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the insurance and registration have expired on my car.

it is (well was up until a month or so ago) registered in phuket...

can i pay and renew the registration in another area (Takuapa, pha nga)??

i have also managed to loose the blue book.... can i update just using the insurance and receipts from last year?



i have also managed to loose the blue book.... can i update just using the insurance and receipts from last year?

No way!

That's for sure.

Replacement needed.

Tax and insurance are entered in the blue book.

And blue book is proof of ownership of course.

Blue book (or copies of) could be asked for at checkpoints.

What the procedure is?

Just guessing:

Police report about loss of blue book.

Take police report to DLT and apply for replacement (cancelling the old book).

Quite sure you also need to take the car for verification/identification (frame number etc.).

Whether this can be done at any DLT?

Don't know.

Normal tax/insurance payment is (would be) possible at any DLT.

But as written without the blue book: no chance at all.


Hmm ok the property management company who were looking after the car said they paid tax/rego last year on this car without the blue book. Said they just used the previous years paperwork without blue book..... the tax and insurance were paid as I have the documents .... just no blue book !

Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk


Strange things happen wink.png

It's your car (your name in the blue book) and a property management company takes care?

Where is the blue book?

Is the car on finance?

Even if they managed to do as you describe:

the tax and insurance payments have to be documented in the blue book (sometime).

And in the case of the OP he says lost.

Without blue book no proof of ownership, no vehicle inspection, no selling.

It HAS to be re-issued.

To the OP: try your luck and report back.

Really curious and a useful addition to the forum.


I pay the road tax and buy compulsory insurance for the wife bike without the green book. ( green for motorcycle and blue for car and truck)

The green book is kept at a loan company.

I just bring a photocopy of the main page so they can see the the registration number and her name , they check their computer and I pay.

If no photocopy, maybe you can try to bring the window sticker from your car so they have the information they want.

The bike is more than 5 year old so it is the same for the inspection , I just show the photocopy of the green book.

If you are late, they will add a little fine ,

And you can pay in any Land Transport Office.

PS. If you lost the car blue book and the book is not given as a guaranty for a loan, report the lost at a police station and go at you Land Transport Office for a replacement. In that case you need to go to the province your car is registered.

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