disorders themselves ) in front of the public. This is not an isolated effort but part of a ongoing effort by many groups in many countries.



Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already. Part of the 'safe space no platform generation' who are lost to reality and demand us all to conform to their distorted world view. So in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!
You're totally wrong. Of course advertising is effective.

I am overwhelmed by your rhetoric and well argued opinion! The issue is not advertising's efficacy but whether there is substantial narrative of shaming that is tangibly damaging to women when they see idealised images of their gender. I suggest not and have explained why. This has nothing to do with the effectiveness of advertising. Its about the negative impact of advertising which I believe is just a recent made up moan by the immature twitterati and the lost generation of PC politicos who have failed to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions but seek to bully and silence those around them who have a non left wing/liberal world view. Next time you respond to me please dignify yourself with more than a single sentence assertion or better still don't bother until you have something interesting or original to say

Yes, anorexics have no body issues at all.

You obviously don't believe it, but being thin is pretty much the preferred body type shown in media - which is why so many young girls go on diets even though their weight is well within the healthy boundaries.

Genuine question, are there many male anorexics?

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What many here have appeared to miss is the many studies done on the relationship between advertising featuring models that weigh significantly less then the average and eating disorders in teenagers and other women. This has nothing to do with Sharia law, but simply an attempt to stop putting unrealistic images of women (who often have eating disorders themselves ) in front of the public. This is not an isolated effort but part of a ongoing effort by many groups in many countries.



Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already. Part of the 'safe space no platform generation' who are lost to reality and demand us all to conform to their distorted world view. So in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!
You're totally wrong. Of course advertising is effective.

I am overwhelmed by your rhetoric and well argued opinion! The issue is not advertising's efficacy but whether there is substantial narrative of shaming that is tangibly damaging to women when they see idealised images of their gender. I suggest not and have explained why. This has nothing to do with the effectiveness of advertising. Its about the negative impact of advertising which I believe is just a recent made up moan by the immature twitterati and the lost generation of PC politicos who have failed to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions but seek to bully and silence those around them who have a non left wing/liberal world view. Next time you respond to me please dignify yourself with more than a single sentence assertion or better still don't bother until you have something interesting or original to say

It's endearing how you use quite so many long words in an effort to sound clever. But you're still clearly wrong. Of course advertising can have a negative impact.

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Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already.

Unbeknownst to you, in that ignorant rant there is a grain of truth.

Anorexia and other eating disorders are a form of mental illness.

Sufferers look in the mirror and see a fat person; even when they have become emaciated to the point of death.

It has many causes, and all the studies show that one of which is the feeling of some form of failure because the sufferer does not, in their eyes, meet the 'ideal' body image the sufferer sees in magazines and other media.

It is time advertisers stopped using stick thin models and used real women instead; as many have now started to do.

.....in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!

Images of women, Western or otherwise, in swimwear have not been banned by TfL!

It is unhealthy body images which have been banned. Speaking as a father whose daughter in her teenage years often moaned about being too fat simply because she didn't look like the stick insects in various adverts, fortunately not too the point of eating disorders, I welcome this.

TfL have displayed religious messages before, Furore over Islamic bus adverts is nothing but disingenuous propaganda

transport bodies such as Transport for London tend not to have rules against ads about religion – and in the past both humanists and Christians have used buses to evangelise their worldview. In 2008 the 'Atheist Bus Campaign' declared: "There's probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." The Christian Party, the Russian Orthodox Church and Trinitarian Bible Society all countered by plastering their own truth claims about the existence of God across London's buses

As far as I am aware, the only time TfL has refused to display an advert from a religious group was under Boris, when an advert from the Christian Core Issues Trust's about a 'cure' for homosexuality was banned.

BTW, I spend much of my working day driving around various parts of London and so obviously see hundreds of London buses each and every day; I know what adverts they carry and I know that some of these feature scantily clad women.

When were you last in London?

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What many here have appeared to miss is the many studies done on the relationship between advertising featuring models that weigh significantly less then the average and eating disorders in teenagers and other women. This has nothing to do with Sharia law, but simply an attempt to stop putting unrealistic images of women (who often have eating disorders themselves ) in front of the public. This is not an isolated effort but part of a ongoing effort by many groups in many countries.



Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already. Part of the 'safe space no platform generation' who are lost to reality and demand us all to conform to their distorted world view. So in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!
You're totally wrong. Of course advertising is effective.

I am overwhelmed by your rhetoric and well argued opinion! The issue is not advertising's efficacy but whether there is substantial narrative of shaming that is tangibly damaging to women when they see idealised images of their gender. I suggest not and have explained why. This has nothing to do with the effectiveness of advertising. Its about the negative impact of advertising which I believe is just a recent made up moan by the immature twitterati and the lost generation of PC politicos who have failed to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions but seek to bully and silence those around them who have a non left wing/liberal world view. Next time you respond to me please dignify yourself with more than a single sentence assertion or better still don't bother until you have something interesting or original to say

I was on TVF app, so difficult to lift out sentences.

I was mainly reacting to your first sentence "eating disordered have nothing to do with images" which is totally incorrect. Of course people are responsible for their own eating disorders, but these images and other advertising certainly contribute to that.

And I will react anyway I like, thank you.

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Genuine question, are there many male anorexics?

Yes; but it is nowhere near as common among young men as it is among young women.

Maybe because male models are mostly fit and healthy looking, instead of the ultra thin female models still preferred by many advertisers?

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Genuine question, are there many male anorexics?

Yes; but it is nowhere near as common among young men as it is among young women.

Maybe because male models are mostly fit and healthy looking, instead of the ultra thin female models still preferred by many advertisers?

Sounds about right.

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.......his biggest promise about freezing public transport fare for 3 years has already been broken after a month or so......

He has frozen TfL only fares until 2020.

What he hasn't frozen are fares which allow travel on Network Rail as well, such as travelcards.

A proportion of the cost of each travelcard goes to the Network Rail train operators and is set by them.

The London Mayor has no control over this, and so cannot freeze travelcard fares without the agreement of the Network Rail train operators.

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Yes, anorexics have no body issues at all.

You obviously don't believe it, but being thin is pretty much the preferred body type shown in media - which is why so many young girls go on diets even though their weight is well within the healthy boundaries.

Genuine question, are there many male anorexics?

Anorexia is estimated to occur in 0.9% to 4.3% of women and 0.2% to 0.3% of men in Western countries at some point in their life.About 0.4% of young females are affected in a given year and it is estimate to occur three to ten times less commonly in males.Rates in most of the developing world are unclear.


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Anorexia is a form of passive agressive manipulation. It's an attention seeking device that has probably nothing to do with photographs on London Trains. Though such images do upset radical feminists and some self elected social justice warriors.If conman khan the new mayor of London is really is worried about bodyshame and the mental and physical well being of women then he really should address the plight of girls as young as four who are taught to be ashamed of their bodies and negatively objectified and forced to wear black body bags! He is a conman and coward.

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Its pathetic - eating disordered have nothing to do with images - they are a creation of ego and vanity. Yes the people are to be pitied but their treatment should be forced community work in areas of drought and hunger - Shame them into curing themselves. What is wrong with unrealistic images? Images of ideal beauty have always existed..........as ideals. The current censorship fad is not just islamic puritanism but the dregs of marxism dressed up as liberalism which still permeates our culture. This PC nonsense leads to subjugation not freedom. If any women is so weak minded that she is somehow shamed by images of girls more prettier than her then she is weak minded to the point of being mentally ill already.

Unbeknownst to you, in that ignorant rant there is a grain of truth.

Anorexia and other eating disorders are a form of mental illness.

Sufferers look in the mirror and see a fat person; even when they have become emaciated to the point of death.

It has many causes, and all the studies show that one of which is the feeling of some form of failure because the sufferer does not, in their eyes, meet the 'ideal' body image the sufferer sees in magazines and other media.

It is time advertisers stopped using stick thin models and used real women instead; as many have now started to do.

.....in london we now have images of women in western swimwear banned on Public Transport but we have quotes from the Koran emblazoned on London buses! That is sick sh!t! Using London buses to celebrate Ramadan!

Images of women, Western or otherwise, in swimwear have not been banned by TfL!

It is unhealthy body images which have been banned. Speaking as a father whose daughter in her teenage years often moaned about being too fat simply because she didn't look like the stick insects in various adverts, fortunately not too the point of eating disorders, I welcome this.

TfL have displayed religious messages before, Furore over Islamic bus adverts is nothing but disingenuous propaganda

transport bodies such as Transport for London tend not to have rules against ads about religion and in the past both humanists and Christians have used buses to evangelise their worldview. In 2008 the 'Atheist Bus Campaign' declared: "There's probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." The Christian Party, the Russian Orthodox Church and Trinitarian Bible Society all countered by plastering their own truth claims about the existence of God across London's buses

As far as I am aware, the only time TfL has refused to display an advert from a religious group was under Boris, when an advert from the Christian Core Issues Trust's about a 'cure' for homosexuality was banned.

BTW, I spend much of my working day driving around various parts of London and so obviously see hundreds of London buses each and every day; I know what adverts they carry and I know that some of these feature scantily clad women.

When were you last in London?

Nice hobby ya got! Do you collect bus numbers as well? ArfArf

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Sharia law next.....

Stoning for those who post cute girls on the subway posters....

Stand by. This is going to get worse.

How about women being segregated to the back of the crowd when the mayor is giving a speech.

Is that true? Somehow I suspect not.

The Labour Party in Lancashire and other places has been practising gender segregation for years at meetings. So has their affiliate The SWP been separating men and women on demos for years. The left are desperate for votes and will continue to court the muslim vote until genuine liberals, democrats, and the LBGT and womens communities start to wake up to ideology that underpins islam.

One wonders what nutty websites make this stuff up.


Or you can read it in the Guardian or Hansard or the BBC.
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I support this action, next i want him to ban those pictures of dudes with them six pack abs, it makes me feel so fat and hurts my male ego. and those guys that are younger than me too, and got more money.

Reading difficulties have we?

"From July, London commuters will no longer have to view advertisements that "conform to unhealthy or unrealistic body images,"

This is actually a good thing. Then hopefully we won't have to see extremely obese people either.

Of course the racists would jump on this. Unfortunately for them this has nothing to do with Islam. Nice try though bigots.

People who condemn Islam are not bigots - just educated and informed. The term " healthy body image" is meaningless and just a political construction. Throughout the ages and throughout the world view on ideal body images differ. But this is not about aesthetics- its a political agenda set by right wing feminists in an u holy alliance with Muslims and serves no one. It degrades women by treating them as sick impressionable children.

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Anorexia is a form of passive agressive manipulation. It's an attention seeking device that has probably nothing to do with photographs on London Trains. Though such images do upset radical feminists and some self elected social justice warriors.

All the medical experts agree that the causes of anorexia, and other eating disorders, are complex and cannot be pinned down to the sim0plification you imply.

They also all agree that a negative self image is one of the causes, and that this can be caused, or at least reinforced, by images of the so called ideal body shape often portrayed in the media.

from the NHS: Anorexia nervosa - Causes

Western culture and society may also play a part. Girls – and, to a lesser extent, boys – are exposed to a wide range of media messages that constantly reinforce the idea that being thin is beautiful.

Magazines and newspapers also focus on celebrities' minor physical imperfections, such as gaining a few pounds or having cellulite

If conman khan the new mayor of London is really is worried about bodyshame and the mental and physical well being of women then he really should address the plight of girls as young as four who are taught to be ashamed of their bodies and negatively objectified and forced to wear black body bags! He is a conman and coward.

There is no requirement in Islam for any female, of whatever age, to wear a body bag, of any colour!

Provided they stay within the law of the land, what anyone chooses to wear and how they choose to dress their children has nothing to do with a mayor, or any other politician, in a free, democratic society like the UK.

Many, if not most, Muslims in the UK wear western dress; except on religious or ceremonial occasions.

Of course, some don't and dress all the time according to their tradition; which is more cultural than Islamic.

But they are not the only group to so do.

Care to guess which group of young women in the picture are Haredi Jews?


Of course; it's the group on the right.

BTW, when these girls marry they will be expected to wear wigs in public as it would be considered immodest for anyone other than their husband and close family to see their real hair.

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Ok, so that particular photo is older than I realised; but it is still a fact that the statement

Christian prayers can not be displayed on busses but muslin statements can. Hmm

is completely and utterly false.

What Mosha is doubtless referring to is the refusal of DCM last year to show an advert depicting the Lord's prayer in it's cinema chains, Odeon, Cineworld and Vue, due to it's policy of not accepting any adverts with political or religious content.

So a cinema advert from any other religious group would have also not have been shown in DCM's cinemas.

TfL have no such policy. Something the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge have taken full advantage of with their Prayers on the Move campaign.

I assume that both you and Mosha are able to differentiate between a cinema and a bus!

Finally, the Muslim advert you, Mosha and others object to, and some are attempting to use as 'evidence' of the new mayor's desire to turn London into an Islamic city, is part of a campaign launched on 23 May in London, Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester and Bradford.

The purpose of the campaign? To encourage Muslims to donate during Ramadan to Islamic Relief. A charity with the same aims, and often working alongside, other charities and like Christian Aid, Oxfam etc. it is a member of the Disaster Emergency Committee.

BTW, an advert for Christian Aid week was all over TfL, and elsewhere, in April and early May this year. Unfortunately, when I tried to post a picture of it, the forum's software would not allow it for some reason. You can Google for it if you don't believe me.

Someone will no doubt now post that organisations such as Gatestone claim that Islamic Relief is a front for extremists and terrorists. Well, these are the people who regularly publish half truths and lies; people who repeated as fact the absurd claim that Birmingham was 100% Muslim!

Gatestone publish as true a ludicrous claim made in 2014 by the governments of Israel and the UAE that Islamic Relief were diverting funds to Hamas.

A claim later proven to be wrong after a thorough, independent audit by the Charity Commission.

No one can claim that the Telegraph is a 'wishy-washy, PC, lefty' publication. Here is their take on these ludicrous claims (from 2014): The continuing war against Islamic charities

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Ok, so that particular photo is older than I realised; but it is still a fact that the statement

Christian prayers can not be displayed on busses but muslin statements can. Hmm

is completely and utterly false.

What Mosha is doubtless referring to is the refusal of DCM last year to show an advert depicting the Lord's prayer in it's cinema chains, Odeon, Cineworld and Vue, due to it's policy of not accepting any adverts with political or religious content.

So a cinema advert from any other religious group would have also not have been shown in DCM's cinemas.

TfL have no such policy. Something the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge have taken full advantage of with their Prayers on the Move campaign.

I assume that both you and Mosha are able to differentiate between a cinema and a bus!

Finally, the Muslim advert you, Mosha and others object to, and some are attempting to use as 'evidence' of the new mayor's desire to turn London into an Islamic city, is part of a campaign launched on 23 May in London, Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester and Bradford.

The purpose of the campaign? To encourage Muslims to donate during Ramadan to Islamic Relief. A charity with the same aims, and often working alongside, other charities and like Christian Aid, Oxfam etc. it is a member of the Disaster Emergency Committee.

BTW, an advert for Christian Aid week was all over TfL, and elsewhere, in April and early May this year. Unfortunately, when I tried to post a picture of it, the forum's software would not allow it for some reason. You can Google for it if you don't believe me.

Someone will no doubt now post that organisations such as Gatestone claim that Islamic Relief is a front for extremists and terrorists. Well, these are the people who regularly publish half truths and lies; people who repeated as fact the absurd claim that Birmingham was 100% Muslim!

Gatestone publish as true a ludicrous claim made in 2014 by the governments of Israel and the UAE that Islamic Relief were diverting funds to Hamas.

A claim later proven to be wrong after a thorough, independent audit by the Charity Commission.

No one can claim that the Telegraph is a 'wishy-washy, PC, lefty' publication. Here is their take on these ludicrous claims (from 2014): The continuing war against Islamic charities

With regard to the last line, may want to pay attention to (or draw attention from) the authors, rather to the venue. Both write as freelancers for quite a few media outlets, their views on a plethora of things are rather indicative of their positions. Further details on the latter can be found here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Oborne).

As for the example given, not a one sided and clear cut affair as presented. There's a lot of reading involved, and a lot of opportunities for cherry picking:




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From your first link

Interpal has on three occasions, following allegations, been the subject of investigations by the Charity Commission for England and Wales.[8] In all three investigations evidence was not found to prove alleged links between Interpal and organisations involved in terrorism.

However, as that article says, there were still concerns and, again from your first link

Interpal has been ordered by the Charity Commission to end its links to The Union of Good, which had been designated by the U.S. Treasury as “an organisation created by Hamas leadership to transfer funds to the terrorist organisation.”[19] In May 2010 the Charity Commission found Interpal to be in full compliance with directions

Your second link is about the Union of Good, which, as seen above, is suspected of funding terrorism.

Your third link is to the report of the Charity Commission inquiry into Interpal which, as your first link clearly states, cleared Interpal of any wrong doing apart from it's links with the Union of Good; links which were terminated in 2010.

Even if Interpal are guilty of funding terrorists, this would have absolutely nothing to do with my previous post!

That was about the charity Islamic Relief; who have no connection with Interpal (or the Union of Good) other than the fact that they both work, amongst many other places worldwide in the case of Islamic Relief, in Palestine.

Something which annoys the Israeli government tremendously, who don't want any aid or humanitarian organisations working there; so it is no surprise at all that all the unfounded allegations against Islamic Relief, and Interpal come to that, emanate from them.

Of course, all charities working in terrorist controlled areas have to negotiate with those terrorists, whoever they may be, in order to continue their good work. This is as true of all aid and humanitarian charities; religious or not.

Which can, and does, bring them under scrutiny due to the UK's anti terrorism laws: Terrorism Laws Risk Putting Aid Delivery in Jeopardy

Edited by 7by7
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Burqa actually is very useful, can hide obesity and other problems known exclusively to women. So London's new mayor is on the right path ..

Link, please, to Khan's plans to make Burqas compulsory in London.

BTW, if you believe obesity is exclusively a women's problem then you are either incredibly ignorant or in denial about your own health problems.


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