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So how come many many guys want to become female ? when no woman (or very few) wants to become a man ?

1. Do they perceive that woman have a easier or better life than men ?

2. Woman can make money from sex, where usually the man pays for it ?

3. It's easier to chop a dick off, than have one added ?

4. It's easier to add tits, than remove them ?

5. It's a hormonal thing ?

6. They can be a woman but not worry about getting pregnant ?

7. They just like dressing up and makeup, etc ?

8. ???????

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'She ?'

There used to be a tv ad in the states...Her/she is.....?

years ago when I was working and had to get in the ceiling space of a house, we asked 'where is the manhole"

then we were told that is a sexist word, have to say where is the personhole or use the word trapdoor..

And I wonder when they will have to stop saying 'Amen' in church after a prayer, as that is the most sexist word there is !!

Will they change that to Aperson ? or maybe even Atrapdoor ..... hahahahaaaaa

And the word 'woman', has 'man' in it, female has male, she has he, Is it that during sex the man is inside the woman ?

menopause has men in it, and that's a real woman thing, haha etc etc ...

English is a strange language,


I am not denying it anything, just stating facts.

It is a bloke.

Probably more of a bloke than you

Contradiction at its best.

Firstly you are defending these 'things', then you state, quite categorically, that IT IS a bloke.

Nasty old bigots are not real men either

The dictionary definition of the word man, is all about the gender they were born, not about their traits.

As for 'nasty'. 'old' or 'bigot' you couldn't be more wrong.

When perusing the dictionary, check the word 'realist' also, if you have time.



You missed the important one out, It's MIND.

Oh dear, not only do you seem to feel you have the right to decide the gender pronoun a person describes themselves with, you also think you can change user names.

Seems you feel you alone have the right to determine how others are addressed.

Arrogance indeed.



You missed the important one out, It's MIND.

Oh dear, not only do you seem to feel you have the right to decide the gender pronoun a person describes themselves with, you also think you can change user names.

Seems you feel you alone have the right to determine how others are addressed.

Arrogance indeed.

Many people abbreviate user names, I often get referred to as 'duncan' as opposed to 'thaiduncankk'. If you would like a list of other abbreviated user names, if I have time, I will compile a list. Don't know where the arrogance fits in ?


She ?

Yes...SHE. Didn't you know that ladyboys are referred to as she, by themselves and most people?

I still do not feel 'she' is correct, it is simply some man dressing up as a woman, particularly if obviously so.

Post-op, perhaps 'she' would be correct, but I dislike being forced to use 'she' simply because that is how 'he' wishes to be referred to.

I still need some distinction between a drag artist and a true woman.

It is all rather complex these days. Would thieving freaks be more suitable?



You missed the important one out, It's MIND.

Oh dear, not only do you seem to feel you have the right to decide the gender pronoun a person describes themselves with, you also think you can change user names.

Seems you feel you alone have the right to determine how others are addressed.

Arrogance indeed.

Many people abbreviate user names, I often get referred to as 'duncan' as opposed to 'thaiduncankk'. If you would like a list of other abbreviated user names, if I have time, I will compile a list. Don't know where the arrogance fits in ?

Yeah, right that's what you were doing.


I am not denying it anything, just stating facts.

It is a bloke.

Probably more of a bloke than you

Contradiction at its best.

Firstly you are defending these 'things', then you state, quite categorically, that IT IS a bloke.

Nasty old bigots are not real men either

The dictionary definition of the word man, is all about the gender they were born, not about their traits.

As for 'nasty'. 'old' or 'bigot' you couldn't be more wrong.

When perusing the dictionary, check the word 'realist' also, if you have time.

Well, the Oxford Dictionary gives the following meanings:

Nasty : Behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way

Bigot : A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions

(I left out 'Old' since your age is unknown!)

Pretty 'realistic' so far as you're concerned.

More interestingly it also gives the following meanings which you, and others similarly lacking, would do well to ponder.

Understanding : Sympathetic awareness or tolerance

Respect : Due regard for the feelings, wishes or rights of others

Consideration : Thoughtfulness and sensitivity towards others


I am not denying it anything, just stating facts.

It is a bloke.

Probably more of a bloke than you

Contradiction at its best.

Firstly you are defending these 'things', then you state, quite categorically, that IT IS a bloke.

Nasty old bigots are not real men either

The dictionary definition of the word man, is all about the gender they were born, not about their traits.

As for 'nasty'. 'old' or 'bigot' you couldn't be more wrong.

When perusing the dictionary, check the word 'realist' also, if you have time.

Well, the Oxford Dictionary gives the following meanings:

Nasty : Behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way

Bigot : A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions

(I left out 'Old' since your age is unknown!)

Pretty 'realistic' so far as you're concerned.

More interestingly it also gives the following meanings which you, and others similarly lacking, would do well to ponder.

Understanding : Sympathetic awareness or tolerance

Respect : Due regard for the feelings, wishes or rights of others

Consideration : Thoughtfulness and sensitivity towards others

Oh, I forgot, these concepts are just being "PC" to you aren't they.


My objection is when hookers are called "ladies" and establishments with hookers called "gentlemen's clubs". Being a lady or gentleman once meant something of a bit of class.

Friends son in US suggests using term "they" rather than he/she/it. If a trans wants to be called "she", call her she. Be a gentleman. No skin off your teeth.

It is also my opinion that a person willing to go through the time, expense and pain of changing their gender has earned their stripes, so to speak, moreso than the more simple way of just being born female and should be considered a "she".

considered a "she".

You are sooooo behind the times.

In the States it now the thing to refer to s/hes as zhe.

BTW, the fine for calling a transgender the wrong name in NY is now $250,000.



Given where the money was hidden, if I had been Mr. Ng, I would have donated it to the policemen's pension fund rather than take it back.

Meen Mak (similar to his fund) ??? ? Yep good call - do anything for a dollar, no scruples


My objection is when hookers are called "ladies" and establishments with hookers called "gentlemen's clubs". Being a lady or gentleman once meant something of a bit of class.

Friends son in US suggests using term "they" rather than he/she/it. If a trans wants to be called "she", call her she. Be a gentleman. No skin off your teeth.

It is also my opinion that a person willing to go through the time, expense and pain of changing their gender has earned their stripes, so to speak, moreso than the more simple way of just being born female and should be considered a "she".

considered a "she".

You are sooooo behind the times.

In the States it now the thing to refer to s/hes as zhe.

BTW, the fine for calling a transgender the wrong name in NY is now $250,000.


Try 'it' nothing can be confused then; but it's not a big deal 'here' (yep so she was a thief) - people just don't make a fuss and ostracise these folk for their choices. Maybe the US should just get with the times + stop the judiciary making so much coin - corruption driven, not far from the Thai culture in some respects (behind closed doors).


My objection is when hookers are called "ladies" and establishments with hookers called "gentlemen's clubs". Being a lady or gentleman once meant something of a bit of class.

Friends son in US suggests using term "they" rather than he/she/it. If a trans wants to be called "she", call her she. Be a gentleman. No skin off your teeth.

It is also my opinion that a person willing to go through the time, expense and pain of changing their gender has earned their stripes, so to speak, moreso than the more simple way of just being born female and should be considered a "she".

considered a "she".

You are sooooo behind the times.

In the States it now the thing to refer to s/hes as zhe.

BTW, the fine for calling a transgender the wrong name in NY is now $250,000.


Wow I just read that ! ... a $250K fine... Hell, Political correctness, and sexisim has gone mad in the west.. You can't say anything about anyone anymore, or you will upset them, even when it is the truth... That is one reason I moved to live in Thailand, I mentioned on my facebook that the woman here are warm and some are hot, and I got a told that my discription of woman really upset them.. haha,, and Obama won't even call ISIS what they are, when they want to kill them all, and are doing a pretty good job of it at the moment.... Thailand may be a bit crazy, but it is ALIVE... ( a good pun, uh )

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