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Cost of tomatoes almost trebled?!?!


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I know this is probably not the most important of the current issues, but did you notice any price increase in your areas?

Around here the price of some stuff, as tomatoes, just skyrocketed, what it's all about?

Maybe something to do with the draught, or just some thai visa members eating them all and creating a market's shortage (probably some of those naughty stock market traders)???

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Yes, the wife was complaining about the increase in price of tomatoes just a few days back. Trebled in price from what I recall, but not sure over what period. This is in Pattaya.

Not sure if other items have also increased, but unlikely to be limited just to tomatoes. I would ask the wife, but it would likely rekindle her requests for more housekeeping money. smile.png

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Tomatoes have risen, but I assume everything else had too... 1000 thb doesn't buy much anymore lol

Often I shop at night and the "cheap" tomatos are gone and only "expensive" tomatoes are left... Maybe organic or imported or something..

Well, over the years i noticed prices going up too, maybe 10-20% more than the usual costs, 50% in the worst cases, but 300% it's scandalous.

Everything else looked almost the same, potatoes were still at 28.B kg, that's the average price of the tomatoes too at the big Tesco store, in the evening they also reduce the price for many items.

The local street market vendors ask twice that price and now they want even more...

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No problem to me i just eat what i grow.

That's great!

But you got to share what's your secret, as every times i did try, doesn't matter if directly on the land or potted inside the house, they will inevitably die, the little plants grow just a few inches and then collapse and its all over.

The only things that manage to grow without problems are fruit trees, as bananas, mango, papaya,....then the weeds that you can almost see regrowing as soon as you cut them out

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Yes, the wife was complaining about the increase in price of tomatoes just a few days back. Trebled in price from what I recall, but not sure over what period. This is in Pattaya.

Not sure if other items have also increased, but unlikely to be limited just to tomatoes. I would ask the wife, but it would likely rekindle her requests for more housekeeping money. smile.png

Well for the time being i could notice only the tomatoes having this trend, everything else was the same (Prachinburi)

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A month ago I could buy tomatoes at 15 baht per Kg yesterday the price at Tesco was 59 baht per Kg Big C 55 baht per Kg !

15 B per kilo??? Wow where is that? The cheapest i have ever found them was 21 or 22, the average price is 28 and i usually give them a skip when they jump up to 32

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I love these types of threads.

Bill, the ex-postman from Darlington howling in monetary anguish as the cost of a beer goes up by 5 or 10 baht

Seriously, though . . . it's the drought. I'm sure the increases won't tip the average UK/US tightwad over the edge into poverty

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Hey Agent Sumo, i am sure you realized that if the cost of standard food increase 3 times, we will have an harder time with our freshly imported food from abroad with our personal private jets, as more people will make the same choice and create congestion on the runways....facepalm.gif

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I have in the last month taking to eating the cherry tomato. I have no idea of what the price was a month ago. Today the wife was in the local large Thai market and she paid 80 baht for a kilo.

This was the small cherry tomatoes and they were not completely ripe which is how I like them any how. I have no idea was this price overly high.

I am aware that there has been a severe shortage of water in many parts of Thailand and I believe tomatoes need a lot of water. I would not be surprised if that was not a large part of the rise in price.

Sorry forgot to mention this is in Chiang Mai.

Edited by big carl
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A month ago I could buy tomatoes at 15 baht per Kg yesterday the price at Tesco was 59 baht per Kg Big C 55 baht per Kg !

15 B per kilo??? Wow where is that? The cheapest i have ever found them was 21 or 22, the average price is 28 and i usually give them a skip when they jump up to 32

Many market stalls in Khon Kaen but if I'm not mistaken I've seen the same prices in Makro this was just a month ago or so.

Today Tesco price was 59 baht per Kg.

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Just don't buy them. Personally couldn't care less about tomatoes, not great for stomach acid. But coconuts are up also.

Not easy to stay without my favourite sauces, however i will abstain for a while to see if this trend changes....

Coconuts have always been up, around here i can see people risking their lifes, parking their motosay next to the trees and start climbing 20 or more meters up for them, and every year they grow even taller...(coco)nuts!!!

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No problem to me i just eat what i grow.

That's great!

But you got to share what's your secret, as every times i did try, doesn't matter if directly on the land or potted inside the house, they will inevitably die, the little plants grow just a few inches and then collapse and its all over.

The only things that manage to grow without problems are fruit trees, as bananas, mango, papaya,....then the weeds that you can almost see regrowing as soon as you cut them out

As they say in the LoS "same, same but different"

Same, same:- I've tried growing tomatoes (& lots of other salad plants). Seeds from the UK or even locally sourced seeds...grow a few inches then kaput.

But different:- bananas, no problem. The mangos by the roadside (outside of garden) seem to do ok. Weeds, no problem. Anything else, not a cat in h@lls chance.

I look on with envy at the successful gardeners over here... Good on yer.

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No problem to me i just eat what i grow.

That's great!

But you got to share what's your secret, as every times i did try, doesn't matter if directly on the land or potted inside the house, they will inevitably die, the little plants grow just a few inches and then collapse and its all over.

The only things that manage to grow without problems are fruit trees, as bananas, mango, papaya,....then the weeds that you can almost see regrowing as soon as you cut them out

Regarding growing tomatoes: I also grow some veggies and, generally, tomatoes grow very well where I live (just outside Korat). From what I've gathered on the Farming subforum, your chances of successfully growing tomatoes here depends a lot on where you live (i.e. soil).

How often do you water your tomatoe plants? Tomatoes like one good watering a week (every 5 days or so here in T.land) and then no more water until the following week. Avoid watering the leaves; only water at the base of the plants.

Try again and good luck!

Edited by djayz
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Price of carrots and watermelons and other items have doubled and tripled too.

In my home country, 1 romaine lettuce has gone from $ 1 to $ 2,50 in 3 years as have many other items.

All governments come out with same bs, no inflation but deflation... ya right. Their brain washing is another

attempt to justify zero int. rates, whereas the real reason is that politicians have spent and spent to oblivion and drowning

in debt so they can buy more votes and keep themselves at the trough longer.

In my books, one who has sky high debt is a big risk and so should pay very high interest rates but opposite is happening.

Big debtors are rewarded for gigantic debts. Real estate, stock market and bond market bubbles at unprecedented levels.

Just wait till it goes nuclear... world will finally reject paper currencies which are truly meaningless.

Gold will go to Pluto.

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How often do you water your tomatoe plants? Tomatoes like one good watering a week (every 5 days or so here in T.land) and then no more water until the following week. Avoid watering the leaves; only water at the base of the plants.

Try again and good luck!


That's really surprising, i thought that with such an intense heat, they would need much more water.

The land usually get hard as a stone if it's not watered daily, it will even start cracking up, so i usually gave them a light-medium watering 3 or even 4 times a day, perhaps that's part of the problem.

I remember to have read somewhere that during the first stage of growing, they would require much more water, anyway, i will try this new method and see if it works.

The pots with composted soil also get usually infested with insects of all sizes and shapes, there is always a red little legged worm, which curl as soon as it get bothered, they usually dig their way in inside the soil but comes out during the watering, maybe they are feasting on my little plants?

Thanks for sharing.

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Chonburi area- Tomatoes- at Makro 59 Baht per Kg/ Big C- 55 B/ Lotus-59 B/ Market 70B- per. Also, other vegetable prices up as well as eggs. If this is because of the drought- simply go back to Songkran when people were wasting water and no conservation efforts. Now everyone suffering from high prices .

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Tomato season has ended here up north.

2 , 3 months ago , the 5 kg bags at the market as low as 40 B ! ( 8 B/kg , 30 B /5 kg for the small tomatoes = 6B/kg) , not the best quality, but good for cooking, now around 100 B or more (= 20 B/kg). Supermarket always more expensive. The nice big imported ones : as expensive as back home in europe , only there they taste & smell better.

Nice big garlic doubled in price in the last year or so , why ? Chinese speculators :


The small Thai garlic s-cks. I'm not spending an hour a day peeling them and taste is average.

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Well, what do you expect from a country with only 300 days of sunshine a year? As long as the people are too lazy to work and rather hang around punching their mobile phones in air conditioned malls than get farms operating in the 21st century ........

Then you either pay the price of tomatoes from far away lands (or DATT in Chiang Mai) or then settle for the latest offering found in a big super market chain for wholesale operators making me wondering, who on earth would buy such crap?


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(or DATT in Chiang Mai)

Wow Sydebolle, thank you so much for sharing this, whom would ever guess that such a place could exist in Thailand? Honestly they should start advertising on TV, i am sure there would be many people very interested in what they have to offer.

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A couple of weeks ago spring onions went from the usual 75B/kilo to 225B/kilo in Makro. That makes them nearly four times the price of chicken breast, which is ridiculous.

Recently I bought a very large fresh Iceberg lettuce at Sainsbury's in the UK for 50p, which is their standard everyday price. That's 25B. A much smaller and much older lettuce would be three times that in BigC here.

Someone is pocketing a lot of money here.

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