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Trump's new Obama claims thrust him into uncharted territory


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Trump's new Obama claims thrust him into uncharted territory

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump's latest accusation against President Barack Obama — that he's putting U.S. enemies ahead of America's own people — is thrusting him into uncharted territory for the presidential candidate of any major political party.

Trump spent the first days following the Orlando nightclub massacre hinting Obama was sympathizing with or even supporting terrorists. Some of those times he said he was repeating what "many people" believe — one of the presumptive Republican nominee's favorite ways to sprinkle conspiracy theories into the presidential campaign.

By Wednesday, Trump abandoned the innuendo and embraced a more pointed accusation against Obama.

"Media fell all over themselves criticizing what Donald Trump 'may have insinuated about @POTUS.' But he's right," Trump posted on Twitter. The message included a link to a story by Breitbart News, a Trump-friendly website, that claimed to have proof the Obama administration backed a terror group in Iraq.

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said the candidate was retweeting a message from another Twitter user. Still, it was an effort by the GOP's White House pick to explicitly link the sitting Democratic president with those seeking to harm Americans, just days after 49 people were killed and dozens more wounded in Florida.

"Trump's comments regarding the president crossed every line," John Weaver, the senior strategist for Ohio Gov. John Kasich's failed Republican presidential campaign, wrote on Twitter. He cast Trump as a "peddler of lies, fantasies and half-baked conspiracy theories."

For years, Trump has been the most high-profile proponent of the "birther" movement that falsely claims Obama is a Muslim who was born outside the United States, when in fact he is a Christian born in Hawaii. The businessman has also floated debunked conspiracy theories about former rival Ted Cruz's father being involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and Hillary Clinton playing a role in the death of former White House aide Vince Foster.

For Republican officials already struggling with whether to fully embrace him, Trump's willingness to engage in stories usually limited to supermarket tabloids is only making their options more complicated.

"I don't go for these conspiracy theories and the "birtherism" nonsense," said Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa. The congressman, who has not endorsed Trump, said that while it's fair to criticize aspects of Obama's approach to combatting terrorism, "I part company with those then who want to get into these conspiracy theories."

In a statement to The Associated Press on Tuesday, Trump said Obama "continues to prioritize our enemy over our allies, and for that matter, the American people."

Clinton, who will face Trump in the November election, quickly challenged Republicans to either "stand up to their presumptive nominee" or "stand by his accusation about our president."

Trump's suggestions about Obama come as the president takes a more active role in the White House race. In a blistering speech Tuesday, Obama said Trump was a "dangerous" threat to national security and was putting America's religious freedoms at risk by calling for a temporary ban on foreign-born Muslims entering the U.S.

But the White House has avoided commenting on Trump's attempts to link Obama to terrorism, calling the matter "small."

Trump has offered no verifiable information to back up his assertions. His theory was not supported by the document cited in the report he linked to Wednesday — a secret 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency analysis. The Breitbart story, citing that document, suggested that the United States was in league with al-Qaida in Iraq, the precursor to the Islamic State.

Instead, the document states generally what was widely known at the time — that "the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition" to the government of Syrian leader Bashar Assad.

The U.S. backs several anti-Assad rebel groups but does not include al-Qaida in any negotiations or material or financial support, even as it fights Assad's government. Whether the U.S. cooperated with figures from that group is not addressed in the document.

Trump did not mention the report or his broader accusations during a rally Wednesday in Atlanta. But some of those in the crowd said they were on board with the candidate's assertions.

"I think he's dead on the money," said Brad Butler, a 45-year-old Trump supporter from Dallas, Georgia. "So this is Islamic terror and this is his religion. Why would he (Obama) be mad at it?"

Diane Gurganus, 70, from Jefferson, Georgia, said she, too, believed Obama was a Muslim whose religious beliefs were affecting the way he has responded to Islamic State militants and the Orlando attacks.

"It's like his agenda is to destroy America in everything he's done," she said.


Colvin reported from Atlanta. AP writers Erica Werner and Eileen Sullivan in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-16

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Just shows how far to the left the US has swung, when a dose of realism is referred to as "uncharted territory". You couldn't make this stuff up. Obama had his chance and blew it worse than I expected - and fair critique is allowed - this is politics guys.

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This is not news on the internet cause we've been reading this rightwhingenut crackpot racism for years.

The people writing the Obama is a traitor garbage are the biggest fans of the Uniquely American Mussolini who's apparently taken control of the Republican party in this election cycle, The Ignoramus Billionaire Donald Trump.

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This is not news on the internet cause we've been reading this rightwhingenut crackpot racism for years.

The people writing the Obama is a traitor garbage are the biggest fans of the Uniquely American Mussolini who's apparently taken control of the Republican party in this election cycle, The Ignoramus Billionaire Donald Trump.

It was not us right leaners that made Obama photoshop the birth certificate that he eventually(after much screaching and whining by his fans) showed. I could have told you that his being named Hussein, hailing from Kenya that a fake birth certificate was not going to make this issue disappear. His actions since coming to office which basically eroded the democratic christian way of life in favor of islam also do not help those that do not believe the MSM and suspect he is a secret admirer or even member of a hateful ideology.

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Mitch McConnell is a "right leaner" and so is Paul Ryan a "right leaner" yet neither of 'em have taken the position Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen or that he is a religious crackpot hell bent on the destruction of the United States. The mindset is not nor has it ever been the position of the Republican Party.

It is the warped thinking and whacky belief of the extreme fringe paranoid far out rightwhingenuts reactionaries who want to return the USA to the 1950s (which is of course impossible). Now they have their hero they voted for and do support, The Ignoramus, The Uniquely American Mussolini Donald Trump.

Edited by Publicus
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This is not news on the internet cause we've been reading this rightwhingenut crackpot racism for years.

The people writing the Obama is a traitor garbage are the biggest fans of the Uniquely American Mussolini who's apparently taken control of the Republican party in this election cycle, The Ignoramus Billionaire Donald Trump.

It was not us right leaners that made Obama photoshop the birth certificate that he eventually(after much screaching and whining by his fans) showed. I could have told you that his being named Hussein, hailing from Kenya that a fake birth certificate was not going to make this issue disappear. His actions since coming to office which basically eroded the democratic christian way of life in favor of islam also do not help those that do not believe the MSM and suspect he is a secret admirer or even member of a hateful ideology.

ha ha, so you swallowed that one?

Geez man, go get an education

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This is not news on the internet cause we've been reading this rightwhingenut crackpot racism for years.

The people writing the Obama is a traitor garbage are the biggest fans of the Uniquely American Mussolini who's apparently taken control of the Republican party in this election cycle, The Ignoramus Billionaire Donald Trump.

You forgot "thin skinned".

Attack a judge, attack the President, praise himself...just another day for the Donald, running a dumpster fire of a campaign.

This guy has the political touch of Vlad the Impaler.

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The problem is Trump calls it as he see it , he is correct on this but you cant change the PC crew they are so one eyed , They will one day regret their folly. 555

The problem is the lemmings believe it as he says it.

"They will one day day regret their folly, 555". Isn't that a Goebbels' quote?

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Trump... Obama... Democrat or Republican makes no difference. The facts are what they are and knowing that years of graft and incompetence in government have left each US taxpayer with a personal debt of approximately 120,000 dollars in 2016 is irrefutable. Whose fault, every American who has sat on the sidelines moaning and groaning about the state of affairs. In that light, I must laud Donald Trump for calling it like he sees it. Is he the solution; is there a solution, who knows? I do know I am not paranoid. What I do know is I am sad for my country and willing to think in new ways and listen to new voices. Obviously the Bushs, Clintons, and Obamas have done nothing to give me hope. I also know the world is a more dangerous place today, no matter where you are, under our current leadership. Given I am in my mid-sixties, change will probably not be possible in my time. I know there are capable people in the US. People who know what the problems are; people with solutions in mind. Alas, the Democrat and Republican machines keep them in check. Rightly so! Why should they put themselves through the privacy invasion, degradation, and the pure insanity of putting themselves through the current election system held so closely to the vest by those currently in power. Problems aside, my hope is somehow one of the current talking heads will do something that allows me to hold my head a little higher; maybe even prompt a nostalgic smile of remembrance of days when being American was something special. Regards... Doc

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You are correct Jyggifly. Hope is for sure NOT with the Bushes, Clintons and special interest groups so powerful in the States, that only outsider - hopefully - will not accept their diktat full of lies as evidence showed in the last so many years of wars. That person is Donald Trump.

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Just some very weird comments here. Obama go into power as the first black president but it was a complete con trick. He has pursued liberal policies with a clear intention to dilute the core of American society and run the countries debt to the point of no return. He defaults to Islam.

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This is not news on the internet cause we've been reading this rightwhingenut crackpot racism for years.

The people writing the Obama is a traitor garbage are the biggest fans of the Uniquely American Mussolini who's apparently taken control of the Republican party in this election cycle, The Ignoramus Billionaire Donald Trump.

It was not us right leaners that made Obama photoshop the birth certificate that he eventually(after much screaching and whining by his fans) showed. I could have told you that his being named Hussein, hailing from Kenya that a fake birth certificate was not going to make this issue disappear. His actions since coming to office which basically eroded the democratic christian way of life in favor of islam also do not help those that do not believe the MSM and suspect he is a secret admirer or even member of a hateful ideology.

Should change your name from Jaidam to justdumb

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This is not news on the internet cause we've been reading this rightwhingenut crackpot racism for years.

The people writing the Obama is a traitor garbage are the biggest fans of the Uniquely American Mussolini who's apparently taken control of the Republican party in this election cycle, The Ignoramus Billionaire Donald Trump.

It was not us right leaners that made Obama photoshop the birth certificate that he eventually(after much screaching and whining by his fans) showed. I could have told you that his being named Hussein, hailing from Kenya that a fake birth certificate was not going to make this issue disappear. His actions since coming to office which basically eroded the democratic christian way of life in favor of islam also do not help those that do not believe the MSM and suspect he is a secret admirer or even member of a hateful ideology.

I've never understood this accusation, but know some Americans believe it.

Surely, if it were true - his political opponents would have found the evidence by now? They're not exactly short of money or means.

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The problem is Trump calls it as he see it , he is correct on this but you cant change the PC crew they are so one eyed , They will one day regret their folly. 555

Scott Adams the cartoonist has an interesting take on Mr. Trump and even if some of his observations are correct - it puts many arguments about calling Mr. Trump caustic adjectives while venting dismay and anger by progressive liberals. This venting and misdirection shows just how much they don't wish to understand Trumps "acting" or his "master plan". You all conveniently forget he bested 17 contenders for the nomination. Anyway have a look at this link: <www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMERNoQm5DE>. Another thing I viewed on the net (and not Alex Jones) was another observation by a commentator that reckons this election has got men interested again in the political process - I think the tag was "men sit up and pay attention on the couch when Trump speaks" whereas their wives utter distain and leave the room! And the commentator is convinced that men will vote in record numbers in this election. As for myself I am enjoying the show and Obama's speech about Trump was out of order - a desperate man - and he won the Noble Peace Prize? There hasn't been anything like this since JFK took on tricky dicky in 1960. In those days the speculation was about whether Americans would put the first Catholic in the Oval office. Times were simpler then smile.png and the smiley was something for the future.

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This is not news on the internet cause we've been reading this rightwhingenut crackpot racism for years.

The people writing the Obama is a traitor garbage are the biggest fans of the Uniquely American Mussolini who's apparently taken control of the Republican party in this election cycle, The Ignoramus Billionaire Donald Trump.

It was not us right leaners that made Obama photoshop the birth certificate that he eventually(after much screaching and whining by his fans) showed. I could have told you that his being named Hussein, hailing from Kenya that a fake birth certificate was not going to make this issue disappear. His actions since coming to office which basically eroded the democratic christian way of life in favor of islam also do not help those that do not believe the MSM and suspect he is a secret admirer or even member of a hateful ideology.

What is a "christian democratic way of life" as opposed to an "atheistic democratic way of life" or just a "democratic way of life.? And how exactly has it been eroded?

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The problem is Trump calls it as he see it , he is correct on this but you cant change the PC crew they are so one eyed , They will one day regret their folly. 555

except of course, he sees contradictory things at different times. So, apart from the implicit and dubious assumption of his sincerity, who cares if he calls it as he sees it? Does what he's calling have any relation to reality. Politifact says not about 77% of the time.

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Trump... Obama... Democrat or Republican makes no difference. The facts are what they are and knowing that years of graft and incompetence in government have left each US taxpayer with a personal debt of approximately 120,000 dollars in 2016 is irrefutable. Whose fault, every American who has sat on the sidelines moaning and groaning about the state of affairs. In that light, I must laud Donald Trump for calling it like he sees it. Is he the solution; is there a solution, who knows? I do know I am not paranoid. What I do know is I am sad for my country and willing to think in new ways and listen to new voices. Obviously the Bushs, Clintons, and Obamas have done nothing to give me hope. I also know the world is a more dangerous place today, no matter where you are, under our current leadership. Given I am in my mid-sixties, change will probably not be possible in my time. I know there are capable people in the US. People who know what the problems are; people with solutions in mind. Alas, the Democrat and Republican machines keep them in check. Rightly so! Why should they put themselves through the privacy invasion, degradation, and the pure insanity of putting themselves through the current election system held so closely to the vest by those currently in power. Problems aside, my hope is somehow one of the current talking heads will do something that allows me to hold my head a little higher; maybe even prompt a nostalgic smile of remembrance of days when being American was something special. Regards... Doc

Well if you hate the national debt so much, you must love Trump's plans to slash taxes but not spending. But not to worry, he says his plan will eliminate the deficit in 8 years.

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The problem is Trump calls it as he see it , he is correct on this but you cant change the PC crew they are so one eyed , They will one day regret their folly. 555

Scott Adams the cartoonist has an interesting take on Mr. Trump and even if some of his observations are correct - it puts many arguments about calling Mr. Trump caustic adjectives while venting dismay and anger by progressive liberals. This venting and misdirection shows just how much they don't wish to understand Trumps "acting" or his "master plan". You all conveniently forget he bested 17 contenders for the nomination. Anyway have a look at this link: <www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMERNoQm5DE>. Another thing I viewed on the net (and not Alex Jones) was another observation by a commentator that reckons this election has got men interested again in the political process - I think the tag was "men sit up and pay attention on the couch when Trump speaks" whereas their wives utter distain and leave the room! And the commentator is convinced that men will vote in record numbers in this election. As for myself I am enjoying the show and Obama's speech about Trump was out of order - a desperate man - and he won the Noble Peace Prize? There hasn't been anything like this since JFK took on tricky dicky in 1960. In those days the speculation was about whether Americans would put the first Catholic in the Oval office. Times were simpler then smile.png and the smiley was something for the future.

"men sit up and pay attention on the couch when Trump speaks" Really? It's got men more interested in politics? Apparently to you "men" means "white men". Because he sure isn't popular among Latino or Black Men. Or Jewish Men. Or Asian-American Men.

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This is not news on the internet cause we've been reading this rightwhingenut crackpot racism for years.

The people writing the Obama is a traitor garbage are the biggest fans of the Uniquely American Mussolini who's apparently taken control of the Republican party in this election cycle, The Ignoramus Billionaire Donald Trump.

It was not us right leaners that made Obama photoshop the birth certificate that he eventually(after much screaching and whining by his fans) showed. I could have told you that his being named Hussein, hailing from Kenya that a fake birth certificate was not going to make this issue disappear. His actions since coming to office which basically eroded the democratic christian way of life in favor of islam also do not help those that do not believe the MSM and suspect he is a secret admirer or even member of a hateful ideology.

Still a birther eh? Hawaii's governor, public health director, and registrar of vital statistics have verified and even published the long form of his Hawaiian birth certificate; both Honolulu newspapers' archives show records of his 1961 birth. Do some research, if you can, to back up what you say instead of relying on and bleating the ignorance of others..

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The problem is Trump calls it as he see it , he is correct on this but you cant change the PC crew they are so one eyed , They will one day regret their folly. 555

Scott Adams the cartoonist has an interesting take on Mr. Trump and even if some of his observations are correct - it puts many arguments about calling Mr. Trump caustic adjectives while venting dismay and anger by progressive liberals. This venting and misdirection shows just how much they don't wish to understand Trumps "acting" or his "master plan". You all conveniently forget he bested 17 contenders for the nomination. Anyway have a look at this link: <www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMERNoQm5DE>. Another thing I viewed on the net (and not Alex Jones) was another observation by a commentator that reckons this election has got men interested again in the political process - I think the tag was "men sit up and pay attention on the couch when Trump speaks" whereas their wives utter distain and leave the room! And the commentator is convinced that men will vote in record numbers in this election. As for myself I am enjoying the show and Obama's speech about Trump was out of order - a desperate man - and he won the Noble Peace Prize? There hasn't been anything like this since JFK took on tricky dicky in 1960. In those days the speculation was about whether Americans would put the first Catholic in the Oval office. Times were simpler then smile.png and the smiley was something for the future.

"men sit up and pay attention on the couch when Trump speaks" Really? It's got men more interested in politics? Apparently to you "men" means "white men". Because he sure isn't popular among Latino or Black Men. Or Jewish Men. Or Asian-American Men.

Or men with actual working brains.
Trump is disengenous at the least, and a bald faced liar at best. He constantly lies assuredly knowing that what he is doing doesn't matter to the majority of his so-called followers.....even when it is pointed out to them. Joseph Goebbels comes to mind....his philosophy was if you state a lie often enough eventually it will be believed. How disgusting that Trump says the President is a Muslim and wasn't born in America. This all smacks of Nazism and McCarthyism.....and a lot of Americans bought into the latter Communist nonsense. Hopefully in November Trump will return to being the horses ass we all know he is, and then leave us in peace.
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Just shows how far to the left the US has swung, when a dose of realism is referred to as "uncharted territory". You couldn't make this stuff up. Obama had his chance and blew it worse than I expected - and fair critique is allowed - this is politics guys.

Indeed, as you say, "fair critique is allowed." But making up fantasies is stupid, and definitely not the kind of think a presidential candidate should be espousing. Trump is a kook at best, and definitely not presidential material.

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Obama looked like a crybaby on National Television...trying to defend why he won't use the proper terminology. Hillary followed suit.

Disgracing behavior....and very unprofessional to chastise the Republican Nominee (presumptive).

In my opinion...far worse behavior and rhetoric from our incompetent president to cover up failed policies in places like Libya. Hillary is in the hate basket together with the failing Obama.

Shame on you Obama. get a grip. you too Hillary !!

Trying to deflect....over and over....when your policies are wrong...and you fail to listen to the public demand to just call a duck...a duck

final word....on this ! pathetic !

Edited by slipperylobster
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